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Compassionate Battling gastrointestinal stromal tumor

use process is not

so compassionate L IFE R AFT
By Judi Lifton, GIST caregiver
Interviewed by Erin Kristoff

udi Lifton had no idea what she
November 2007 In memory of Bob Caraway, Russ Jones, Vol. 8, No. 11
was getting into when she tried to Michele Scheiperpeter & Paty Roig
get compassionate use of
AMN107 for her partner, Leland
Emerson. He could not qualify for the ‘Viva Carolina’ team exceeds
$10,000 goal for Life Rafter
trial as he had already
taken Gleevec, Sutent and
AMG706. Being ever the
vigilant caregiver, Judi By Erin Kristoff
began the process which
would end up consuming all of her time
Newsletter Editor
and possibly her sanity.

n Sunday, October 14, the
There are four required parts to ob-
self-named “Viva Carolina”
taining AMN107 via “compassionate
marathon team finally ac-
use”: the doctor application, the clinical
complished what they had
trial agreement (CTA), the Institutional
been preparing for: the Long Beach
Review Board (IRB) approval and the Runners pause before the big event.
Marathon and reaching their fundraising
patient and doctor signature. $14,053 for the Life Raft Group in honor
The actual story is a long and compli- of member, Carolina Ponce-Williams!
Paul Montuori thought he had an am-
cated one that would make your head Chad, Kira, Paul and Hillary Montuori
bitious goal when he set it at $10,000
spin. However, here are the highlights of would like to thank everyone who par-
but he wanted to “shoot high and think
what was almost a tragedy. ticipated that day including: Phillip and
big and actually make a difference.”
The first problem Judi encountered Eriko Archunde; Randy and Wendy
Well, Paul exceeded even his own ex-
was going to a satellite location of a Horn; Carlos and Beatriz Fernandez;
pectations; over 98 percent of those
downtown cancer center. They were Jean Paul and Bob Mercado; Gerald
asked for a contribution helped out. The
unable to handle such a task and put the
group managed to raise an astounding
See AMN107, Page 11 See MARATHON, Page 5

Thanksgiving for LRG research

By Norman Scherzer who still had a long way to go and per- called Gleevec (imatinib). Gleevec pro-
LRG, Executive Director haps might never make it there. She also duces an excellent initial response in
remembered that her three little letters eighty-five percent of GIST patients
were not a guarantee of more Thanks- with metastatic or unresectable disease.

woman sits at her Thanks-
giving Day table with tears givings, at least not yet. While this response is relatively long-
of joy in her eyes. This year More research is needed if we want to lasting, half of all patients fail Gleevec
she was thankful for a piece bring patients like this their peace. It is within two years and almost all patients
of paper and three letters. The paper not enough to be stable or NED for an can be expected to eventually fail
was the results of her last CT scan and undetermined length of time. One pa- Gleevec. Half of the patients responding
the three little letters were NED. After tient is not enough, every life is impor- to Sutent, a second-line therapy, will
fighting so hard for so long, she was tant. To do that, we need your help. progress within six months.
classified as “no evidence of disease”. Prior to 2000 there was no viable treat- What this means is that unless we
But these tears were bittersweet. She ment for GIST. In that year, clinical tri- can discover new therapies to more
could not forget all of her friends who als discovered that GIST patients re- effectively prevent treatment resis-
sponded to a new targeted oral drug
might not be so thankful, those friends See RESEARCH, Page 6
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 2

Looking for new ways to fight GIST The Life Raft Group
By Jerry Call sure) and change the shape of the recep- Who are we, what do we do?
LRG Science Coordinator tor enough that Gleevec can no longer
bind to the receptor. Sutent and some The Life Raft Group is an interna-
tional, Internet-based, non-profit organi-

