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Notes and proposals onNevertees game design document version 1.

0 Part II : Story Character Background Story Proposal

by: Mohamed G. Elmatary

One upon a time in a kingdom not so far away the kingdom of The Nile where the human civilization came to be, and the magic of the ancestors displayed itself in the people's culture there was a just pharaoh who's both wisdom and courage made him the only ruler in ancient Egypt who could defeat the hexus empire, the hexans were brutal in their ways, they knew no mercy, their armies often consumed entire villages that were unfortunate enough to lay in their path. Sparing no one, not even the children, they ravaged the houses, raped the women and made the children kill their fathers before they slaughtered them. Lead by their ruthless king (insert evil king name here) they sought power by following the ancient forbidden ways of the dark magic which they used to give them an edge in combat, for years they marched through the land conquering every kingdom in their path, no one could stop them, or so it seemed... In the kingdom of the Nile, pharaoh after pharaoh tried to stand up to the evil king's armies but they all fell, leaving the kingdom in great peril, until the mighty king (good king name here) made his way from one if The worthiest of warriors to being the first Egyptian pharaoh of no royal decent. Coming from the ranks of the Egyptian armies, king (goodie goodson) did not think of his men as his subjects but rather his comrades, he felt their pain, shared their sorrows and enjoyed their success and victory, this soon made him the most popular ruler of ancient Egypt and the

only pharaoh who could unite the armies of Thebes and Manf under the same banner crushing the hexus empire's armies and driving them off his borders, which didn't sit well with king (evil). Backed up into a corner with the prospect if having his kingdom crushed looming, the evil king decided to use his most devastating secret weapon, the abyss, a pit so evil and vile, that the most proficient practitioners of dark magic feared to even speak its name. Armed by the powers of the dark magic and the evil staff of Seth, the evil king opened the gates to the abyss and released its magic to consume the land. The abysss magic was powerful, turning every living creature in the realm of the evil king into a powerful and mighty evil creature, a soldier in The king's army willing to fight to the death for him. The evil kings armies now grew both in number and in power, the threat to the kingdom of the Nile was at an all time high. The good king (good boy) saw no choice but to consult the royal oracle, who showed him that the way to defeat the evil kings armies was to retrieve the staff of Seth and use it to lead the evil creatures back into the abyss, where it would retrieve its dark magic and turn the creatures back into their original states, and

the closing the gates to the abyss itself by throwing the staff into the deepest depth of the Nile river, but that wasn't the only prophecy the oracle had for the young king, she warned him that with the promise of great power enemies would emerge from the unlikeliest of places, and that even a great king's courage would not protect him from that. Armed with the oracles instructions, the good king's army managed to delay the hexus forces long enough for him to retrieve the staff and close the gates to the abyss, giving himself and his men a fighting chance. A chance which by using his expertise as a warrior along with his tactical cunning and superiority he managed to turn into a victory and demolish the hexus empire once and for all, leaving no trace of it but the evil king and a small band of his men who fled during the battle. The years after the defeat of hexus army came with prosperity to Egypt and the people could not have been happier. The young solider king took a wife and with the years his love for her blossomed into a little girl named nevertese. The daughter of a king, nevertese was hailed for her beauty and grace, but as a daughter of a soldier she was taught the art of combat and used to often accompany her father on his numerous hunting trips.

Her bow always fondly in her hand she was an excellent hunter with superior marksmanship skills. Nevertese loved her father very much and would sit for hours listening to his age old battle stories. Day after day she grew stronger, better than a hundred sons the king's men said. Peaceful went the years by, but throughout them, the good king always remembered the Oracle's warning and feared that the day might come when it would come true, little did he know that that day was much nearer than he had imagined. His most trusted advisor, his own brother, was plotting against him. (insert evil brother's name here) was much older than king ( gooder ) and he was more experienced with a sword, however he was always more into politics and bureaucracy and often kept his distance from the battlefield, the memories of the great battle against the hexans often haunted him. The sheer power of the defeated abyss army he found obsessively desirable, gnawing at him throughout the years were those memories coupled with the feeling of him living in his younger brother's shadow drove him mad, he wanted it all, the power, the throne, the kingdom, nothing could stand in his way, not even his own brother, not even his own flesh and blood. (brothers name) managed to track down the location if the evil king over the years, and

finally decided to go through with his plan, it was simple, he was to to conjure the evil king's help and knowledge of the abyss and the dark magic in aiding him to reopen it in exchange for the promise of a seat by his side. An offer which the evil king accepted gladly, his one condition was that the good king had to die. The evil brother, blinded by the promise of power, poisoned his own brother's drink and watched him slowly weaken and whether. Sick and weakened, the good pharaoh knew he did not have much time left, he summoned his daughter and told her the true story of the abyss and the oracle's warning, and asked her as his rightful heir to promise him that she would keep the kingdom safe, a promise she did not need to think on very hard, but one that would prove much more difficult to maintain, however it was the last request her father would ever ask of her again, he was dead. The sorrow nevertese experienced upon her father's death was only surpassed by her love for him and her desire to keep her promise to him. Meanwhile news of the good king's death, reached the evil king, and pleased he was if it. For years the location of the staff of Seth remained a secret but no more, upon The king's death the staff's location was to he conveyed to his brother by The Oracle as he was the rightful successor to The throne until nevertese became of age.

The evil brother did not waste time in acquiring the staff, he and his accomplice the evil king went the location of the abyss and with the evil king's help the evil brother managed to decipher the incantations on the staff and open the gates to the abyss once more. Keeping to his promise to have the evil king by his side as his lieutenant. Drunk with power the evil brother returned to The palace with his new army and killed his brother's wife, and everyone who was loyal to the late king or what he stood for, the last thing he had to do was to get rid of nevertese, but she was much more skilled and well trained to be captured by her evil uncle's men, she fled into the desert, Carrying only her bow, and the sorrow of her family's death, her heart burning with the desire to avenge them and her mind disoriented by the fear if the unknown. She ran for days before stopping at an oasis and collapsing from exhaustion. But when she came to, it was obvious what she had to do, she had to fight her way back home, close the abyss and take her kingdom back, but most importantly, her uncle had to die for his crimes. Armed only with her courage, her bow and a few spells she had learned over the years, she started making her way back to the palace, mindset on defeating her evil uncle's six lieutenants and taking back what is rightfully hers.

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