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Wednesday, December 12, 12

Toward 1990 IDT: International Development Targets The MDGs evolved at various UN social development conferences in the 1990s, notably the Copenhagen 1995 UN World Social Summit on Development

1.To halve extreme poverty 2.To attain universal primary education 3.To attain gender equality in education 4.To reduce by two-thirds infant
mortality and under-ve mortality 5.To reduce by three-quarters maternal mortality 6.To provide reproductive health care for all 7.All countries to have a national strategy for sustainable development

The MDGs: the 2000 UN Millennium Assembly and Declaration signed in New York
Wednesday, December 12, 12

The IDTs were viewed as donor led and never adopted by developing countries or supported by civil society groups

Wednesday, December 12, 12

Wednesday, December 12, 12

Wednesday, December 12, 12

Wednesday, December 12, 12

1.T h e s t r e n g t h o f g o o d intentions fr amed in the Millennium Declaration; 2.The strength of solidarity and purpose galvanising the international community; 3.The strength of instrumentality providing a template of targets for the bureaucratic mind


1.W e a k n e s s i n m e t h o d / methodology (fail to capture dimensions of wellbeing) 2. Weakness in theory/pathology (str uctural relationships, policies, pathologies or causation linking policy and outcomes, and embedded in the grand neo-liberal strategic agenda. 3.Ghettoise development as something that happens to them in the South, neglecting global (and national) inequality/ disparities

Wednesday, December 12, 12

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