Page Layouts User Guide

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Default user guide for design&easy Page Layouts Volume 1

Requirements and description Using actions
First thing first Help and Support

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Customization tips

Step 1 Display Actions panel Step 2 Load Page Layouts actions Step 3 Expand Page Layouts set Step 4 Use Quick Reference guide Step 5 Select and run action Step 6 Setup document Step 7 Choose file for Placeholder 1 Step 8 Transform placed object Step 9 Choose files for other placeholders Step 10 Set stroke width Step 11 Change Stroke color Step 12 Replace images Step 13 Make adjustments or apply filter Step 14 Save composition on hard drive

Troubleshooting tips

Tip 1 Transform or move image (object) Tip 2 Fix anti-aliased edges Tip 3 Nudge and customize stroke segments Troubleshooting 1 Layer image_1-5 is not available Troubleshooting 2 The command is not available Troubleshooting 3 I do not see handles to scale image Troubleshooting 4 After replacing image I do not see it

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Requirements and description

Actions are tested on Mac and Windows and works perfectly. Although we can recommend you to use actions with Photoshop CS4-6 there is no reason to not use them in CS2/3. Anyway to avoid any doubt and additional complication you can test actions by yourself. Please download both test actions from here. This set of actions is created mainly to help you in creations of compositions or layouts from continious tone images. You are not limited in any way since actions are extremly flexible and can be used for any purpose even to create thumbnails or to design bussines cards. Although there isnt any limitation in size I do not recommend you to use actions for layouts smaller then 100x100px. Every action have 3 parts or steps which will run continiously without interaptions with pop-up messages between each part to explain you what is the next task to accomplish. In first part you will define document dimensions, resolution, color mode, bit depth and color profile. After that action will create template with placeholders which you need to populate with images or other documents. Second part in action will open Place dialogs for each placeholder in created template where you can choose images or documents to use. You can use any type of document that Photoshop supports including JPEG, PNG, PSD, Ai, PDF... formats. Third part is to choose stroke width. In each action stroke is included as a part of layout and you need to type number in pixels for stroke width. Later you can change you mind and re-run that part of action. You can also modify stroke using layer effects or to alter it using filters and third party plugins.

Part 1 In first part you will define document dimensions, Resolution, Color Mode, Bit Depth and Color Profile.

Part 2 In second part Photoshop will open several Place dialogs in which you must navigate and choose images or documents to populate placeholders in layout.

Part 3 Third part is finishing touch to add stroke. Photoshop will open several Stroke dialogs and all you have to do is to type number of pixels for stroke width.

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First thing first

After purchasing our product, you will nedd to extract or unzip package. Package contains folder: Page Layouts with 2 sub-folders: Actions and Help. To get started I strongly recommend you to read this PDF file: Page Layouts User Guide which is located under Help folder.

Help and Support

Although actions are extremly easy to use and you have this user guide, thats not all when help and support are concerned. I created discussion forum Photoshop Actions where you can ask just any question you may have. For any additional help and support you can send email on which will be answered within 24 hours depend on your time zone and time received.

Using actions
Actions are quite easy to use but anyway you must be familiar with very basics in Photoshop in order to start using them. The very basic requirements are that you know how to create new document, place images and save them on your hard drive in appropriate format. If you are not familiar with very basics in Adobe Photoshop we can recommend you free resource on Adobe TV and Lynda blog. Step 1 Display Actions panel Start Photoshop and go to Window > Actions. Step 2 Load Page Layouts actions Next task is to load actions in Photoshop. Click on Actions panel menu then click on Load Actions. Navigate to Page Layouts > Actions folder, select Page Layouts.atn file then click Load button at the bottom of Load dialog.

Click on Actions panel menu then choose Load Actions... from the list.

Navigate to folder with actions, select .atn file then click Load button.

Step 3 Expand Page Layouts set After loading actions click on triangle on the right side of Page Layouts set to expand it in order to see all actions listed.

Click triangle on the right side of Page Layouts set to expand it and see all actions included.

Page Layouts set expanded.

