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To know one-self is to seek knowledge of What am I? This single action cannot be compromised with anything and it must be understood well so as to live a stress-free life in any realm of existence. It is better to light a candle than cursing the darkness.

A A Adedeji


The need for a higher truth: KNOW YOURSELF Source Codes for Nothingness of Self-Estm (ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS) Human, Know Thyself 1.1 Subconscious Mind 1.2. Empowering Our Own Lives 1.3 Personal Transformation Development of the Real Intuition 2.1 The Real Intuition Expanding Your Real Intuition 2.3 Quest for Reality Human Physical Body 3.1 Human Physical Body 3.2 Systems of the Human Body Human Subtle Body 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Aura 4.3 The True Colours of Auras 4.4 Auric Sight 4.5 Multi-Sensory Perception 4.6 Chakras 4.7 An Electromagnetic Affair 4.8 Influences of Auras 4.7 The Energy Field Thought Forms 5.1 Overview of Biological Functions of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) 5.2 DNA Representations 5.3 How to Become Immune to Karma 5.4 Clearing the Heart Chakra 5.5 Thought and Consciousness 5.6 Awareness Sexual Relationship 6.1 Know Yourself 6.2 The True Relationship Intentions and Destiny 7.1 Intentions and Destiny 7.2 Dreams and their Recalls 7.3 Emotional Healing Through the Dreams


7.4 Shamanic Healing 7.5 Work 7.6 Oddity of Life 7.7 Stress: Control, Change or Let Go! 7.8 Your Past, Present and Future 7.9 The Basic Survival Need 7.10 The Need for a Higher Truth 7.11 First We Need to Know Ourselves Better The Laws of the Universe 8.1 The Laws of the Universe 8.2 Our Reality Within and Without 8.3 Your Fear or Masked Desire 8.4 Ultimate Truth about Yourself 8.5 Re-adjusting an Old Belief 8.6 The Role of the Ego 8.7 Turning Barriers into Bridges 8.8 Secret Power of Self-Detach Karma 9.1 Finding Karma 9.2 Clearing Karma 9.3 Aka Cords: The Unity Concept of the Prime Mover 10.1 Prime Mover The Unity 11.1 Theory of Relativity 11.2 The Void and the Origin 11.3 The Path 11.4. The Fire Within 11.5 The Collapse of the Fire Within 11.6 Awakening of the Fire Within 11.7 Voodoo/Amulets/Oogun 11.8 Witchcraft 11.9 Cultism 11.10 A Force in Thought Form 11.11 Congregational Prayer and Rituals 11.12 Sex Psychology 11.13 Tradition/Religion 11.14 Affirmation/Ohun 11.15 Meditations 11.16 Phrases



I Can Expand My Comfort Zone, Shatter The Beliefs That Are Limiting My Life, And instantly Boost My Self-Esteem Forever. In 30-Minutes A Day, You Too Can Easily Create The Life You Want - Guaranteed! If you have ever thought about why some people are successful in life and others live out their lives in failure, if you have ever wanted to be one of those people who live their dreams, the answer is at hand. However, this is not a religious book or a bundle of doctrinal, but an inspirational book of Knowledge that cuts across all levels.



The need for a higher truth: KNOW YOURSELF

There is the need to make contact with the creative force that is beyond the human personality, to make sense of all the suffering and injustices of the survival struggle on earth. This need has been evident in all cultures, expressed by all religions, and is the spiritual path towards enlightenment, towards knowing the Most High, towards discovering the truth of All That Is. It is only by having at least a glimmer of this spirituality that we each are part of that we can aspire to the highest potential of being human. To be able to genuinely love and to forgive unconditionally, we need to see in all others - even our enemies - the same essential quality that we ourselves are part of. Spirituality is a transpersonal quality; it is beyond the ego and obsession with the self. It is the maturity of intuition. The path of personal transformation is primarily a process of becoming aware of, facing up to and taking responsibility for one's thoughts, feelings and actions, and then expanding this self5


realisation by communicating with others, retaining integrity whatever the response, and further enhancing the quality of communication with everincreasing empathy and understanding. Through understanding others better, we can recognize their essential goodwill, however misguided it might have become, and begin to recognize the spirituality of humankind. But first we need to know ourselves better. Itlub lilima walao bi Sin. The Prophet confirmed, literarily means: Seek knowledge even if you will travel afar. Read! Is the first word revealed in the Quran. Seek and ye shall be given, is the other revelation in the Bible guiding us to look around for knowledge so as to be wise and not to seek for material things of the world, so as to reach Nivena, Aljanna or the Kingdom of Heaven. To know oneself is to seek knowledge of What am I? What I am physically and spiritually. This is very important and it must be comprehend well if we must live a stress-free life in this world and beyond.


The need for a higher truth does not require a dogma, belief, religion or cult as people think or made to believe. The years 1999-2012 are notable years, because is the last 13 baktuns when the Suns larger cycle is complete. Keep up with your own copy of this book of knowledge. This book has been written in such away that the more you repeat reading the better your understanding of the hidden meanings of the truth. You will attain to a full awakening as you touch the last chapter. Your attention may be called back to a section you have read, but not really digested well enough to comprehend the so-called present chapter.


Source Codes for Nothingness of Self-Estm

(ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS) The following entities are my Source Codes Gilfro-Raool, who were appropriately quoted directly/indirectly to maintain correct and firsthand information, during the period of compiling this book of knowledge Nothingness of SelfEstm: Peter Shephered, Will Edwards, Wallace Huey, Tim Ong, Owen Waters, Davide De Angelis, Lisa Diane, Colleen-Joy Page, Angel Shadow, Charlie Badenhop, Larry A Johson, Susan Weed, David Deford, Carl Munson, Jasper Ehiers, Dharmbir Rai Sharon, Sheree Rainbolt-Kren, Andrew and Bonnie Schneider, Claudette Rowley, Doris Jeeanette, Abigal Natenshon, Emmanuel Segui, Mick Quinn, The Glorious Quran, Stephanie Manston, Esther Andrew, Christa Muths, Kahlil Gibran, Pradeep Gusain, Simma Lieberman, Gabriella Kortsch, Claudette Rowley, Kingsley Bye, Niccholas Dixon, Brian C Netherton, Paul David, Michael Sherner, Ching Hai, Jenny Mailos, Roger Elliott, Anton Cheraner, Sam Sidiki, Jeff Staniforth, Rab McBride, Ivan Fraser, Jill Ammon-Wexier, Brent Belchamber, Jeri Nobel, Drunvalo, Rahindramah Tugore, William Blake, Wolgang Goethe, The Holy Bible, Albert Schweitzer, Phylameana Lila Desy, Master Subramuniya, Vicky Thompson, Ashraf Salmawy, Nicholas Roerich, Ken Ward, Ayat Hurst, Charlie Badenhop, Karim Hajee, Anodea Judith, Sabrina Mesko, Gertrud Hirschi, Lois Jean Lany, Book of the Dead, Marcus Aelius Aurelius Antoninus, Lorenz Attractor, Tom J


Chalko, Psychic Elzona, Brenda Hoffman, Mary Ann Bailey. Paul Hughes-Barkow, G Kumar. Master Choa, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, The Prophet (SAW), The Christ, Buddah, Tuesday L Rampa, Peter Knowl, Frank Homan,.. All Amashida-kind. Peace and blessings to all. Through them, Eledumare The Most-High bestowed on me distinct inspirations at this important period, of the complete larger cycle of the Sun, which falls within the last 13 Baktuns. I unify with all in order to love; Attracting loyalty and freedom; I seal the process of Heart; With magnetic tone of purpose; I am guided by my own endowed powers doubled.


Human, Know Thyself

1.1 Subconscious Mind
As you think about your dreams and what is important to you about moving towards your ideal lifestyle, you might realize that you are either moving toward or away from your dreams at all times and as often as possible. If you must procrastinate, you are putting your dreams off maybe for a few years or maybe forever. And when you delay your dreams, you miss out on life. The ideal thing is to live your dreams now before it is too late. It is important to take some action each and every day, no matter how big or small in pursuit of our dreams. In

reading Nothingness of Self-Esteem you:

Stop Being Ruled By Your Past. Erase Past History Identify Your Own Path to Success Eliminate The Fears That Drain Your Power Effortlessly Embrace Your Strengths, Anytime You Need Are Breaking Out of Your Rut! Finding The Strengths To Do Something Different Immediately Replace Your Limiting Beliefs With Empowering Beliefs Learn Quickly How To Enhance Your Intimate Relationships Understand And Practice How Successful People Handle Mistakes Differently Than Others Insure Your Children Grow Up With A Healthy Sense Of Power Are Learning To Trust And Respect Your Decisions



Approach Others With A Benevolent Spirit Feel That You Can Make A Difference Are Having High Expectations For Success.

You Have Incredible Powers That Can Change Your Life. So Use It! One of the traits of people who are confident in their use of power and who really go for it is that they immediately take action. If you want to make your dreams reality, like so many before you have done, you must focus your attention on what you really desire inside your heart. Get a picture of what you want. Make it vivid and focused and as real as possible, because it ought to know how to make your dream come alive. When your objectives are unfold then you will be complete and enjoy a free living life by: Eliminating Stress From Your Life And Replace It With Confidence. Taking Control Of Your Life And Watch Your Dreams Come True. Creating Fulfilling Relationships Regardless Of Your Past. Being More Confident In Social Situations As You Meet New Friends. Eliminating Debt and Creating Financial Stability. Boosting Your Creativity To A Higher Paying Job. Increasing Self Esteem And Self Confidence Stopping Worrying And Start Enjoying Your New Life. Enjoying Inner Peace Succeeding In Business. Enjoying Better Health Than Ever Before And Allowing Your Body To Naturally Heal Itself. Meeting The Perfect Partner With A Loving Relationship.



Eliminating Negative Feelings Towards Family And Friends And Replacing Them With True Love. Taking Charge Of Your Life And Watch Obstacles Melting Away In Your Path. Getting A Better Job Under Conditions That You Want OR Become Your Own Boss. Giving Yourself A Pay Raise As Wish. Securing A Promotion Regardless Of Seniority.

But in order to get the most out of life you must first understand how your incredible creating powers work. You will develop your incredible powers personally that will yield astounding results. And if you're saying, perhaps that has worked for others but it can't work for me, no way. Harness the power of your mind and you will fulfill your purpose of this life You have abilities and powers that you're not even aware of. You were born with these powers, but you have never learned how to master them correctly. Instead you go through life like an unguided missile trying different things and hoping for the best - but never really fulfilling your dreams Doctors and scientists now firmly believe that 75% of all sickness and disease starts in the mind. Researchers have also proven that stress, which starts in the mind, is the number one cause of all fatigue and illness. Scientists have also proven that we only use 10% of our mind. The rest is never used properly. That means 10% of our mind is causing 75% of all sickness -- and we don't even know how to use that 10% properly. Imagine what would happen if we used our mind to it's fullest? We would stop getting sick and live healthier, more productive lives. Researchers have also proven that people who have a healthy and positive attitude, or incorporate positive thinking,



live better lives. Why? It is because; they know how to use the power of their mind. Unfortunately most people never get their mind working for them. Instead, they get their mind to work against themselves, whereby creating things they don't want. If this is happening to you, relax and enjoy your reading of Nothingness of Self-Esteem. Reading Nothingness of Self-Esteem will make you to develop your Intuition by tapping into the power of your subconscious mind. Rather, you'll learn a number of proven techniques that will generate astounding results. The fact is that throughout your life, you have been taught all kinds of things. You were taught how to walk, how to read, how to write and so on. But no one ever taught you how to use the Power of Your Mind and Subconscious Mind. Unfortunately most people think that in order to change their life or grow as a human being all they need to do is set their goals, plan things ahead, manage their time better, say their prayers, one or two affirmations, become more disciplined, work with a daily planner and a goal minder. Perhaps by visiting and praying fervently to a Deity, for money, house, cars and all sorts of the so called goodies of life, they think that is all that it takes. Have you ever asked the question within you as: Why must it be that you do not have the same good results like your immediate brother, sister or colleague as you pray and dance the same way that he/she does? Have you ever asked that question once? If you havent, then be sincere with yourself and ask. The answer is not far-fetched: Human, Know Thyself. And know from now that the priests, the mualims, gurus, pastors, who want you to follow such routines, are not interested in helping you. No. Besides, on whom do you expect them to feed fat? On stone or what? They only want you to continue following them so that you become dependent on them.



The Nothingness of Self-Esteem teaches you the way of life and how to develop yourself and it follows the old adage that says: "Give a man a fish and you can feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for life!" You'll discover the most powerful techniques to quieten your mind and develop your instincts or intuition, while eliminating stress and enjoying greater fulfillment in every aspect of your life. You will accomplish goals you never dreamed possible.


