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Kotodama sound is the energy of life and creation.

It is the hidden energy source that creates the form and function of universal spirit. Also known as ki, chi, prana, magnetism, vital life force etc. In many cultures words are traditionally considered sacred, and how they are used is thought to create or destroy a persons spiritual power. Each kotodama, whether spoken thoughts, or expressed through movement or form, influences us physically and spiritually. In the religions of the world it is experienced through chanting, prayer and singing. Morihei Ueshiba O'Sensei (1883-1969) the founder of the martial art of Aikido, generally regarded his system in terms of the science of sound vibrations. These sounds filled with cosmic energy, activate and sustain creation and through their interaction the universe began. Every principle has a sacred seed sound, which contains its essence. Aikido is not a fighting art or competitive sport, but a way to experience the laws of nature and the universe. Kotodama is the esoteric science of 'sound spirit'... the pure sound vibrations manifested as sound, colour and form. Every principle and technique has a sound, a sacred vibration that contains its essence. In aikido theory, the sounds a,e,i,o,u, gave birth to spirit-matter, fire-water, yin-yang and further evolved into the 75 sounds that maintain existence. This cosmology is similar to the tantric concept of the universe, Hindu and Buddhist 'mantrayana', Japanese Shinto kotodama theory and the big-bang theory of physicists. Morihei, in his talks and sermons, frequently referred to the concept of 'taka-amahara' (the high plain of heaven, where the Shinto Gods dwell). He also hinted that this universe is not in the sky but in the pit of the stomach 'hara' from where he summoned his divine strength and power. Before training he would use the sound vibrations of the kotodama from the centre of his being to activate the flow of energy and light. He said... "One's Body is a Miniature Universe" Learn HOW to heal yourself using sound healing vibrations. You can experience a profound awakening and powerful healing energy flowing throughout your body visit... Biosonics - The Sound Healing Centre

Use the Sounds of Kotodama for Purification and Cleansing

In mystical Shinto and esoteric Buddhism, it is strongly believed that masters, after years of the most severe training, can see, with the inner eye, the holy beings of the spiritual realms. 'Chinkon-kishin', an ancient Shinto meditation, similar to those used by the Hindus and Tibetans was used to calm the spirit and return to the divine spirit. Closely related to this practise is 'Misogi', ritual purification. Using cold water, in a fast flowing river or beneath a waterfall, to wash away impurities. External misogi for the outer body and internal misogi (breathing techniques) for the inner body aims to leave the mind free from base passions and worldly concerns. Morihei Ueshiba said... "Aikido is misogi, purification of body and mind, a way to reform and transform the world. I show my techniques to encourage those of little faith" Kotodama was detailed by Morihei as 'one source, four spirits, three elements and eight powers'... One Source The primordial beginning and centre of the universe. Four Spirits 1. Kusu-mitama: heaven, wisdom, light, principle 2. Ara-mitama: fire, valor, progress, completion 3. Nigi-mitama: water, fidelity, harmony, propriety 4. Sachi-mitama: earth, love, compassion, cherishing Three Elements 1. Iku-musubi: harmonisation, vapor, fluidity (triangle) 2. Tara-musubi: inhalation, liquid, unification (circle) 3. Tamatsume-musubi: exhalation, solid, solidity (square) Eight Powers 1. Movement 2. Calm 3. Solidification 4. Release 5. Extension 6. Retraction 7. Unification 8. Division Morihei Ueshiba often said that the two 'Secrets' of Aikido are... Misogi - Purification of Mind and Body. Misogi deals with methods of purification of mind and body which are the essentials for life : Pure air and water, organic food/nutrition, beneficial exercise, good sleep and relaxation, and mind power. Kotodama - Chanting the Sound Spirit. The sound U, which is the origin of spirit and substance, divides into two. Sound A, which is yang/fire energy goes up to heaven. Sound O, which is yin/water energy goes down to earth.

The opposing force that holds the two together between heaven and earth has been called : Ki, Chi, Prana, magnetism, vital life force etc. Vibrations of sound have the Power to connect spirit and form. Kotodama Sound Healing Mantras and Chants

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