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International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 44 (2002) 305 318

Development of a WittrickWilliams algorithm for the spectral element model of elasticpiezoelectric two-layer active beams
Usik Leea; , Joohong Kima , Jinho Shina , A.Y.T. Leungb
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University, 253 Yonghyun-Dong, Nam-ku, Inchon 402-751, South Korea b Division of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK Received 22 August 2000; received in revised form 22 October 2001

Abstract In this paper, a WittrickWilliams algorithm is developed for the elasticpiezoelectric two-layer active beams. The exact dynamic sti ness matrix (or spectral element matrix) is used for the development. This algorithm may help calculate all the required natural frequencies, which lie below any chosen frequency, without the possibility of missing any due to close grouping or due to the sign change of the determinant of spectral element matrix via innity instead of via zero. The uniform and partially patched active beams are considered as the illustrative examples to conrm the present algorithm. ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: WittrickWilliams algorithm; Spectral element model; Two-layer active beam; Natural frequency

1. Introduction In structural dynamics analysis, one of the aims is to calculate accurate natural frequencies of structures. In general, the natural frequencies are calculated by nding the roots of the characteristic equation (or frequency equation), which can be obtained by substituting the harmonic representations of general solutions into the governing structural dynamic equations and then by applying proper boundary conditions [1]. When a structural system is approximated as a nite degrees of freedom (DOF) system model by use of the conventional nite element formulation procedure, for instance, one may obtain a linear or algebraic eigenvalue problem of which dynamic sti ness matrix is the linear function of the square

Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-32-860-7318; fax: +82-32-866-1434. E-mail address: (U. Lee).

0020-7403/02/$ - see front matter ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 2 0 - 7 4 0 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 9 7 - 2


U. Lee et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 44 (2002) 305 318

of (circular) frequency !. In this case, powerful algorithms exist for determining all required natural frequencies. This enables one to determine with ease as to how many natural frequencies lie below any chosen frequency; thereby it makes it possible to converge on any particular natural frequency, to any required accuracy, by an iterative procedure. However, when some DOF of a nite DOF system model are constrained to result in a condensed dynamic sti ness matrix or when a system originally has innite number of DOF, the eigenvalue problem is not the linear function of the square of frequency ! any more. In these cases, the corresponding dynamic sti ness matrix has a transcendental dependence on the square of frequency !. It is not in general so easy to calculate all the required natural frequencies from the transcendental form of characteristic equation: it may require a trial and error procedure. If one knows in advance the number of natural frequencies existing below any chosen frequency as well as the frequencies at which the discontinuities of characteristic equation exist, it may be possible to calculate all required natural frequencies by using a proper iterative procedure. In 1971, Wittrick and Williams [2] developed an algorithm, which is known as WittrickWilliams algorithm, to calculate the number of natural frequencies that lie below any chosen frequency, without determining them at all. In order to use the WittrickWilliams algorithm, the dynamic sti ness matrix of a system should be derived rst. The number of natural frequencies that lie below any chosen frequency is then calculated by assuming all DOF are constrained. The WittrickWilliams algorithm has been applied to various structures such as skeletal structures [3], marine structures [4], and helical springs [5]. The dynamic sti ness matrix spectrally formulated by using exact dynamic shape functions (or wave solutions) is exact in nature and it is known as the exact dynamic sti ness matrix or spectral element matrix in the literature [6 15]. The spectral element method (SEM) is a structural dynamic analysis method in which the spectral element matrix and the fast Fourier transform algorithms are used to obtain very accurate frequency-domain and time-domain solutions in an extremely e cient way. The SEM has been applied to wave propagations in solids [6,7] and to various structural dynamic problems [1116] as well. For smart structures, it may be important to calculate all required natural frequencies to a required accuracy for improved design of control systems. Very recently, Lee and Kim [14] derived the spectral element matrix for elasticpiezoelectric two-layer beams (simply, active beams). As the spectral element matrix for active beams is not a linear function of the square of frequency !, the conventional root-nding methods in which the roots of the determinant of spectral element matrix are searched with varying frequency ! in small steps may not be successful to calculate all required natural frequencies to the required accuracy. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to develop a WittrickWilliams algorithm to e ciently calculate all required natural frequencies of an active beam, which lie below any chosen frequency, without the possibility of missing any due to close grouping or due to the sign change of the determinant of dynamic sti ness matrix via innity instead of via zero. 2. Spectral element matrix for active beam The active beam considered herein consists of two uniform layers: the elastic base-beam and the piezoelectric (actuator) layer. The homogeneous forms of equations of motion for the active beam