n 1991, Joseph Schlessinger, other drugs have activity against some of zation offering support through educa-
PhD, and Axel Ullrich, PhD, the secondary muta- tion and research to patients with a rare
co-founded a small bio-tech tions that cause re- cancer called GIST (gastrointestinal
sistance to Gleevec stromal tumor). The Association of Can-
company. Taking the first letter cer Online Resources provides the
of each of their names, they named but so far, no drug is group with several listservs that permit
the company Sugen. Sugen was con- known to have activ- members to communicate via secure e-
sidered to be one of the early pio- ity against all of the mail. Many members are being suc-
many secondary cessfully treated with an oral cancer
neers in the signal transduction field. drug Gleevec (Glivec outside the
Many Life Raft Group members mutations that can
U.S.A.). This molecularly targeted ther-
will recognize the name Sugen. It is occur. Newer drugs apy represents a new category of drugs
what GIST patients called the experi- like HSP90 inhibi- known as signal transduction inhibitors
tors are trying to and has been described by the scientific
mental drug SU11248 before it had a community as the medical model for the
real name. SU11248 was a mouthful, overcome this limi-
treatment of cancer. Several new drugs
so patients made up their own name, tation. are now in clinical trials.
Sugen, named after the drug manu- SCHLESSINGER In their paper pub-
facturer. lished in the journal, How to join
Sugen was acquired by Pharmacia in Cell, Dr. Schlessinger and his colleagues
describe how two KIT receptors join GIST patients and their caregivers
2003 and Pharmacia was later acquired may apply for membership free of
by Pfizer. Pfizer completed development together to become activated. This proc- charge at the Life Raft Group’s Web
of SU11248 bringing the drug to trials ess, called dimerization, occurs outside site, or by
of the cell. Since dimerization and bind- contacting our office directly.
for both Gleevec-resistant GIST and
advanced kidney cancer. In early 2006 ing of ATP are both required for KIT
the drug became the first drug to be ap- signaling to occur, both represent drug
proved for two cancers at the same time. targets. Blocking ATP binding with Privacy is of paramount concern, and
The drug is now known as Sutent; ap- Gleevec is a proven approach, but sub- we try to err on the side of privacy. We
do not send information that might be
parently in tribute to those early pioneers ject to derailment by secondary muta- considered private to anyone outside
at Sugen. tions. Blocking dimerization with a dif- the group, including medical profession-
On page six of this newsletter, we have ferent type of drug that “can form wedge als. However, this newsletter serves as
published a Yale press release describ- in the KIT molecule”, as noted by an outreach and is widely distributed.
Hence, all articles are edited to maintain
ing recent advances in understanding the Schlessinger, provides a potential ap- the anonymity of members unless they
mechanisms of KIT signaling. Joseph proach that could conceivable bypass the
have granted publication of more infor-
Schlessinger and his colleagues continue secondary mutations that occur in the mation.
to try to find ways to improve the treat- kinase domain. Since the dimerization
ment of GIST. area is at or near the exon 9 region of How to help
The current generation of KIT inhibi- KIT, it will be interesting to see if
Donations to The Life Raft Group,
tors (drugs like Gleevec and Sutent) Schlessinger’s work translates into in- incorporated in New Jersey, U.S.A., as
work on the inside of GIST cells by creased understanding of exon 9 muta- a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, are
blocking the binding of ATP (needed for tions. tax deductible in the United States.
According to Schlessinger, “This Donations, payable to The Life Raft
signaling to occur) in the kinase region Group, should be mailed to:
of the receptor. This works very well as work provides a roadmap for how to
The Life Raft Group
long as the receptor is not mutated so develop new drugs that will overcome 40 Galesi Dr., Suite 19
much that the drug is no longer able to the resistance to Gleevec and Sutent that Wayne, NJ 07470
reach the binding pocket in the kinase. develops in GIST patients and in other
diseases driven by activated form of Disclaimer
Primary (initial) mutations seldom pre-
vent Gleevec (the drug used as front-line KIT. We are now starting to pursue this We are patients and caregivers, not
therapy) from reaching the drug/ATP idea and raise the necessary funds for doctors. Information shared is not a
this to be accomplished. Although it will substitute for discussion with your doc-
binding pocket. Secondary mutations tor. As for the newsletter, every effort to
can develop over time (or they were ini- take time and quite a lot of funds I am
achieve accuracy is made but we are
tially present at low levels and become very optimistic that this goal could be human and errors occur. Please advise
dominant over time under selective pres- accomplished.” the newsletter editor of any errors.
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 3

November 2007 clinical trial update

By Jim Hughes BEZ235: Phase I for Advanced Solid mune system response. Interferon will
LRG Science Team Tumors is open at the Nevada Cancer help stimulate that response and aid the
Institute in Las Vegas, NV. BEZ235 is a immune system in identifying and de-
AMN107: Phase III continues to enroll Novartis drug that targets the PI3K tyro- stroying the remaining GIST stem cells
patients at a rapid rate, according to No- sine kinase and indirectly inhibits the that can cause relapse after Gleevec has
vartis. Sites listed in the clinicaltri- downstream targets AKT and mTOR. shrunk tumors. This trial is planned to database are open with the fol- Imatinib + Pegylated Interferon-a 2B: have several other innovative aspects
lowing exceptions as of October 12: Lee This Phase II trial for GIST is a whole that are explained in detail in the May
Moffitt in Tampa, FL, MD Anderson in different approach. It is primarily for 2007 Newsletter article “Immunotherapy
Houston, TX, and New York University, patients who are newly diagnosed and trial strives to improve Gleevec re-
New York, NY. These sites were not yet who have not had Gleevec (or have been sponse” by Jerry Call, also available on
open. Over 30 other sites are open out- off Gleevec for six months or longer). the LRG website.
side the United States, in Canada, Dr. Lei L. Chen is the primary investiga- Note: Dana-Farber— Travis Quig-
Europe, Australia and Taiwan. tor at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in ley, RN, Research Nurse, has indicated
FR901228: Phase I is suspended. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Chen theorizes that both the Sorafenib (BAY 43-9006)
Oblimersen (Genasense) + Imatinib: that Gleevec causes GIST cell death Phase II and the Phase III Sunitinib or
Phase II is no longer accruing patients. which in turn marks GIST cells for im- Imatinib trial are available there.

