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Teste de Avaliao de Ingls n.

Outubro 2012 Durao: 90 minutos Bom trabalho!










For each of the following seven items, choose the only option that best completes each sentence. 1. The expression A) the ISRO. B) the radar reflectivity. C) the abnormally increased melting of ice. D) the Space Research Organisations Oceansat-2 satellite 2. The word used in line 7 refers to in line 4 refers to

A) reflectivity. B) the rapid melting of ice. C) high temperatures and rapid ice of melting. D) high temperatures and reflectivity. 3. The phrase A) some are going beyond that. B) some are starting to get afraid. C) some are going towards to that. D) some are going ahead with. 4. The author doesnt agree with the term unprecedented to describe the situation because A) there have already been melting incidents as fast as this last one in the past. B) the amount of melted ice isnt unusual in a place like Greenland. C) the causes of this last melting are considerate to be cyclic. D) this event is not as big as advertised by the NASA agency. in lines 12/13 can be replaced by


5. One of the reasons pointed out by the author to defend her position is the fact A) satellites cannot be trusted because they have limitations. B) all scientists evidences are based on satellite data. C) scientists can have misinterpreted the data. D) there is very little else in Greenland besides rock, ice, snow and water. 6. Although the author defends they arent enough data we can infer A) she believes the incident is related with global warming. B) she accepts the incident as a normal event. C) she is worried with the evolution of Greenland. D) None of the above is correct. 7. The underline phrase in can be replaced by A) though. B) either. C) neither. D) rather.

ACTIVITY B Vocabulary
1. The following table presents in Column A five environmental problems and in Column B seven potential solutions. Associate each item from Column A to only one item in Column B. Two of the numbers do not apply. In your answer sheet write only the numbers and letters.
Column A Column B (1) Working out three times a week (a) Marine species death (b) Increasing of the sea level (c) Disappearance of the ozone layer (d) Acid rains (e) Deforestation (2) Implementing of fishing laws (3) Using of nitrogen oxides filters in factories (4) Promoting the creation of new drugs (5) Recycling (6) Forbidding the use of CFC realising sprays (7) Reducing carbon dioxide emissions

2. Complete the following sentences correctly, giving them a reasonable meaning.

A - Although environmental problems are seriously aggravated, _______________. B - Fossil fuels such as oil and coal are to _______________________________________. C - Since we have always heard of environmental problems, ___________________. 3.

3. Fill in the gaps with only ONE suitable word. Check out the example.

SO 1 2 3 4 5

For each of the following 4 sentences, select the correct verb tense.

1. They _____ a dolphin from a fishing net. a. has just saved b. have just saved c. have just been saving 2. Jane ___________ since midday. a. has been sleeping b. sleep b. has slept

3. Uncle Greg ________ Japan twice. a. has been visiting b. has visited c. visits 4. Frank _______ an environmental group. a. has joined b. has been joining c. has joined

For each gap, choose the quantifier(s) that best suit. In your answer sheet write only the numbers and the chosen key letter.

A: Would you like ___ 5. ___ tea? B: Yes, please, but just ___ 6. ___ sugar. A: Sorry, there isnt ___ 7. ___ cake, but Ive got ___ 8. ___ biscuits if youd like. B: Thats fine. Ill have ___ 9. ___ of these chocolate ones. Two or three! KEY A) some B) any C) a lot of D) a few E) a little F) any / a lot of G) some / a lot of H) a few / some

ACTIVITY D Writing Production

Choose only ONE item and write on it, using your own words as far as possible. Use approximately 100 words. Dont forget to identify the selected item.

1. A famous environmental agency is recruiting for a new environmental lawyer vacancy. The

enterprise is looking for a person with steam to help them fighting against anti-ecological companies. The salary is yet to be discussed but the job description and the benefits are outstanding. You want to send you Curriculum Vitae alongside with a motivation letter. Write your letter.

2. You have been surfing the Net where you found the article of Ms. Smith (in ACTIVITY A) and

you think the theme is very important so you re-post it in your blog. Write your review of the article.

3. Environmental problems are very serious and not just for nowadays society: if they keep

declining we can be threatening the future society, so it is our job to prevent that. But is what we are doing enough to avoid that? Are we doing everything we can to fix this situation? Write an essay for a newspaper stating your opinion and your arguments on this and what do we have to change.

Points ACTIVITY A 7 x 5p = 35p ACTIVITY B 15p + 15p + 25p = 55p ACTIVITY C 9 x 5p = 40p ACTIVITY D 70p
---------------------------------------- 200p


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