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Hinckley Legacy, Chapter 13: Here Comes the Son

by hippielayla86

The Hinckleys are back to continue their 6th generation! See Ed grow up, & the newest Hinckley born.
Originally uploaded to Exchange on August 17, 2008

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Hinckley Legacy for Chapter 13: Here Comes the Son I'm very excited that you're back here, and I want to thank you for your continued interest with my legacy. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write them in my guestbook or message me on either or my sn is the same as it is on here on both forums (hippielayla86). As an addition to Lana's narration, I've added some text (on a few of the slides) below a line of "-----" with extra information that you may find interesting, that Lana a sim would not think to say ;) And now, Lana, Don, Ed and Risa are excited to welcome you back as well... we will continue on with Lana, our current heiress narrating the chapter. --->

Hello everyone! It's been a few months since we last spoke. Don, Ed, Risa and I are doing really well. Ed and I are currently reading his favorite book, Goldilocks and the Three Bears -- Ed has become quite the little bookworm since we last spoke.

As you can see I'm still quite pregnant! I have less than a month to go before my due date, and I couldn't be more excited. I'll let you in on a little secret -- I'm working on a kid's book* for Ed and of course for our baby on the way. It's going to be a story about a day in the life of a ladybug. I figured since the kids are able to see ladybugs out in the garden they might be interested in finding out more about the cute little insects. I just hope I get it finished before my kids are too old for kid's stories! ----*Lana is writing a "novel" on the computer, and by using the new novel writing functions that come with Freetime she's able to pick the subjects of the book, and the cover, and so she's writing a novel with the kid's book cover about a ladybug. I can't wait for her to finish and be able to read it to her children.

The countdown is on, I have less than a week now before I give birth. But there are still many things to do everyday. My poor garden here hasn't been given too much attention lately with all of the commotion in the house. I'm hoping once Ed gets a bit older, I'll be able to teach him how to help me out with the gardening.

Speaking of Ed, I think he's starting to miss his Grandpa. Actually... I got a confirmation of his feelings today as I gave him a bath, Ed asked, "Momma, can G-pa come in and pay peek-boo?" "Ed, your Grandpa will have to next time, he's at work." - I sort of lied, Dad was at work, but he wouldn't necessarily be able to just pop in next time Ed had a bath. Ed hasn't quite grasped the fact that Mom and Dad don't live with us anymore. I'm going to have to invite them over soon.

After his bath was over, I decided I needed to cheer the little guy up. And you know, a little tickling always does the trick! He was smiling in no time.

Risa helped cheer Ed up too, the two of them are still close buddies. I can usually find them hugging or see Ed petting Risa. He's actually quite gentle... that or Risa's really tough! hehe

I decided to give Mom a call while Ed was off playing. "Hi Mom" "Hello dearest, how are you doing?" - Mom asked. "Well, I'm good, I'm just getting anxious. I want this baby out, and I want him or her out now!" - I laughed "You must be uncomfortable, you poor thing." "Yeah, but something else is on my mind. Ed is really missing you guys, he asked for Dad today while I was giving him his bath..." "That's so sweet! Your Dad has been moping around too, missing his little 'Ed the man' " - she chuckled. "Well, we'll just have to remedy that, you should come and visit, and soon!" Mom and Dad are going to be coming over on Thursday, which, if everything goes as planned and the baby comes on time will be my first night back to work.

Once I got off the phone, I took Ed into the kitchen and we continued walking.

Ed wasn't wobbly at all tonight!

He made it all the way across the kitchen to me!* Don is going to be so excited! "Good job sweety!" "Momma -- I tired." "Okay, let's get you to bed little man." ----*Ed learned how to walk that night.

Ed was just nodding off to sleep when I felt those old familiar pangs. I was going into labor -- a day early!

A few minutes later Don and I had had our second child, a little girl we named Cass with Don's dark blue eyes, skintone and both of our hair color. She is simply precious.

