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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Course Title: Internet Programming Department : Computer Science and Engineering Semester : Seven Course Instructor : JOTHI K R, AP(Sl.G)/CSE Prerequisite Courses : 1. Object Oriented Programming 2. Java Programming References : Text Books: T1. Deitel Deitel Goldberg, Internet and World Wide Web How to program, Third Edition, Prentice hall Publishers. T2. Elliotte Rusty Harold, Java Network Programming, Third Edition , OReilly Publishers. Reference Books : R1. Thomno A. Powell, The Complete Reference HTML and XHTML, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers. R2. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference Java2, 5th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers. R3. Black Book, Java Server Programming , Dreamtech Press. R4. Ivan Bayross,Vaishali Shah,Sharanam Shah,Cynthia Bayross ,Java Server Programming for Professionals: Covers Java EE 5, Second Edition, Shroff Publishers. e-Learning Resources : http://www. Number of Credits: 3 Programme : B.E Academic Year : 2012-2013 Instructor URL :

Instructor Mail : Course Objectives : At the end of the course the student should be able 1. To understand the basics of internet and components of XHTML documents. 2. To apply the concepts for designing websites using XHTML, DHTML and Java. 3. To understand the basics of data binding and activeX controls. 4. To write program using Java scripts. 5. To write server side programming using servlets. 6. To Apply the concepts and design the Network Programs using Java. Course Plan Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unit I Unit Topics to be Discussed Introduction to XHTML Headers -Linking - Images Unordered Lists -Nested and Ordered Lists Tables Forms Frames Cascading style sheets(CSS) Unit Objectives To Understand the important components of XHTML documents and create Web Pages with Images and Hyperlinks. To be able to markup Lists of Information. To be able to create and format Tables, Forms and Frames. To Control the appearance of the web sites by creating style sheets. To use style sheets to separate presentation from content. To use the Dynamic HTML Object Model and Scripting to create Dynamic Web Pages. To be able to use the event object to be made aware of and, ultimately, respond to user actions. To be able to create animated visual transitions between pages. To be able to use and modify filters. To understand the basics of Java. To understand DHTMLs notion of data Reference T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 No. of Periods Required 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Total : 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 Dynamic HTML - Object model and collections Event model Filters and Transitions Java Basics Exception Handling File Handling T1 T1 T1 R2 R2 R2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Total : 10 1

Unit II



Dynamic HTML - Data binding with


15 16 17 18 19 20

tabular data control Multimedia ActiveX Controls Introduction to JavaScript control structures functions arrays objects


binding and how to bind data to XHTML elements. To be able to use the Multimedia content and ActiveX controls in the web pages. To understand the basics of JavaScript and able to write JavaScript Programs. To be able to write programs using control structures. To understand how to construct programs modularly from small pieces called Functions. To be able to search and sort arrays and know how to declare and manipulate multi dimensional arrays. To understand the architecture and life cycle of servlets. To be able to apply the concepts and write servlet programs. To execute servlets with the Apache Tomcat Server. To be able to create Multi-tier applications using servlets. To understand the IP address. To be able to apply the Networking concepts and write client/server programs in Java. To be able to retrieve the web pages and to understand the protocols. To understand and analyze the security issues in internet programming.

T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1

1 1 1 1 1 1


Total : 8 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 UNIT IV Servlet: Introduction , Architecture, Lifecycle Working with servlet Handling HTTP get Requests Handling HTTP post Requests Redirecting Requests to Other Resources Multi-Tier Application (JDBC) Looking up Internet Address Socket programming client/server programs E-mail client SMTP - POP3 programs web page retrieval, protocol handlers content handlers Security Issues in Internet programming T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 Total : 9 Additional Contents over and above the curriculum: XML XML Basics, XML Namespaces, 35 DTDs and Schemas, XML Vocabularies Module I Document Object Model (DOM), API for XML (SAX), Extensible 36 Stylesheet Language (XSL), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Web Servers Accessing Web Servers, Microsoft 37 Module II Internet Information Services (IIS), Apache Web Server To Understand XML and the relationships among DTDs, Schemas and XML. To understand the fundamentals of DOM based and SAX based parsing. To create simple XSL documents and familiar with web services. To understand the Web servers functionality. To introduce IIS and AWS. 2 1 2 2 1 2 Total : 10 1 1 2 1 2 1 1





Total : 4 Total duration required : 49 periods + 6 periods for Tests = 55 Periods Assignments / Tutorials / Case Study / Innovative Work : Assignment : A1. Create a Menu Design for an Educational Institution using Java script. Submission Deadline for A1 : October 25, 2012 A2. Servlet with JDBC. Submission Deadline for A2 : November 25, 2012 Case Study / Innovative Work: C1. Creating a Web Site for our Institution. Apply the latest tools and your innovative ideas and designs. The assignment should be submitted before the end of September, 2012. A detailed project report is to be submitted. A power point presentation is to be given on their work. The best web site design may be considered for the appropriate reward.

Course Assessment Plan:



Internal Assessment (20) 1.1 Internal Assessment Test 1 will be conducted for 50 Marks. (5*2=10 & 2*20=40) 1.2 Internal Assessment Test 2 will be conducted for 50 Marks. (5*2=10 & 2*20=40) 1.3 Internal Assessment Test 3 will be conducted for 50 Marks. (5*2=10 & 2*20=40) Tests as per the schedule given by the university - Best two performance is considered for assessment out of 15. 1.4 Course Attendance assessment out of 5 ( Attendance percentage 96-100 : 5; 91-95 : 4; 86-90 : 3; 81-85 : 2; 76-80 : 1) External Assessment (80) University will conduct end semester examination for 100 marks (10*2=20 & 5*16=80) Performance will be considered for assessment out of 80.

Course Outcome: The outcome of this course is that the students understand the basics of internet technologies. The students are able to create websites using XHTML, DHTML and Java script. The students are able to understand the basics of data binding and activex controls. They also gain knowledge about the server side programming and write programs using networking concepts in java. PEOs Mapping : This Course is conducted to achieve the following Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs): I. II. To prepare the graduates with a solid foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals required to solve engineering problems. To ensure that graduates are proficient and competent with sound knowledge, skills and attitudes that will allow them to make tangible contributions, meet new technological challenges, contribute effectively as team members, and be innovators in computer hardware, software, design, analysis and applications for the real life problems. III. To make the graduates to communicate effectively and interact responsibly with colleagues, clients, employers and society with high standards of excellence, professional, leadership and ethical responsibility. The Outcome of this course facilitate to attain the following Program Outcomes (POs): Outcome c: Graduates will demonstrate an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. Outcome j: Graduates will have knowledge of contemporary issues.

Course Instructor



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