Board Minutes: June 10, 2008

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Board of Supervisors

County of Rice, State of Minnesota

June 10, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm by chair Kathleen Doran-Norton.

Present were supervisors Glen Castore and Leif Knecht, Treasurer Brad
Pfhaning and clerk, Pam Petersen.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all present.

The agenda was approved.

Town hall remodel: The remodel job was awarded to Bill Fossum, for a bid of
$16,200.00. L Knecht made a motion to accept, second by G Castore, to
allow B Pfahning to pay the invoices as they come due up to the bid amount.

L Knecht brought up discussion of the possibility of taking out a float loan at

the end of the year if needed to cover any expenses.

Road update, Dennis Brown: Gravel and rock on the following roads: 140th,
Dahle, 135th, Cabot to the salvage yard to Comos Junction, Decker has gravel
to the cones, and from 59 to Dundas city limits, Baldwin, Dixon Trail, 115th
and Cates.

The barricades are still at Decker. DOT is sending all heavy trucks up 118th or
Cabot because of HWY 3 detour.

Upcoming material stabilization: will treat Cabot and Baseline from CSAH 1 to
Cty 8, budget for treatment is $10,000.00. Dennis to keep track of extra
costs for this due to the extra use from HWY 3 closure.

Endwood Trail-look into cutting down the ridge for proper drainage so not to
undermine the asphalt. Repair the soft spot on 147th.

B Pfahning spoke of the Minnesota Unemployment past due notices. All

should be cleared up once the township files again. Apparently the filing
stopped in 2005. Quarterly recap of all accounts, due by August meeting.
Copy of all invoices to Brad to verify payments, all correspondence is to be
sent to the PO Box 246.

Claims against the township: Motion to approve payment made by G Castore,
second by L Knecht, motion passed.

The minutes of the May 13 meeting were read and motion to approve made
by G Castore, second by L Knecht, motion passed.

Resolution 2008-3 was passed by a motion from L Knecht, second by G

Castore, to insure the town hall through MAT.

K Doran-Norton: Update on CAPX and upcoming meeting at which she will

bring forth the concerns of Bridgewater Township.

Upcoming events: On June 17 Shawn O’Leary will attend the work session to
help with website updates.
Landfill host fee, if Bridgewater prevails, the fee is retroactive to January 1,

If/when the supervisors meet with the Dundas Planning Commission, there
will be a Public Notice published.

Clerk to distribute packets from the Planning Commission to all board


Next meeting the board will go over Flood Insurance. The next actionable
meeting will be on June 24, 008.

Bruce Albers will mow township road shoulders again this year.

Invite from the Liebenstein’s Wolf Creek Dairy ‘Day on the Farm’ on Saturday,
June 14, 2008.

Motion to adjourn made by G Castore, second by L Knecht, motion passed.

Adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Petersen, Clerk

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