AMN107 (nilotinib, Tasigna®) Sorafenib Sunitinib or Imatinib

Efficacy and safety of AMN107 compared to (BAY 43-9006, Nexavar®) (Sutent®, Gleevec®)
current treatment options in GIST patients Sorafenib in treating patients with malignant
Safety and effectiveness of daily dosing with
who failed imatinib and sunitinib GIST that progressed during or after treat- sunitinib or imatinib in GIST patients
Phase: III ment with imatinib and sunitinib
Conditions: GIST Phase:
II Phase: III
Strategy: Inihibit KIT Conditions:
GIST Conditions: GIST
NCT#: NCT00471328 Strategy:
Multiple Targets Strategy: Multiple Targets
US Contact: Novartis NCT#:
NCT00265798 NCT#: NCT00372567
Telephone: 800-340-6843, Trial# CAM- US Contact:
Univ. Of Chicago Cancer Re- US Contact: Pfizer Clinical Trial Information
search Center, Chicago, IL
Sites: UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Telephone: 773-834-7424 Telephone: 877-369-9753
Myung Lee, 310-825-4494 Sites: City of Hope, Duarte, CA Sites: Contact Pfizer
Wash. Cancer Inst., Wash. DC Warren Chow, MD, 866-434-4673 Dana-Farber, Boston, MA
Jake Paterson, 202-877-5371 xt 64215 Travis Quigley, RN, 617-632-5117
Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, IL Cancer Care Specialists, Decatur,
Patient Coordinator:773-834-7424 IL
Dana Farber, Boston, MA James Wade III, MD, 217-876-6617 Perifosine+Gleevec
Travis Quigley, RN, 617-632-5117 Oncol./Hematology Assoc. of
Karmanos Cancer Institute., De-
Cent. Il, Peoria, IL Phase II study of Perifosine plus Gleevec
troit, MI John Kugler, MD, 309-243-3605
Anne Marie Ferris, 313-576-9373 for GIST patients
Dana Farber, Boston, MA
Wash. Univ., St. Louis, MO Travis Quigley, RN: 617-632-5117
Nick Fisher, 314-354-5102 Phase: II
Memorial Sloan-Kettering, New Conditions: GIST
Wake Forest, Winston-Salem, NC York, NY
Scarlet Hutchins, RN, 336-713-6915 Strategy: Multiple Targets
David D’Adamo, MD, 212-639- NCT#: NCT00455559
Fox Chase, Philadelphia, PA 7573
1-800-FOX-CHASE US Contact: Online Collaborative Oncology Group
Imatinib +
Up to the minute... Pegylated Interferon-a 2B
Telephone: 415-946-2410
Sites: Cancer Center at Century City,
Los Angeles, CA
In last month’s newsletter we reported Combines targeted therapy with immunother- Sant Chawla, MD
that 2 patients who were resistant to apy using Imatinib + Pegylated Interferon-a Coeur D’Alene, ID
Gleevec and other drugs appeared to be 2B in imatinib-naïve GIST patient Oncology Specialists, Park Ridge, IL
responding to Nexavar. We have subse- Kathy Tolzein, RN, 847-268-8200
Phase: II Grand Rapids, MI
quently learned that the patient with Conditions: GIST Sayre, PA
symptomatic improvement, that was Strategy: Kill GIST cells MD Anderson, Houston, TX
able to leave hospice, demonstrated pro- Study #: HCI 22172 800-392-1611
gression upon further examination. US Contact: Huntsman Cancer Institute
Candace, 801-581-4477 See TRIALS, Page 9
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 4

Fourth annual Contactgroup GIST meeting held on September 29

By Anja Long the same weekend, which meant that field of oncology in a partnership be-
Contactgroep GIST about 300 GIST patients and caregivers tween health care professionals and can-
were meeting in Europe at the same cer and palliative care institutions. CCCs
time. Group photographs and best are centers of knowledge and

n September 29, the fourth
annual Contactday for the wishes were exchanged on Satur- quality control that maintain an
Contactgroup GIST/Life day. extensive network and fulfill a
Raft Group The Netherlands- Three speakers made their pres- coordinating function within
/Belgium was held. This year the entations .The first speaker was the field of oncology. Today,
weather was not sunny and balmy like Dr. Stefan Sleijfer, M.D., Ph.D., cancer is increasingly consid-
on previous occasions but that really medical oncologist at the Erasmus ered a chronic disease and sur-
made no difference at all compared to University Medical Center, vivors need appropriate sup-
the warmth of the event. The group pho- Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center in port for their rehabilitation.
tograph still had to be taken indoors Rotterdam. Dr. Sleijfer is a recognized The CCCs recognized this need and de-
though (See above)! specialist in, amongst others, soft tissue veloped and implemented a health-
About 100 patients, caregivers and sarcomas, including GIST. He gave an oriented rehabilitation program “Herstel
people involved in the GIST world gath- overview of the developments in GIST & Balans” (recovery & stability), includ-
ered in the small town of Lunteren, in management, past, present and future. ing physical training and psycho-
the center of the Netherlands. The hotel His presentation was lucid and informa- education over a three month period.
and conference center was located in the tive, no mean feat when dealing with Roos-Marie Tummers gave her presenta-
woods, a very pretty setting but one complex issues such as tion regarding this cancer rehabilitation
which for some of us proved to be a bit developments in muta- program. The program is available at
of a challenge on the way out! tional testing. various centers in the Netherlands,
We started off by remembering those After lunch, Roos- though some patients are still having
who have lost the struggle with GIST Marie Tummers, psy- difficulty in receiving funding from their
over the last 12 months; this time with chologist and advisor of insurers, or even in getting a referral to
particular reference to Peter van der psycho-social care with the program by their medical specialists.
Meer, a co-founding member of the the IKO (Integral Cancer This and other support programs were
group and public relations specialist of Center East), spoke to the the mainstay of the presentation, which
TUMMERS group. There are nine was started off by showing a film called,
the current committee. Peter was the
face of the Group for a lot of the mem- such centers in the Netherlands and the “Today a day, tomorrow a life” about
bers because he hosted all the previous purpose of these comprehensive cancer the way in which several cancer patients
contact meetings. centers (CCCs) is to provide cancer pa- had found a way to live their lives again
“No one has to face GIST alone”, this tients and their families access to com- after a cancer diagnosis. This was a pre-
is the slogan for all the annual meetings prehensive and high-quality care as miere as the film had not been shown to
and that was nicely reflected on that day. close to home as possible. The CCCs outsiders before.
The German GIST group, Das Leben- were set up to improve treatment, patient Afterwards, Carolien Verhoogt, on
shaus, was having their annual meeting care and clinical research within the See CONTACTDAY, Page 8
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 5

GCRF 2007 ‘Walk for a Cure’ is resounding success

By Erin Kristoff Ceremonies of the walk and did a spec- NY Knicks, made an appearance signing
Newsletter Editor tacular job describing Tania and Robert autographs and answering questions
Stutman’s (Co-founders of GCRF) dedi- from fans of all ages.