Empowering Our Own Lives

The brain is the computer for the body, so to say. The senses allow us to communicate with the outside world. There are continual external expressions and we react to them like puppets. See the pattern. We are a body, yes it is true, the brain is the central computer in charge of it all, including our emotional responses and thoughts. We have five senses taking in information all the time and we react through chemical exchanges happening in our body and have thoughts and feelings, opinions and woes, all from this same system that we call man. Nine (9) times out of ten (10) is all we become. There is nothing wrong with that. Nature's cycles take care of it all within the Unity. We are born to live in a variety of different ways - all within certain parameters - until the day we exit this realm of existence. That may be sooner or later. However, there are some of us who have not had such an easy time of life and/or been vulnerable to other influences that have caused us to stop in our tracks. They have not been able to settle for those things that make people accept their lot, i.e. co-dependent relationships, substance addictions and



philosophical ideas and belief systems. Some of us have stopped and asked: Eh, what is going on here? How come things are the way they are? What or who am I really? What is this place that we live in? I am here accidentally or is there some kind of purpose? Many people have looked further and spent time with others who have gained some knowledge through spending their whole lives, looking for answers to these questions. For most of us, we say: What's the point in that, we can never really know? But for others of us, we have asked and asked questions and those questions have become the most important focus of our lives. We have not wanted to stay 'scraping the bottom,' behaving and believing we are important and valuable somehow, whilst knowing that we do not really know a single thing. These people become more than just puppets here, more than just physical beings dependent on their environment, and have experienced that there are realities beyond the physical realm. That we are not just ordinary bodies of very complicated machines. Through questing and constantly challenging reality - we find new horizons. We take too much blame and we all suffer the same way, it's just that some of us can manage better than others. The more sincere we are, the harder it can be among the pool of dishonest individuals - because we can only just acting a part. It is impossible to go out of the Unity. Don't take others responses to you as an accurate gauge of who you are and what you are about - through your own selfquesting you will find a different and reliable measure. The people around you will carry on in their relatively unconscious and irresponsible manners if you have decided to opt out - it doesn't mean you have to be the same if you stay within. All you need is to try and see that they are not intending to be



that way. Those lost figures simply don't know any way to be, other than what they are being. Don't take it personally. There are millions and billions of people here and there mostly scared and out for themselves - but all in their heart of hearts, hoping for better days ahead, for a kinder world where they can relax and be as they really are - to be able to stop acting and still be accepted. The only way this can happen is if there are a few of us that can take the strain and can take these people with a pinch of salt and make a fuss out of their good points. This way, we can bring enlightenment and harmony to this world. Is enlightenment a real possibility? This is being asked because not everyone is going to change and be themselves, as they are so caught up in surviving their lives. Each one of us has a sort of ripple-effect. People meet for the first time and there are subliminal (unconscious) messages being given and received. You don't just have effect on the people you notice - your influence is far wider. If there were 500 people and 5 maniacs within them, even if all the people do try, there would still be chaos. Now take the same scenario and imagine 5 conscious people. Can you imagine the impact? This is what is going on. There are people waking up and realising that as long as we all behave so helplessly, waiting for them to be proof before we make these greater efforts, then nothing will change. For me, I have a way I want to be regardless of whether I am one in a hundred, a thousand, or the only one. Human, know thyself! When you go out to experiment with influencing others positively do it consciously. By the way, thinking about influencing others is not the same as doing it. We must begin by reclaiming the power in our own lives. Once we are free of fears, illusions and subsequent



constraints, we interact with our environment in a positive and encouraging manner and we start to recreate our lives. Begin with yourself first and all else will follow.


Personal Transformation

Take a look at your life and take inventory of the places you find yourself asking: Why do I always end up with this or that who always do this or that to me? Could it be my romantic partners, jobs, bosses, friends, cars, appliances, or even landlords? Just where is it that you find yourself in the same situation over and over again, through what seems to be no fault of your own? Once you have a completed list written down in a paper, pick one repetitive event to start with and allow for the possibility that you have helped to make this event reoccur by a belief you subconsciously hold. This may seem difficult at first, but it will be part of the wallpaper of life, invisible to one is also necessary for you to let go of the payoffs your belief in your own self-righteousness afforded you - this was probably the most difficult part of the whole transformation process and it will also be the most worthwhile. There may be other things you need to let go of, too - for instance your stubbornness must let go. On a separate sheet of paper, you may write down the thoughts and beliefs you could be holding that might consistently produce an outcome such as the one you are repetitively experiencing. Keep this piece of paper in a safe place so you can come back to it often and add new ideas. Once you have a belief that feels like it could be the most appropriate or the one that feels right, write a definition that fits with the dualistic viewpoint, where an opposite outside of you must occur in order for the event to happen.



Once you have that definition in place, write another definition for your goal, belief, or a word say: "righteousness", that doesn't depend on an opposite or anything outside of you to experience its outcome. For example, that your limiting dualistic definition of "righteousness " was for you to be right, someone else has to be wrong and your more abundant definition of the so-called "righteousness " is that everyone embodies Cosmic righteousness, so you too can enjoy your righteousness without a need to have or make anyone else wrong. So you may choose to enjoy your righteousness independent of what others are thinking or doing. The next step is to take your new and more abundant definition and apply it to past experiences. Write down how each event plays out now that the action is being directed by the new, more abundant definition. As you do that, notice how good it feels to be free of the fearful and limiting emotions of being the helpless victim and how powerful it feels to be co-creating with loving partners. Then write down all the ways this new definition is going to positively change your present and your future. As part of this list, make sure you note that your transformation is going to benefit you in ways you cannot even imagine. (This has been one of the greatest benefits of a unique transformation for instance people, circumstances, and things have entered my life in ways that I could not have ever imagined but also never been able to engineer.) This new viewpoint will give you a glimpse of how powerful you really are and how, when you channel your power away from negative, self-limiting, and self-defeating directions and into positive, loving, and empowering directions, your life will get easier and easier, Be wise and act wisely! A final note on your transformation. When you change, the world around you transforms. Your transformation is going to



positively affect the people in your life. Some of these effects you will see, while you will never know about others. In fact, your transformation is going to provide the opportunity for others to experience their own transformation. Many of these people you will not even notice, they may just be passersbys in the street, so you will know nothing of their transformation. It is important that you trust that your transformation will have positive effects that you will be unaware of. Accept and enjoy the peace in your heart that comes with this trust. Human consciousness has been defined in terms of nothingness in order to emphasize the rift between the mode of things and the mode of human existence. To say in a traditional way that man is an animal endowed with reason blurs, for Sartre, the main point: that human consciousness is not just a part of the universal order of being, but that it constitutes the world and that order itself is the Unity. This constitution is rendered possible by virtue of the nothingness of consciousness which in the form of a lack-of-identity provides the condition for the possibility of self-deception (bad faith). Without the lack of identity it would not be possible to attain self-awareness and the world would consist only of the being-in-itself . But without the synthetic ability of consciousness that world would be non-existent. Even the principle of identity (A=A as in 2=/=1), which traditionally figures as an analytic (logical) principle, represents a work of consciousness and is therefore in its nature synthetic.



Development of the Real Intuition

2.1 The Real Intuition
Most people will tell you that intuitive moments have occurred in their lives - moments of an insight, flashes of inexplicable clarity defying conventional understanding. Yes intuition is real and yes it is fallible and yet, despite its nebulous nature, it has been known to change lives. So, instead of waiting for your intuitive insights to arrive randomly and with scarcity why not develop this skill yourself? Can you imagine what having a more fully developed and reliable intuition would do for you? Most of us live in our heads and pay little or no attention to the feelings that we so aptly called gut feelings. Our tummy knows far more than we give it credit for - so start listening to it and you will never go astray. This is the gateway to our inner world or intuition. Intuition, as opposed to logic, reasoning and rationale, is a gentler source of information that often defies logic, challenges reason and is strongly connected to feelings in the body rather than in the mind or head. Paying attention to our inner world requires that we press the pause button on the endless mental processing that consumes most of us. It allows us to focus to emotions, feelings and our body and with this we have taken the first crucial step to accessing our intuitive self. When trying to solve a problem or simply when thinking about anything - it may be interesting, if not scary, to notice just how many different perspectives or internal voices going



on inside - and no, this is not schizophrenia. It is important to sorting out the difference between your internal voices of fear from other calmer, clearer source of internal thought. The tyrants on the internal committee may prevent us from hearing the softer, wise internal guru, mualim, priest who actually has something valuable to say. What most people do not realise is that, fear literally interferes with true intuition. Many profound eureka or aha moments can happen in the shower, or while taking a relaxing walk - why? Because when our body is finally relaxed and calm, our intuition can kick in. While fear, stress, despair, grief, anger and their friends on the internal committee are hogging our internal bandwidth with their load and pushy behaviour, they literally drown out the gentle, softer inner teacher. So train your body to relax. But the truth is that most of us don't want to be quiet, relax or keep still for any significant length of time, because we know that all sorts of nasty emotions, old baggage and inner turmoil lies in wait to pounce the moment we shut our eyes, (for anything other than sleep). Behind the doors of any likely emotional purging, inner exploration, is your inner well of intuition just waiting to be used. Although it is not necessary to fully peel the onion to access your intuition, it will give you high-speed access to your guru. You and I are accountable for our choices, and even not choosing is a choice. Every choice is an act of power, because power is the result of responsibility and choice. Once we have gone through all the aforementioned actions, we will find our intuition and inner guidance system. Now we must use it to actively increase our awareness of choices to seek out new ways of seeing and new ways of being. Open our horizons and then use our intuition to choose paths and actions that feel the most truly aligned with our inner 'fear-free self'. And we



shouldn't be afraid to dream a bigger dream for yourself. Dream! Dream!! Dream!!! Any veteran of the inner world will tell, that sometimes when you close your eyes and go inside, even after doing fancy meditation postures and tricks - you still get thoughts of last nights dinner, to-do lists and other garbage invading your inner sanctum. So use discernment, because sometimes it is just macaroni! Be patient with yourself and go back a few steps and try again. After you have started paying attention, fired and hired on the inner committee, cleared up the inter-fear-ance, peeled the onion, taken back your power and sifted through the macaroni, amala or eba - you may be surprised to find many easily accessible nuggets of insight and wisdom waiting to enrich your life with support and guidance.


Expanding Your Real Intuition

Don't be surprised to discover that your intuition was there all along, but that it was buried under morass of fear and was simply malnourished and unable to germinate to a full grown reality. Give yourself the gift of time and space dedicated to getting to know you better - and excavate the magic that lies within. Real Intuition is everyone's birthright; your inner compass is waiting for you! Yes, You Can Expand Your Comfort Zone, Shatter the Beliefs that are Limiting Your Life, and Instantly Boost Your SelfEsteem Forever. The Life You Want This is so and Guaranteed! If you have ever thought about why some people are successful in life and others live out their lives in failure. If you've ever wanted to be one of those people who live their dreams, the answer is at hand.



Did you know that there is a single ingredient that separates people who are successful in life from people who are not? That component is how you harness your personal power. People who use their power will take their dreams and make them come true. They are fearless in their drive and will take immediate, massive, repeated action and will never give up until they can live their dreams. On the other hand, people who lack this ability still have the same yearnings and desires as everyone else yet they stay stuck and unfulfilled. They never make their dreams come true. Their lives are an endless series of what-if questions they ask themselves. But until now, success has never been so easy. Many people feel powerless in their lives. They live forever at the whims of others - nasty bosses, electric bill companies, water rate board or others trying to hold them back. They never discover the secret to incredible power that is hidden within them. For most folks, harnessing this power is just a dream or fantasy. But, now you can be on the way to achieving your dreams in just minutes. Keep cool and read on. I know it sounds incredible, but there's a simple, easy to use proven formula which unlocks everything your heart desires, and automatically creates the life you really want.


Quest for Reality

You should understand just how close you are to your dreams right now, because in just a moment, I am going to reveal what I discovered through 21 years of research that allows you to harness your inner power and immediately attract everything you desire, and bring its benefits into your life at the speed of lightning. The single most important key to living your dreams is utilizing your personal power. No matter what your dream is,



you make it reality when you master this skill. You'll be able to handle every obstacle along the way. And you'll be able to move in the direction of your dreams within the first 72 hours. You may be stunned when you realize just how high you can climb and how you are being held back. When you are freed from the prison of your fears, your life is entirely new. Unless your personal power throttle is set on high, it affects every aspect of your existence. The way you set your goals, choose your values, or react to life is shaped by who and what we think we are. When you use your power, you have a more confident feeling inside, you become successful in your lives, and you become unstoppable and indistructible. When using your power, you would be able to distinguish between the super achievers and The an average person. Your quest for reality will first depend on how much you know yourself. Your true living body is the secret to show you the way to activate it.



Human Physical Body

3.1 Human Physical Body
In physics, a physical body (called simply a body or even an object) is a collection of masses, taken to be one. For example, a building can be considered an object but the building also consists of many particles or elements (foundations, columns, beams, slabs, roof etc).

Figure 3.1 Human body parts



Specifically, a physical body is an object which can be described by the theories of classical mechanics, or quantum mechanics, and experimented upon with physical instruments. This includes the determination of a position, and in some cases the orientation in space, as well as means to change these, by exerting forces. For instance, the force of gravity will accelerate a body if it is not supported, thus causing a change of its position by falling freely. However, it should be noted that it is not necessary for there to be forces present for an object position to change - only the rate of change of the object's position, that is, its velocity, will change under the influence of forces.

Figure 3.2 Female and male human anatomy (Source:



A human's (animal's or vegetable's) physical body is made up of organs and tissues and is a part of the total living being which in the human being may also include a psychological or spiritual component. However, whether or not a human being includes a spiritual component is entirely up to philosophical and theological debate. In Figures 3.1 and 3.2, human physical body and their parts are shown. It is therefore necessary to known the positions of human body parts as the knowledge is essential for the spiritual development. Human, know thyself!


Systems of the Human Body

In a human body system the followings are defined as: Circulatory system: pumping blood throughout the body Digestive system: processing food with mouth, stomach and intestines Endocrine system: communicating within the body using hormones Immune system: defending against disease-causing agents Integumentary system: skin, hair and nails Lymphatic system: structures involved in the transfer of lymph between tissues and the blood stream Muscular system: moving the body Nervous system: collecting, transferring and processing information with brain and nerves Reproductive system: the sex organs Respiratory system: the organs used for breathing, the lungs Skeletal system: structural support and protection through bones Urinary system: the kidneys and associated structures involved in the production and excretion of urine



Certain professions, especially medicine and physiotherapy, require the study of human anatomy (See Figure 3.2) in depth. Textbooks usually split the body into the following regional groups: Head and Neck: includes everything above the thoracic inlet. Upper limb: includes the hand, forearm, arm, shoulder, axilla, pectoral region and scapular region. Thorax: contains the region of the chest from the thoracic inlet to the thoracic diaphragm. Abdomen: everything from the thoracic diaphragm to the pelvic brim or to the pelvic inlet. The back: about the spine and its components, the intervertebral disks and bodies Pelvis and Perineum: the pelvis consists of everything from the pelvic inlet to the pelvic diaphragm. The perineum is the region between the genital area and the anus. Lower limb: the lower limb is usually everything below the inguinal ligament, including the thigh, the hip joint, the leg, and the foot.