Step 4 Use Quick Reference guide Before running action use Quick Reference or Catalog to preview layouts and decide which one you want to use. You can quickly preview both reference files either from 2

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Adobe Bridge or Mini Bridge if you are Photoshop CS5/6 user. In this example I am using Mini Bridge but everything is exactly the same and in Adobe Bridge. First you will need to navigate to folder Page Layouts > Help. Select either Page Layouts Cataloque.pdf or Quick reference Page Layouts.pdf and tap Space bar. Next you will see PDF file in full screen view where you can examine all layouts and choose which one you want to use. When using Cataloque which contains dozens of pages with detailed descriptions, use arrow keys on your keyboard to cycle through pages.

Navigate to folder with Help files in Mini Bridge, click on file you want to preview to select it.

After selecting file in Mini Bridge tap Space bar to see it in full sreen view. To exit full screen presss Esc key.

Remember number of layout before taping Space bar or Esc to close full screen and return to Photoshop. When using Mini Bridge you will be returned directly to Photoshop window, from Adobe Bridge you can press Alt/Opt + Ctrl/Cmd + O to quikly switch between two aplications. Step 5 Select and run action Now that you know which layout to use click on action name (eg Layout 18) then click Play button. Pop up message will appear. Read message then click Continue.

First click on action name to highlight it then click Play When pop-up message appear, read it then click on button at the bottom of Actions panel. Continue button.

Step 6 Setup document In this step you need to setup document settings in New dialog which will appear. Since actions are extremly flexible and resolution independent you can type whatever size, resolution and bit dept you need. The only limitation in this dialog is that you can not run action sucesfully in Bitmap color mode. When you finish with settings in New dialog click OK button in top right corner and wait couple of second for Photoshop to do its part.

Specify settings in New dialog.

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Step 7 Choose file for Placeholder 1 After creating template with placeholders Photoshop will display new message with explanation of next part in this process: it is time to choose images or documents for created placeholders starting with placeholder number 1. Read message and click Continue. Next you will see Place dialog in which you must navigate to file on your hard drive, to select it and to click Place button at the bottom of Place dialog. When placing common formats like JPEG. PNG, TIFF and PSD it will took one moment to see it in your document while placing PDF and Ai files with PDF settings will open additional Place PDF dialog. When placing entire single PDF page just accept default settings confirming on OK button. If you have multipage PDF document select page to place then click OK. Another option is to use only one image from PDF document: first check Image checkbox in Select section of Place PDF dialog then choose image to use by clicking on it and lastly confirm on OK button at the bottom of dialog. Note that placing EPS file format wont display any dialog and Photoshop will rasterize document before placing it.

In Place dialog navigate to image you want to use, click on it to select it then click Place button.

Step 8 Transform placed object Now that you have object placed and clipped to placeholder 1, it is time to transform and move it around if desired. By default object will be placed at 100% of its size. What you will see on your screen depend on document and placed file resolution too (Read more). Immediately after placing file Photoshop will display new message with explanation. Read it then click Continue. Note that this pop-up message appears only once during action regardless of numbers of files to be placed. Basically you can use percentage numbers in options bar to scale image or to drag handles. If you do not see handles thats because image is too big, try using percentages either in Width or Height fields in options bar or press Ctrl/Cmd + 0 (zero) and handles will appear on your screen. After transforming and moving object confirm on checkmark in options bar or by pressing Enter/Return.

Pop-up message after image is placed but before Scale image if needed immediately after it is placed by transformation appears only once during entire action. dragging handles.

Step 9 Choose files for other placeholders Next steps are to choose files for the rest of placeholders. Depend on layout you will pass exact same proccess several times as described to place file for placeholder 1. Step 10 Set stroke width After placing all files needed for layout it is time to add stroke. Again on the beggining of this proccess you will see pop-up message which explains what is task and what you 4

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need to do. Explanation is to type odd numbers because stroke command from Edit menu which is used to record this steps will always produce odd number for inside stroke segments. So you need to type in several Stroke dialogs odd numbers like 1, 3, 5, 15... If you need stroke in width with even number of pixels like 2, 4, 6... type that number in all Stroke dialogs then resize inside stroke components manually as will be described later in this guide. When you finish with strokes Photoshop will create group: custom stroke with several layers. Each layer contains different component of entire stroke effect. Layers are always named very easy to understand: frame for the outside stroke, horizontal line 1, 2, 3 for stroke components which are horizontal, and vertical line 1,2, 3 for stroke components with vertical orientation.