he air was chilly but the sun cation and perseverance over the years. The research world also came out for
was shining when the GIST Camera crews from Novartis and this year’s walk. Dr. Anette and Stefan
Cancer Research Deunsing of the University of Pitts-
Fund (GCRF) held burgh Cancer Institute; Dr. Cristina
their annual “Walk for a Cure” Antonescu and Dr. Ephraim Casper
on Sunday, October 14 at Rock- of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
land Lake State Park in Con- Center; Dr. Margaret von Mehren of
gers, New York. Once again, Fox Chase Cancer Center and re-
The GCRF has outdone itself. searchers from various institutions,
An announcement on New York including Dr. Jonathan Fletcher’s lab
radio station 95.5 WPLJ set the at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, were
tone for a wonderful day for the all in attendance.
GIST community. Staff members from the Life Raft
In addition to the scores of Group again came out to show their
GIST patients, caregivers and support for the GCRF and delighted
supporters, Paulo Costa, Presi- in talking to members of the GIST
Paulo Costa accepting an award on behalf of Novar- community.
dent and Chief Executive Offi-
tis CEO, Dan Vasella with Tania Stutman, co-founder Those who could not make it this
cer (CEO) of Novartis Corpora-
of GCRF and Dr. Marvel Scott of Eyewitness News year were able to watch a live
tion attended the event, accept-
ing an award for Humanitarian looking on at the “Walk for a Cure” on October 14 . streaming video of the event for the
of the Year on behalf of the CEO of No- News Channel 12 were also there to film first time right at their own computers.
vartis AG, Dr. Dan Vasella. the proceedings. Please visit the GCRF’s site,
Dr. Marvel Scott from ABC’s Channel Once again, basketball Hall-of-Famer, for more updated informa-
7 Eyewitness News was the Master of Walt “Clyde” Frazier, formerly of the tion on the “2007 Walk for a Cure”.

From Page 1

Loughran and Ivonne Rudnitsky; Vicky

and Pety Ossio; Carolina and Terrance
Williams; Telma Aquilar; Elizabeth
Palenque and Luis, Gabriel, Samuel, and
Elvira Levy.
Please see the article on how this all
came about on page four of the LRG’s
August 2007 issue.
Here are just a few photos that express Eriko & Phillip express their joy for running. Vicky & Paul sport LRG T-
just how much fun the team had. shirts to show their support.

Chad & Kira are pumped up! Paul and Hillary, glad to be there Kira & Carolina smile for the camera.
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 6

New views of receptor molecule may open doors

The following is excerpted from a Yale chair of pharmacology and senior author important role in normal blood cell pro-
University press release entitled, “First of the study. “The arrangement is much duction, gut function, pigmentation, and
Detailed View of Molecular Structure simpler and more elegant than I reproduction. Mutations which cause
May Usher in New Class of Cancer thought.” overactivation of Kit are found in a vari-
Drugs”. The paper...provides the first detailed, ety of human cancers, among them gas-
atomic level view of the recep- trointestinal stro-
New Haven, Conn., July 26, 2007 — tor tyrosine kinase (RTK) Kit mal tumors
High resolution views of a receptor before and after it is activated. (GIST) and sev-
molecule that is implicated in cancer Schlessinger said the newly- eral forms of leu-
offer a clear target for the development revealed mechanism for RTK kemia.
of a new class of cancer drugs, Yale activation is utilized by many The structural
School of Medicine researchers report RTKs.” Moreover, these struc- analysis clearly
July 27 in Cell. tures offer unexpected new shows a confor-
It is also anticipated that the new fam- opportunities for drug discov- mational change
ily of drugs may be applied for the treat- ery for the treatment of can- as stem cell factor
ment of gastrointestinal stromal tumor cers and other diseases driven Side view of Kit in complex with brings two Kit
(GIST) cancers that are resistant to by activated RTKs,” he said. stem cell factor (in magenta). molecules to-
Gleevec and Sutent. Although these The finding is the result of Courtesy of Yale University gether, resulting
drugs would target the same receptors as many years of work involving in a large rear-
Gleevec and Sutent, they would do so by protein expression, biochemical and bio- rangement of and associations between
a different mechanism and may there- physical studies and X-ray crystallogra- small parts of the molecules in each pair.
fore be useful for patients who are resis- phy, a method used for viewing mole- Schlessinger said the next step is to
tant to these drugs. cules at a resolution high enough to see identify drugs that can form a wedge in
“I was surprised to see what the mole- atomic detail. the Kit molecule, making it impossible
cules did when they were activated,” The receptor tyrosine kinase Kit and for them to join together and be acti-
said Joseph Schlessinger, professor and its natural ligand stem cell factor play an vated.

could be charged by the researcher’s
institutions. What is notable about this is Canada LRG meets
From Page 1

the fact that typical administrative over- ife Raft Group mem-
head rates at cancer research institutions bers gathered at David
tance and to overcome such resistance range from 55 percent to 75 percent. The Josephy’s house in
if it were to occur, patients with GIST LRG cap means that 90 percent of the Guelph, Ontario, Canada on
will continue to die. funds we grant to our research institu- Sunday afternoon, Oct. 14.
In 2006, the LRG initiated a unique tions will actually be used for research. Seven people attended, driving in from
research program to find the answers to The initial funding for this research east and west. Dr. Jawaid Younus, of the
GIST treatment resistance and to embark program covered the first two years and London Regional Cancer Center in Lon-
upon a pathway to find a cure for GIST will run out in a few months. Its ultimate don, Ontario, gave an excellent presenta-
that will serve as a model for other can- success in finding a cure for GIST will tion, providing a general introduction to
cers. depend upon our raising additional GIST and its therapy, as well as summa-
Starting with the creation of a compre- funds. rizing results of recent international
hensive five year strategic plan to iden- Thus far, our research team has re- clinical trials. He also answered ques-
tify the priority projects needed to over- ported substantial progress. We are ap- tions from the group. David displayed
come GIST treatment resistance, we proaching a critical intersection on the materials from the Germany Patient
brought together a core group of the pathway to finding a cure for a cancer. Summit in July. The group also dis-
world’s best GIST researchers and intro- We have the right scientific tools and the cussed local challenges like drug cover-
duced cooperation, coordination and right researchers at the perfect time and age and benefits plans in Canada, treat-
accountability as key building blocks of place to demonstrate how to treat and ment possibilities, and the need for addi-
this historic effort. cure this cancer. We have achieved a tional organizational support for patients
We created a grants structure designed historic understanding of the fundamen- in Canada. Thanks to Jennifer Burton,
to give maximum support to this re- tal genetics driving GIST and the know Medical Liaison Manager-Ontario Re-
search effort, including a 10 percent cap how to identify and overcome the re- gion, of Novartis Oncology, for helping
on the administrative overhead that See RESEARCH, Page 10 to make the gathering a success.
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 7