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are given by [14] EI W IV !2 A W = !2 ( U W ) + U ; EA U + !2 A U = !2 W + W ; (1)

where W (x; !) and U (x; !) are spectral components (or Fourier coe cients) of the transverse de ection and axial displacement of the base beam, respectively, and ! is the (circular) frequency. EI and A are the e ective bending sti ness and mass density per length of active beam, respectively. The symbols and represent the axial-bending couplings and the e ective rotatory inertia e ect, all induced by piezoelectric layer. They are all dened in Ref. [14] together with other symbols used in above equations. The spectral element matrix of the active beam has been derived by Lee and Kim [14] by using the general solutions formulated in terms of exponential functions. However, in the present study, we assume the general solutions of W (x; !) and U (x; !) as the functions of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions: this change makes the formulations given in the following simple: W (x; !) = [ (x; !)]{A}; where [ (x; !)] = [cos(k1 x) sin(k1 x) cos(k2 x) sin(k2 x) cosh(k3 x) sinh(k3 x)]; {A} = [A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 ]T ; {B} = [B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 ]T ; where ki (i = 1; 2; 3) are wavenumbers calculated from the dispersion relation given by (2 EA EI )k 6 + !2 L2 ( A EI + EA 2 )k 4 + !2 ( 2 !2 A!2 + A EA)k 2 !4 A2 = 0: (4) In Eq. (3), Ai and Bi (i = 1; 2; : : : ; 6) are the constants to be determined from boundary conditions and they are related to each other as follows: B1 = A 1

U (x; !) = [ (x; !)]{B};



tan(k1 x); B2 = A2

1 3

cot(k1 x); B3 = A3 tanh(k3 x); B6 = A6

tan(k2 x);

B4 = A4 where
i 1 2 3

cot(k2 x); B5 = A5

coth(k3 x);


is given by
2 2 = k1 (k1 !2 )=( A !2 EA k1 ); 2 2 = k2 (k2 !2 )=( A !2 EA k2 ); 2 2 = k3 (k3 + !2 )=( A !2 + EA k3 ):


Substituting Eq. (2) into the forcedisplacement relations [14], the (spectral) nodal forces and moments dened in Fig. 1 can be expressed in terms of constants Ai as {f } = [P(!)]{A}; (7)


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1 W1
U1 N1
M1 Q1

W2 2 U2
Q2 M N 2 2

Fig. 1. Spectral element of active beam and its sign convention.

where {f } = [N1 Q1 M1 N2 {y} = [Q(!)]{A}; where {y} = [U1 W1


Q2 M2 ]T :

(8) (9)

Similarly, the (spectral) nodal DOF dened in Fig. 1 can be expressed in terms of Ai as

U2 W 2



The matrices [P] and [Q] in Eqs. (7) and (9) are all frequency-dependent and they are listed in Appendix A. By eliminating the constants Ai from Eqs. (7) and (9), one can obtain the nodal forcenodal DOF relation as follows: {f } = [P(!)][Q(!)]1 {y} = [s(!)]{y}; (11) where the symmetric matrix [s] is the spectral element matrix for active beams. Symbolic computation softwares enable one to e ciently compute the spectral element matrix from matrices [P] and [Q]. The spectral element matrices can be assembled in a completely analogous way to that used for the conventional nite element method (FEM). After applying boundary conditions to the assembled result, the global system dynamic equation can be obtained in the form as [S(!)]{Y } = {F}; (12) where [S] is the global spectral matrix, F the global force vector, and Y is the global nodal DOF vector. The eigenvalue problem for the active beam can be obtained from Eq. (12) by enforcing F = 0: [S(!)]{Y } = {0}: 3. Development of a WittrickWilliams algorithm Spectral element model provides an innite number of natural frequencies by using only a nite number of DOF, which is not possible for the nite DOF system represented by a FEM model, for instance. The natural frequencies of a system can be computed by nding the roots of the characteristic (or frequency) equation of the system, which is derived by setting the determinant of global spectral matrix [S] to zero. In general, the characteristic equation has a highly complicated transcendental dependence on frequency !. It is not an easy task to calculate all required natural frequencies from (13)

