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Complete the sentences using a phrasal verb with look in the correct tense.

1 2 3 4 5 6 If I don't know the meaning of a word, I look it up in the dictionary. I'm ________________________ my glasses. Have you seen them? ______________________! That glass is going to fall! I _________________________ to seeing you next week. A: Do you know Kim's phone number? B: Sorry, I don't. You should ________________ it _______________ in the phone book. Babysitters ______________________ the children when the parents go out.

The verb to be is often followed by a particle to form a phrasal verb: Bye! I'm off to Australia for three weeks ... (= I'm going ...) Complete the sentences with a particle from the box. Some are used more than once. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 on up in A: Hello. Can I speak to Mr James, please? A: Hello. Can I speak to Ms Richards, please? B: I'm sorry. She's _____________ on holiday at the moment. A: I feel like going to the cinema tonight. B: Good idea! What's ____________ at the moment? I think this milk's _____________. It smells terrible. A: Where shall we go for dinner? B: It's ___________ you. It's your birthday. You choose. Come on kids! Aren't you __________ yet? Breakfast's on the table. I wonder why they aren't answering the door. There must be someone __________. All the lights are on. I must be __________ soon. I want to get to the shops before they close. A: Why isn't my computer working? B: Because the screen's __________. That's why. A: You're crying. What's __________? B: I'm just a bit sad. That's all. What is the verb form of these nouns? 1 2 3 explanation invitation arrangement __________________ __________________ __________________ 4 5 refusal description _________________ _________________ up to off away

B: I'm sorry. He isn't ____________ at the moment. Can I take a message?

Past Simple or Past Continuous? Choose the correct form of the verb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 They (fell / were falling) in love when they (worked / were working) in Rome. She (read / was reading) quietly in her room when suddenly the lights (went / were going) out and she (heard / was hearing) a scream. He (stood / was standing) up, (walked / was walking) across the room and (closed / was closing) the door. A young woman (walked / was walking) into the office. She (carried / was carrying) a baby. (Didn't you meet / Weren't you meeting) your wife while you (lived / were living) in Italy? I (saw / was seeing) you in the park yesterday. You (sat / were sitting) with your arm around Carol. As soon as I (walked / was walking) into the room, she (handed / was handing) me a letter. His father was really angry with him because he (listened / was listening) to music while he (did / was doing) his homework. Why (didn't they visit / weren't they visiting) me when they (stayed / were staying) in London? What (did you write / were you writing) when your computer (crashed / was crashing)?

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs, Past Simple or Past Continuous. A special holiday in Florida Last February, I decided (decide) to go on holiday to Florida. The day I ____________________(leave) England it ____________________(rain), but when I _____________________(land) in Florida, the sun ___________________(shine) and a lovely, warm breeze ___________________(blow) from the sea. I ___________________(take) a taxi to my hotel. As I _____________________(check) in, someone _______ _______________(tap) me on the shoulder. I ____________________(can not) believe my eyes! It was my old girlfriend. She _____________________(stay) at the same hotel. The next day, we ___________________(go) snorkelling and ___________________(see) hundreds of beautiful fish. It _____________________(get) dark when we ______________________(return) to our hotel after a wonderful day. We _________________(spend) the rest of the week together. It was very romantic. We ___________________(feel) very sad when the holiday ___________________(end). Match the meanings of get in the following sentences with its more formal equivalent. a) buy 1 2 3 4 5 b) arrived c) contact d) caught e) understand ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ I couldn't get you on the phone, even though I tried several times. We got the train because it was quicker. Did you remember to get me a newspaper? Sorry, I didn't get what you said. Can you say it again? By the time we got there, Tom had already gone.

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