I was quickly reminded why I had suffered through all of that discomfort for 9 months as I looked into Cass's eyes. She was cooing softly.

We headed into the kitchen where I had some milk waiting for Cass.

I decided I ought to give her a bath too before settling her down for bed. We were both two exhausted girls at that point!

I had had a feeling that Cass was going to be a girl. I had redecorated Ed's room with some pink just in case! It's going to be really nice having another female in the house again. It's been a bit strange transitioning to a guys only house since I've been surrounded by women my entire life.

Little Ed the Man and Risa are now sharing a room. We turned Don's study/exercise room into a room fit for the little guy. Ed's birthday is coming up soon, so we didn't want to do anything except for move his furniture in. We're going to let him decide what colors he wants for his new walls and flooring.

You know, when good luck starts around here, it doesn't quit for a while. I forgot to tell you all that Don got his job back, and now he's got a promotion on his first day!

Since both Cass and Ed were sleeping when Don arrived home that night, he decided to give Risa some attention. He was so in the spirit of good work ethic and having a steady job that he decided to get Risa a job today as an extra in a movie that's being locally filmed.* Apparently she needs to learn how to speak in order to get a promotion. I guess I'll work on that tomorrow. -----*Risa has gotten a job in entertainment.

Once Don had taken his shower, Cass woke up from her nap. Don instantly fell in love with his little girl.

They spent a lot of time together that first night while the rest of the house slept.

I woke up early the next morning before anyone else was stirring. Mom and Dad are going to be coming over today, and I need to get ready. But before I do anything else, I want to check the job openings..... Political Campaign Manager... no.... Medical technician.... no... Business... been there, done that.... Culinary, no, Science .... no... Gosh! It seems no matter how many times I look there aren't any openings in any of the local schools. I guess it's good this way though, my current job being at night gives me a lot of time to spend with the kids. And I really wouldn't want to be out of the house learning a new job with a new baby either... maybe one day though... ----Lana's lifetime want isn't career related -- meaning it isn't get to the top of the Education field but I want them to have the Education career's reward object. Speaking of Lana's ltw, it's actually have 6 grandkids, so that won't happen for a while either.

I found Risa in the other room, and we got to work on getting her to speak. It didn't take too long before she had mastered the skill. She was quite a smart cat, with a very good ability to learn new tricks quickly.* ----*Risa has the genius personality trait. And Lana has taught Risa the command "Learn to Speak"

My poor garden is finally growing a bit more. I'm hoping that once Ed gets a bit older I may be able to show him how to help me out in the garden. I hope that he'll enjoy it! I'm just about finished up now"Lana" - Don called out to me, "Ed is screaming out for his Momma, and seeing me hasn't helped"

I went straight inside and gave Ed a big hug. It appears he had woken up this morning crying. He's still not used to his new room, and I think he may be getting a bit jealous. As I stroked my little guys hair, I planned on spending the rest of the morning with him. "It's okay sweety, Momma's here. Do you want to sing with me?"

Ed nodded his head feverishly, and so we sat down and began to sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" -I started us off, "The Itsy Bitsy Spider crawled up the water spout.." - I sang "Dow came da rai and squashed the pider out!" I continued, "Out came the sun and..." "Dried up all da rai...." --"And the" - I added "Itsy pitsy pider...." Ed hesitated. So I helped out singing, "Crawled -" "Up da pout again!" - he finished of the song half singing half shouting. Ed and I spend a lot of time singing together, he is very ambitious and catches on quickly. I think we may have a little musical genius* on our hands. ----*Ed's predestined hobby is Music and Dance just like his mother Lana. And Lana has just taught Ed to 'sing the nursery rhyme.'

Ed and I were interrupted by the doorbell ringing, it was Mom and Dad. I went out to greet them. "Mom, it's so great to see you" - she pulled me in for a hug. "You too sweety. Look at my little itty mini Lana, you look great dear" - she said pulling away, "I can barely tell you've just had a baby!" I blushed -- "I just know how to hide it." I replied as I showed her inside.