Human, know thyself! It is not only the medical or physiotherapy profession that requires in-depth knowledge in human anatomy, but every spiritually inclined individual. This is because in any spiritual unfoldment, imagination is important to activate the results during and after meditation. It is equally necessary to invoke and bring to focus any part of the body that need healing or development. The human subtle body is going to be discussed in the following chapter.



Human Subtle Body

4.1 Introduction
Everything has an aura; plants, animals, crystals, books, planets, etc. If it vibrates, it has an energy field. The lower the vibration, the more fixed (stabled or simpler structure) the aura around the object is. Animals have less complex but more intense coloration than humans. Wild animals have more expansive auras than their domestic counterparts. Pets often have certain aura colours that are characteristic of their primary caregivers, e.g., the dominant colouration. This explains why animals understand their owner's language when you are able to see the telepathic energy being received and sent between owner and animal. If you want to know what your aura looks like, look at your cat or dog for an indication. If you have no pet, watch your own behaviour towards others. About the therapeutic effect of animals on people; animals put green and pink energy in our energy fields because they are loyal and love unconditionally and this energy finds its way to influence your energy. Plants including flowers, trees, grass, etc. have an energy field. Although it differs from the aura of humans and animals, but there are similarities on a basic level. It is normally iridescent/radiant. The energy of plants, particularly trees can influence our own energy, in a full consciousness you will realize that by passing a tree your aura becomes flooded and charged with green. That is why they say if you are stressed "hug a tree!". Surely this is true. (In parts of Africa, where there are lots of trees in the thick jungle, the inhabitants



insure their life as well as their children inside trees. Most trees live 100 to 200 years, so it is safe as long as the tree in which a life is insured is not cut off.) The green energy emanating from the tree when hugged, immediately neutralizes lower unstable energies thus having a calming effect on the person and then the person again feels in harmony with himself and others or his environment. Cars, when looking at, reflect colours around it. A car can have a unique aura received often from its owner. It could be realized that we as human beings are emotionally attached to our earthly goods, so a part of our energy resonates around the goods we feel attached to. At the same time a car symbolically represents our ego vehicle. The next time your car gets a flat tyre, ask yourself when recently your ego got punctured?! Think, ask and you must receive. There is a natural energy which flows through a house. Certain areas, spaces and corners in the house tend to hold on to the negative energy. With auric sight these are perceived as light and dark spots. The dark spots tend to stay at in 1 place accumulating more of the same energy, but the light energy tends to flow. Lower vibrations can be altered by placing crystals in these spaces or corners. To have a taste of what cosmic energy looks like, one needs to take a look at the ocean. Because of the high amount of oxygen at the sea, it automatically raises your energy levels. And it looks like different textures dancing on top of the waters. If you try to look at the aura of a full moon - you will see that there is much more going around the moon than you have ever noticed before! You may wish to slide out at a quiet night and watch! Everybody is born with the ability of auric sight, which allows you to see the physical or etheric double, emotional layer and



the lower mental layers. For the rest you need clairvoyant or spiritual sight which you either received as a gift or obtained through a lot of spiritual work on yourself to raise your vibrations to such a level that you can perceive higher dimensions. Very young children (up to 5 years of age) see auras naturally. Infants frequently look above a person in front of them. When they don't like the color of the aura above the head, or if this color is much different from their parent's aura, they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does. While naturally, some peoples aura, just like my wifes, attracts most children Children have much cleaner and stronger auras than most of adults, who are usually completely enslaved by the materialistic world and suppress their Nature by following superficial examples. When children see and try to tell adults of what they see or feel, it is usual for parents or some adults to feel their children are going nuts. In this area of the world (Yorubas, Igbo in Nigeria) they are referred to as emere, abiku, ogbanje or all sorts of names. The names signify that such children can communicate with their other heavenly mates or Source Codes so to say. Hence they are obliged to go back to them whenever the promised life-span elapsed. This is the belief and a typical scenario. The truth is that children should learn to see and read auras in our primary schools, so they never lose this natural ability, because if taught and developed well it would raise the world to a greater height than now. Angels or Malaeka do not have wings in the real sense of it. Within the energy field of a person it looks like bright energy. To some clairvoyants, it looks like silver/gold stripes shooting into a blockage. Archangels are a symbol of large hands forming an arch. Normal angels may be revealed to others in a symbol of shooting arrows like feathered wings. They give



these symbolic images so that one knows what energy beings he is working with. Whenever an angel or malaeka or iwin being enters your aura, the vibration of your field is immediately raised and expanded and to the clairvoyant eye it looks brighter and more radiant. They can also make their presence known by smell or touch. Angelic energy feels warm, loving, kind and peaceful - so to say. Most people find it overwhelming as this love and warmth cannot be compared to any we find on earth. To some, Angels leaves a place smelling like lavender, violets and roses. The true living body comprises of physical and subtle body.



An aura is an oval shaped etheric emanation surrounding humans within a distance of 600 to 1300mm all around the body.

Chakras Zone

Figure 4.1 Human body aura



It is a multi dimensional energy field that contains all that was and is. It extends to become part of the cosmic universe. An aura is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. Combinations differ with individuals and are constantly shifting. The colors are representative of mental and emotional states. The human aura is a multi-dimensional energy field, which consists of closely knit electromagnetic particles of varying densities suspended around the body in several layers known as auric bodies. The aura manifests the sum and sustains our existence as an endless life force in the universe. It is an extension of our higher self and a manifestation of the cosmic nature of our being. It is the antennae of consciousness, a treasure and throve of knowledge. Imagine an advanced energy and information system that contains a true chronicle of your past- present-and future. By referring to it you can expand your awareness and discover exciting new dimensions to your existence. It is also a system that can give you new insight, growth and power into your life. Einstein said: Color is light, light is energy and energy is the whole universe. Think of the aura as a colorful light system around any object which functions, not only in a 3rd dimension but in a 4th or even 5th dimension which is timeless and therefore it is only energy that interacts with everything as well as the universe. It is alive and an ever changing energy system and non-static. It is forever communicating, interacting, responding and confirming with every impulse, in and around it. It is an energy system, which contains all of which you are and were as a body, mind and soul being. It is forever present and forever evolving as you grow and expand and experience life in all its forms. It can never dissolve since energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be altered. Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every



part of an atom, every electron, every elementary particle, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the aura as an electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the aura vibration. The most important property of the aura seems to be the fact that it contains information about the object. Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants and so on) changes with time, sometimes very quickly. Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water etc) is essentially fixed. Above facts have been observed by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kalian Effect to study auras for the last 52 years. The aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (ultra-violet or UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. Russian scientists in Aura research are suggesting that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave aura. The high frequency (UV) part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes.


The True Colours of Auras

It is very difficult to describe the energy and colours of the 4th and 5th dimension in a 3 dimensional way. Due to the Kirlian



photography a lot of people have the impression that that is what an aura is all about and that is what the colours look like. This could not be any further from the truth. This is merely 1 dimension attained from biofeedback and the colours are reproduced to represent what the camera accesses. This camera only picks up the type of energy you currently manifest at body level. Aura can be divided in to 4 bodies; the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. All these bodies have a higher dimension to them that function in the 4th and 5th dimension except the spiritual body. Spirit is 5 dimensional and there are even higher vibrations than that. All of these bodies differ from each other. The colour aspect of the aura functions within the emotional body. We truly have colourful emotions and that is why we have expressions in language using colour to describe emotions, e.g.:

red with anger. If one is mad the emotional aura is flooded with red. green with envy. A slummy shade of green is in the aura. having the blues. Too much blue in the emotional layer is telling you that this person is currently feeling melancholic.

Your soul's colours look completely different than the emotional colours. It looks like nothing on the earth plane. The closest description is that this aura has the same haziness a misty day about it, but then with a tint of green, blue, red, like the colours of the rainbow, sometimes more than 1 colour or even 4 colours together with the sun shining from behind to give it the radiance of the soul. The general hue, which people talk about, is still not a true colour. It is true for the personality you are on earth. This is



the sum total of the flow of energy through all your chakras at whichever level it is functioning currently, projected outwards. This correlates closely with the energy of the rising sun and 1st house in astrology. People with the same general hue normally get along with those of complementary colours like reds and greens, oranges and blues, yellows and purples. These keep one another on their toes. For instance, reds will push greens to be more active while greens will calm down the energy of the reds. So what you truly are on earth is a sum total of all these bodies. So what does my aura look like? It depends on which auric body you are looking at.


Auric Sight

Auric sight is a function of the eye that has been neglected or shut down by conditioning, fear and also because we use our left brain function more than the intuitive right brain as we grow up. There are two main types of light receptors in the human eye, rods and cones. We each have approximately 18 million rods and 3 million cones in our eyes. Cones are concentrated in the middle of our eyes. Cones are receptive to light in our normal visible spectrum. They are used to see colours and objects in our everyday environment, focused vision. Rods are receptive to shorter wavelengths of lights (those in the ultraviolet spectrum). They are used for night vision and to detect movement. The so called Rods are concentrated in the outer portion of our eyes. So we use our peripheral vision to see the aura. This part of our eyes needs a lot of exercise if you have never used it before. Other ways of perceiving the aura is through the 3rd eye. In order to do that you need to let go of limiting beliefs, conditioning and karmic issues stored within the 3rd eye. You can raise your level of vibration through regular meditation,



teaching yourself to access the alpha brain waves. Alpha level functions within the super conscious and when you can maintain that level you are automatically open to perceive the energy of the aura. Seeing auras is a different way of looking. The aura is gazed upon not look at. To enter that state of mind you need to relax and experience it as game of fun. The moment you tense up or stress, you go back to a lower vibration and then it is very difficult to access the energy. Remember you use your eyes and your intuitive mind to perceive! The secret to seeing auras is patience, practicing an hour a day. Human, know thyself!


Multi-Sensory Perception

This is using all of your senses to experience the energy. Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth. In order to understand the totality of the energy and what the energy of the aura wants to communicate, it is important to develop other senses like hearing, smelling and touch. The aura is accessible not only through sight. Most of us are clairsentience beings, i.e. by feeling the energy another person is giving off or radiating. You have heard people refer to a friend: I can feel he is in a bad mood. Here too, remembering there are always more than one (1) level to feeling. There is the immediate emotion a person experiences. Then there is the deeper feeling of what the emotion is doing to the person's other energies, for instance you can experience the emotion of raging anger and that may make feel vulnerable when you see one in a person right in front of you. You get frustrated or confused. Our hands are a kinesthetic sensor to feel energy. Normally we receive and read the energy with our left hand and give energy out with the right hand. So it is.



We can also feel the energy of a place and animals. There is a whole spectrum of sound outside our normal range of hearing abilities within the spiritual dimensions that is accessible through our inner hearing system. And this is the least developed skill in most people. Because of noise or what we did not want to hear we have blocked our hearing abilities. People like mediums can communicate with other dimensional beings, they see as silver/gold in the aura). There is no sense in only seeing if you cannot hear or see what the energy wants to tell you.



Chakras, as represented in Figure 4.2, are energy points in our aura. Chakras are energy vortexes that look like wheels spinning, through which vital energy must pass in order to nourish and maintain physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. It is a profound system that integrates body, mind and soul. Chakras focus the confluence of energy streaming down on us from the cosmos and onto the earth. Chakras enable us to gather process and release energy. What is so unique about this system is the gradation and regiment of energy available as we evolve through the chakras to higher levels of awareness, responsibilities and consciousness. Each chakra has 3 layers of energy. Note this!

Crown (7th) or MEDULAR 3rd Eye (6th), ajna or CAVICAL Throat (5th) or DORSAL Heart (4th), amahata

Solar Plexus (3rd)

Sacral (2nd) Root (1st)
Figure 4.2. Positions of chakras



The top layer relates to transpersonal energy. This is the energy which can become congested in the comings and goings of everyday life, especially when we forget our spiritual nature and ignore our true purpose in life. The blockages in this field of energy come about through unexpressed emotions. These blockages reflect our capacity to experience, express and release our feelings. The middle layer relates to deeply personal emotional issues. These may require a deeper therapeutic approach to work through the disturbances, which focus around our birthing, infancy and early childhood. Chakras can easily be blocked if they are not well activated and used rightly, i.e. if activated and abused by negative thoughts. Yes Chakras get rusted or corroded just like an abandoned steel. Not only can one must use the steel but must be oiled properly and adequately too. Water-air combination corrodes steel, so also will negative thought do to your Chakras. So, be cautious! When the chakra is blocked at this level the mind needs to be engaged and committed to reprogramming negative thoughts about the past. Unresolved issues will stand in the way of our development and growth which work through our mental processes as well as energetic processes. The deep inner layer is related to the soul path. To disturb the patterns, which are locked into the energetic, code would be a violation of the person's life process. No one can know the deep unfolding of the soul's destiny. However, these deep layers of energy are more likely to open and blossom when the top layers are free from congestion. The chakras spin at such a high vibration that it is not possible to see it with auric sight alone but with an opened 3rd eye. It is my wish that everyone will have at least once the opportunity to experience this. When you do you will understand why the Yogis describe chakras as lotus with



spinning petals. the chakras can be perceived in their symbolic representation, which is a red square for the root chakra, a crescent moon for the sacral chakra, a circle for the solar plexus, a heart shape for the heart chakra, upside down triangle for the throat chakra, a star for the 3rd eye and a skull cap for the crown chakra.
Balancing and Charging the Chakras

While the word "chakra" has Hindu (Sanskrit) roots, the energy involved is not partial to any particular religion or belief. It is a universal energy, and all people inhabiting physical bodies on this earth have them. These energy vortexes are the channels through which spiritual energy flows through to manifest in the physical plane. (Matter is merely slowed down or crystallized energy, hence, our bodies are energy!) The chakras and other smaller energy vortexes (such as acupuncture points) are openings and channels for universal energy to flow into and out of the aura. Through chakra meditation and learning and experience with the energetic nature of the universe, we can awaken our conscious minds to our true spiritual natures. The following is a general summary of understanding the physical locations and elements associated with each chakra. Over the years some discrepancies have been noticed between how different people "define" each chakra, (particularly the second and third chakras), but the differences have only been minor. Certainly the colors and locations of the chakras are generally consistent. The base chakra extends down and the crown chakra extends up, while the chakras in between have vortexes both to the front of the body and to the back.