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the transcendental characteristic equation: it may require a proper trial and error procedure. Thus, how to calculate all required natural frequencies to any required accuracy, without missing any, should be an important issue when a dynamic system is represented by the spectral element model. Wittrick and Williams [2] developed an algorithm to automatically count the number of natural frequencies below a chosen frequency. The WittrickWilliams algorithm is given as J (!) = J0 (!) + sgn[S(!)]; (14)

where J (!) represents the total number of natural frequencies of a system which are less than a chosen frequency !, and J0 (!) is the total number of natural frequencies which would still be exceeded by the chosen frequency ! if constraints were imposed so as to make all the displacements Y zero. In Eq. (14), sgn[S(!)] represents the sign count of matrix [S], which is equal to the number of negative elements on the diagonal of the upper triangular form of [S]. The upper triangular form can be reduced by using the simple Gaussian elimination procedure, without row interchanges [2]. In order to use Eq. (14), one should know the value of J0 (!) in advance. For BernoulliEuler beams, Williams and Wittrick [3] derived a simple formula for J0 (!) as follows: J0 = j 1 {1 (1) j sign(1 cosh kL sinh kL)}; 2 (15)

where k is the wavenumber, L the length of beam, and j is the largest integer kL= . In Eq. (15), sign() has the value +1 or 1, depending on the sign of the argument. Eq. (15) gives the total number of natural frequencies, between zero and any trial !, when all boundaries are clamped. Since the spectral element matrix of an active beam is much more complicated than that of a BernoulliEuler beam, derivation of J0 (!) for the active beam will be much more complicated. By the denition, J0 (!) is the total number of natural frequencies (less than a chosen frequency !) obtained by constraining all boundary conditions, i.e., by applying clampedclamped boundary conditions to Eq. (13). For uniform active beams, regardless of their lengths, the global spectral matrix [S] in Eq. (13) can be reduced from a single spectral element matrix. In this case, simply imposing clampedclamped boundary conditions (Y =0) on Eq. (13) will not be helpful for deriving J0 (!). To cope with the above di culty, following strategy is used in the present paper. We rst calculate the total number of natural frequencies, JSS (!), and the sign count of the spectral element matrix, sgn[SSS (!)], all for the case where the active beam is simply supported. Next, we use JSS (!) and sgn[SSS (!)] to calculate J0 (!) from J0 (!) = JSS (!) sgn[SSS (!)]: (16)

The sign count, sgn[SSS (!)], can be numerically calculated with ease. Once J0 (!) is calculated from Eq. (16), Eq. (14) can be nally used to compute J (!) for the real boundary conditions. The reason we rst calculate JSS (!) is that it is much more easy and simple to derive the analytical expression of J (!) for the simply supported boundary conditions (i.e., JSS (!)) than to derive that for other boundary conditions. In the following, analytical derivation of JSS (!) will be detailed. As shown in Eq. (13), the spectral element matrix [S] for a simply supported uniform active beam is obtained by removing appropriate rows and columns to account for the freedoms supported by the simple supports. The characteristic equation for the simply supported active beam can be then derived by enforcing the determinant of spectral element matrix [S] as zero. After a lengthy