Dana Farber holding GIST Patient FDA approves

Support Forum on November 12 Tasigna in CML
ana Farber Cancer Institute
and Brigham and Women’s The Food and Drug Administration
Hospital will be holding a approved a new drug from Novartis to
“GIST Patient Support Fo- treat patients with chronic myeloid leu-
rum” on Monday, November 12 at Dana kemia (CML), who are resistant or intol-
Farber. The event will take place from erant to Gleevec.
3:00 to 5:00 P.M. at the Smith Building, “Tasigna (also referred to as AMN107
Room 764. or nilotinib) represents an important
This is a chance to meet others who advance for the small number of patients
share the same diagnosis and understand who are resistant or intolerant to prior
its challenges. The first hour will be a and “an incredible building block for therapy,” said David Epstein, president
facilitated support group; the second, an future groups”. and chief executive of Novartis Oncol-
opportunity for patients and families to Light refreshments will be served. ogy. “This approval means we can offer
talk to each other. Parking will be validated in the Smith physicians a comprehensive treatment
Group facilitator Sarah Murphy, garage at Dana Farber. For more infor- approach with effective medicines to
LICSW and Travis Quigley, R.N. felt mation, please contact Sara Murphy at treat their Ph+
that the first forum was a great success (617) 632-6463. CML patients.”

CMS changes proposed clinical trials policy

Patient advocacy groups

fter a comprehensive review had a significant negative effect on par-
of comments from the clini- ticipation of Medicare beneficiaries in
appeal to Senate, ’Stop cal research community, the clinical trials and it reduced the amount
Centers for Medicare and of information available to physicians
CMS changes for cancer Medicaid Services (CMS) has an- when they must make clinical decisions
nounced that it will not move forward about patient care. The Network re-
patient community’ with a Proposed Clinical Research Pol- quested that CMS withdraw its proposal
icy that would have required trial spon- and maintain its current clinical trials
On October 17, the Centers for Medi- sors to secure CMS approval policy until such time as a workable
caid and Medicare Services (CMS) had that trials meet 13 technical and scien- coverage policy could be developed with
planned to issue a Decision memo for tific standards as a prerequisite for the benefit of public comment.
Clinical Trial Policy. The proposal rep- Medicare coverage of the routine costs As CMS decided not to finalize its July
resented a significant reversal of the of trial participation. proposed decision, clinical trials will
standards for Medicare coverage of In comments submitted to CMS in Au- continue to be covered under the previ-
clinical trials that has been in effect gust by Dr. Atul Dhir and Dr. Nicholas ous policy, a Final Decision Memoran-
since 2000. It posed a threat to the abil- Robert, the US Oncology Research Net- dum released July 9, 2007. Details of the
ity of Medicare beneficiaries to receive work expressed concern that the new current Medicare Clinical Trial Policy
care in clinical trials. proposed Clinical Research Policy are available online at
Senators Cardin and Brownback cir- (CRP) would have frustrated the intent
culated a letter, asking their Senate col- of the agency’s original policy on Medi- viewtrackingsheet.asp?id=210.
leagues to join them in signing a letter to care coverage of clinical trials issued in While it is expected that CMS will
CMS objecting to this proposed policy. 2000. The Network believed that reopen the Clinical Trials NCD
The Life Raft Group joined other advo- the Proposed CRP would (National Council on Disability) soon,
cacy groups in opposing the policy. It have significantly reduced the number of US Oncology applauds CMS for recog-
reached out to senators and patients, trials that would qualify nizing the concerns expressed by leaders
asking for more voices in the struggle. for coverage under the in the clinical research community and
The following was sent by LegisLink CRP and that finalizing looks forward to working with CMS to
Action Center to the Life Raft Group. the Proposed CRP as improve Medicare beneficiary participa-
published would have tion in cancer clinical trials.
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 8

Peter Thomas Memorial Ride has raised over $22,000

O n August 5, riders for the 2007

Peter Thomas Memorial Ride
began a bike ride of 1000 miles
in 10 days to find 1 cure for GIST. Five
and family did, riding the
length of England. Peter
passed away in August 2006.
This year, all funds were
riders started at Bremerton, Washington raised to support research at
for a trip to San Francisco, California. Oregon Health and Science
The ride is in memory of Peter Tho- University.
mas, who conceived the idea in 2006. As of September 30, the Dr. Michael Heinrich; riders Mike Prozan, Deanne
Because of GIST, he was prevented ride has raised over $22,000 Johnson, Erica Johnson and Andy Johnson and Dr.
from riding in the 2006 event but friends for this research. Chris Corless at the OHSU reception in August.