The first chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with red. It is the chakra that governs our physical existence, our bodies and our health. The second chakra is located in the area of the womb or spleen, and is associated with the color orange. This chakra governs creativity and emotion. The third chakra is located at the solar plexus and is associated with the color gold (yellow). It is associated with the will or desire. The fourth chakra (the middle chakra in the chain of seven) is the heart chakra and is associated with the color green, and also the color rose, which is the "color of love." This chakra is connected with emotion and human love. The fifth chakra is located at the throat and is a bright blue. It governs communication and personal magnetism. It is the chakra that most influences intercommunication and our "personas." It is also the link between emotion and thought. The sixth chakra is located at the third eye (mid-forehead) and is indigo (deep purple/blue). This chakra is associated with thought (though some say the third chakra governs thought) and with vision, particularly psychic vision. It is also the chakra of spiritual love and connection. The seventh chakra is at the crown of the head, and is violet fading to white further away from the body. This chakra is our connection to our "higher selves" and to the "divine." It is associated with wisdom and integration of our eternal selves (half education, religion fanatism) with our current physical selves. It is like our umbilical cord to The Absolute. When all the chakras are "whirling", open, bright and clean, then our chakra system is balanced. When a chakra becomes blocked, damaged, or muddied with residual energy, then our physical and emotional health can be affected. Often this



occurs habitually as the result of negative or incomplete belief systems. The effects of our habits, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, fears and desires can be found in our chakras. For example, if you eat poorly (a lot of processed food, for instance) and don't exercise, chances are your root (red) chakra is going to become sluggish, darkened and dull. If you "close off" your emotions because they're painful or overwhelming, your heart chakra is likely to become tight and closed and block emotional energy. If you are extremely centered in your intellect, you may have a bulging and bright brow chakra, but a disproportionately small heart chakra or root chakra. Or perhaps you're cerebrally focused on finding answers to deep questions about "reality" (as I was for many years). In this country (Nigeria) and other Nations of the world we tend to value the upper chakras over the lower chakras. This probably has its roots in our ancestors' religious aversion to the "flesh" and their focus on the rewards of "heaven." The goal is a strong, clear, balanced energy system. The more open, clear and balanced the chakras, the more energy can flow through your system. This energy is essential for vitality, health, and continued growth on all

The following exercise, looks unending for a beginner but, is very effective, safe and powerful. Anybody at any required time one feels empty, it can be used to ground oneself. Use the power of imagination to locate each necessary parts of your body.
Your body is the only authentic temple you have and not somebody else or any place. You are endowed with it, use it wisely. First know yourself.

Lie, stand or sit in a relaxed and comfortable position, as you would for any meditation.



(Remember this fact that your body is the only authentic temple you possess, so use it wisely.) Your spine remains straight and your head aligned with your body. It is preferable to learn about energy and the methods of balancing, cleansing and charging the chakras and allow one's own inner voice to lead the meditation. The following is just one way of performing this balancing.

The body should already be relaxed and the mind tranquil when beginning this meditation. Eyes are closed. Now that you are relaxed and feeling very much at peace,
take a moment to ground yourself here in this moment, in this body, in this place, in this time...

Take some deep (six or seven counts as wished but stick to one) and out (six or seven counts, but stick to one). in...and out... Follow the breath as it flows toward your nostrils, as it enters your nose, as it fills your lungs and then as it is expelled. Just relax into this quiet moment. Breathe in... follow your breath... and out. In... and out. Feel where your body meets the (chair/bed/floor). Become aware of your body from head to toe, of your weight, of the heaviness of your limbs.
Somebody told me he likes to recite: Allah-Akbar-Laahu-Akbar for 10 minutes to relax. Another said: A-U-M, while another recites the mantra: There is no life, truth or intelligent nor subject of matter, all is infinite mind and infinite manifestations, for my... is all-in-all, myand myis the image of my...and therefore I am not material but You may wish to fill in the gap by your usual name of your belief: God/Allah/PanBuh/AuraMashida, Spirit/ Inner Force/, God/Allah/PanBuh/AuraMasishida, All the same.



Now focus on the area at the base of the spine, the area between your legs.
This is the root chakra. Its energy is red, and it governs your physical body, your physical health and vitality.

In your mind, study the appearance of this chakra; note its color and vitality. Mentally envision the chakra and note any symbolic symptoms of disease. If you feel your chakra is dusty, dirty, torn, or otherwise less than a perfectly brilliant red whirling vortex, imagine your hands (or those of a guide) working on the chakra. If it is dirty, clean away the dirt and throw it into an imaginary pail with a lid. Allow those hands to repair any imperfections, and when the chakra is clean, mentally take the pail and hurl it into the sun. Watch it as it travels through space and then bursts into a zillion bits of energy upon solar contact. Allow the sun to recycle this energy back into the universe. Now turn your attention back to the root chakra. It is clean and red. You are surrounded by infinite root energy. Imagine the room glowing red with this energy, feel its strength and power. See red swirls of energy flowing to your root chakra. You can feel this as a tingling as the energy fills your root chakra. As the energy swirls in, your chakra grows large and deep red and strong. Allow the energy to fill your chakra until it is so vital that it extends several feet out from your body. In your mind you can see your root chakra, a brilliant red swirling vortex of physical energy. Now turn your focus up to your abdomen, to the area of the "womb" or spleen/lower navel (if man).



This is the orange chakra, that which controls clear thinking and creativity.

Take a moment to observe the chakra. Note its color, its vitality. Is it clean and strong? Or is there work to be done here? Allow those invisible hands to cleanse the chakra, to repair or heal it. Discard any imperfections in the pail, and send the pail to the sun to recycle the energy. Focus on the orange chakra again. It is now clean and whole, and a bright orange. Call out to the universe for orange creative energy and feel the space around you begin to glow orange. With a tingle you feel the energy begin to swirl into your chakra, charging it with vitality, with creativity, with clear-thought. Watch as your orange chakra grows and whirls, until it extends out from your body for several feet, just as the red root chakra is still whirling and strong. Turn from the red chakra, up through the orange chakra, to the solar plexus.
This is the heart of the yellow chakra, that which governs will and ambition.

Take a few moments to examine this chakra. Note its color and appearance. Have you been lazy of late, or perhaps too driven? Examine your will through this chakra. Allow the invisible hands to cleanse the chakra and heal it, discarding any imperfections or impurities in the pail. Send the pail to the sun for recycling. Now return your attention to the yellow chakra, that of will. It is now clean and a bright yellow. 'Universe, send me yellow energy, will energy, energy to achieve my goals, to work for that which I value and desire.' Feel



the yellow energy surrounding your body, and with a tingle feel the energy swirl into your solar plexus. In your mind you can see your red/root chakra glowing, whirling, your orange/womb chakra pulsing brilliantly, and your yellow/solar plexus chakra glowing strongly, extending several feet out from your body. Turn your attention to the middle of your chest, to the heart chakra, the green chakra. You may feel an instant wave of emotion.
This chakra governs your feelings, your emotional connections to others and to the universe, to life itself. Examine this chakra.

Note its color, vitality, any impurities. Gently allow those invisible hands to cleanse and purify the chakra. Reflect a moment on how you've been feeling emotionally lately. Are there bindings holding in pain? Or is the chakra tight and hard with anger? Release any tensions, imperfections or impurities to the pail. Send them to the sun for recycling. They are still yours if you choose to hold them, but for now, release any pain or anger. Now focus back on the heart chakra. It is clean and a beautiful green color. It whirls strongly and evenly. Say: Universe/God/Allah/Most-High..) send me green energy for my heart! Open my heart to the world, to all beings, with compassion for our shared experiences and journey. Fill my heart with love energy, that I may in turn give love to others. Must you use any familiar phrase for yourself, so be it. Feel the green energy whirling into your heart. Watch the chakra grow and glow and spin with this new energy.



From the red chakra through the orange chakra through the yellow chakra through the green chakra, your chakras are cleansed and charged and huge with energy. Focus on the throat, center of the blue chakra which governs communication and personal magnetism. Examine the chakra, noting the color and any imperfections.
Perhaps you haven't been honoring your own beliefs and speaking out when you should. Or perhaps you've been talking over others, or not listening well. Perhaps you've been feeling shy and afraid to extend your energy in communication.

Allow the hands to heal and cleanse the chakra and when finished, send the impurities to the sun for recycling. Now the chakra is clean and strong and bright blue. Feel the air fill with blue universal energy. Feel the throat open as this energy swirls into the throat chakra. This energy charges your aura with magnetism, drawing others to you. Feel your throat open with this swirling, strong blue energy. Focus on the middle of your forehead, the third eye. This chakra is indigo and governs psychic vision and intuition. Examine the chakra for imperfections. Perhaps it is locked up due to fear. Perhaps it no longer spins out of neglect/stagnation. Allow the hands to cleanse the chakra, to heal any imperfections and recycle them in the sun. Now look at the chakra. It is a beautiful deep indigo, clean and whirling. There is psychic energy available to you beyond measure. Feel it charge the air, swirl in and around and fill your third eye chakra with deep, vital indigo energy.



Feel the third eye open, and note any mental visions as this occurs. Now is a good time to ask for increased psychic power. Note the red/root chakra, the orange/womb chakra, bright, strong, big! Move your attention up to the yellow/solar plexus chakra, to the green/heart chakra, open and brilliant, to the blue/throat chakra and the indigo/third eye chakra. Your chakras are huge, whirling, and fully charged. Now focus your attention at the crown of your head. This chakra is violet near the body, fading to white further away. This chakra governs your connection to the Universe/God/Goddess/The Creator, etc... This chakra is like an umbilical cord to "home." Reflect on your spirituality of late, examine the chakra and allow any healing needed. In my experience this chakra generally needs much less work than the others. Allow the hands to heal, to cleanse, and recycle the discarded energy in the sun. Now examine the chakra. It is brilliantly violet, glowing white around the outside. Mentally reach out to that which you consider your "Source" to "The Absolute" or The Universe. Feel the response, the energy flowing back to you. Ask for the peace and joy of a strong crown chakra connection. Feel the violet energy flowing in, a loving embrace of your whole self, of your soul. See the crown chakra grow enormous, and the white energy surround your body. All your chakras are now clean, charged and in balance. From the red/root chakra, to the orange/womb chakra, to the yellow/solar plexus chakra, to the green/heart chakra, to the blue/throat chakra, to the deep



purple/third eye to the violet/crown, your chakras are spinning and whirling, full of energy and vitality. See the white energy that extends up and out from the crown chakra enveloping your whole body in an egg of white energy. You are completely refreshed, calm, and peaceful. Your energy is balanced. You are full of vitality. After few months of practice, you may not want to get involved with any other meditation again. Try it! Alternative to this is your regular alsolaat, pelvic movement or your group dancing and clapping of hands.


An Electromagnetic Affair

Most noticeable human shifting includes the alarmingly frequent occurring nervous system disorders; increasing incidents of unexplained phenomena; and extra-sensory development. Strangely, almost as if theres something in the air, a heightened intensity of emotions is being felt and people are embracing know thyself and above all else be true to thyself philosophy. Theres a whole lot of shifting going on as in Figure 4.3. Evidently, theres an electromagnetic energy surge/shift now underway. Electromagnetism is the stuff that when the Sun emits more electromagnetic radiation, the Earths geomagnetic field, ironbased inner core, and its frequency rate are altered. This energy alteration affects all creatures, and evens our bodys natural electro-magnetic field. Consequently, within the Universe, if one energetic member shifts, all the others are likely to follow - like the Earth, Sun, You, Me and everything else that exist within.



Figure 4.3 The shift

It is what makes you wonder which energetic member is affecting Ra the Sun? Without a doubt, we are in a spectacular and peculiar time of great change. A time when old wisdom merges with modern knowledge, exposing the basic mechanics of creation -- electromagnetism. The ancient Mayans were wizards of time and numerology. Their calendar reveals an important time (1999 2012) when the last 13 baktuns (Mayan years), the larger cycle of the Sun, is complete. In the meantime, since 1999 to date, our modern technology, amongst other Geophysics and Astrophysics intelligences, observe the Sun with watchful and astonished eyes as our Solar System leader the Sun, displays an intense and rather abnormal fiery and explosive behavior. Currently, we are in the half-way point of this Sun cycle, meaning a whole lot of shifting is most likely yet to come ... affecting Earth and Everyone. Listed below are a few helpful suggestions for preparing your body-mind-spirit for energy surges and shifts.



A very noticeable year is the year 2007 (20:07 in the Quran), in which the difference between 7 and 20 is 13, yet it is not the last circle of the Sun.
Electromagnetic Shift Tips Associate with the vibration of the earths core energy

By walking barefoot, sitting or lying on the Earths natural floor, you are connecting to Earth by creating an energy current circuitry that improves your bio-energy system.
Stretch your body and feel the internal vibrations

Try this by standing up right with your feet on the floor. Now lean over and touch the floor with both hands grounded. Hold a position that creates your body to shake or vibrate. Rearrange different positions to enhance vibration in certain areas of the body. By doing this you are activating synergistic nerve conduction, allowing your bio-energy to flow more freely and efficiently, thus, preparing the body for easier adjustment in energy surges and shifts.
Support and enhance your bodys equilibrium

During an event of electromagnetic shifting, physical symptoms are known to occur. These may include vertigo, nausea, and anxiety, tingling of moving energy throughout body, changes in energy level or changes in auditory and other sensory functioning. We need to stimulate and strengthen our sensory systems in order to improve our adaptability to vibration energy surges/shifts. The following is an easy exercise: Stand up-right and spin your body in a left (counter clockwise) direction for a few



spins and then pause a moment. Repeat the spin in the opposite direction (clockwise). This practice of sensory recalibration is most helpful for the auditorial (sense of balance) region. Changes in air pressure, sonic energy waves, etc, are likely to throw off your body's balance mechanism.
Use natural salts and baking soda

Use natural salts and baking soda in your bath for detoxifying the body, grounding and stabilizing your energy field. Salt and soda creates a negative ionic atmosphere, thus drawing toxins from the pores and balancing excessive positive charge. Eat well.
Drink and eat electrolytes

Everything in our body, especially optimal nerve transmission, operates with electrolytes. (natural form: sodium, potassium, calcium.) In the midst of new changes and shifting taking place, perhaps the most important helpful factor to state is to inculcate:
Get Awareness

Awareness or consciousness is a nonphysical form of potent energy that will create into physical manifestation one way or another. Protect and strengthen your bio-energy field by thinking wisely!


