Visiting Wizard Social Networking

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INTRODUCTION This document aims at defining the overall requirements for SOCIAL NETWORKING. Efforts have been made to define the requirements exhaustively and accurately. The final product will be having only features or functionalities mentioned in this document and assumptions for any additional functionality should not be made by any of the parties involved in developing / testing / implementation using the product. In case any additional features are mandatory, formal changes / requests would be produced. PROBLEM STATEMENT: So far there is still need of efficient social networking website. There is yet no any social networking website that provide efficient access and easy communication. There is an overhead of traffic in net that making chaotic situation and long time to access. Unavailability of simplicity through which one can communicate. In this online world where everyone want to connect , so that one can better coordinate with other any make work easy with enjoyment and full of joy.The intended audience for this document is the developing team, the testing team and the end users of the product.


The website VISITING WIZARD will be used to connect the people in very easy ,simple and efficient way and one can share their feeling ,information ,ideas..and many more, the services offered to an individuals choice(s) and availability for making friends among various areas and destinations. A log concerning the registration and requests for friends and various other features by users are also maintained. The website will also provide benefits to verified user(s). The website, according to the following proposed solution, will ease the connecting people s thereby converging the world into a small system.


VISITING WIZARD, as the name suggests is an social networking allowing the users to interact with each other and exchange their views. This project also enables the users to see the details of their friends upload their own photographs, add their friends, leave a scrap & send testimonials. 1. The projects objective is to enable users to communicate with other people. 2. It allows the user to search for friends. 3. This website provides user the ability to upload the photographs. 4. It also enables the user to leave the scraps & send the testimonials.

The software has different modules which help it to achieve its objectives, those are: REGISTER TO BE A MEMBER: Logged users can EDIT their PROFILE, and upload the photographs. PROFILE: Logged users can see their details and if they wish to change any of their information they can edit it. FRIENDZ: Logged users can see their friend list and if they wish to add friends. SCRAPBOOK: This module enables the user to send the scarps to their friends. TESTIMONIAL: This module enables the user to send the testimonial to their friends. PHOTO GALLERY: This module enables the user to upload the photos to their photo gallery and maintain their album. JUSTIFICATION AND NEED FOR THE SYSTEM The site is build so that users can interact with others. To provide better service to their users. The time of the user is being saved. Allowing the user to contribute to the environment.

ADVANTAGES OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM Efficient usage of resources. It provides security through verification process. Performance is high. Reduces the effort and time in gathering the information about the users. Provides a complete record of all the available vehicles for pooling. The constraints and checks lead to a valid database.

ADVANTAGES The following steps that give the detailed information of the need of the proposed system are: Performance: During past several decades, there is need for effective and user friendly social networking site that give facility to reduce complexity. So our web based computerized system is undertaken which is very user friendly and anyone can access it from ones home. Efficiency: The basic need of this website is efficiency and simplicity. The website should be efficient so that it can handle different entries according to their choice and user can easily view these entries and at the same time he can also request for them. Control: The complete control of the project is under the hands of authorized person i.e., Admin who has the password to access this project and illegal access is not supposed to deal with. All control is under the administrator and the other members have the rights to just see the records not to change any transaction or entry. Security: Security is the main criteria for the purposed system. Since illegal access may corrupt the database. So security has to be given in this project.


This project is coupled with material on how to use the various tool, sub sets available in ASP.NET, and this gives the programmer the opportunity to develop client server based commercial websites. All the important coding techniques used by programmers, in OOPS based coding is brought out in full and in great detail. We have also precisely brought about the commercial use of C# a pure OOPS language. This project also enhances the use of database technology that is quite prevalent in this era of contemporary lifestyle where technology and website together are the niches if this world. SYSTEM ANALYSIS

Entity Relationship Diagram

Password Username country User city Email

Sign up proflile scrap testimonials Registers home


pics Password User Name friendz


This website is purely designed with the intension to cater the need of people interested in social networking. The website offers a wide range of options for pooling. The new users are asked to register themselves and get verification to avail all services available. A regular account holder simply needs to login to use various services and avail various offers.

The website will have capability to maintain user account in a secured way holding various details of items purchased, amount paid and discounts availed. The product details maintained at the back end will be updated by the admin, in case new items are added. Verification process taken care by the administrator of the system.

Website Perspective: The website will be self contained, independent and accessible via any internet connection and web browser. System Interfaces: None

User Interfaces: The application will have a user friendly and menu based interface. Following screens would be provided: - A Main screen (Home Page) containing a brief introduction of pooling and facilities. - A Login screen for entering the user name and password will be provided. -There will also be an option for displaying the information regarding the entries according to the date and desired timing. -There will also be a page for users to enter their preferences and select location, date and time. -A registration page would also be added to register vehicle for pooling by the users. -A site map would be provided in our website for easier navigation through the pages -A page describing the vehicles available and their different locations will also be provided. Website Functions: This website will allow access only to authorized users with specific roles (administrator, user) depending upon users role, he/she will be able to access only specific modules of the system. A summary of the major functions that the website will perform are as follows:

-Login facility for enabling only authorized access to the system. -User will be able to request/accept the selected entries from the list. -Administrator will be able to add/modify/delete/update and alter data (i.e. product details) at the back-end as per the requirements. -Administrator will be responsible for managing user account.

HARDWARE INTERFACES 1-Screen resolution of at least 1024 x 760 required for proper and complete viewing of screens. Higher resolutions would not be a problem. 2-Network connection is required. 3-A minimum speed of 64kbps is required.

SOFTWARE INTERFACES 1-Any windows based operating system (Windows 98/2000/XP/VISTA/7.0). 2-SQL server 2008/2005 as the DBMS for database. 3-VISUAL STUDIO 2010/2008 for coding and designing the website.

CONCLUSION This project is designed to meet the requirements of Social Networking Site. It has been developed in ASP.NET keeping in mind the specification of the system. For designing the system we have used simple data flow diagrams. Overall the project teaches us the essential skills like:

Using system analysis and design techniques like data flow diagram designing the system. Understanding the database handling. Understanding and applying the logic required for the pooling process.

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