founding it and then turning it into what
it is today. He felt that the time had
From Page 4 come for someone else to take on his
duties. Ton received a golden chair-
behalf of the Committee, presented an of the Flemish Cancer League (VLK) in man’s hammer, a digital photograph
overview of the activitities and objec- Antwerp, Belgium. holder which showed the photos taken
tives of the Contactgroep GIST. One of Other major developments include the on previous occasions. And of course, a
the developments she described was the creation of a virtual office, an intranet Humanitarian Award, given by the Inter-
closer relationship and cooperation be- which helps committee members as well national Life Raft Group for services
tween the various European sarcoma as working groups such as the editorial rendered.
groups via Conticanet as well as the in- board of the newsletter to cooperate A function description for a new chair-
volvement in the New Horizons Confer- through the exchange of documents and man has been drawn up and the commit-
ence in Germany which resulted in the the holding of virtual discussions. An- tee is now actively recruiting a new
“Bad Nauheim Declaration”. other project is the renewal of the web- chairman.
Now that the group is a member of the site by using a management content sys- The rest of the day was spent as a so-
Dutch Federation of Cancer Patient tem, which will enable, amongst others, cial get-together, with a mix of people
groups (NFK) and receives financial the development of a members-only sec- who see each other once a year but know
support from the Dutch Cancer Society tion, in which members can exchange one another via the mail, new members
(KWF), the group has a higher profile. photographs and personal information if and those that have become friends via
In turn, it also means more work, as the they so wish. Carolien the group. As
group is being asked to take part in vari- also referred to the ever, it proved
ous platforms and discussion groups. In work carried out by to be a warm,
particular, the KWF is encouraging pa- different working social gather-
tient organizations to become more pro- groups who liaise with ing, which
fessional and to cooperate in various the Committee, such towards the
ways. At times, this puts a strain on our as the organising com- end always
essentially small patient group. mittee of the Contact- seems to have
Another highlight has been the found- day, public relations been too short,
ing of the Belgian GIST sub-group to and the editorial board but leaves you
encourage more Flemish-speaking pa- of the newsletter. All with a content
tients and caregivers in Belgium to join these activities mean feeling of be-
the group. This is part of a strategy by that new volunteers longing to a
the committee to raise the profile of the are badly needed, so like-minded
group amongst GIST patients and care- she made a plea to the group of peo-
givers. The group is planning to take audience to come for- ple.
part in more large events such as the ward. Carolien Verhoogt presents Ton de Keijser Next year will
Annual Conference of Oncology Nurses Last but not least, it with the Life Raft Group’s Humanitarian be the fifth
(in November). The group has already was announced that Award during the October “Contactday”. anniversary
begun such plans earlier in the year by Ton de Keijser, the meeting! This
taking part in the prestigious Cancer inspirational chairman of the group, was will be held on Saturday, September
Genomics Plaza meeting in March, as stepping down on October 1, 2007. Ton 27th, 2008. I, for one am already looking
well as the big annual cancer happening has been with the group five years, first forward to it!
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 9

TRIALS 2007 BEZ235 KOS-1022

A Phase I/II, multi-center, open-label study Study of Oral KOS-1022in Patients With
From Page 3 of BEZ235, administered orally on a con- Advanced Solid Tumors
tinuous daily dosing schedule in adult pa-
Doxorubicin & Flavopiridol tients with advanced solid malignancies in- Phase: I
Doxorubicin and Flavopiridol in Treating cluding patients with advanced breast cancer Conditions: Advanced Solid Tumors
Patients With Metastatic or Recurrent Sar- Strategy: Destroy KIT (HSP90)
Phase: I/II
Study #: COMIRB 05-0627
coma That Cannot Be Removed By Surgery Conditions: Advanced Solid Malignancies/Adv.
US Contact: Univ. of Colorado Cancer Cen-
Phase: I Breast Cancer
Conditions: GIST/Sarcoma Strategy: Target KIT Downstream Signaling
Anschutz Cancer Pavilion,
Strategy: Inhibits Production of KIT US Contact: Nevada Cancer Inst., Las Vegas,
Aurora, CO
NCT#: NCT00098579 NV
Sarah Eppers,
US Contact: Memorial Sloan-Kettering, NY, NY Donna Adkins, RN
David R. D’Adamo, MD, Phd Telephone: 702-822-5173
Telephone: 720-848-0052
Telephone: 212-639-7573
Perifosine + Sunitinib LBH589
IPI-504 (Sutent®) A Phase IA, two-arm, multicenter, dose-
Safety study for GIST or soft tissue sarcoma Perifosine + Sunitinib Malate for Patients escalating study of LBH589 administered
Phase: I With Advanced Cancers by IV on two dose schedules in adult pa-
Conditions: GIST or Soft Tissue Sarcoma Phase:I tients with advanced solid tumors and non-
Strategy: Destroy KIT Conditions:GIST/ Renal Cancer Hodgkin's lymphoma
NCT#: NCT00276302 Strategy:Multiple Targets
US Contact: Premiere Oncology, Scottsdale, AZ Phase: I
Michael S. Gordon, MD Conditions: Advanced Solid Tumors /
US Contact:Online Collaborative Oncology
Telephone: 480-860-5000 Group Lymphoma
Premiere Onc., Santa Monica, CA Strategy: Destroy KIT, Inhibit Cell Cy-
Courtney Carmichael, RN, 310-633-8400 cle, Induce Apoptosis
US Sites:415-946-2410
Dana-Farber, Boston, MA US Contact: Nevada Cancer Institute, Las
Huntsville, AL
Travis Quigley, RN, 617-632-5117 Tower Hem. & Onc., Beverly Hills, CA Vegas, NV
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Pomona, CA Donna Adkins, RN
Rashmi Chugh, MD, 734-936-0453 Santa Monica, CA Telephone: 702-822-5173

Editor’s Note Onc. Specialists, Park Ridge, IL

Kathy Tolzien, RN, 847-268-8200
Kalamazoo, MI
In the September 2007 issue we Given orally to subjects with solid tumors
printed a picture of the NYC GISTers CNF2024 Phase: I
meeting without identifying the people
Study of oral CNF2024 in advanced solid Conditions: Cancer/Solid Tumors
in the photo. Michael Ting, who organ- Strategy: Multiple Targets
Phase: I
ized the event, was kind enough to give NCT#: NCT00350831
Conditions: Tumors/Lymphoma
us those names: Mark Landesman; Strategy: Destroy KIT, (HSP90) US Sites: Cancer Inst. of New Jersey, New
Pamela Fedowich and husband, NCT#: NCT00345189 Brunswick, NJ
Hitesh; Myron & Ora Gelberg; Norman US Contact: Biogen Idec Pamela Scott, 732-235-7459
& Anita Scherzer; Anita Getler and oncologyclinicaltrials@ Cancer Therapy and Res. Center, San Antonio, TX
sister, Julie; Craig Seebach; not pic- Pat O’Rourke, 210-616-5976
tured was Ken Schou. Scottsdale, AZ
New Haven, CT
Ting intends to make the meetings bi- Cancer Therapy and Res. Center, OSI-930
yearly, with the next one hopefully oc- San Antonio, TX Phase I dose escalation study of daily oral
curring in February. Pat O’Rourke, RN, 210-616-5976 OSI-930 in patients with advanced solid tu-