Influences of Auras

Negative influences are negative thoughts, noise, drugs and then electronic equipment. Negative thought patterns about yourself attract negative people and incidences in your life. Mental and emotional cleaning is recommended on a regular basis.



Continued loud noises disturb the balance of the layers and therefore lower your vibration level. Restore the balance of your aura with the gentle music and or other nature sounds. Drugs and cigarettes and other medicine taken over a long period of time create a grayish layer in the vital energy and prevent the natural ability we have to heal ourselves from functioning at an optimum level. If it is not a life threatening illness, go along other routes like homeopaths and alternative medicines. Remember that all disease has a mental and emotional cause and which if addressed will also clear up the disease. Alcohol suppresses the emotions, creating a phantom effect that boomerangs back on your psyche! Electronic equipment and power lines have a different magnetic energy field that runs in the opposite direction of your natural energy force. Over long periods of time the electric energy wants to change your natural flow while your own energy wants to correlate it again. It creates tension within the fields or weakens your energy that makes it receptive for disease. It is advisable that if you spent a long time in these unnatural energies to balance it out by spending time in nature to restore your energy.

Figure 4.3 The shift



Your energy field can also be strengthened by the use of the transformation meditations. Positive influences are natural sounds, natural sunlight, meditation, healthy eating, wearing bright colours, and decent behaviour. There is nothing paranormal in the Universe, except our limited understanding of Nature. What we think we know on Earth now is just a tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge. Long, long time ago, people admired things they could not explain and called them miracles. Long time ago, people were able to see auras. Advanced spiritual people such as Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, Rampa and other saintly persons were covered and often seen with golden halos around their heads, because some artists could actually see auras just as shown in Figure 4.4. Nature gave us all we need to see auras. All is required is the knowledge on how to use your senses together with your conscious effort. If you decide not to try, you will never see the aura. On the other hand, when you see something for yourself, no longer will you need to rely on believing someone. You will know that you know because you know. And you can use your knowledge to learn more and help others.

Figure 4.4 The true aura Many great people in the past complained that: we have eyes and we do not see. If you probe further in the Nothingness of self esteem you will discover what they meant.



Anyone can see auras to some degree. Rather than create an aura of mystery around my newly acquired skill, my approach is to show everyone what their eyes are capable of. (but Sumu bukumu, umuyu, wa-hun la yah-kiluun - they are deaf, dump and stupid, they do not make any sense.) When nearly everyone (including children) sees a similar thing, I consider this a part of our Nature and I say that it deserves our attention. Lets see. Stand in front of a full length mirror, watch your forehead (at the boundary of your hair-cut, even if you are bald). Just relax and you will surely observe your own aura flying off your head. With a little patience, it manifests clearly. Colors and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head have very special meanings. Watching someone's aura you can actually see the other person's thoughts before you hear them expressed verbally. If they do not agree with what this person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one can lie in front of you undetected. We cannot fake the aura. It shows our True Nature and intentions for everyone to see. Also, aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be sure that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be almost sure, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, good looking or well dressed he/she seems to appear. It is especially important to check the aura of any religious leader, spiritual teacher, master, muallim or a guru. Such a person should have a clearly defined yellow-golden halo around the head. If he/she does not have it, you are much better on your own.



Joining a sect or a religion that is led by incompetent people without good auras is very dangerous for your consciousness. Where is the danger? When the time comes to really use the information stored in your consciousness from this lifetime, there may be almost nothing useful there, if you focus your life on follow-follow-type rituals and the flock of other people. In such case it is necessary to re-learn everything from the beginning. Most sect, religion and political leaders have only two things in mind: money and power to control people. And you can see it in their aura for yourself. Imagine changes on the Mother Earth if many people can see auras of their leaders and start choosing them on the basis of their auras. Refer to the section nothingness theory in this book. By reading aura it seems possible to diagnose malfunctions in the body (diseases) long before physical symptoms become evident. Yes. By consciously controlling your aura you can actually heal yourself. However, healing of the physical body is nothing in comparison to what seeing and reading auras can do for our consciousness, spiritual development and our awareness of Nature. Everyone has an Aura. But most people on Earth have very weak and dull Auras. Some peoples aura if perceived can make one very sad indeed for dull colour it bears. This seems to be a direct consequence of their lifelong materialistic attitude negating and suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating fear, envy, jealousy and other similar emotions I beg of you leave this material thing alone, at least develop your inner power first and you will be better for it. Such attitude suppresses your True Nature, and your aura seems to become suppressed too. When people realize that their Aura is on display and many people are able to see it, they will watch what they think. And



they will try to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will become better and wiser, being able to recognize intentions of other people. Surely, the entire world will become much better if all people can see and read Auras.


The Energy Field

MerKaBa is a term translated as 'chariot' in Hebrew. In ancient Egyptian (18th dynasty) means Rotating fields of light Mer), spirit(Ka) and soul(Ba). The MerKaba is the energy field that exists around every living thing throughout the Universe. Literarily, MerKaBa is the force field of energy which surrounds every living thing and 'activates' when a person is in a state of Unconditional Love. When MerKaBa is activated around a person's body, he or she is in a place of complete protection, generated by the Love of the Universe. Back in the times of Atlantis, everyones MerKaBa was activated. Since the fall of Atlantis, we have forgotten how to activate this living field.

(The huge chunk of land, of continental dimensions, to the south of Southeast Asia, became sunken when sea level rose, at the end of the Pleistocene. Another sizable piece of land in the Indus Delta, the site of the second Atlantis, also disappeared likewise, at that occasion. No other regions of the world display a similar event, including the Americas. The conclusion is that Atlantis, if Plato was in fact speaking truthfully, could only have been located in that region of the world. This continental-sized land was indeed larger than Asia Minor and Libya (North Africa) put together, exactly as Plato affirms. It is seen to have been about two or three times larger than continental-sized India. See Figure 4.5.)



Figure 4.5 Ancient world during ice-age The activation meditation has recently been released back to humanity because we are ready for it again and it plays a vital part in the vibrational changes that we and the Mother Earth are going through. The MerKaBa Meditations facilitate deep spiritual growth and activation. They serve to balance all chakras, and lead one into whole-brain synchronization. The right brain, or the feeling aspect of the brain, already knows that the ascention is possible. The left brain on the other hand, deals with logic and linear time, and remains skeptical to the possibilities of ascention. Therefore the MerKaBa teaching is based on Sacred Geometry, thus appeasing the left brain's doubtful nature. The meditation also incorporates deep (pranic) breathing techniques, which brings Life Force Energy directly into the body in the same manner before the fall of Atlantis that the dolphins and whales breathe. We used to breathe in this manner, but over time we have forgotten how. Spherical



breathing activates all the chakras (energy centers) in the body and has them function as one. MerKaBa as a 'tool for ascention' means that the MerKaBa meditation provides the means for learning to work with our energy fields and to realign ourselves with Source by creating a sacred space of Love and Joy around us. The MerKaBa literally is the force field of energy which surrounds every living thing and 'activates' when a person is in a state of Unconditional Love. For the human body, this 'activation' would be seen as a subtle energy field that expands out around the body in a disc-like shape approximately 20 m in diameter. Therefore, this particular meditation is a means to showing us how that state feels and provides an experimental understanding of how to realign our energy fields and holds the higher vibration of Love in it throughout our daily activities. It is a powerful meditation for this very reason and should be done only with the highest intentions for remaining in a love-centered focus. As it amplifies the energy of the heart, one finds the higher energies are what is referred to as the 5th dimension space. Therefore, thoughts (and fears) manifest more readily when inside an activated MerKaBa, which then demands a sense of responsibility to maintain clear thoughts and actions at all times. The MerKaBa also functions as a multi-dimensional force field which when activated through love will protect you from any darkness trying to invade your system. Note that the energy that protects you will avenge you. The term 'ascentions' is one that has been widely used in a variety of contexts. However, the use of it only in context to the MerKaBa is as follows: To raise the energy level of physical body (mental, emotional, etc)



To have ability to tune-in to higher frequencies and access information or detect subtle energies. To strengthen ones connection to his soul and monad (single cell organism). To attain a oticeable shift to the focus of conscious awareness for awareness of other levels of reality.

While many believe that the concept of ascention implies physically departing from the Earth, in the Golden Age which we are entering it is more like anchoring heaven on Earth and hearts consciousness. Once we bring to shift our forces of awareness up from the solar plexus/ gut level to the heart center, we begin to add love to all the emotions we take in from our environment and send out to others. This is living and operating through your hearts consciousness mind not through your negative ego mind. This changes the perception of ordinary events in our lives and makes them more magical, colourful and alive. We can then more fully enjoy this Earth experience! In order to be in control of your manifest experiences, you first must understand about what your thoughts are, how they create, and how you can make them manifest into what you desire to see in your reality. MerKaBa or spherical breathing brings about a complete and final bliss which comes from within and not from without. you should know that before you start to use a version of MerKaBa meditation, your intention must be pure and positive. Ground yourself properly. Use any taught method hat is convenient for you.




Sit cross-legged or stand erect, whichever is convenient for you.

2. Breath-in by drawing light energy from the inner core of the mother Earth and allow the energy to flow up, lighting up your chakras. The light flows out your crown chakra and disappearing into the cosmos. 3. Now, breath-out and draw down the light energy from the cosmos flowing down to your head (crown chakra) to the root chakra, to your feet and down to the Earth core again. Move up the light as in 2 above Repeat Nos 2 and 3 five (5) times 4. As the light reaches the cosmos, after the fifth time in 3 above, breathing out and bringing the light down by your left side, outside your body, to the inner core of the mother Earth. Now breathing out, circulate up the light, through your right side, outside your body to the cosmos. Repeat this process 5 times. 5. from the cosmos pass down and breathing out the light in front of your body down to the earth and from the Earth up to the cosmos breathing in. repeat 5 times. 6. Now from top down, bring the light and place it in your solar plexus exercising your wish (positive only). 7. Then send the wish light into the atmosphere. Sit for as long as you wish before any daily activities commences.



Remember: what you sow is what you reap You are your own worst enemy as you are your best friend.



Thought Forms
5.1 Overview of Biological Functions of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
DNA contains the genetic information that allows living things to function, grow and reproduce. This information is held in the sequence of pieces of DNA called genes. Genetic information in genes is transmitted through complementary base pairing. For example, when a cell uses the information in a gene, the DNA sequence is copied into a complementary ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequence in a process called transcription. Usually, this RNA copy is then used to make a matching protein sequence in a process called translation. Alternatively, a cell may simply copy its genetic information in a process called DNA replication.

Figure 5.1 The structure of part of a DNA double helix



The details of these functions are covered in other articles, books and literatures here we focus on the interactions that happen in these processes between DNA and other molecules.

The structure of part of a DNA double helix is shown in Figure 5.1 and two strands of DNA are held together by hydrogen bonds between bases are shown in Figure 5.2.

Cytosine Phosphate dioxyribose backbone 3rd end

5th end

Figure 5.2 The two strands of DNA are held together by hydrogen bonds between bases DNA can be damaged, as shown in Figure 5.3, by many different sorts of mutagens. These include oxidizing agents, alkylating agents and also high-energy electromagnetic radiation such as ultraviolet light and x-rays. The type of DNA damage produced depends on the type of mutagen. For example, UV light mostly damages DNA by producing thymine dimers, which are cross-links between adjacent pyrimidine bases in a DNA strand. On the other hand, oxidants such as free radicals or hydrogen peroxide produce multiple forms of



damage, including base modifications, particularly of guanosine, as well as double-strand breaks. It has been estimated that in each human cell, about 500 bases suffer oxidative damage per day. Of these oxidative lesions, the most damaging are double-strand breaks, as they can produce point mutations, insertions and deletions from the DNA sequence, as well as chromosomal translocations.

Figure 5.3 Benzopyrene, the major mutagen in tobacco smoke, in an adduct to DNA


DNA Representations

Thought is define as scalar wave configurations of multidimensional vibrating patterns of bi-polar electromagnetic energy radiation, which form specific patterns of scalar frequency within the personal manifestation template In other words, thoughts are real things. And ones mind is an energy force that continually generates these patterns of scalar waves through the process of thought. Knowing this, it



is not difficult then to understand how appropriately directed thought can directly influence one's manifest experience and reality. And this is what thought manifestation is about. How thought gets transduced into externalization and holographic projection. Reality is actually just a hologram that is created right through your DNA template. The more strands of DNA are active within you, the more expanded your hologram will become, because you are able to bring in more dimensional levels of consciousness into your body via these frequency receivers. If you do not have the frequency receivers in your DNA, called apparthi, turned on and active, which happens during DNA activation then, your body will not be able to hold a certain frequency that, which you are trying to see in your hologram, like a fabulous wealth, will not be manifest in your experience. There is no way to see something if you don't have the receivers for that frequency (Video, TV, GSM, Osanyin) with its modulation. The frequency will be blocked out as if it doesn't exist so you won't see the reality fields formed by those types of frequencies. It's like trying to explain to your great grandmother how the astronauts landed on the moon. She just doesn't have the receptors to receive this information turned on, and will not be able to comprehend it. This is exactly what happens to many individuals they hear, see but do not comprehend even when things are very loud and clear. These people seem to work in a very low frequency and dealing with them requires patience to drive points home. They do not understand because they are in a self-imposed frequency fence first of all, and they don't have the apparthi turned on to even receive the frequency of information that the self-Esteem is driving at. So it doesn't matter how many ways we try to explain to them, they will never "get" it.



