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Balance these chemical equations.

H2 +


H 2O


Al +


Al 2O3


Briefly explain why an unbalanced chemical equation cannot fully describe a reaction.


Explain, as fully as you can, why a water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms but a
hydrogen chloride molecule contains only one.

(You may use a diagram in your answer if you wish).

(Total 7 marks)



The formula for ammonia is NH3. What does the formula tell you about each molecule

of ammonia?

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Ammonia is used to make nitric acid (HNO3). Calculate the formula mass (Mr) for nitric
acid. (Show your working).
(Total 6 marks)


Iron tablets usually contain iron sulphate (FeSO4).


This salt can be made by reacting iron with sulphuric acid.

Fe + H2SO4 FeSO4 + H2
Calculate the mass of iron sulphate that could be obtained from 4 g of iron.
(Relative atomic masses: Fe = 56, H = 1, O = 16, S = 32)
Mass of iron sulphate = ........................... g


Under different conditions, another type of iron sulphate may form.

Balance the symbol equation for this reaction.



(Total 4 marks)

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The diagram shows the structure of diamond.


To gain full marks for this question you should write your ideas in good English. Put them
into a sensible order and use the correct scientific words.
Explain, as fully as you can, why diamond has a high melting point.

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The diagram below shows the outer electron shells of five carbon atoms in the giant lattice
of diamond.
Carbon atom C forms bonds with each of the carbon atoms W, X, Y and Z.
Draw the positions of all the electrons in the outer shells of each of carbon atoms C, W, X,
Y and Z.

(Total 6 marks)


Some drain cleaners contain a mixture of sodium hydroxide and powdered aluminium.
When the mixture is poured into a drain it mixes with water and a chemical reaction takes place.
The heat from the reaction helps to melt grease in the drain. Hydrogen gas is produced which
stirs up the particles and helps to unclog the drain.

Balance the equation for the reaction.

2Al(s) + ........ NaOH(aq) + ......... H2O .........NaAl(OH)4(aq) + 3H2



Why do the solid sodium hydroxide and aluminium powder not react when stored in a
sealed container?

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Sodium hydroxide is a strong alkali and would react with any acids in the drain.

Name the ion produced when any alkali is dissolved in water.



Name the ion produced when any acid is dissolved in water.



Name the compound formed when these ions react with each other.
(Total 6 marks)


Sodium hydroxide, hydrogen and chlorine can all be made in one industrial process.
Electricity is passed through aqueous sodium chloride solution (brine). The diagram below
shows a cell that can be used for this process.


Name A, B and C.
Gas A .........................................................................................................................
Gas B .........................................................................................................................
Solution C ..................................................................................................................


Balance the equations for the reactions at the electrodes.


.......... Cl ............ e Cl2


.......... H+ + ............ e H2


Name the compound in this cell which produces the hydrogen ions.

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Which type of particles must be able to pass through the barrier to allow the electrolysis to
take place?
(Total 6 marks)


Diesel oil is obtained from crude oil. It can be used as a fuel for car engines. The diagram
below represents a compound found in diesel oil.


What is the formula of this compound?



Each of the lines on the diagram above represents a covalent bond.

What is a covalent bond?
(Total 3 marks)


The following passage was taken from a chemistry textbook.

Germanium is a white, shiny, brittle element. It is used in the electronics industry because it is
able to conduct a small amount of electricity.
It is made from germanium oxide obtained from flue dusts of zinc and lead smelters.
The impure germanium oxide from the flue dusts is changed into germanium by the process
outlined below.

The germanium oxide is reacted with hydrochloric acid to make germanium

tetrachloride. This is a volatile liquid in which the germanium and chlorine
atoms are joined by covalent bonds.


The germanium tetrachloride is distilled off from the mixture.


The germanium tetrachloride is added to an excess of water to produce

germanium oxide and hydrochloric acid.

STEPS 1 to 3

are repeated several times.


The pure germanium oxide is reduced by hydrogen to form germanium.

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Balance the equation below which represents the reaction in step 1.

GeO2 + ............ HCl

GeCl 4

............ H2O


Write a word equation for the reaction in step 3.



Suggest why steps 1 to 3 are repeated several times.



The equation which represents the reaction in step 4 is shown below.



Ge + 2H 2O

Explain what is meant by the term reduced.



Calculate the mass of germanium which could be made from 525 g of germanium
oxide. (Relative atomic masses: Ge = 73; O = 16).
Mass ......................................... g


Germanium is difficult to classify as either a metal or a non-metal.


Give as much evidence as you can from the information in this question to support
the view that germanium is a metal. Explain your answer as fully as you can.

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Give as much evidence as you can from the information in this question to support
the view that germanium is a non-metal. Explain your answer as fully as you can.
(Total 13 marks)


Neutralisation reactions can be used to make salts.


Write an ionic equation for a neutralisation reaction, including state symbols.



Ammonium nitrate is a salt used as a fertiliser.


Ammonium nitrate is made by mixing two solutions. Name these solutions.

......................................................... and .........................................................

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Hazard information about ammonium nitrate states:

it is not itself a fire hazard (does not burn);

it must not be allowed to come into contact with combustible materials such as
fuels because it can cause these to catch fire.

Suggest why ammonium nitrate helps other substances to burn.

(Total 4 marks)


(a) Write a balanced symbol equation for the reaction between magnesium (Mg) and
oxygen (O2) to form magnesium oxide (MgO).


The diagram shows the electronic structure of a magnesium atom.

The atomic (proton) number of magnesium is 12.

Magnesium atom
Draw a similar diagram to show the electronic structure of an oxygen atom.
The atomic (proton) number of oxygen is 8.

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Magnesium ions and oxide ions are formed when magnesium reacts with oxygen.
The diagram shows the electronic structure of an oxide ion.

Oxide ion
Draw a similar diagram to show the electronic structure of a magnesium ion.



Magnesium oxide is a white solid with a high melting point.

Explain how the ions are held together in solid magnesium oxide.


Indigestion tablets can be made from magnesium oxide. The magnesium oxide neutralises
some of the hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Complete the word equation for the reaction between magnesium oxide and hydrochloric
hydrochloricacid + magnesiumoxide


(Total 6 marks)

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