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Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said that Almighty Allah says, "Do My Zikr for some time after

Fajr Salaat and after Asr Salaat, and I will suffice for you during the intervening periods." In one hadith it is stated, "Do Zikr of Allah, he will look after your interests." Note: We work so hard for this worldly life, though not for the life Hereafter. We lose nothing if we remember Allah for a little while after Fajr and after Asr, because so many virtues have been mentioned for doing Zikr at these two times. When Almighty Allah promises His full help, what more is needed? According to one Hadith, Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said, "I prefer sitting with those who remain busy in remembering Allah after Fajr prayer up to sunrise, to the noble act setting four Arab slaves free; and similarly I prefer sitting with the group who remain busy in Zikr of Allah after Asr Salaat up to sunset to setting four slaves free." According to another hadith, if a person offers Fajr Salaat in congregation and remains engaged in Zikr of Allah until sunrise, and then offer two rakaats of Nafl Salaat, his reward will equal to that of a perfect Hajj and Umra. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is also stated to have said, "offering Fajr Salaat in congregation, and then remaining busy in zikr until sunrise, is more precious to me than this world and all that it contains. Similarly, remaining busy in Zikr with a group after Asr till sunset is preferred by me to this world and everything that it contains." It is for this reason that the time after Fajr and Asr prayers is specially reserved for Zikr as a matter of routine by the Sufees Especially, the time after Fajr prayer is also reserved for Zikr, even by the Faqihs i.e. the Muslims jurists. It is stated in the book of 'Mudawwna' on the authority of Imam Malik (Rahmatullah alaih) that it is makrooh (undesirable) to indulge in talking during the time between Fajr and sunrise. From amongst the Hanafies the author of DurI-Mukhtar also regarded it undesirable to indulge in talking during this time. According to one hadith, if after Fajr prayer a person continues to sit in the same posture before talking recites the following Kalima ten times, ten virtues will be

recorded to his account, ten sins remitted, his position in Paradise raised by ten degrees, and he will be protected from the Devil and other undesirables throughout the day. Nobody is worthy of worship except Allah; He is one, and He has no partner. This world and the Hereafter belong to Him and he is worthy of all praise; life and death are controlled by Him, and He controls the destiny of everything). According to another hadith, whosoever, after 'Fajr' and 'Asr', recites three time the following prayer:(I seek pardon of Allah, except whom there is nobody worthy of worship and Who is living and eternal; I turn to Him). All his sins, even if big like the sea, will be forgiven.

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