NAUY350 Syllabussp 13

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NAUY 350: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Tuesday 5:30-8:00 Instructor: Ian Derk Email: Office: 143, NAU-Yavapai Campus Office Hours: (Virtual) 4-6 Monday, 3-5 Tuesday, 10-12 Wednesday

Change means movement. Movement means friction. Only in the frictionless vacuum of a nonexistent abstract world can movement or change occur without that abrasive friction of conflict. -Saul Alinsky, American community organizer. Catalog Description: Communication strategies in the theory and practice of alternative dispute resolution, including interpersonal conflict, mediation, and negotiation. Hybrid Classes: For this course, you will have several different assignments. Some will be entirely online. You must complete both the online and in-person components in order to succeed in this course. This course is an upper-division university course, so expect a high workload. Absences: Because we only meet for nine in-class sessions, attendance is mandatory for all sessions. Missing more than two sessions will result in your being dropped and/or failing the course. Due dates are not changed by your absence. There are performance components to this course that are difficult or impossible to makeup. You should contact other students for assignments and class information. Negotiation/Mediation Performance: This class has an in-class mediation/negotiation assignment. You will be required to negotiate with another student for your grade in the course. Although one students negotiation may impact the grade of another, it is possible for both students to earn As in the course. Assignments: All assignments are due at the stated time and in the requested formats. Reading quizzes begin in Week 2 and are due at 11:59 pm on Mondays. Conflict journals are due by 11:59 pm on Mondays and start Week 2. There will be a syllabus quiz in Week 1. The Case Study assignment will have varied due dates, so observe the calendar carefully. Required Readings and The Argument Culture: This book has required readings each week. It is your responsibility to obtain and read these readings in order to complete the assignments. Class time will be spent analyzing, discussing, and expanding upon topics from the readings. Its unsafe to assume everything you dont understand will be clarified in class. The Argument Culture is a long book and due in Week 10. If you read the book slowly over the semester, you will need to read only 29 pages a week. If you start in Week 5, you will need to

read approximately 58 pages a week. (All the math assumes you dont read the notes, references, dedications, or other materials). Grading: Conflict Journals (8) Reading Quizzes (8) Communication Theory Case Study Proposal Case Study Paper Case Study Presentation Conflict Demonstration 120 points 80 points 50 points 20 Points 50 Points 50 Points 130 Points A B C D F >450 Points 400-449 350-399 300-349 <299

Additional Grading Notes: S/U grading is not available. This course meets your communication theory requirements, which is part of your communication skills block. A D grade is not considered passing, so you will need to retake this course or find an alternative if you receive less than a C. Student Conduct: This course deals with the ideas of other people. Because we will be exposed to new and controversial themes, its important that we respect the views of other people. You have every right to disagree and express that disagreement, but you must be civil. Also, arrive on-time, minimize interruptions, put your phone away, and use laptops only with my prior approval. The Student Code of Conduct (available on the NAU website at and Yavapai Colleges website at ode) outlines behavioral expectations, and explains the process for responding to allegations of student misconduct. Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Cheating: Copying any work that is not your own, without acknowledging the source, is both a moral and legal violation. Please read the guidelines for Academic Integrity on NAUs website ( and Yavapai Colleges website ( For some excellent and clear examples of plagiarism, see,, and Common sources of plagiarism are the work of other students, professors, published authors, speakers and internet sources. Minimum consequence for plagiarism in this course is failure of the assignment, and may well result in failure of the course, depending on the nature of the infraction. There is the possibility of even more severe sanctions, including expulsion from NAU-Yavapai. This is a serious issue in the academic community because it involves what is

