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Medical Services Department



Health Promotion Unit | Phone: 44063125 | Email:

The Heart and Coronary arteries

Heart is the most hard-working muscle of our body,

It pumps 4 to 5 liters of blood every minute to supply nutrients and oxygen to all body parts, including itself. Coronary arteries surrounding the heart keep it nourished with blood

The Heart and Coronary arteries

Atherosclerosis is a condition where the arteries become narrowed and hardened due to an excessive build of plaque The Plaque consists of deposits of cholesterol, other lipids and calcium. When the plaque ruptures it causes a Thrombus formation resulting in sudden, total or near total arterial occlusion. Alternately the thrombus may break off from a ruptured plaque and occlude a down stream vessel.

How Big is the Problem ?

No. 1 killer disease worldwide 12 Million deaths annually, In the UK alone 60 deaths per 100,000 Alarming increase in developing countries

However during the last 30 years large decline in developed countries due to rise in health awareness and government programmes

Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease

No symptoms.
30-40 % of Patients do not have any prior symptoms

Chest pain on exertion .

also known as Angina or minor heart attack

Severe chest pain /Major heart attack irregular heart beats Sudden Death.
One in 6 Coronary attacks present with Sudden death, as First, Last and Only symptom.

Atypical Features
Indigestion - Dyspnoea

Fixed (You cant help it) Modifiable( you can make the change) Smoking Diet Obesity Sedentary lifestyle Hypertension High Cholesterol Diabetes mellitus Psychosocial factors

Age Sex
Family history Race - Ethnicity

Steps to Prevent Heart Disease

But for my own body I follow hearsay and advice from friends, kitty party, local quacks. Just anyone And decide for the worst !!!

step # 1 Stop Smoking NOW!

Stop Smoking Advice!!!

Step#2 start Exercising

Maintain a level of physical activity that keeps you fit and matches the calories you eat

Reduces incidence of obesity Increases HDL (the good cholesterol) Lowers LDL (the bad cholesterol) Helps control diabetes and hypertension

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

Mortality is halved in retired men who walk more than two miles every day

Someone who is inactive has as great a risk of having heart disease as someone who smokes, has high blood pressure or has high cholesterol

Exercise significantly reduces the chances of diabetes and stroke

With regular exercise, blood pressure in those with hypertension is reduced by as much as 20mms Hg

Walking for a healthy heart

Complicated exercise machines or sweating it out in the gym is not essential!


Exercise advice!!!

Step # 3 Look before your eat

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Eat colored vegetables and fruits Eat a variety of grain products

Choose nonfat or low-fat products.

Use less fat meats- chicken, fish and lean cuts

Switch to fat-free milktoned/skimmed milk

Aim for a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9.

Look before your eat - II

Limit / Avoid
Egg Yolk Fatty meat & organ meat( Liver) Butter chicken / Batter fried fish Milk fat Desi Ghee, Butter, Cheese, Malai , Rabri , Ice Cream Hidden Fat like Bakery, biscuits, Cakes and Pastries

Step# 4 Know your Number!

And thats not your Mobile Number!

Desirable numbers
Total cholesterol < 200mg% LDL < 100mg% HDL > 40mg% Triglycerides < 200mg% Blood pressure : 120 /80 mm Hg blood sugar: Fasting < 110mg%; post meals <140mg%
Get the levels tested routinely and keep them under control The only thing worse than finding out that you have one of these conditions is.NOT finding out that you have it!!!

Now its time to check your heart health.

Marking World Heart Day 2012, QP Medical Services will be holding Heart Health Assessment and Checks at the following Front-line Clinics: o o o o Ras Abu Aboud Front-line Clinic (Bldg No. 6) Transworld Tower Front-line Clinic (Mezzaine Floor) Al Handassa Building Front-line Clinic (Ground Floor) Navigation Tower, Visualization Room (14th Floor) Sunday 30th September 2012 0800 1200 hrs You are encouraged to participate in this important health event and avail the opportunity to check your heart health and seek advice from medical professionals.

Medical Services Department Health Promotion Unit | Phone: 44063125 | Email:

Medical Services Department Health Promotion Unit | Phone: 44063125 | Email:

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