We went into Cass's room. "She's just now waking up." "Oh perfect, I love babies after their naps with their sleepy little eyes" Mom cooed, "It's just precious."

I grabbed Cass out of her crib and took her over to Mom. "Hello there little one, it's your Grandma!" Cass giggled, and Mom continued, "You've got such a pretty smile Cass, it's a pleasure to meet you little angel" Mom said as she took Cass's hand and pretended to shake it. At that moment Dad poked his head in the door, "It looks like Cass is busy huh, I'll leave you ladies alone and go check on Ed the Man instead!"

Dad and Ed ending up spending a good portion of the afternoon together. Both of them talking, but Ed probably spoke the most out of the two... "G-pa G-pa! I learned itsy pitsy pider! And Momma had baby, and Dadda got po-motion, and I has sister!" It went on that way for a while with Ed excitedly telling Dad about everything he could think of, they had a very good afternoon together.

When Don got home from work, everyone was so preoccupied that we barely noticed him head into the living room with some reading* from work. ----*Don has gained another mechanical skill point, making him able to be promoted again at work. He's been working hard at reaching his life time want of becoming a criminal mastermind. He's at level 7 already of the Life of Crime career, so it shouldn't be too much longer!

I soon snuck out of the house, and went fishing in our pond for the first time. And did I ever catch a fish! I hope to cook him up for dinner tomorrow night. I then headed back into the house to get ready for work.

For this was one of the big reasons why Mom and Dad had come over today. Mom had suggested it'd be a good idea for Don to have some help on what would have been his first night alone with two children. I hope they all have fun.

Mom called me a few times while I was at work warming up for the show. "Everything's going well, Don is in the living room reading his Sports Illustrated, Cass is sleeping..."

"And your Dad is giving Ed a bath." "Oh good! Ed just loves baths with Dad." "Do you want me to go in there and tell them you said hi?" - Mom asked.

Before I could answer Mom spoke again but not to me, "Eddy, say 'hello' to your Momma!" "Hi Momma! I had bath!" Ed spoke clearly. Mom put me on speakerphone, "That's great Ed, now be a good boy and don't struggle with Grandpa and Grandma tonight." "I won't Momma!" "That's a good boy" "Lana?" - Mom was on the phone again, "I should let you get back to work eh?" "Yeah, thanks for the call though."

When I got home that night Mom had told me that Ed sang* himself to sleep singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider about 10 times in a row! What a little character! ----*Ed sings the nursery rhyme on his own now, which gains him enthusiasm for Music and Dance, he already has 2 points of enthusiasm.

Mom also told me that Don had helped Cass get ready for bed tonight.

And that she heard Don singing Cass to sleep... which you know, I don't think I've ever heard Don sing!

With the kids in bed, Dad and Don talking about the Olympics and Mom playing piano, I had some time to call my brother Luke. "Luke! It's Lana" "Hey sis! Long time no speak, eh?" "Yeah, we've been really busy with kids and work, it was my first night back at work tonight" "Oh yeah? That's good to hear. I know how you feel though being busy, with Loralie, Gavin, work and a very pregnant Ivy things have been hectic over here." "How's Ivy?" "Oh she's doing well, she's like a pro now" "And Loralie and Gavin?" "Gavin's fine, he's just a little sprout so he doesn't even know what's going on most of the time... too preoccupied with his blocks..."

This is a picture of a grown up Loralie, Luke and Ivy's daughter "And Loralie is doing really well too. We just got her onto a peewee soccer league team. She's loving it!" -- Suddenly I could hear Gavin crying on Luke's end of the phone -"Should I let you go Luke?" "Yeah I guess so..." "Well, it was great talking" "Yeah, gotta go, love you sis!" "Love you too Luke, bye"

Once Luke and I hung up, I headed into our master bathroom for a relaxing bubble bath. My first night back at work was fun, but it was tiring after an already long day. I can't wait to slip into bed for the night.

