A LXW Units.: MSS1/L1.9 MSSN1/L2.7 MSS1/L2.8 MSS2/L1.2 MSS2/L2.2

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OHP A5 / 6

MSS1/L1.9 MSSN1/L2.7 MSS1/L2.8 MSS2/L1.2 MSS2/L2.2

Area of a rectangle = length x width


Units must be the same!

Area is a measure of the surface covered and measured in square 3cm Area = 3cm x 4cm = 12cm2


4cm The formula can be re-arranged if you know the area

Length = Area width

Width = Area length

Area of a compound shape = Area of each separate rectangle added together. 2m 2m A

Area A + Area B = (2m x2m) + (3m x 5m) = 19m2


B 5m

Area of a Border = Total Area Inside Area 1m Total area = 12m x 6m = 72m2 Inside area = 4m x 10m = 40m2 6m Border = 72m2 40m2 = 32m2 12m Irregular shapes

In real life not all shapes are rectangles or squares. Use approximate measurements. Outline the shape by a rectangle or a composite shape and use one of the methods above.

Area A + Area B = (10m x 8m) + ( 3m x 12m) = 116m2 3m 12m




MSSN1/L2.7 MSS1/L2.8 MSS2/L2.2

Find the area of these rectangles. 1) 2) 3)
23m 9m 35m 16m 17m 5m

3cm 3.7cm 8.9cm

rectangle is 18 square metres. One side is 3m what is the length of the 3.2cm other side?

4) The area of a


5) Find the area of this shape 4.8m


Find the area of these borders 1m 5.4m 6) ) 7 4.8m

Problems 8) A room measures 10m in length and is 5m wide. How many square metres of carpet will be needed to cover it? A carpet is only sold in widths of 4m and 6m. It costs 12.50 per square metre. /var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_1/122968713.doc


MSSN1/L2.7 MSS1/L2.8 MSS2/L2.2

a) Without having a join how much will it cost to buy enough carpet to fit the room? b) Sometimes with a plain carpet it is easy to have a join. Investigate what it would cost if you dont mind having a join. Is it cheaper?


MSSN1/L2.7 MSS1/L2.8 MSS2/L2.2

Find the area of these rectangles. 1) 2) 3)

4) The area of a rectangle is 18 square metres. One side is 1.2m what is the length of the other side?

Find the area of these shapes 4) 5) 6)

Find the area of these borders. 7) 8) 9)


10. A gardener buys a 40 Kg bag of fertiliser. The label says he will need 2 kilograms per square metre of lawn. He wants to use it on his border which measures 1.5m wide. What length of border can he cover using one bag? a. c. 40 (2 + 1.5) (40 2) 1.5 b. d. (40 2) x 1.5 40 1.5 ) x 2

11. Youre neighbours pay you to paint their fence with two coats of protective paint. Each tin of paint can cover 5 square metres. The fence panels are 18m in total length by 1.6m high. How many tins of paint will be needed? 12. A carpet shop has some floor plans. They have one off cut that is 109 metres square. Which room might this carpet fit?


OHP A1 / 6


The length of a playing field is 40m and the width is 30m. What is the total playing surface? How many 1 metre square carpet tiles would be needed to cover a floor measuring 5m by 8m?



is a measure of the surface covered it is given in square units if measured in cm then square cms or cm2 if measured in inches then square inches or in 2

The formula for Area is written



You want to tile the wall behind a sink. You measure it as 2m x 80 cm. At the shop you are asked how many square metres of wall must be tiled.


Units must be the same!


2m x 0.8 m = 1.6m2


OHP A2 / 6

Challenge On squared paper how many different rectangles can you draw that have an area of 24cm2 Which has the largest perimeter?
2 x 12

1 x 24



The area of a car park is 50m2. You measure the length as 10m how wide is the car park?

Area = 50 m2

Put in what you know 10m

width length

10m x ? ?


= 50 m2

Re-arrange length = 50 10


OHP A3 / 6

1. 3cm

d Area = 21cm2 Find the length of side d

2. You have some material that is 250 cm wide with a total area of 12500cm2 . What length is it? 3. A gardener has some paving to lay a patio. His 1m2 slabs will cover an area of 40m2 . The width of the area he wants to cover is 5m how long will it be? 5m 40m2



Area = 1m2


OHP A4 / 6

Area of Compound Shapes

Area A = 20cm
5cm A

4cm 2cm 4cm B 8cm


4cm A

8cm B 2cm 4cm


Area 4 = 8 cm cm
2 2 2


A=2x Area B = 3 x 8 = 24

Area B = 3 x 4 = Total Area = 32cm

12 cm

Total area = 32cm

Not all measurements might be given Not all measurements are drawn to scale
2cm (a) 5cm A (b) B 7cm 4cm


OHP A6 /6

Area of Borders

A new house has a garden measuring 6m by 12m. A lawn is to be laid in the centre with a border of paving around it. If the border is to be 1m wide what is the total area of the border?

6m 12m

Area of a Border Border Area = Total Area Inside Area

1m Total area = 12m x 6m = 72m2 Inside area = 4m x 10m = 40m2 Border = 72m2 40m2 = 32m2 12m


Area Problems
Draw the problem and add the measurements to help.

1. Ali and Jo decide to gravel the area in front of their house. It measures 2.5m by 3.4m. What is the total area to gravel? Remember to check your answer.

2. Using your answer from the previous question. The gravel comes in sacks that will cover 3m2 each. How many sacks will they need to buy?

3. A groundsman has been asked to fence off a rectangular area of 36m2 for a long jump. The width is 3m what length must it be?

4. Ranjit is going to carpet his room. 3.78m 5.91m He uses a calculator to find the area of the room and gets the answer 25.7398. Using rounding to the nearest whole metre is this answer? 5. A room measures 4m by 7m how many 1m square carpet tiles will be needed to cover the floor?

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