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Abolishing the naming of race.

The American Dream started sounding around the World since the 19th century; in which freedom includes a promise of the possibility of prosperity and success, since then many people from diverse cultures and nations have been looking for it, trying to achieve prosperity no matter what. At the beginning these immigrants were for nations like Germany, now in our time most of the immigrants come from countries in Latin America, as Mexico, but still having the same idea, achieve the American Dream. A controversial problem came in 2010 when the antiillegal immigration law was approved in Arizona, because this law criminalizes undocumented immigrants suspected of crimes and considers all those who by their appearance may seem immigrants, whether U.S. citizens or legal immigrants or illegal. All men are created equal this phrase is in the United States Declaration of Independence, as equal as we are United Press International said, 7 in 10 American adults support this law, and even comments such Deport all illegals! If they come back, shoot them! Are around the Internet, arent they Human Beings as everyone? People start losing their values as a person, and in consequence, if you look like Mexican you will be judge as criminal. More than 460,000 illegal immigrants live in Arizona, I wonder how many of them have children, and how many children will lose there parents. Who is going to care of them, this law is not only racist, and also it is destroying thousand of families, cases like the immigrants killed, on February 8, 2007 still in our minds, they were aggressively murder by four gunmen, this kind of acts have been occurring since I can remember, now, imagine whats going to happen if they have the liberty to judge them as criminals, most of these illegal immigrants will be dead before they reach their countries, and all these kids will be not just alone, also orphans. The antiimmigrant law has more consequences that we can count, and the orphans are one of them.

In conclusion, I believe that we can go further than this, before being Americans, we are human beings which includes heart and soul, were not a machine without feelings and I certainly know that soon this law wont be effective, there are many other ways to treat this cases, but discrimination is not an option. As Martin Luther King Jr. said: Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better. In other words we are invited to make a differences and leave aside prejudice and discrimination against others, leave them live the American Dream.

Word Cited " P o l l : M o s t s u p p o r t A r i z o n a i m m i g r a t i o n l a w. " U n i t e d P re s s I n t e r n a t i o n a l 2 9 A p r i l 2 0 1 0 . n . p a g . We b . 1 2 O c t 2 0 1 1 . < h t t p : / / w w w . u p i . c o m / To p _ N e w s / U S / 2 0 1 0 / 0 4 / 2 9 / P o l l - M o s t - s u p p o r t -


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