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The participatory processes design at Inspire

In most cases we design a participatory process to a company or an organization other than the Inspire itself. Our work is designing participatory processes or processes of stakeholder engagement*. We try to use methods that are recognized and that enable us to make sure that we do not leave any important stakeholder behind.

Usually we use as a reference the AA1000SES standard.

The method
This standard is based on a set of principles we tried to respect:

The method
The engagement process begins like this:

The method
Who to engage: Regarding the "who" theres a set of attributes that normally allow us to make sure that nobody missed out:

The method

The method
What to engage about:
1 External factor that leads to engage: Ex: Our project has multiple possible approaches.

2 What benefits can we have from the engagement? Knowing the perception of the subject that the surrounding community has. 3 Whats the risk we take if we dont get the engagement? Wasted opportunities. 4 Whats the strategic goal of the engagement? Understanding the stakeholders motivations and adapt the action plan for their needs and expectations.

The method
In general and overall the process runs like this

The two main aspects that make me doubt if the processes we design are truly participatory processes are related to: 1. The reason of participation the decision to start the process is unilateral, theres someone who decides, because it has an interest for the organization the a project . But would this condition does not remove the democratic process character it self? 2. The results incorporation in processes we design the organization doesnt have to incorporate de result of the stakeholders engagement, it can listen and then simply explain the reason to not follow the point of view of the stakeholders. Is this is still democratic process?

Is that possible?

Working clues
I would like to work on the beginning and end of the process. Develop processes in which are the people themselves who require, to participate and that decisions are those chosen by all.

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