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Pupil premium grant expenditure: 2011-12

Total number of students on roll Total number of students Eligible for the Pupil Premium Amount of PP received per student Total amount of Grant received

592 98 488 47824

Summary Of Spending
Significant cost areas for targeted students Appointment of teaching assistants with specific roles for improving literacy and to act as learning mentors ( 24000) Engagement of specialist coaching /mentoring provider offering programmes designed to re-engage disaffected students through sport and one to one sessions. (5400) Purchase of off -site vocational provision to enhance the curriculum and outcomes of KS4 students otherwise not engaging. (18000) Provision of specialist training for staff e.g Post graduate diploma in Dyslexia; Wider & Key skills courses ( 2750) Provision of intervention tutors to work with students in small groups and one to one (7300) Support for specific behavioural work with individual children (600) Other support provided for targeted cohort Provision of items of uniform and support for trips and music tuition not supported by other charitable funding to ensure students were not disadvantaged. Breakfast Club Saturday classes and refreshments Attainment of FSM students in English well above national average. Attainment of students with lower ability on entry to the school in all core subjects well above national averages Attainment of students with lower ability on entry to the school in their best 8 GCSE subjects and their overall performance in GCSE significantly above the national averages


Total number of students on roll Total number of students Eligible for the Pupil Premium Amount of PP received per student Total amount of Grant received January 2013 census Estimated 155 600 93000

Summary of intended spending

Establish and resource a completely new Curriculum Support Department from September 2012, with specific role to work with small groups and one to one situations with the targeted group. The work will cover literacy and numeracy interventions, key skills, language support, mentoring and other specific individually targeted interventions based on identified needs. Students of higher ability including those who are gifted and talented but are entitled to support will be monitored and interventions, where appropriate, will be made to ensure they also reach their potential. (Allocation 50000 in current financial year) Purchase additional support for attendance on top of that provided by the local authority to improve overall attendance rates and in particular that of students with a record of persistent absence below 90% (Allocation 8835) Maintain the external coaching/mentoring and sports support for re-engaging disaffected students. (Allocation 15000) Maintain provision of places for selected disengaged students at local vocational course providers to support the achievement of their potential. (Allocation 9000) Maintain support for ensuring no child whatever their ability is disadvantaged with respect to any school activity or requirement as a result of inability to pay. (Allocation c. 5000) Provide support for students with social and emotional issues through specialist sessions, short courses and purchase of Educational Psychology support and additional inclusion support. (Allocation 30000)

The total cost of the above provision was in 11/12 and is likely to be in 12/13 significantly more than the specific Pupil Premium Grant income, there are a number of students who are also supported through some of the above interventions who do not draw in the funding. The school uses its regular funding stream to top up the support for all who need it.

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