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Internship Report Submitted to the Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirments for the Degree of Master Of Business Administration.

Name of the student: Roll no. Program & session: Umair Azam 11022720-024 M.B.A (2012-2015)

Date of submission

Name of Program Coordinator

Signature of Program Coordinator

(In the name of Allah the most benificient and the merciful)

Dedicated To My beloved ALLAH PAK and his HOLY PROPHET HAZARAT MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) the greatest social reformer and the last massanger of allah To My most loving father and mother whose love is more precious then diamond pearls. And my respected teachers and my brothers and my sisters and all those who are the Nearest Dearest And Deepest To Me

Acknowledgement All praises to almighty Allah who have given us the wisdom and knowledge to identify the right path and reach the truth. All respect of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) who is forever an ivory tower for all of us. Countless thanks are due to my lord who bestowed ypon me all the marcy and kindness that is worthy of him. I greatfully acknowlwdgement the contributions of my respected and highely larned Of guide Dr. Muhammad Usman,Head Business

Administation Department of University Of Gujrat, who encourage me to work independiently in every field of my life. I shall always remember his admirable supervision, generous behaviour and marvelous knowledge. The word are inadequate to acknowledge the sincere efforts of co-member of supervisory

committee Muhammad Iqbal Cheema(Manager Account Mr. And Finanace) , Mr. , and Farhan Mr. Mr. (Assistant Of Manager Accounts And Finance) Imran(Accountant) Amaad(Accountant)

Waqas(Accountant) for their guidence , nice cooperation and devotion of time for me during this internship as well as to encourage me to do attentively my job.I would like to say warmest thanks to my co-worker and most sicere friend Saqib Nawaz Bajwa, Atta Ul Mustafa Jamil for his help and suggestions during my internship. Ihave to lack of words to mention the feeling of obligations towards my affectionate parents. I am ost earnestly obliged to my Ami Jan(Zahida Parveen) and my dear Abu Jee(Muhammad Azam Mughal) for the strenuous effort done by them in enabling me to join the higher ideals of life and also for their patience and prayers they had made for my success.

Last but not the least I feel proud privilege to mention the feeling of obligations towards my brothers Awais Azam , Dawood Azam , Zaman Azam, and my sweat sister Nimra Azam.

Umair Azam

Exective summary
This summary is provided on the demand of teachers and the department. This summary is based on the internship report of the student. This is my great achievement for my study career. I learn many skills during this internship programe. It will be very

helpful for my studies and for prectical life. The emloyees of super asia was very cooperative. They not only assign me the work but they also help me to complete the work. In this summary we will discuss about the organization and the working as internee and the finding. First we will discuss the organization. Super asia is the organization that is working on the international level. Now we discuss the working of the intrnee.Secondaly we discuss the intrenees work They give the task to the internee like they give me the bank statement and the company statement to make the bank reconciliation statement. If I feel any problem they will guide me. After this they show me how to matintain the account of the company.

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