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mathematical manipulation, the characteristic equation can be expressed in a simple form as sin(k1 L) sin(k2 L)f (!) = 0; SS (17) where f (!) is the frequency-dependent function given in Appendix B. It is proved in Appendix B SS that f (!) is not zero at any frequency !, except for the zero frequency which corresponds to the SS static states. As f (!) is not zero, Eq. (17) yields the following two conditions: SS k1 L = n or k2 L = n : (18) (19) Therefore, JSS (!) in Eq. (16) can be calculated from JSS (!) = J1 (!) + J2 (!); where J1 (!) = the largest integer k1 L= ; J2 (!) = the largest integer k2 L= : 4. Illustrative examples and discussion In this study, two active beams are considered as the illustrative examples. The rst one is that fully covered with a uniform piezoelectric layer (simply, uniform active beam). The other one is that partially covered with a single piezoelectric patch (simply, patched active beam). The geometries of the example active beams are shown in Fig. 2. The material properties of active beam used in Lee and Kim [14] are consistently used herein. First, we conrm the accuracy of spectral element model by comparing the natural frequencies obtained by SEM with the results obtained by using the conventional FEM. It is well known that the solutions by FEM converge to exact solutions when one uses more ne meshes in FEM. Thus, the number of meshes used in FEM is increased gradually to observe that the natural frequencies obtained by FEM converge to SEM results. This in turn proves the high accuracy of the spectral element model. Tables 1 and 2 show the comparisons of the natural frequencies obtained by FEM and SEM for the uniform and patched active beams, respectively. The single-spectral-element-model is used for the uniform active beam, whereas three-spectral-element-model for the patched active beam. The results clearly show that spectral element models indeed provide very accurate solutions by using only a minimum number of nite elements. For the case of simply supported uniform active beam, the total number of natural frequencies JSS (!), which are less than a chosen trial frequency !, is given by Eq. (19). The wavenumbers k1 and k2 in Eq. (19) can be computed from Eq. (4) for the axial and propagating bending modes, respectively. Fig. 3 shows the change in the value of JSS (!) by varying the trial frequency ! from zero value. It can be observed from Fig. 3 that, whenever a new natural frequency of bending mode is added, the value of JSS (!) always increases by one on contact with the dispersion curve of the bending mode, k2 L= . However, the value of JSS (!) is found to be increased by one at 8041:4 Hz without any contact with the dispersion curve of the bending mode. This is simply due to the appearance of the rst axial mode with its natural frequency of 8041:4 Hz. Figs. 4 and 5 show the relationships between the frequency response function (FRF), the determinant of spectral matrix (i.e., (!) = det[S]); and the value of J (!) for the cantilevered uniform (20)

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(a) PZT Base Beam 101.6 mm 261.6 mm 0.762 mm 2.286 mm


27 mm

(b) PZT 27 mm Base Beam 101.6 mm 261.6 mm 0.762 mm 2.286 mm

Fig. 2. Example active beams and their geometries: (a) uniform active beam (b) patched active beam. Table 1 Comparison of the natural frequencies obtained by SEM and FEM: cantilevered uniform active beam (n = total number of nite elements) Mode no. !SEM (Hz) n=1 1 2 3 4 5 30.038 188.217 526.888 1032.131 1705.415 !FEM (Hz) n = 10 30.046 188.584 529.398 1041.559 1731.478 n = 20 30.040 188.308 527.498 1034.358 1711.358 n = 50 30.038 188.232 526.985 1032.482 1706.340 n = 100 30.038 188.221 526.912 1032.219 1705.645

Table 2 Comparison of the natural frequencies obtained by SEM and FEM: cantilevered patched active beam (n = total number of nite elements) Mode no. !SEM (Hz) n=3 1 2 3 4 5 32.944 165.319 482.434 938.389 1604.396 !FEM (Hz) n = 10 32.948 165.411 483.088 940.897 1612.900 n = 20 32.945 165.341 482.580 938.901 1605.952 n = 50 32.944 165.322 482.456 938.465 1604.616 n = 100 32.944 165.320 482.439 938.408 1604.450

and patched active beams, respectively. As expected, the two gures show that: (1) the frequency locations at which the value of J (!) is increased by one coincide exactly with the resonance peaks of FRF, and (2) the resonance peaks occur at the frequencies at which (!) becomes zero. The function (!) has some discontinuities and they are indicated by glitches in Figs. 4 and 5. Very


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Fig. 3. Dispersion curves and the number of natural frequencies, J (!), for the simply supported uniform active beam.