Pop-up after all images are placed informs about stroke part of action.

Type same number for stroke width in all Stroke dialogs which will appear.

Step 11 Change Stroke color After adding stroke you may want to change its color. In Photoshop CS6 you can ad layer effect directly to entire group. Right/Command + click on group and choose Blending Options. Layer Style dialog will appear. Select Color Overlay and choose color by clicking on Set color of overlay rectangle. When Color Picker (Overlay Color) dialog appear select, type numerical values or sample color from image. If you are working in previous versions of Photoshop you can set Color Overlay for each component of stroke by selecting its layer in Layers panel then visiting Layer Style dialog or to merge all components in group and to change color for al components from once. Right/Cmd + click on custom stroke group then choose Merge Group. After merging layers in group set color overlay and you are done.

To change stroke color in CS6 right click on custom stroke group and choose Blending Options.

To change stroke color in earlier versions right click on custom stroke group and choose Merge Group.

Step 12 Replace images At the end of Page Layout set of actions you will see 5 additional actions: Replace image_1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This actions are there in case you changed your mind and want to replace any image in composition with some other on your hard drive. Here comes in handy image placement map layer. Click on empty square on the left side of layer to show eye and content of that layer in order to determine which number is associated with image you want to replace. Click on eyeball to close the eye and to hide image placement map layer. Next is to click on Replace image_1 to 5 action in Actions panel to select it then to click Play button at the bottom of Actions panel. First you will see pop-up message, read it then click Continue. When Place dialog opens navigate to image you want to use, select it and click Place button at the bottom of Place dialog. After that new pop-up message 5

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will appear which informs you that next step is to transform or in particular to resize and move image if needed. Click Continue then scale and move image, and lastly confirm transformation on checkmark in options bar or by pressing Enter/Return key on your keyboard. Although you can use Replace Contents command to change or replace image I recommend you to always use action instead. Action have recorded step in which layer will be renamed again to the original name eg image_1 so you can reuse action in the feature to replace that image. When using Replace Contents command layer may pick the name of imported file and if you want to use Replace image action later it will fail to play. Reason for action to fail is because action will look at Layers panel for image_1 layer (for example) which wont exist.

Click on square in front of image placement map layer Click on Replace image_number action name then to see placement map. click Play button.

Step 13 Make adjustments or apply filter After your composition is created you can further enhance images using adjustments and filters. When using non-destructive adjustments click on top most (image_1) image then click on any adjustments icon in Adjustments panel. In this way applied adjustment will affect all images beneath it. If you want to limit adjustment to only one image (image_2 for example) first select it in Layers panel then click on adjustment icon in Adjustments panel. To limit adjustment to only layer directly beneath it click on clip icon at the bottom of Properties (CS6) or Adjustments panel. Alternatively you can use Create Clipping Mask command from Layers panel and Layer menu. To use filters first select layer with image to which you want to apply filter (image_3 layer for example) then choose filter from Filter menu.

To apply adjustment to all images in composition first select top most image then click on adjustment icon.

Clip adjustment to image directly beneath it.

Step 14 Save composition on hard drive Last step in this proccess is to save or export image on your hard drive. If you plan to reuse same composition with small changes then always save image in PSD format from File > Save or Save As.

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Customization tips
Tip 1 Transform or move image (object) You can transform and move image or object clipped to placeholder at any time without running action. First select layer with image/object in Layers panel (image_1 for example) then enter free transform mode from Edit > Transform or using Ctrl/Cmd + T keyboard shortcut.

Totransform and move placed image/object first select layer with image in Layers palette.

Use options bar or click directly on image with Move tool and move it to desired position.