Because they believe that if they can't see it with their eyes, then it doesn't exist. By the way science is blessed by the facts of nature making it easy and real for it to travel to space, so as to understand the cosmos. It's like when we look up into the stars and into outer space, we are actually seeing a massive reality field that's filled with life and consciousness and all sorts of structures and forms and density levels and civilizations. But we don't see it all - we see deep space - the huge amounts of black distances between planets. Space between objects is a vibrational frequency. It is a vibrational frequency that our body systems are not used to perceiving so they block it out. If the frequency receivers (apparthi) inside your DNA are not doing their job to receive frequency, then the frequency will be blocked out as if it doesn't exist. Since we don't have the frequency receptors turned on for that specific frequency, we literally won't see it in our reality. If we had all of our sense receptors turned on, complete DNA activation, we would not see the hologram. Everything would be direct cognition and known as part of us within ourselves when we know ourselves as Source. So there are lots of things that we can't perceive with our Three-Dimensional (3D) consciousness and that is one reason why science can't "prove" yet that there is "life on other planets. Because the beings exist in higher harmonics of frequency, so that their senses cant be detected by the current 3D technologies. Science tends to look at thought as one of those unquantifiable things as a result of physical "phenomena". But thought is just as physical as your physical body. Your body and the planet's body are just thought forms. Even thought can be perceived if the receiver of right frequency is there



Thoughts also wear chemical toga. They exist in your body in form of chemical. They will be in some types of chemical molecular structure in your body and DNA. In fact, the ones that are disharmonic are the ones that cause chemical disease in the body. In order to prevent these discordant thought forms from manifesting as physical disease, the auric clearing and karmic sessions must be embarked upon often - Every thought that you created has a chemical reality in the body. Your thoughts are running through your blood and through your organ systems. They are in your body doing things. So a big part of learning manifestation is learning mental body control - how you are going to use the physics in your body and in your mind to control your thoughts and direct your holographic reality. All depend on you. Think positive and receive positive, think negative and receive negative. It is as simple as that. A lot of what is happening when one is looking through electron microscopes at parts of atoms, particles, and subatomic particles, because there is a time-thing going on within. What is happening is the things flash on and off from the source and then back to polarity so fast that they are beyond the perception, of not only the brains of the scientists trying to see it, but also out of the range of the time distortion that you get by looking through a microscope. Things flash on and off so quickly (as now proven by our quantum physicists) that we can't see it with the senses because the senses have a certain mathematical calibration that gives them a range of vibration that they can perceive but a large part is blocked out - because of the inactive apparthi (frequency receivers in the DNA). When scientists look through microscopes and telescopes, remember, they are seeing a holographic projection. They are using lenses that bend light which means it's creating sound



waves, which means it is changing interrelationships between templates - so it allows them to see certain levels of the microscopic kingdom and macroscopic kingdom that normally our sense facilities would not project out. But the thing is, we do have these sense facilities. If we can see these things through mechanical instrumentations, which are thought forms, that were created out of the belief that we need an instrument to do this because we did not have the innate ability to see these things ourselves. We don't need microscopes to see our microscopic particles. In fact, we will get a much more accurate assessment of what the particles look like and how they actually behave, when we begin to turn on our own micro-vision, which is part of the natural senses that start to come with 4th strand DNA activation. There are all sorts of things that we could do when human consciousness was functioning within its hologram the way it was designed if the DNA was operating properly and fully activated. The very ancient civilizations that lived thousands of years ago didn't have a lot of the so called stuff as we do now. They didn't have a problem with disposing of things like we do, and it wasn't because they were primitive cultures at all. In fact, they didn't bury bodies, because originally, they didn't even die. They ascended when they were tired of being here. This is the fact as it was so I am. When certain things happened to the DNA when they did die, they didn't die and then bury the body. They transmuted it with frequency. And the parts that wouldn't transmute would become dust. "Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust" so you say. It would all be controlled by the most powerful source or force in the universe - thought. Because thought is the director of



frequency and everything is formed by frequency. Watch out of negative thought that has become major part in your life. So we're actually going back in time to reclaim the knowledge and the power and the understanding that was once ours when the DNA was functioning properly. That is what we are teaching you now, so yield! It also a fact that thought manifestation from a 3-D level alone (3rd strand activation which most people are now in) is a hit or miss situation. The new age teachers teach you to say, "I am He, so that means whatever I command to do will happen". It doesn't really work very well, does it? It's because your consciousness is still stationed in the 3rd dimension, and Source is still beyond the 15th dimension. In order to be more like Source or God, you have to be able to embody more dimensions of frequency which happens as you activate your DNA. If you happen to create an alignment between you and your higher levels of self and you happen to create an alignment between your particles and their angular rotation of particle spin, then you will create a thought field that does indeed jump out from you and in about 3 days time, start to become manifest. But again, it's hit or miss trying to manifest from 3rd dimensional consciousness. But, if you have 6 strands of DNA active, this means you can embody 6 dimensional levels of consciousness (your soul's frequency), so therefore you are closer to fully embodying Source's energies and thus when you use your thoughts to direct this energy, manifestation happens much faster and more consistently. When the frequencies in the planetary grids are running properly and the DNA inside your body is working properly, thought manifestation is instantaneous. This is the power you have to look forward to eventually and not the usual amen without a concrete base prayer.



DNA is the literal vessel through which the illusionary experience of physical, external reality is manufactured. Knowing this, you may then realize that when you are shifting your consciousness and using the imagination to program desired thought-forms into the past, present, or future, you are literally reprogramming the frequency patterns of your cellular content and the operational holographic program that will manifest into physical reality through the DNA. The holographic, thought-form program through which your external reality will manifest is literally stored, as a multidimensional electromagnetic program, within the subatomic particle structure of your cells, much as a computer stores data within its memory. The DNA serves as the literal conduit through which that holographic program will project data from cellular memory into physical manifestation, much as a computers circuitry allows the electronic data stored in memory to be projected onto the screen, into forms recognizable to human perception. Your external reality field is the screen upon which the thought-forms that are stored within your cellular memory program will be displayed, and the DNA operates as the electromagnetic circuitry through which that memory comes into physical manifestation. To gain creative control over your manifest events, you must edit the cellular memory files (clear and transmute the lower pulsating particles from the body and auric field do an auric clearing), upgrade the holographic thought-form program (create new visualizations of desired past, present, and future events, living them in imagination as if they are happening now within the desired time period) and expand the DNA circuitry (have your DNA Activations) in order to allow new, desired reality pictures to project into your world of manifest events. In the practice of conscious evolution, which some of



you are already doing with my sessions, this cellular clearing and DNA transmutation is exactly what is taking place. For those of you who have not had your DNA activated, when you create future memory visualizations, you are putting specific manifestation instructions into the morphogenetic field of the DNA strands you have not yet assembled. You will encounter those reality pictures in manifest form once those DNA strands come into activation when you have your sessions. You can literally shift things in your present manifest experience by reprogramming the past memory impulses stored in your DNA add new past memories and new events will manifest in the present. Create new future memories now, and you can direct the path of your evolution from your present moment in time. When you release crystallized thought-forms composed of slow-pulsating particles from your present cellular structure in the Auric Clearing and Karmic Sessions, you are stopping those lower thought-form patterns from activating into your DNA, through which they would otherwise project into physical manifestation. Your moment of power is always in the present, when you realize that your present focus of attention can alter and direct events in both past and future, and within the present. It takes practice to develop skill in conscious manifestation and you must become familiar with the feel of your own inner focus of consciousness in the present, in order to direct your power of manifestation. Prior to learning manifestation skills, you must first learn demanifestation skills. Learning how to remove undesirable morphogenetic thought-form patterns from your active holographic program, which is stored within the cells and made operational through your DNA, is the first step in gaining mastery over the contents of your external reality field. And this is facilitated when you have an auric clearing. By removing



slower-pulsating particles from your body systems, you make room for the addition of new morphogenetic thought-form patterns composed of faster pulsating particles, which contain the electromagnetic imprint for more harmoniously ordered events. The 21st century descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, like their ancestors, give free spiritual energy healing treatments to others. These ancient healing treatments use naturally causing high frequency electro-magnetic energies to heal people of health problems. The electrical wavelengths and magnetic currents of a healthy body, when SuperEnergized, can be used to heal injuries and disease in oneself and others. An individual in the Super-Energized state of high frequency electro-magnetic energies, known as Enlightenment, is able to focus a flow of high frequency energy to heal injuries and disease at the sub-atomic cellular level. All life is comprised of different electrical wavelengths of Light and magnetic currents of Love at the sub-atomic, or quantum level. In advanced multi-dimensional physics, String Theorists, Quantum Mechanics adherents and Einsteinian physicists agree that the basic substance of our universe is comprised of electro-magnetic energies. Today, the people use an ancient natural healing technique which enables us to focus a flow of high frequency electro-magnetic energies to heal ourselves and others. A spiritual energy healer is able to focus a flow of high frequency electro-magnetic energies down to the sub-atomic cellular level. High frequency spiritual energy heals people at the cellular level by replacing damaged cells with new stem cells. This process, of natural stem cell replacement therapy, combines high frequency electro-magnetic energy with an individuals DNA to naturally create new stem cells. This



process enables ones body to heal itself, naturally and normally. Naturally occurring high frequency electro-magnetic energy is used by a healthy human physical body to create and replace the cells which a human body loses each day. A healthy body naturally replaces billions of cells on a daily basis. The high frequency electro-magnetic energies used by our body to create new stem cells comes a little from the food that we eat and some from the air which we breathe, however, most of the high frequency energy which our body needs for constant cellular replacements, comes from the electro-magnetic energy fields of our Light Body. Who we really are, is a body of Light, or a Light Body. We visit our permanent Light Body at night when our temporary physical body, (which we use to experience 3rd dimensional earthly activities), goes asleep and we dream. Our Light Body, which surrounds our physical body, is that part of us which some religions refer to as ones Holy Spirit.


How to Become Immune to Karma

This issue of the DNA Perfection focuses on something youve all heard about called karma. Karma has frequently been misdefined by the poor ignorant in the New Age movement as whatever you sow, you shall reap, or what comes around goes around. And that everything that happens to them in this life is karmic debt from what theyve done in past lives. This is totally ridiculous because if those were the cases, you would be so far in debt that you wouldnt have a reprieve for a million years! An entity would never get anywhere evolutionarily speaking if that was true. A simple definition of karma is: whatever you think, you get to experience. A more complete definition is decisions, truths,



concepts, alignments, contracts, oaths, vows, unresolved emotions and attitudes, held consciously and unconsciously that creates, influence or magnetize events and experience in current reality. In other words, the reason the world is the way it is today is because it was thought into being by a bunch of stupid people. Every thought you think combines with like thoughts of past and future selves, to give you the manifest illusion you presently perceive. Like thought and action attract and remanifest like thought and action. Your past thoughts and deeds will show themselves in your present reality, but you have the absolute power to change them, by using your present focus of attention to create new thoughts and redesign those that are undesirable, whether they are coming from the past, present, or future. Thought patterns from your past selves, which are composed of more dense and slower pulsating particles, manifest within the cellular structure of the body. This is frequently referred to as your karmic imprint, or karmic debt. These thought patterns of past selves will remain in the body, and replicate themselves in the present and future, until the slower-pulsating particles of those thought patterns are raised in speed and released from the frequency patterns of which the body is composed. You have the power, in your present moment, to change any thought pattern from your personal past, present, or future, and in doing so you will change the contours of your present reality. You can become karma immune once you learn to master this power, for you will train your consciousness to move backward and forward in time, to recreate undesirable events and redesign more desirable outcomes. The slow way to release slower-pulsating thought patterns and their manifest



discomforts from your life is to wait until the events manifest in external reality, or as conditions of disease in the body. Then you take action in the present to create a personal solution, and that solution expands backward and forward in time to create some degree of resolution of the pattern in the past and future. This is the usual path of walking through your karma, or walking through the cumulative thought patterns of your past, present, and future selves. The fast way to change your karmic imprint is to catch those slower-pulsating thought patterns before they move into manifestation. And this is precisely the purpose of the Karmic Session. Thought patterns from the past and future become part of the particle make-up of your consciousness, bioenergetic field, body, DNA and external reality field. They become stored in the DNA as minute crystallizations of energy, which inhibit the natural process of DNA strand assembly and activation. The crystallized thought patterns stored in your DNA and cellular imprint will continue to manifest within your body and before your eyes, until you learn to find and release them while they are still within the cellular memory imprint of your body. When you participate in accelerated DNA evolution via DNA activation, you are rapidly shifting and elevating the frequency patterns of which your body and consciousness are composed. The whole process of spiritual evolution on earth is about activating the complete 12 strand DNA blueprint. As the earth increases in frequency, all the life on the planet will naturally begin to assemble new strands. But currently on earth, the average person only has 3.5 strands assembled. Complete 12 strand DNA activation will not happen for most people until at least 2017 unless you are currently doing the



accelerated DNA activations. So far what is important is not to allow your DNA to damage beyond repair.


Clearing the Heart Chakra

The heart stands at the center of all energies and unifies our being as a whole. It is the point around which all the energies turn. A discord or imbalance in the heart chakra will adversely affect all the other centers. A clearing of the heart chakra will improve the interaction of all the other centers. It is important to maintain a balance to all the energy centers so a healthy level of awareness is manifested in our everyday lives. If more concentration is given to the upper chakras, then the lower energy centers lose sensitivity and function. If more concentration is given to the lower chakras then the upper energy centers will become cloudy and not function properly as well. Proper balance is the key. As we begin this meditation, take some peaceful breaths of cleansing and renewal. Feel the breath draw life into the body and the spirit. Breathe deeper and feel the breath draw not just from the air around you but also from the earth below. Breathe in this earth energy with each breath. Breathe with every pore of your body, feeling the awakening that is beginning to happen. Allow the life giving energies to pour into you and renew both your body and spirit. Let the earth energy surround you and flow into you. Feel it pulsing through your veins and surrounding you altogether. Continue to breathe this way, slowly and begin to relax even more. As you sink deeper into this relaxation, feel yourself moving gently away from your body. Feel the freedom and relaxation as you move away from your body. Know that the body itself will be refreshed and renewed and will be perfectly safe until you return.