My sleep was soon interrupted by Cass's crying. She had woken up for a middle of the night feeding.

Fortunately it didn't take her too long to get back to sleep.

As I headed back to bed I found Don still awake trying to train Risa how to roll over. She had gotten promoted at work today, and he wanted her to get promoted again!

A few weeks have passed, and today is both Ed and Cass's birthdays! Our children are both going to be growing up today, and we have a little party planned for them. I can't wait to see my family, I'm not sure if Sam and Kaylynn are going to be able to make it though. I've got to stop with my gardening for now and go in and make a cake.

Working outside sure does get warm, I need to get a drink of water* before I do anything else! I can't believe that we're in the last leg of summer, and the weather is still warm. ----*I still think the temperature meters are a bit wacky, all Lana was doing was pruning trees and she was in danger of overheating...

Since I've gone back to work, the housework had been getting even more stressful to take care of. Don decided to hire some help to give me a bit of time to relax. I was a bit surprised when the maid service sent over my childhood friend BJ!

I really didn't expect to see him get out of the van that first day, but it's been nice catching up. What a blast from the past though! I mean, here's a picture right here from 10 years ago of BJ and I when we first met. You know, my hair looked really cute short like that, maybe I'll have to give that a go again?

Flash forward again to the future, and you'll find me and Cass during one of our many hugs during a normal day. Little Cass is such a snuggle bunny, she's so adorable! And I can't wait to see what she looks like when she grows up today.

I'm glad that I decided to make both Ed and Cass's cakes... I know everyone will appreciate it, but I really didn't think about how much work making two cakes would be!

Don is hard at work to, he's been putting together the new nightstand that we bought for Ed's room. We're going to serve his cake on it too.

Don ended up having to help with the cakes since Cass needed a change.

I feel like our lives are full of diaper changing lately! I can't wait to get this little girl potty trained.

While I frosted the cakes Don spent some time with Ed the man.

Things are starting to come together, we just need to get Ed changed into his birthday outfit and then call all of the guests to tell them to head over.

Even in his new outfit Ed is still donning a tropical theme.

While we waited for our guests I headed out back and worked on trimming more of my trees.

I didn't have long before everyone showed up. Ivy, Molly, Lacey and Liza got here first.

Followed by Luke, Leah, Mom and Dad. I guess Sam, Kaylynn, Nathan and Orion had to work -that's okay though, the house is going to be pretty full as it is!

Everyone was in a great mood when they arrived. Especially Mom and Dad! I guess they've been enjoying their alone time -- get a room!

First up was Ed... I found him in his room on his sit and spin. I practically had to tear him away from the thing.

Everyone had sort of settled already into other activities, but when they saw me with Ed they followed us into the kitchen.

Dad was so proud of Ed... but I think I saw a tear, he didn't want Ed to grow up!

As I started singing Happy Birthday and everyone started to cheer, Ed swayed happily in my arms.

He even helped me blow out his candles!

Little Ed the Man was getting closer to being just a man... I can't believe how fast they grow up!

Ed stood up, looked around and then jumped into the air...

And there he was -- all grown up -- in a pirate costume... I looked over at Don who was smiling.

Mom turned around and said, "Sweety it looks like Ed the Man wants to go on a vacation to Twikki Island!" - and then laughed. It was too funny, Ed continued to grow up in tropical inspired outfits. He really was our little island boy. "Yeah Don, it looks like we'll be going to that pirate ship sooner than we thought!"

Ed wasted no time in getting a slice of cake. He really does look a lot like Don, very cute, but we need to get him a haircut!

When I asked Ed what he wished for, he told me, "Mom, I don't have any time to waste! I need to recruit a crew* for my ship!" It was his cute little way of saying that he wanted to socialize with all of the guests. Sure enough he ran off into the living and starting talking Liza's ear off, fortunately she ate it up. ----*Ed's biggest want when he aged up was to make a friend.

While we were getting Cass ready for her birthday, everyone went out to the living room and got comfy.

