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Las grandes personalidades muestran la belleza de la antigua sabidura a la humanidad.

Great personalities show the beauty of the ancient wisdom to humanity.

Ellos nos muestran su vida para inspirarnos y seguir su ejemplo. They show us their lives to inspire us and to follow their example.

Son movidos por una compasin espiritual. They are moved by a spiritual compassion.

Entregan todo, incluso su vidas, por dar el mensaje de Dios. They give everything, even their lives, in order to give Gods message.

Son pacficos y sobrios. They are peaceful and sober.

Permteme presentarte al Fundador del movimiento Hare Krishna. Please let me introduce you the Founder of the Hare Krishna movement.

Su nombre es A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. His name is A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Su principal peticin es cantar los nombres de Dios como t los conozcas o prefieras. His main request is for you to chant Gods names, as you know them or prefer them.

Sus logros han salvado la vida de miles alrededor del mundo. His achievements have saved the life of thousands around the world.

Principalmente nosotros cantamos el Maha Mantra Hare Krishna. Puedes cantarlo cuando lo desees. (La H se pronuncia como J) Mainly we chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. You can chant it whenever you wish. (The H is pronounced as the H in Happy)

Recuerda, Srila Prabhupada construy una casa donde todo el mundo puede vivir. Remember, Srila Prabhupada built a house where all the world can live.

T incluido/a. You included.

Te gustara conocer mas de nuestro querido maestro espiritual? Te has preguntado sobre los grandes tesoros que ste antiguo conocimiento oriental puede ofrecerte? Te invito a que nos llames o nos visites. Would you like to know more about our dear spiritual master? Have you ever asked yourself about the great treasures this ancient oriental knowledge may offer you? I invite you to call us or visit us.

Krishnasuta dasa, Mxico

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