Incoming Presidential Speech

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Incoming President Speech Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen.

It is a great honour and privilege for me to assume the role of President of this Association.

The NSA plays a critical role in helping to address societal problems through the use of the University's capacity. Therefore I commit to provide the leadership the Association requires in order to achieve its objectives and implement its strategies, and I also commit to listen and respond to your needs as members and work very closely with our Executive Board.

We have come a long way since the NSA officially began on the 4th of May, 2007 and since then the scope of the Association has broadened considerably in this relatively short time with our increasing numbers, and this corresponding expansion demands more from us as Association members.

Those who have steered the Association along this dynamic road have done so in a responsive and measured way, ensuring appropriate adjustment and continuity in Association affairs. Many people have contributed to this outcome, far too many people to mention here by name.

However there are a few individuals I must recognize - OluKunle Samuel Sogeke, for his leadership and friendship during his term as the pioneer President of this association, Harun Dauda for his dedication and vision over the years, Kevin Abayomi for his commitment, and Samson (the outgoing president) for his input and contribution in the planning and organization of the activities of the association and for ensuring the continuity of the NSA in this critical time.











I would like to congratulate and welcome our new and re-elected board members.

So, as incoming president I would like to take this opportunity to thank our university, which happens to be the body through which we find expression as an association.

We stand as a body here to commit to building Bridges between our people and the university as well as the society in which we live. We hope that we are able to focus our energies on investigating and sharing how we can apply our expertise to build bridges across disciplines and borders to make our academic and social lives better here in Cyprus and beyond this shores as we go through life's journey.

The numbers that have turn up here today for this first general meeting of the 2011/2012 Fall semester, points to the relevance and level of interest we are building to work together and lift the face and voice of our people in this university and the community at large. We have a strong strategic focus in this Association. This shows we are an organization strong on teamwork and an organization on the move.

I believe the essence of what we do in the Association is to help create an enabling environment that enhances outcomes in societies, economies and the global environment. The betterment of individuals is one of my major goals as President.

For the new students

Every single one of you has something that youre good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. You have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. Thats the opportunity NSA can provide. Maybe you could be a great writer, maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper but you might not know it until you write for our student magazine.

Maybe you could be a cameraman or a director, maybe even good enough to film Nollywood blockbusters or direct Award winning movies back home or abroad, but you might not know it until you join the GAU TV production team.

Maybe you could be Governor someday or an important leader of an organization, but you might not know that until you run for the NSA Presidency.

"No matter what you want to do with your life I guarantee that to reach your potential NSA will help in whatever way it can. " This isnt just important for your own future. What you make of your time in Cyprus, of your involvement in NSA, will decide nothing less than the future of this University and this Association. The hopes of NSA depend on you.

The skills you gain from taking part in NSA activities, media and governance will determine whether we as GAU students can compete with the very best. Your success will be NSAs success. NSAs achievements will be your achievements. I know that this is all new to you; it can seem scary and daunting. I get it. I know what its like. Five years ago I sat where you are now; overwhelmed by what lay before me, the diverse

cultures and the thousands of people. Throughout my first year I thought to myself "what in the world am I doing here?" it took me a while, but now I've understood it all much better. Dont let anyone ever tell you you cant do something here, or this place isn't any good. Yes its tough and living expenses is on the high side, but so is everywhere for the lazy people! You must take ownership of this University, you must take part in your student association. For many of you this will be your first time living away from home. Some of you already know about Cyprus through friends or relatives who are here already, for others it's a completely new experience. But from now, the circumstances of your life; what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, how confident or shy you are none of that really matters anymore. Where you have come from doesnt determine where youll end up. No ones written your destiny for you. Here in Cyprus, at this university, you write your own story. You build your own home. NSA is here to do its best to help you at every stage. Thats why today Im calling on you to stand up and be counted. Dont sit idly by whilst others lead NSA. Make your voice heard, nominate yourself, join this society, become an active member of the NSA community. It might seem Im asking a lot from you. But I can only stand here and ask this comfortably because I, and the whole Executive, have promised to give our utmost best in service to you.

If you have any problem then your Executives are here for you. They will be an Advice and Support Centre on our website to be your first point of call when you have an issue or if youre in need of guidance. Dont be afraid to ask questions. Dont be afraid to ask for help. We all do it every day. Asking for help isnt a sign of weakness, its a sign of strength because it shows

you have the courage to admit when you dont know what to do, and that allows you to solve your issues. Advice and support, opportunities, debate, societies; thats what we give to you. Today I want to ask all of you, whats your contribution going to be? I don't expect answers now, but you can reach you on facebook or on your website. Remember It's all about you! Which one of you will be standing here making this speech next year, or the year after or the one after that? Which one of you will walk out of here and nominate yourself for service? How many of you will use NSA to get the most out of your time in Cyprus?

Now more than ever we have to come together. You have to play your part. It's a shame we live in a society that doesnt fully understand the benefits of Cultural integration. That doesnt understand that we (students) are the key to the survival and future success of the economy. There will be difficult times ahead, but as a community we must be as one; students, academics, the University.

I believe in the students of this University. I believe in NSA. I believe that without question, the next four years will be the best years of your life. There will be times when you face challenges. But to succeed, you have to face them and we are right behind you.

Once again congratulations on choosing GAU and welcome to NSA.

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