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com/ December Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC) 12/14/12, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm Location: MRB 310 Called to order: Attendants: Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes): There was a first and second motion to approve past meeting minutes with full approval. Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute): Funding Request (10 minutes): No funding requests were presented to the council. Campus Store Vacancy Survey (Joe Kent): The results from the survey are in with 893 responses. A student employee taproom received the highest percentage of votes at 48%. An aerobic area received the next highest percentage at 20%. The council discussed details of pursuing this venture. The deadline for a proposal is January. OHSU policy is that you cannot serve alcohol on campus until 5pm. The council voted to place a proposal for exercise equipment due to multiple issues and obstacles that would arise with proposing to place a taproom on school grounds. Bylaws (Kassi Kronfeld): A good amount of feedback was given to the council for editing the bylaws. The council is still working on editing a few details. A member of council suggested that the amount of representation from each school should be re-evaluated. The council will be looking into restructuring the amount of student representation. All-Hill Ski Trip (Nate Risley): The All-Hill Ski Trip is January 4-6th, 2013. There are about 350 students signed up. Registration is now closed. An email will be sent out to all participants with more details. Lift tickets will be discounted to $55 from $75. Acceptable Use of Computing and Telecommunications Resources (Karen Seresun): Karen discussed with members of the council the new guidelines and rules to follow for users of OHSU computing, telecommunications, and wireless resources. The guidelines will be made readily available to all students and faculty members of OHSU. Regular Updates (20 minutes)

Student Health Center (Sarah Lemley): Student health is going to be closed Christmas and New years. They will be increasing the amount of yoga classes offered. Finding focus will return next month. There are also light boxes available for students for therapy.

Student Health Services Advisory (Lily Winfree): There will be new fees in place for AETNA for the new year. In 2014 there will be about a $75 increased fee. Womens contraceptives are now 100% covered.

Website Coordinator (Quinn Martin) Quinn Martin and K.C. Gilbert met with the web strategist in discussion of the development of a new student website. The council discussed prize options for the winner of the best article in The Pulse.

Next Meeting: Friday, January 11th, 2013, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310***

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