Tip 2 Fix anti-aliased edges Sometimes edges between images may appear anti-aliased or semi transparent. When using stroke effect there is nothing to worry about, stroke will always cover soft or anti-aliased edges. Hoewer here is explanation in case you want to use layout without stroke. Reason for soft or anti-aliased edges can be number of pixels specified for document size at the beginning of action (Step 6). For example: you are using layout 18 which have 3 placeholders at bottom. Each placeholder at bottom in this layout occupies 33.3% percent of document width. Number of total document pixels divided with 33.3 will produce sometimes placeholders width with decimal number like 266.56 px. This will cause edges between images to appear anti-aliased or semi transparent. To fix this first click on placeholder which have anti-aliased edges (image_2_placeholder for example) then enter free transform mode from Edit > Transform or using Ctrl/Cmd + T keyboard shortcut. Right/Cmd click inside W (Width) or H (Height) field in options bar and choose pixels. Next step is to set reference point. When you have anti-aliased edges on the right side of placeholder click and set reference point to the left edge to freeze it for transformation. Select in W or H field last number and decimals. For example: when you have in W field number 266.56 px, select only 6.56 and re-type with number 7 followed with px so your W length is 267 px . Confirm on check-mark in options bar or using Enter/Return on your keyboard. Problem is fixed, edges will be sharp. When anti-aliased edges appears caused with decimal number for Width or Height of placeholder you almost always want to expand W or H to first next whole number like 266.56 px to 267 px or 478.28 px to 479 px.

To fix soft edges select layer with placeholder, set reference point then change value to whole number.

After changing value in pixels for placeholder to whole number edges will be sharp.

Tip 3 Nudge and customize stroke segments If you want to nudge or customize stroke segment using filters or plugins, it is quite easy to do since all segments are on their own layers. All stroke segments are grouped into group named custom stroke. Expand group to see all layers which are named logically and very easy to understand. Frame layer is always on top and refers to stroke around 7

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entire composition, next is horizontal or vertical_line_1, 2, 3 and so on. To nudge stroke first click on layer with that particular segment (horizontal_line_1 for example), select Move tool, then use arrow keys to nudge segment to the left or right. To distort stroke using filter or plugin merge group or select every individual segment or component in Layers panel then apply filter. In case you want even stroke (2, 4, 6, 22 px) first hide custom stroke group and expand action in Actions panel (Layout 18 for example). Find step: Select layer image placement map Without Make Visible then click Play button at the bottom of Actions panel. Action will play starting from that step. Specify desired even number in all Stroke dialogs which will appear. After stroke is created, leave frame segment as it is and select one by one layers with other segments. After selecting layer with segment enter free transform mode (Ctrl/Cmd + T) and change W or H field in options bar to desired even number.

Hide custom stroke, expand action and find step Select layer image placement map, select it and click Play.

Troubleshooting tips
Troubleshooting 1 Layer image_1-5 is not available When you run action Replace image_1-5 you get error message: The object layer image_1(-5) is not currently available. Message appears because layer image_1(-5) is renamed or missing. In order to run Replace image_1-5 action sucessfuly you must have layer with matching name from this part in action name: image_1(-5) in Layers panel. Expand images and placeholders group and rename particular layer or use Replace Contents command available from right click (Cmd + click) on Smart Object. Troubleshooting 2 The command is not available Sometimes can happen that some particular step in action is selected then action colapsed. When you try to run it you get error message: The command Set is not available. This is an example, error message can be different. Click cancel and Photoshop will expand action with that particular step from which you tried to run action highlighted. Click on name of action (not step in action) then click Play button at the bottom of Layers panel. Troubleshooting 3 I do not see handles to scale image If you do not see handles to scale image after placing it, reason is because image is too big. type percentages in options bar or press Ctrl/Cmd + 0 (zero) to see handles. Troubleshooting 4 After replacing image I do not see it Photoshop always remembers last scaling percentage and position of Smart Object layers. All image layers are converted to Smart Objects by default. It can happen that you scaled and moved big image then you try to replace it wiyh small one. In that case may happen that image does not appear at all on your screen. select layer which contains that particular image, enter free transform mode (Ctrl/Cmd + T) and if you do not see handles anywhere on screen press Ctrl/Cmd + 0 (zero) in order to see them. Click inside handles and drag image to desired position.

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