Flu Shots
MP470 Phase: I

In treating patients with unresectable or Conditions: Solid Tumors
ancer patients are considered metastatic solid tumor or lymphoma Strategy: Multiple targets including inhibit
high priority candidates for Phase: I KIT
annual influenza immuniza- Conditions: Solid Tumor/Lymphoma NCT#: NCT00513851
tions and this certainly includes GIST Strategy: Multiple Targets US Contact: OSIP Medical Information
patients. For those patients living in NCT#: NCT00504205
countries approaching winter (like the US Sites: Virginia Piper Cancer Center, Telephone: 800.572.1932, x7821
Scottsdale, AZ US Sites: Univ. of Colorado Cancer Center,
United States) this is the time to get Aurora, CO
Raoul Tibes, MD, 480-323-1350
your flu shot. In addition, you should Mary Kay Schultz, 303-266-1740
S. Texas Accelerated Res.
talk to your doctor about getting pneu- Therapeutics, San Antonio, TX Dana-Farber, Boston, MA
mococcal vaccine. Anthony Tolcher, MD, 210-593-5255 Travis Quigley, RN, 617-632-5117
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 10

From Page 6

maining downstream pathways of resis- disease for most patients. This would be altogether.
tance. We need to keep our core research analogous to what medicine has done for In the past, our members have faith-
team in place and we need to raise the other chronic diseases such as hyperten- fully raised money for the Life Raft
remaining three years of funding. sion and diabetes. The second and ulti- Group’s programs, this Thanksgiving
We expect this pathway to a cure for mate goal would be to discover a ther- campaign is dedicated to finding a cure
GIST to proceed in two phases. The first apy, most likely also based upon a com- for GIST. One hundred percent of dona-
is to identify a combination of therapies bination of drugs, that would eliminate tions will go directly to support our re-
that will convert GIST into a chronic the GIST cancer cells from the body search.

Donating Money to Cancer Research

Frequently asked Questions About The Life Raft Group

Are you seeking a tax donation?

Is the organization you are donating to recognized as a The LRG is a 501(c)(3) organization.
charity by the IRS (usually a 501(c)(3) designation)?

Do they provide a formal acknowledgment letter that All contributions are acknowledged by a formal letter ac-
will support a tax deduction? ceptable to the IRS.

Is the organization you are thinking of donating to fis-

cally responsible?

Does that organization account for its financial opera- The LRG posts copies of its 990 on its website:
tions by making its tax returns available (form 990)?

Does that organization have an annual independent The LRG has an independent financial audit performed
financial audit and does it make copies of that audit by an outside CPA firm on an annual basis and makes
available? copies available to anyone who requests it.

How much will actually go to research?

Will a recognized cancer research center be the recipi- The LRG has awarded research grants to Stanford, Me-
ent of the donation? morial Sloan Kettering, Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Oregon Health & Science University, Cleveland Clinic,
Catholic University in Belgium and the University of Se-

How much does that center charge for administrative The LRG caps all indirect cost rates at 10%. When com-
overhead (indirect costs)? Note that these can typically pared to a not-uncommon 75% rate this is what is
range from 55% to 75%. needed to get $100,000 to a researcher:
A 75% indirect cost rate requires a donation of $400,000
The LRG rate requires a donation of $111,000. Thus
every LRG research dollar is worth 3.6 typical research

What accountability exists for the research?

Is the research part of a strategic plan?? All LRG research is part of a strategic plan consisting of
clear priority projects and requiring the cooperation and
collaboration of all participating researchers. A copy is
posted to the LRG website.

Is there a clear and objective financial report and a pro- The LRG requires formal six month progress and budget
gress report? reports.
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 11

NYC Poker Tournament has another great year

By Gale Kenny on silver trays and others lounged on the
LRG Staff plush sofas that lined the perimeter of
the room. The chatter and laughter sub-
midst the stylishly appointed sided as the participants were seated and

A ambience of Slate/Plus, an
exciting New York City
venue, over a hundred play-
ers bought-in for a chance to win a
$10,000 ticket to the World Series of
the games began.
The excitement and suspense grew as
tournament players were whittled

to the final table. The last three
players were Nicholas Chiara, a Nick, Jan and Matt wear their “bling” in
prior winner who took home third place the winners circle.
Poker. The event, which was held on
October 17, marked LRG’s fourth an- this year, Matt Knopman, second place, work of board member, Jerry Cudzil,
nual Poker Tourna- and the winner, for the first time in LRG who organized another successful event.
ment. history, was fe- Jerry’s motivation is his father-in-law,
The evening be- male, Jan Hof- Bill Roth, who was diagnosed with
gan with friends stetter. Prizes for GIST in 2003.
greeting and shoul- the second and We are grateful for all of those who
ders squeezing third place are attended, and to the Long Island Poker
sideways through flat screen TVs. and Casino for providing their poker
the crowd. Some This event services. We will have to follow up on
noshed on hot sa- would not be Jan after she returns from her exciting
vories that floated possible if not trip to the World Series of Poker in Las
through the crowd Players gear up for a grueling night of poker. for the dedicated Vegas. See you all again next year!