Now you are moving again, farther and farther into a field of clouds. You are very pleased and refreshed by the unique shapes and colors of the clouds. Watch how they form and reform, turning gently and constantly on themselves in an endless dance. You look ahead and see the clouds are denser as if they are "hiding" something. The closer you draw, the clouds start to thin out as they start to become transparent the gracefully pull away. Now they have pulled back altogether to reveal a beautiful pink rose quartz Look closely at the color and notice the intensity of pure color that it radiates. Feel the warmth of the pink. Allow that warmth to wash over you. As it covers you from head to toe feel the love that is radiating from the rose quartz. Let it seep into your every pore, every fiber of your being. Receive the love that is being given to you freely. The color pink is as deep as it is radiant it is very pleasing to the eye and you feel yourself being drawn into it you feel yourself passing through the walls of pink and now you are suspended within. You notice the graceful intricate archways of pink surrounding you. You feel a slight breeze move through and hear a sweet melody, one note after another as the breeze goes through the arches to create this melody. Another breeze stirs again and you hear the harmony and this harmony comes from deep within your being. It is part of you, it is you. You feel it in your heart as it vibrates throughout your entire body and spirit. It pulses through you with great strength in all directions at once. You are recharged and renewed.


Thought and Consciousness

The essence of thinking is that it unifies disparate behaviour. Any move towards uniformity is a move towards equilibrium, so human thought approaches equilibrium by summing up



complex patterns of behaviour, conceptually unifying them. Thinking is the mechanical system that processes logic, information, and organizes behavior, but it does not generate these things. Organized behaviour in natural systems, and the logic and information underlying it result from the rules of existence. Nothingness Theory distills the essence of these rules by noting that a single motivator, attraction to equilibrium, is sufficient to generate the patterns of behaviour common to the universe and all of its constituent systems. The self is the conceptual equilibrium to which the trillions of mind/body systems of an individual human are attracted. Hundreds of brain/mind modules work together in a social network to achieve this unifying process. Thinking modules organize and process information and actuate behaviour. The Interpreter of the brains left hemisphere module assigns meaning and reasons to those thoughts and actions in the context of an unfolding story with itself as hero/protagonist. This is the ultimate form of unifying summation because the self is the sum of everything that occurs within and around the body it represents.



While thought is the physical process of summing patterns of mind/body systems, Consciousness is the experiencing or awareness of the holistic result. These processes only become meaningful when experienced. The definition of consciousness includes thoughtful awareness of one's self. It also is defined as the aspect of mind that is apart from the physical or material. Meditation is the soul of awareness that unfolds the human consciousness.



Sexual Relationship
6.1 Know Yourself
As with anything in life, the more we come to know who we are, the more we know who or what fits us. Sometimes you can have a great lover, but he or she may be unsuitable for you emotionally, or lack other qualities you need and desire. Or, someone can be unattractive to us physically, but have many other qualities we appreciate. There will be people who do not interest us, and others who can offer us sexual experiences that bring us to new understandings. One thing I do know is that there can be as many sexual experiences as there are people on this planet. Everyone is different and will have a different chemical reaction with us. However, I would not advocate making love with millions of people to learn what we like and what fits us! This is wrong and is never the right thing to do. Knowing ourselves takes time - it's a lifelong journey. In life, by choosing one road, one person, or relationship, it means that we have to let go of taking some other road. We can't take them all. Life just can't work that way. So we have to make choices. Hopefully the choices we make come from a place of clarity. Often, the only way to get to that clarity is by going through life and learning about ourselves as we go. As we make choices, and are willing to see ourselves clearly, we grow. There will be confusion. The most important thing is to come to know the deepest parts of yourself - to find out what is your real truth and who you really are - and what brings you true happiness.



There will never be the perfect road. But we can go deep on the road we do choose. It will show us who we are, both our good stuff, and the stuff we don't like much about ourselves. And if we become wise, we will learn to separate who we really are from what our reactions and issues are. The reaction of either feeling repulsed by someone or something, or drawn to someone or something are strong ones and can teach you a lot about yourself. If you feel good about someone, they represent something in yourself that you love and value. If you feel repulsed about someone or something, sexually or otherwise, it is a sure bet that they represent something inside of you, a place where you feel insecure about yourself, or wounded in some way. People who repulse us represent some wound in us. Find out what that is, and you will have learned something very important about yourself.


The True Relationship

Of course, we don't have to sleep with someone whom we are drawn to simply because we feel that there is some degree of connection going on. We often mistake a spark of interest or a sense that we have things in common for an immediate sexual connection or relationship. Then we jump in, head first, often to end up stuck in the mud. There are many levels of connections, and a true partnership relationship has deep complexities to it - people are complex beings with all sorts of layers to them. If we are to become involved sexually, and allow an intimate connection to occur, it is wise to know more about who we are getting involved with, and what we will be dealing with, what the situation is really about. Any experience you have will teach you something if you ask: What am I to learn about myself through this experience? And then you will begin to gather information and gain input



on what road to take. A relationship may turn sexual, or it may not. But it is always good to take your time and seek the answer to the question of whether or not a relationship should turn sexual by looking deeply at what is really going on - what the connection is really all about. It makes life a lot less confusing and can save a lot of possible distress and turmoil. Making a commitment to a certain path, relationship, or person can be a scary thing, and many issues will come up for you when you do. It is really making a commitment to facing yourself - a commitment to your own growth. We can have many experiences, sexually, and many relationships. It is good to have enough experience in life to know what fits you. I think we can and do learn what fits us by being willing to face ourselves and to learn about ourselves by diving deep in a relationship through commitment. No one choice or person will ever give us everything. And even within a deeply committed relationship, you will have times when a person repulses you, and times when you gain new understandings from them. Deep relationships often have long cycles to them - periods of great connectedness that can last for quite a while, as well as more difficult cycles of time that may also last for a while. True, deeply rooted growth and change takes time, and as we cycle through these periods, we gain a lot, if we are willing to understand what is trying to transform, and what needs to be seen and understood so that growth may occur. People who love one another can certainly learn to please each other sexually. It may be a spectacular experience to begin with, or it may not, and even later on there will be more rewarding sexual experiences with your partner. There are many people who advocate a swinger lifestyle these days. Being a "Player" is seen as being cool, omojaiyejaiye. This is the worst sort of ego gratification, and it



must be seen as being very distorted and harmful. People aren't trophies to be captured, or big game to be bagged, and relationships or interactions with others certainly isn't about scoring, like getting a high score on a video game. Everyone has feelings, can bleed, and be damaged and badly wounded. I don't think being a swinger and allowing a lot of sexual activity in one's life is the same thing as being cool or mature. Being mature means you know yourself well enough to know what you can handle and where you're at. Being mature means that you don't seek to harm others. There are issues of honor and ethics in life which we must live by to truly feel good about ourselves, and there are these same issues in a relationship. This means that we make choices which are moral, fair, and honest, choices which benefit ourselves and our partner in the best way. This allows the relationship to grow to be a healthy entity. Having ethics and honor in a relationship involves loyalty, wisdom, insight, discipline, and integrity: the strength of will to do what one says one will do. Often, if some or all of these issues are out of balance, or missing in a relationship, in oneself and one's partner, many people choose to go looking outside of the relationship for someone else instead of healing what one has. Heal within and not without. The only truth it is. A relationship will always mirror for each person, or reflect, whatever issues and patterns they have in their lives that are good, or dysfunctional. Going elsewhere does not solve the problem. It will come up again and again until it is faced and resolved. A relationship, as far as I am concerned, requires sound ethics, honor, and strength of will, making good choices, and devotion to flourish. A relationship is about loving another and caring for the happiness of the other as much as for one's self. That is real maturity. To use another being for sexual purposes and to think that nothing goes on with that, that then it's over



and nothing of importance has occurred, that it is meaningless, that there is no connection, is, as far as I am concerned, a profound misunderstanding of what sex, life, and how we treat others, is all about. When one has a sexual connection with another, there is a deep exchange of life force energy. A deep connection does occur. Sexuality is the joining of two beings for the purpose of creating life and pleasure. It is the capacity to share oneself completely with another. It is the human equivalent of surrendering to another, of trusting another, as we hopefully can allow ourselves on the spiritual level to surrender to trusting the Love of God - to be vulnerable and giving in a fully open and loving way. It is the ultimate physical manifestation of love and connectedness. It is an incredibly powerful force, and to use it lightly seems to me to be missing out on what the journey of life is all about. Giving ourselves pleasure is a wonderful and important thing to do. However, when one has sex with another, there are actually psychic cords that connect you to that other person. These cords allow an energy exchange to continue long after the act of sex itself is over. Your energy is then mixed up and connected to that other person's in a way that can be detrimental, unclear, and confusing for a long time. Therefore, we must choose wisely who we will allow to enter into our energetic space and whose space we are willing to connect to. Be warned! Even after having sex with someone we love, it is important to disconnect from being attached to their energy, as we all must keep our own energy in our own space. Otherwise, part of our energy is lost to us. Even with people we love, it is important not to confuse their space, or ours, by having either our energy mixed up with theirs or theirs with us. We must bring our energy always back to ourselves, and then continue



to love, but not by being "outside" of ourselves in someone else's space. Sex can be a fleeting pleasure on the "playing around" level, but ultimately that is not fulfilling, and can even be extremely detrimental, especially if your energy is entwined with many people. If one continues to seek fulfillment that way, it can become an addiction because it is seeking something you need from a place where you won't be able to get it, and that means you are chasing an illusion, thinking it's the real thing. To think something external will fulfill what we are all really looking for, which is Love, ultimately, feeling loved, safe, and worthwhile, doesn't get it. That's the same thing as needing to eat chocolate as soon as one feels tense or unhappy, thinking somehow that will bring peace and safety. It doesn't. It's a temporary fix, and one can't sustain oneself on it. I tell you, too much chocolate undermines health after a while as too much iyan (pounded yam) can cause uncomfortably and malaria complicity. It is ok to seek pleasure in a way that does not cause harm to self or others. However, often we seek pleasure in a way that does cause harm. The journey of life is to learn from our experiences - to learn to honor life and to do no harm. Because sex is such an intimate act, there always is the chance that people who connect seemingly in a casual way can become deeply connected, and therefore hurt if sex is treated in a cavalier manner. And that's what a swinger lifestyle is all about - using people sexually and treating it in a cavalier manner. It's a set up for disaster, I believe. If we are in balance with our masculine and feminine energies within, if we have developed these other qualities of honor, ethics, strength of will, and devotion, I think we feel balanced and do not need to be looking for something "without" to make us feel better or satisfied or more alive. We can enjoy external pleasures, but



we don't "need" them to feel good about ourselves and our lives. Until we become safe within ourselves, we will turn to things outside of ourselves to try to feel safe or worthwhile. When we face these issues in ourselves and heal them, we can transform the patterns that cause distress. Then we no longer operate out of the pain or rage or fear we were caught in. We always have the choice, moment by moment, to choose either love, or fear. We have the choice, every moment, to get the support we need to change. Any dysfunctional pattern found in a relationship can be healed if people have the willingness to face it. Then there is the opportunity for deep growth to occur, both for the individuals involved, and for the relationship itself. It's up to each of us. When we realize that maintaining a state of love and clarity within ourselves is true power and safety, we don't need anything external to make us feel better. A great sex may make you feel good for a little while, but you always come down from it feeling guilty or regret. It is by no means the whole answer. Whereas we may have sex once a day, or once a week, or once a month, we still need to relate in a fulfilling and clear way for all the rest of the time we are together with the other person. It is our inner power, our knowledge of our Higher-Self, God-Self, of who we truly are, and not anything external, which heals and serves us. Finding our way to reconnect with that, in whatever way is right for one, is the key. Going out to have sexual adventures may be fun, for a while, but it is only a temporary fix. Taking it one day at a time, one moment at a time, is the answer also. We are always in the present or now, and the now is always the Self. So, we are always safe, and full of that power which transcends time, personality, and drama in each and every moment, if our connection to who we are is based on what is real. When we touch the Self of being in the



now; when we accept what is without fear; when we meet whatever shows up in the moment with love and trust, honesty and clarity, we surely will find that fulfillment we are seeking, in relationship, and in every other moment of our lives. Read about Sex Psychology (11.12).



Intentions and Destiny

7.1 Intentions and Destiny
Conditioned values are sufficient for a successful material life; however, they cannot guide your intention to be free. Often we declare a desire to change with great gusto and conviction, but may find that within a few days or weeks that enthusiasm (root: God within) to change has almost completely dissipated. Why is this so? How can we make great choices and sustain permanent change? The core of the issue is that, although our intentions are good, the way in which we use our values to direct those intentions is subject to both individual and collective conditioning; hence, the purest objectives can be misdirected by ego, and we end up essentially back at the beginning where we started. Intention is classically defined as the aim or anticipated outcome of an action. Your intention to awaken to authentic joy, however, will be completely ineffective without a supportive decision-making process. Though you mean well, your values and the way in which they are arranged can't support or manifest your best intentions. To sustain the conditions for awakening to authentic joy, your decisionmaking structuresyour valuesmust be capable of influencing and guiding a pure intention to awaken. When our values and the way in which we use them are the domain of ego, lasting transformation is difficult, if not impossible. Values are core psychological structures by which all major decisions are made and, as such, they greatly influence your world. Values that are selected and organized



by the ego are sufficient for a successful material life, but completely inadequate to support an awakening to authentic joy. By looking at your current life situations you can uncover proof of what you value and of what is important to youyou can determine what your current values and intentions are by simply looking at the tangible evidence for them in your life. Many who consider themselves genuine seekers on the path spend significantly more time engaged in activities that support the ego than they do in support of their awakening to authentic joy. What the ego calls "a balanced life" is often one of mediocrity and compromise when viewed from an awakened perspective; you may realize that your values are arranged by the ego to suit its ends. Conditioned values cannot direct pure intentions, because ego-values and awakened intentions are drawn to parallel outcomes. For example, if your values are focused on a productive career path, and you also have an intention to awaken to authentic joyit will be impossible for you to manifest the latter without first being clear that your values are capable of directing that intention. The most humble of wishes would be to awaken to an authentic joy, also known as freedom. To stabilize the conditions for your pure intentions and to yield changes that your benefits, you must reclaim consciousness that will otherwise be consumed in a continuous struggle with ego-based outcomes. Liberation from the effects of hand-me-down values is the outcome when those values are rearranged into one conscious group. When the primary value of this single hierarchy supports and guides your intention to awaken to authentic joy that will be the outcome. This sustains the conditions for awakening by reclaiming your awareness that would ordinarily be lost in ongoing attempts to resolve the outcomes of ego-based choices.



