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Focus on Fi e - Bonni C om bi 's War d 5 E- N sl t t er ( Jan 7- 21) v e r e ew e

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January 7 -20, 2013

Happy New Year!

One of my New Year's resolutions was to produce a bi-weekly enewsletter to keep my residents up to date on what's happening in Mississauga's Ward 5. This is the first version of "Focus on Five,' but it will not be the last. Please let me know about any upcoming community events or have an idea for a story. And, f. 2012 was a great year and we accomplished a great deal, but there is still much more to do. I am looking forward to 2013 and the promise it holds, as well as the opportunity to do more for the residents of Ward 5. Please feel free to contact me at any time as my door is always open: bonnie.crombie@mississauga.ca or 905-896-5500. Be sure to visit bonniecrombie.ca often for regular updates on what's happening in Ward 5 and the rest of Mississauga! Sincerely,

Bonnie Crombie City Councillor, Ward 5 Mississauga

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Focus on Fi e - Bonni C om bi 's War d 5 E- N sl t t er ( Jan 7- 21) v e r e ew e

Bringing Hockey Back to Malton

With the assistance of members of the local community, the Mississauga Hockey League, and funding from the Community Foundation of Mississauga and its partners, Toronto Pearson and the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, I have been able to bring hockey back to Malton. For close to a decade, there has not been a Malton-based team using the Malton arena. Instead, the ice is used by teams from across Mississauga and the GTA. Through the new Malton Shinny Hockey Program, kids in the community that may not have had the opportunity to play hockey before, are now learning the game. The program also made the Front Page of the Toronto Star! You can read more about the program here. If you have a child or know a child who would like to play in this program, please have them contact me at bonnie.crombie@mississauga.ca. We are hoping to create a list of interested players to make next year's league bigger and better.

2nd Annual Ward 5 Skate-a-Thons

Join me for my second annual Ward 5 Skate-a-Thons. There will be free skating, light refreshments and great conversations. Here are the details: Malton Sunday, January 20th at the Malton Arena (3430 Derry Road East) from 1:45pm-3:45pm Britannia Sunday, February 3rd at Iceland Arena (5500 Rose Cherry Place) from 3:45pm-5:15pm

My Ward 5 Regional Newsletter is out!

In early December, hard copies of my Regional newsletter were delivered to all residents of Ward 5. If you missed it, you can view it online here or even download a copy for yourself. I was pleased to be able to recognize an outstanding member of our community, Helene Burrowes. I hope to be able to recognize more outstanding community members in future newsletters. If you know someone who lives in Ward 5 who you believe is an outstanding community member, contact me and let me know.

Malton BIA is Official!

On December 12th, Mississauga City Council passed a by-law establishing the Malton Business
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Focus on Fi e - Bonni C om bi 's War d 5 E- N sl t t er ( Jan 7- 21) v e r e ew e

Improvement Area (BIA). Since January of this year, I have been working with local Malton businesses to establish a Malton BIA. A BIA will beautify the local business area and community, thereby improving business and driving economic development in Malton. My hope is to replicate the success that Port Credit and Streetsville have experienced as a result of their long-standing BIAs. Following three meetings with over 75 businesses in Malton from January - June 2012 a steering committee was struck that is comprised of Malton business owners. In September 2012, City Council approved the creation of a Malton BIA and notices were sent to all businesses in the proposed Malton BIA. Only three objections were received. Meetings will be held in January 2013 to formalize the BIA and get to work on the proposed initiatives of the BIA. If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, please contact me or click here.

Ban the Tan for Teens

In May of this year, I moved a motion at Mississauga City Council and at Peel Regional Council asking staff to study the feasibility of banning teens from from using indoor tanning equipment. Staff studied the issue and on September 27, 2012, Dr. David Mowat, the Region's Medical Officer of Health, presented a report to Peel Regional Council that strongly recommended that teens under the age of 18 be prohibited from using tanning beds. A by-law was unanimously adopted by Peel Region Councillors that has some of the most stringent fines of any piece of tanning legislation in the world. On November 28th, Mississauga City Council also passed a by-law to ban teens from tanning that will work in tandem with the Region of Peel's by-law to protect our youth. To find out more, please click here

Community Safety Meetings

In September and October, I hosted two community safety meetings. The first took place in Malton on September 22nd and the second at the Frank McKechnie Community Centre on October 22nd. The meetings featured presentations by Peel Regional Police, Safe City Mississauga, the City's By-Law and Parking Enforcement officers and the City of Mississauga's Corporate Security Division. The meetings were held to help residents keep their neighbourhoods safe. For more information on these meetings and to find out more about how to keep your home and your neighbourhood safe, please click here. If you would like to hold a similar meeting in your community, please contact me and I'd be happy to organize a meeting.

Upcoming Events
January is Crime Stoppers Month - Find out more about Peel Crime Stoppers here
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Focus on Fi e - Bonni C om bi 's War d 5 E- N sl t t er ( Jan 7- 21) v e r e ew e

2nd Annual Ward 5 Skate-a-Thon (Malton) - January 20th @ Malton Arena Malton Community Building Project/Peel Newcomer Strategy Group Public Meeting - January 22nd at Malton Community Centre City Council Meeting - January 16th General Council Meeting -January 9th & 23rd McLaughlin Road EA Public Meeting - Tuesday, January 29th @ Peel District School Board Head Office 2nd Annual Ward 5 Skate-a-Thon (Britannia) - Sunday, February 3rd @ Iceland Arena Weekly Malton Office Hours - Every Thursday @ the Malton Community Centre, Multi-Purpose Room 1

Sign up for the 'Focus on Five' E-Newsletter

If you've received this from a friend or neighbour and want to receive your own copy in the future, please send an email to bonnie.crombie@mississauga.ca with the subject 'NEWSLETTER' and I'll add you to the list.

Contact: Bonnie Crombie, Councillor, Ward 5 Mississauga bonnie.crombie@mississauga.ca | 905-896-5500 | bonniecrombie.ca

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