Fig. 4. FRF, determinant of spectral matrix (!) (the circled numbers in the gure denote the types of discontinuity illustrated in Fig. 6), and the number of natural frequencies J (!) for the cantilevered uniform active beam.

careful investigation shows that there exist three types of discontinuity; say Type-1, Type-2, and Type-3. These discontinuities are indicated in Figs. 4 and 5 by the numbers 1; 2; and 3, depending on the type of discontinuity. The characteristics of each discontinuity type are sketchily represented in Fig. 6. When a conventional root-nding (numerical) algorithm is used to calculate the natural

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Fig. 5. FRF, determinant of spectral matrix (!) (the circled numbers in the gure denote the types of discontinuity illustrated in Fig. 6), and the number of natural frequencies J (!) for the cantilevered patched active beam.

1 Type-1

2 Type-2

3 Type-3

( )

( )

( ) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 6. Types of discontinuity of the function

(!), all indicated in Figs. 4 and 5.

frequencies from the characteristic equation (!)=0; Type-1 and Type-2 discontinuities often hinder it from nding the resonance peaks (i.e., natural frequencies) which exist near the discontinuities: this is simply due to the abrupt changes in the slope of the function (!) near the discontinuities. There does not exist any resonance peak at the Type-3 discontinuity. However, Type-3 discontinuity often mislead the conventional root-nding algorithms to conclude that there exists a resonance peak at the Type-3 discontinuity. However, the WittrickWilliams algorithm developed herein may help overcome these di culties. The WittrickWilliams algorithm developed in the present paper is used to calculate the natural frequencies of cantilevered active beams under three di erent states: the short-circuit, the open-circuit, and the feedback control. The Youngs modulus of the piezoelectric material with open-circuit or with D feedback control, C11 , is related to that of piezoelectric material with short-circuit, Ec , as follows [17]:
D S C11 = Ec + h2 =33 ; 31



U. Lee et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 44 (2002) 305 318 Table 3 Comparison of the natural frequencies of the cantilevered uniform active beams with short-circuit, open-circuit and feedback controls Mode no. Short-circuit (Hz) Open-circuit (Hz) Feedback control (Hz) kp = 1 106 ; kd = 0 kp = 1 106 ; kd = 600 1 2 3 4 5 30.007 188.022 526.340 1031.058 1703.642 30.038 188.217 526.888 1032.131 1705.415 51.066 207.283 538.893 1040.854 1712.260 51.009 206.837 538.353 1040.288 1711.681

kp = proportional gain (V), kd = derivative gain (V s): Table 4 Comparison of the natural frequencies of the cantilevered patched active beams with short-circuit, open-circuit and feedback controls Mode no. Short-circuit (Hz) Open-circuit (Hz) Feedback control (Hz) kp = 1 106 ; kd = 0 kp = 1 106 ; kd = 600 1 2 3 4 5 32.932 165.280 482.230 938.059 603.702 32.944 165.319 482.434 938.389 1604.396 49.859 181.567 457.024 947.362 1608.902 49.804 181.161 454.834 946.874 1608.668

kp = proportional gain (V), kd = derivative gain (V s):

S where 33 and h31 are the dielectric constant and piezoelectric constant, respectively. As the second D term in the right-hand side of Eq. (21) has positive value, C11 is larger than Ec . The rst two columns of Tables 3 and 4 compare the natural frequencies of active beams with short-circuit and open-circuit. It is shown that the natural frequencies with short circuit are in general smaller than with open-circuit. This is because the piezoelectric e ect disappears in the short-circuit state [17]. The last two columns of Tables 3 and 4 compare the natural frequencies of active beams with two di erent feedback controls: the proportional control and the proportional-derivative control. The control law considered in this study is given by

V (t) = kp w(t) kd w(t);


where w(t) and w(t) are the bending displacement and velocity, respectively, and V (t) is the external voltage applied to piezoelectric layer. kp is the proportional gain and kd is the derivative gain. The proportional-control law can be reduced from Eq. (22) by simply forcing kd = 0. The Wittrick Williams algorithm can be applied only to the linear undamped elastic systems [2]. Thus, a common root-nding approach was used to calculate the natural frequencies of active beams with feedback controls, but still using the present WittrickWilliams algorithm to start with the rst estimation of