for their help. raise money? Have a marathon?
There must be patrons that have donated
Dear Team, money for patient advocacy. One of Lee's pre-
From Page 1 vious employers has grants for things like this
Have continued to work on Lee's predicament but it will take time: we don't have it.
burden on Judi. The downtown center in obtaining AMN 107. Can this be solved in this week?
was used to dealing with standard clini- Called Novartis late Friday for an explana- I leave it to you.
cal trials. In this case two IRBs were tion of why this is taking so long. Their answer My hands are tied...
needed (for both the downtown and sat- was that the contract committee couldn't re- Judi
ellite offices), once again the burden was spond to the changes we made on the agree-
on Judi. ment. (They handle most changes.) So they Thankfully, Judi’s contacts breathed
The CTA is sent out to the hospital at
called in their attorneys. down the necks of those stalling the
They still haven't resolved it. process and Lee was finally able to get
the same time as the doctor applies but What a quandary....
in this unfortunate case, the CTA fell AMN107 in October, after a long and
My mind can only recall 3 other members in
through the cracks. No one can be sure the cancer group who have died waiting for
grueling struggle.
how this happened, but it did. The this drug because of the red tape with their “You need an advocate, a contact at
downtown office should have been institutions. The one person who received the the hospital and a contact with Novartis
aware of the procedure.
drug quickly (in a few weeks) was some- that’s willing to work with you.” Judi
one from a small town. Novartis sent a rep out. says, “I would not have been able to do
When the CTA was finally addressed Everybody immediately signed everything.
by the center properly, the satellite cen- it without the help of Novartis.”
Obviously they were naive. Obviously, we are
ter refused to do it; Judi and Lee were not.
I was hoping there wouldn't be a stalemate.
Mark your calendars!
forced to go to the downtown center. Final reminder: Floridians meet on
More roadblocks would soon emerge At some point I would like to be on a com-
mittee that develops a system for emergency
November 10. Dr. Gina D'Amato from
when the cancer center’s lawyers began expeditiousness. Apparently there is not one in Moffitt Cancer Center will be a guest.
objecting unnecessarily to parts of the place. It saddens me. Skip Ryan is coordinating the
contract. It has been almost two months. It is one pa- meeting & can be reached at
It is at this point that Judi pulls out all tient who will sign documents saying the hospi-
of the stops and writes a very frustrated tal is not liable. It is not 50 patients in a trial. The Connective Tissue On-
email (below) to her personal contacts Now there is money much?
cology Society (CTOS) meeting is be-
within the cancer center (who she had Could we plan future fundraising to expedite
this? Call the news media and our families to
ing held from November 1 through
kept apprised of the situation), asking November 4 in Seattle, Wash.
Ensuring That No One Has To Face GIST Alone — Newsletter of the Life Raft Group — November 2007 — PAGE 12


Executive Director Norman Scherzer Contact the Life Raft Group
Director of Operations Tricia McAleer 40 Galesi Drive
Assistant Program Coordinator Erin Kristoff
Wayne, NJ 07470
Program Coordinator Sara Rothschild
Research Projects Coordinator Elizabeth Braun Phone: 973-837-9092
Research Assistant Pamela Barckett Fax: 973-837-9095
Science Coordinator Jerry Call Internet:
Office Assistant Gale Kenny E-mail:
Administrative Assistant Matthew Mattioli

Life Raft volunteers Life Raft regional chapters

General Counsel Thomas Overley Alabama Pat George
Accountant Kristi Rosenberg Arizona Linda Martinez
Accounting Firm Mackey & Mackey Colorado Jerry Call
Database Consultant Connecticut Anita Getler
Steven Rigg California Floyd Pothoven
List Manager Mia Byrne Martha Zielinski
Newsletter Editor Emeritus Florida Skip Ryan
Richard Palmer Georgia Pat Lemeshka
Web Designer Tami Margolis Idaho Janet Conley
Fund-raising co-chairs Illinois Richard Kinzig
John Poss Indiana Robert Book
& Gerald Knapp Kansas Jim Toyne
Science Team Jim Hughes Maryland Bonnie Emerson
David Josephy Massachusetts Janice Leary
Michael Josephy Michigan Ellen Rosenthal
Rick Ware Nevada Erik Krauch
Glenn Wishon New Jersey Amy Spires
New York Dan Cunningham

Board of Directors North Carolina

Chuck Korte
Kaye Thompson
Executive Committee
Oregon Gail Mansfield
Stan Bunn, President
Jerry Cudzil, Secretary-Treasurer Pennsylvania Tina Smith
John Poss, Fund-raising South Carolina Al Boyle
Directors Tennessee Alice Sulkowski
Robert Book Texas Kerry Hammett
Mia Byrne Washington Deanne Snodgrass g-d-snodgrass@comcast.NET
Chris Carley Wisconsin Rick Ware
Jim Hughes
Jerry Knapp
Dr. Arnold Kwart
Ray Montague
Rodrigo Salas
Silvia Steinhilber

Life Raft country liaisons: Learn more about the Global GIST Network:
Australia Katharine Kimball Kenya Francis Kariuki
Belgium Kris Heyman Lithuania Virginija Zukauskiene
Bolivia Virginia Ossio Malaysia Yong Choo Sian
Brazil Alexandre Sakano Mexico Rodrigo Salas
Canada David Josephy Netherlands Ton de Keijser
China Ruijia Mu Norway Jan Einar Moe
Colombia Jaime Peralta Poland Stan Kulisz
Costa Rica Michael Josephy Romania Simona Ene
France Estelle LeCointe Russia Tanya Soldak
Germany Markus Wartenberg Singapore Yong Choo Sian
Iran Negar Amirfarhad Switzerland Ulrich Schnorf
Ireland Carol Jones Thailand Kittikhun Pornpakakul
Israel Ben Shtang Turkey Haver Tanbay
Italy Anna Costato U.K. David Cook

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