legally termed as intellectual property. NOTE: Failure to read or understand this syllabus, the Academic Integrity guidelines, or understand the various types of plagiarism and cheating DOES NOT constitute an excuse for the violating of Academic Integrity. Withdrawal Policy: You may withdraw from this class before the class meets on Week 5. Student Support Services: NAU/Yavapai offers additional student support at the campus. Tutoring is available, but check signs around the campus. These tutors may provide help in writing and other services. For additional students needsdisability, health services, etc.please contact Nancy Jensen in her office (Room 134), by email at , or call 928-771-6148 University Policies: Safe Environment Policy NAUs Safe Working and Learning Environment Policy seeks to prohibit discrimination and promote the safety of all individuals within the university. The goal of this policy is to prevent the occurrence of discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status and to prevent sexual harassment, sexual assault or retaliation by anyone at this university. You may obtain a copy of this policy from the college deans office or from the NAUs Affirmative Action website If you have concerns about this policy, it is important that you contact the departmental chair, deans office, the Office of Student Life (928-523-5181), or NAUs Office of Affirmative Action (928-523-3312). Students with Disabilities If you have a documented disability, you can arrange for accommodations by contacting Disability Resources (DR) at 523-8773 (voice)or 523-6906 (TTY), (e-mail)or 928523-8747 (fax).Students needing academic accommodations are required to register with DR and provide required disability related documentation. Although you may request an accommodation at any time, in order for DR to best meet your individual needs, you are urged to register and submit necessary documentation ( 8 weeks prior to the time you wish to receive accommodations. DR is strongly committed to the needs of student with disabilities and the promotion of Universal Design. Concerns or questions related to the accessibility of programs and facilities at NAU may be brought to the attention of DR or the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity (523-3312). Institutional Review Board Any study involving observation of or interaction with human subjects that originates at NAU including a course project, report, or research papermust be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects in research and research-related activities.

The IRB meets monthly. Proposals must be submitted for review at least fifteen working days before the monthly meeting. You should consult with your course instructor early in the course to ascertain if your project needs to be reviewed by the IRB and/or to secure information or appropriate forms and procedures for the IRB review. Your instructor and department chair or college dean must sign the application for approval by the IRB. The IRB categorizes projects into three levels depending on the nature of the project: exempt from further review, expedited review, or full board review. If the IRB certifies that a project is exempt from further review, you need not resubmit the project for continuing IRB review as long as there are no modifications in the exempted procedures. A copy of the IRB Policy and Procedures Manual is available in each departments administrative office and each college deans office or on their website: If you have questions, contact the IRB Coordinator in the Office of the Vice President for Research at 928-523-8288 or 523-4340. Academic Contact Hour Policy The Arizona Board of Regents Academic Contact Hour Policy (ABOR Handbook, 2-206, Academic Credit) states: an hour of work is the equivalent of 50 minutes of class timeat least 15 contact hours of recitation, lecture, discussion, testing or evaluation, seminar, or colloquium as well as a minimum of 30 hours of student homework is required for each unit of credit. SENSITIVE COURSE MATERIALS University education aims to expand student understanding and awareness. Thus, it necessarily involves engagement with a wide range of information, ideas, and creative representations. In the course of college studies, students can expect to encounterand critically appraisematerials that may differ from and perhaps challenge familiar understandings, ideas, and beliefs. Students are encouraged to discuss these matters with faculty.

Tentative Schedule:

1 2 3 4

Date Range

Topic Introductions Theories of Communication Theories of Conflict Constructive Conflict

Major Assignments


Conflict Journal

Case Study Proposal, Communication Theory

5 6 7 8 9 10

Negotiation Mediation Gender and Conflict Intercultural Conflicts Presentations Mediation/Negotiation Assignment Case Study Final

Reading Schedule: Week 1: Groupon! Monthy Python! Price Discrimination Podcast Week 2: Communication and Conflict DCM The Shannon-Weaver Model As It Applies to Twitter Video Central and Peripheral Routes to Persuasion: An Individual Difference Perspective Excerpt from A Rhetoric of Motives Beyond Persuasion: A Proposal for Invitational Rhetoric Week 3: Congress Plays Chicken Podcast Power and Conflict DCM

Personality and Conflict DCM Conflict in Organizations DCM Conflicts and Disputes Linked Article Week 4: Constructive Controversy: The Value of Intellectual Opposition DCM Eight Suggestions From the Small Group Trenches DCM Constructive Controversy: A New Approach to Designing Team Projects Article Week 5: Slates Negotiation Academy Episode 5: Dealing With Jerks Podcast Changing Minds: Persuasion in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution DCM Effective Negotiation Styles or Techniques Video Negotiating Peace in Darfur: An Overview of a Failed Process Article Crisis Communication in Higher Education: The Use of Negotiation as a Strategy to Manage Crisis Article Week 6: Mediation: Linked Article Peer Mediation Programs: An End to School Violence? Linked Article Mediation Revisited DCM Week 7: Gender Conflict in the Family DCM Women Dont Ask Video Week 8:Culture and Conflict DCM Multicultural Conflict Resolution DCM Negotiation style, speech accommodation and small talk in Sino-Western business negotiations: A Hong Kong case study. Article Week 10: Finish The Argument Culture

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