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natural frequencies. Tables 3 and 4 show that the natural frequencies of active beams with feedback controls are quite larger than with short-circuit or open-circuit. This is because the proportional gain in general tends to increase the e ective sti ness of active beams. Comparing the last two columns of Tables 3 and 4 to each other, one may nd that the derivative gain tends to lower the natural frequencies a little bit because it works as the e ective viscous damping. 5. Conclusions A WittrickWilliams algorithm is developed in the present paper for the elasticpiezoelectric two-layer active beams. The exact dynamic sti ness matrix (or spectral element matrix) is used for the development. This algorithm may help calculate all the required natural frequencies, which lie below any chosen frequency, without the possibility of missing any due to close grouping or due to the sign change of the determinant of spectral element matrix via innity instead of via zero. The uniform active beams and the partially patched active beams are considered as the illustrative examples. It is shown that there exist several types of discontinuity in the determinant of spectral element matrix, which can make it di cult to calculate all required natural frequencies to the required accuracy. The natural frequencies of active beams are compared when they are subject to di erent states such as the short-circuit, the open-circuit, and the feedback controls. Appendix A k1 p11 0 p21 0 S1 k1 p11 C1 p21 S1 k1 p31 0 k1 1 C1 S1
1 C1 1

0 k1 p31 [P] = Ckp 1 1 11 S1 p21 C1 k1 p31 1 0 [Q] = S 1 1 C1 1 S1 0

k2 p12 0 k2 p32 C2 k2 p12 S2 p22 C2 k2 p32 0 k2 2 C2 S2

2 C2 2

0 p22 0 S2 k2 p12 C2 p22 S2 k2 p32 0 1 0

3 Sh3 3

k3 p13 0 k3 p33 Ch3 k3 p13 Sh3 p23 Ch3 k3 p33

0 ; Sh3 k3 p13 Ch3 p23 p23 Sh3 k3 p33 (A.1)

0 1 0
2 S2

C2 2 S2

3 Sh3

k3 ; 3 Ch3 Sh3 0
3 Ch3


U. Lee et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 44 (2002) 305 318

where p1n = EA

+ kn ;
2 n (kn

3 p2n = EI kn !2 kn +

!2 ); (n = 1; 2); (A.2)

p3n = EI kn + n ; Sn = sin(kn L); Cn = cos(kn L); and p13 = EA p23 = EI


k3 ; + ! 2 k3 +
3( 2 !2 + k3 );

3 k3

p33 = EI k3 3 ; Sh3 = sinh(k3 L); Ch3 = cosh(k3 L):


Appendix B The function f (!) in Eq. (17) is given by SS

2 f (!) = sinh(k3 L)cSS gSS (!)hSS (!); SS


where cSS = 2 EA EI; gSS (!) = hSS (!) =

2 2 2 2 2 2 !8 A2 (k1 k2 )2 (k1 + k3 )2 (k2 + k3 )2 ; 2 ( A !2 + EA k3 )2


(EA A )2 : 2 2 ( A !2 EA k1 )2 ( A !2 EA k2 )2

The symbols used in the above equations are all referred to Ref. [14]. (1) The hyperbolic function sinh(k3 L) is not zero at any frequency !; except for the zero frequency. (2) cSS is a non-zero constant because it is a real number determined by only material and geometric properties. (3) The function gSS (!) is not zero at any frequency !, except for the zero frequency, because wavenumbers k1 and k2 always have di erent values. Based on above discussion, one may conclude that the function f (!) will be zero only when the SS function hSS (!) becomes zero.

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It can be shown that the function hSS (!) is zero only when the following conditions are fully satised:
2 EA k1 A !2 = 0; 2 EA k2 A !2 = 0;


EA = A : Substituting the last condition of Eq. (B.3) into the dispersion relation, Eq. (4) in the text, one may obtain the rst wavenumber k1 as follows:
2 k1 =

!2 :


Substituting Eq. (B.4) and the last condition of Eq. (B.3) into the left-hand side of the rst condition of Eq. (B.4), it can be readily shown that the left-hand side of the rst condition becomes zero. This violates the rst condition for the function f (!) to be zero at any frequency !, except for SS the zero frequency. Thus, this proves that the function f (!) is not zero at any frequency !, except SS for the zero frequency. References
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