Even Sam showed up just as I was taking Cass into the kitchen to her cake. Ed made sure to catch him on his way in the door.

For the second time today, we all gathered round in the kitchen to celebrate.

As I blew out Cass's candles, she stared at them with delight.

Little Cass grew up beautifully! With long dark red hair, big beautiful eyes and such a happy smile.

It was getting late, so one by one the guests started to leave.

Ed made sure that Cass was entertained though even after they left. The two of them were having a ball together! "Cass, you and I are going to be a team! If you're going to be my first mate, you've got to learn lots of stuff." "Gaga ga?" "Like coloring, let's go color!"

Ed gave Cass a hug and then told her to follow him.

Ed decided that he was going to show Cass how to draw. Don and I were really relieved that Ed was taking such an interest and liking to Cass instead of getting jealous and moody. And of course Cass was mesmerized, and copied everything her big brother did.

Although I'm pretty sure Ed didn't stick a crayon in his mouth. ;) "Cass, no no, crayons are not food..." Cass took the crayon out of her mouth.

"Momma," Ed said looking up at me, "Can we hang my picture up in Cass's room, it's my birthday present to her." "Aw, of course sweety. And good job with your drawing! Is that a llama?" "Yup!" Ed said smiling up at me.

Soon after Cass finished her drawing and took it into Ed's room holding it up to the wall. It seems Cass drew her picture for Ed's birthday just as he had for her. I can't believe how sweet they are.

Before Ed headed off to bed he made sure to give Risa a good night pat.

And here's our little Ed the Man in his new bed, going to sleep for the night.

Cass had a little bit more juice left in her, she played with her blocks a little bit...

...before eventually falling asleep for the night too.

I, myself, was having a bit of trouble sleeping. So I worked on the kid's book a bit more while I waited for Don to come home from work.

Don came home right on time, and with another promotion! He told me he has two more big promotions and then he'll be satisfied*... I don't know how one knows when they'll be satisfied. ----*Don is at level 8 of the Life of Crime career now

Cass woke up early that morning and came out to find me in the kitchen.

I figured I'd try out getting her potty trained thinking since she didn't have a wet diaper yet, she may still have to go since it was the morning. I think in a few more tries, she just may get it.

On our way into the kitchen for a bottle for Cass, I noticed Don was painting. "Sweety, whatcha working on?" - I asked. "Oh, nothing... it's a surprise." "Okay then, just let me know when it's done?" "Will do sweety." I wonder what he's painting...

While Cass drank her milk* I waited nearby... and I began to feel a bit queasy. I wonder if I'm pregnant... that would explain why I couldn't sleep tonight. ----*Milk = smart milk

As soon as Ed woke up, Don quit painting and they headed outside for some "male bonding." IE Don finally put all of that fishing he did while I was pregnant with Ed to good use, teaching Ed how to fish. Ed ended up catching a catfish.

While the boys were outside, I sat down with Cass and tried to get her to talk with me. Sure enough her first word was "high chair." Once I got the girl to talk, she won't stop! "Mommmy, hi charr, Momma?" "Yes sweety, a high - chair" I said enunciating fully. "Hi cha-er?" "High chair" This went on for a while.

After fishing, the boys threw around the football for a while. Don told me later that Ed caught on rather quickly.

Once they bored themselves with throwing the football around, they headed into the greenhouse. Don had remembered that I wanted Ed to know how to garden once he got old enough. I came outside myself after settling Cass down for a nap to see how they were progressing.

I didn't make it into the greenhouse... because it turns out that I am pregnant again! ----Ladies and gents, that concludes Chapter 13: Here Comes the Son. Thank you for dropping by and reading this chapter. If you have any comments or questions feel free to sign my guestbook, or visit, sign up to be a member, and then drop me a line. I will also be hosting an heir poll there once Lana's kids are old enough. My name there is the same as it is here (hippielayla86), hope to see you soon! This is Layla signing off, take care and happy simming!

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