These consequences always appear in the form of good or bad karma. The primary value you select for this single hierarchy always represents your interest in awakening to authentic joy marginally more important than other interests in your life. Making a decision based on an awakened choice on such a conscious primary principle will produce an awakened effect. This will supports all other necessary aspects of living because your subsequent values can include money, security, family, love, creativity, learning, etc. An awakened person's life is centered on a clear but on an single hierarchy of values, and when asked, one could instantly identify a primary value and may, however, has some difficulty determining what the second and third values are, as these will vary from one major decision to the next. Her primary value however, will be consistent with awakening to authentic joy, and significant choices made in the day-to-day life will give consistent and tangible proof of this arrangement. To create the conditions for awakening to an authentic joy, one can align the outcome with that intention by placing a primary value, such as freedom, fulfillment, or potential, over and above all other values on a single hierarchy. By making all major life decisions according to a primary value, such as freedom, the intended outcome will be realized regardless of the circumstances surrounding the decision. You will discover that awakening to authentic joy is not dependent on options or outcomes, but on how consistently your intentions to live such a life are directed by a conscious primary value. Eventually, this becomes clear that you are "choice-less", and you will approach change, transformation, and the evolution of your own consciousness with unbending confidence,



because you now know that your intention to awaken to joy is always going to be your outcome. Conditioning, on the other hand, segregates values into distinct and concurrent groups - related to career, home, family, friends, hobbies, etc. The ego does this in a futile attempt to manipulate reality. For example: A working mother would have different groups of values for decisions about her job than she would for decisions about the welfare of her children. The struggle you experience with major life decisions and their subsequent outcomes is the result of the conflict between all of these groups of ego-guiding principles. It is also important to understand that not only does each group have its own divergent agenda, but, at the time of deciding, each group will also have its own presiding primary value. This arrangement ensures that the ego remains in firm control of your life experience. You regularly put off some big decisions vacillate between your options, or seek the opinions of others. Then, having made a decision, you often change your mind. Frequently you will shop around for opinions until you hear one that you think is the right one. Yes? At other times you are unable, or unwilling to follow through on the choices you made because you realize they were not the best ones you could have made. Because most of us are not aware of the existence of these multiple groups of values, we experience great anguish and confusion in times of making important choices. Not knowing what to do, is different from not-Doing (This is expressed in another part of this book), and it is a clear manifestation that the ego is entrenched in values. An awakened person can make major life decisions in a matter of seconds with no worries or regrets and without fear that a decision may need to be revised.



Stressing over choices is a reflection of conditioning as it drains your attention with compelling and conflicting alternatives. The ego controls your decision-making process by offering you the most important conditioned values from these multiple and conflicting groups, and then it lets you dig it out. The point of this internal struggle is to deplete your energy so that the ego can continue to manipulate you with the short-term solutions and quick fixes. In this way, the ego easily orchestrates your actions-and your fate-as you try in vain to weigh all the options, consider all the alternatives, or look to the past for patterns or to the future with tarot cards. Whatever the original intention may have been, it is now lost, and the outcome is conditioned. And as a result of this, lasting changes never seem to stick. Your future looks just like your past, filled with conditioned outcomes you have to overcome. The continued existence of these multiple groups of values precludes you from discovering and expressing your full potential by following through on any wholesome resolutions you may have. As you awaken to authentic joy, it will become apparent how the first big decision you ever made independently of your parents was based on the existence of multiple groups of values; the result of a conditioned intention; and a product of the ego. You may also realize that you have essentially been doing this ever since.


Dreams and Their Recalls

The stuff that dreams are made of is the etheric energy. It has often been called the astral light because this energy can be seen glowing with radiance in the air. Also, it can be referred to as out- of-body travel.



In your spirit body, which you inhabit at night during your out-of-body travels, your subconscious mind can create thought forms as quickly and easily as possible. A thought form is a projection of etheric energy into the seemingly solid form of etheric matter. Thought forms can be furniture, rooms, scenery, even people or animals as long as your consciousness maintains enough attention to animate them. When you move on to other scenes or awakened state, these quickly-created thought forms will dissipate back into etheric energy over a period of hours or days depending on its well fixed into the pelvic chakra. Lucid dreaming occurs when you become aware, in your physical consciousness that you are dreaming. This means that the conscious, physical mind has become engaged in the dream state. These vivid dreams are therefore easily recalled when you awaken in your physical body. A lucid dream is then recalled, from the physical mind's point of view, as being more vivid than a regular dream. It actually isn't more vivid than other dreams are, it's just that the physical mind's recollection of the dream is more vivid. The deepest levels of sleep typically occur in the first two or three hours of the night. During deep sleep your spirit body can travel to higher states of consciousness, sometimes merging with your soul family as a nighttime reunion of likeminds. You are also able to meet the spirits of friends and family who have passed on from physical life. The spirit realms are their home and you locate them simply by focusing upon their personality, then projecting your consciousness to that location. This thought-powered form of travel has been traditionally called astral projection. In the lighter states of sleep, emotional issues are often worked through and resolved in the dream state. The key to



understanding dreams is that they are composed of symbols, rather than actual people, places and objects. When you focus on the emotion that the dream evoked, then you can unravel how the symbols in the dream played out the emotional tension that you were working through. For example, when frightening things happen in a dream, they are not literally happening. Instead, they are a playing-out of the fear issue that the dream represents and an opportunity to examine such a fear. You can develop dream recall by keeping a dream diary beside your bed. When you awaken each morning, before you do anything else at all, write your dreams down in as much detail as you can. With practice, you will bring the lessons of your dreams closer into your daily waking awareness. The night is a time for your spirit to travel to other realms of consciousness and for self-healing to occur. While your physical body sleeps and recharges for another day of waking consciousness, your spirit body soars through other realms within your complete range of consciousness. You can gain great insights into the events of your physical life when you tell yourself, each night before bed, that you will remember what you learned while you were out of your body and cruising the other realms of consciousness.


Emotional Healing Through the Dreams

Everyone dreams and those dreams range from happy, storybook romances to our utmost fears and anxieties. If it's important to take responsibility for our actions in our awake life, then we also have to accept responsibility for our dreams, for they represent our inner thoughts and programming. In our dreams, our actions/reactions are the vehicle our emotions use to convey a message, so it's important we listen



to them. Allow yourself to feel the emotions coming through, for they are raw expressions of your inner being and this is where you'll find your answers. Emotional resolution dreams reflect a past or present situation that you hold an emotional attachment to. Your mind is simply trying to process the information and your emotions play a vital role in resolving the conflict. If there's one phrase to remember in dream work, it's, your emotions drive the message. Remember that and your dreams will start to make more sense. Coming to terms with the emotional attachment will bring healing. Your dream represents symbols that will best express your emotional attachment to a situation. These symbols are not the same for everyone. What one person views as relaxing and comforting, another may find stressful and harmful. You have to ask yourself what emotion you personally attach to each symbol, because that's where the key is. The symbol is merely a tool you've been given to work with. Dreams are personal information sent by the subconscious mind. We live in the world we create for ourselves, so this holds true for our dream world as well. But in the dream state, we are open to receive insight we usually miss during the day, because we're too busy to stop and listen. Ironically, our dream time is our wake up call. We can either roll over or hit snooze or wake up to the message(s) coming through. The most difficult dreams to deal with are what we consider nightmares. If you start to see your night terrors for what they are, unexpressed or unresolved emotions, they can be seen in a new light. Instead of blaming some outside force, take responsibility and heal the parts of yourself that are demanding attention. Do some shadow work and figure it out. Once you resolve the issue (emotional attachment) the nightmares will stop.



Any time you have a nightmare spit, lightly, three times towards your left side and the dream will never manifest. So be it! Individuals that come into your dreams are sometimes aspects of yourself trying to get your attention. Look to the emotion you carry toward that person. Treat locations the same way. What is the emotional reaction to the location of your dream? This could also reflect a certain time period in your life. Look at these things for clues. Dreams that come to you for emotional resolution take place in the 4th & 5th dimensions. Since these are so closely related to the 3rd dimension, they give us an opportunity to playout our unresolved issues in an environment we are comfortable with. But with our emotions coming along for the ride, it could make that environment suddenly uncomfortable. In dreams, the message stems from your issues, even if other individuals are involved in the dream sequence. Every aspect of your dream is you, trying to work out your issues. With dream work, it's all about emotional responses. What you don't resolve during your awake hours, your mind will process and relive during dream time. This is another way to release and heal situations you are currently holding on to. By paying attention to the message trying to come through, you will be able to quickly work through any unresolved issues and take another step forward in life. Emotional resolution dreams are a personal, for your eyes only moment in time. Think of it as a time where you can work with your Guides one on one, without your ego. Raw emotional release and healing will be the result. Use that to your advantage.




Shamanic Healing

Shamanism, one of the oldest and most enduring spiritual practice, is an evidence of the relationship with Spirit from the very origins of the human race, which is expressed through ceremony as a way of maintaining a union with creation. Placing the flowers on the graves of our past ancestors or paintings upon cave walls to totem animal's knowledge, all this is a reflection of our own desire for personal and conscious union with the All-That-Is and of our spiritual quest as being an innate human drive. Inherent with the Shamanic worldview is the understanding of each person's own unique and autonomous path to reach their own purpose and truth. Being free of dogma and doctrine and organised spiritual institutions, shamanism enable and supports us to find and walk upon our own destiny. This recognition of the individual's right and responsibility of ones own awakening and fulfillment is but one of the very specific elements of Shamanism which establishes it as a viable means of meeting today's desire of an honest and authentic approach to self realization and ones integration in society. Shamanism as a whole is humanity's spiritual inheritance and contribution to the collective unconscious of our species and therefore it provides a firm and proven system of knowledge regarding the relationship between Nature, Cosmos and Humanity. Shamanism worldwide gives us a compendium of ceremonies, dances, songs, approaches to spirit, meditations and rituals not only to keep the connection between our soul and All-That-Is open but to develop and grow. Shamanic healing is a multiple connection between ourselves, the nature, cosmos and spirit. It always aims to



integrate our whole being within our universe. Many diseases and an feeling of being unwell are due to an separated connection between the soul of the individuals and its spiritual home, a disconnection between ones inner and outer worlds. Shamanism does not dwell on past events: there is only a vast, awesome, ever-moving, great moment of now, where there is no separate past, present or future. It is the aim of the shaman to help a person to connect to this inner integration. Methods, tools, medicines and symbology will vary from culture to culture but all forms of shamanism intend to connect people to their own spiritual path. Most cultures use the following shamanic techniques: Animal power in us Getting in touch with our animal connections and finding the power of the animal kingdom that support us in our lives struggle. Soul retrieval When alienated from our spiritual source and have a strong feeling of a loss of soul, that may be linked to traumatic events in our life, a soul retrieval dance can re-unite us with our soul and feel a very strong unification with our Spirit and Being. Extraction The old cultures believed in malevolent spirits or jins who were out to harm us or found their way into our body. Through Shamanic extraction we can change malevolent images and concepts we harbour and we are able to leave our being and consciousness and united with our own being. Divination Learning to look into the past, present and future.



Healing journey To go on a shamanic journey is to find all the healing power within to overcome obstacles and clear our own pathway. Drumming Scientific research has proven that shamanic drumming relaxes the cardio vascular and activates the lymph system. Sound and rhythm also connect with our Soul and Spirit so as find clarity and an inner strength in our path.

7.5 Work
We must work or act so that we may keep pace with the universe and its soul and keeping the brains fresh at all time. If one is idle doing nothing - one has become a stranger unto the seasons and out of life's procession, which marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite. When we work, we are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music. Who among us would like to be a reed, dumb and silent, when all else sings together in unison? When you work you fulfill a part of earth's furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born. And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life, and to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's inmost secret. But, if you in your pain call birth an affliction and the support of the flesh a curse written upon your head, then the answer is that nothing but the sweat sweeping down your head shall wash away that which is written from the Echoes of Destiny. You have been told in one time or the other that life is darkness, and in your weariness you echo what was said by the weary. But life is indeed darkness-save only when there is an urge, and all urges are darkness-save when there is knowledge, and all knowledges are vain-save when there is



work, and all work is void-save when there is love. And only when you work with love can you bind yourself to your inner self, others and the Unity. And what is it to work with love? And not Oga-ota, oga ota owo alaaru yio pe. Meaning, if you dont work for your value you miss out the love. It is only proper to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, so that your beloved are to wear that cloth and to build a house with affection for your beloved to dwell in that house. It is also to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit. It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit, so all within the Unity will be standing about you and watching. Note that work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds a half man's hunger. And if you grudge the crushing of the orange, your grudge prepares a poison in the juice. And if you sing like angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man's ears with ordinary noise. So work to love and love to work.


Oddity of Life

Let us start our search for happiness from the very beginning of the universe. The most plausible and widely accepted theory of the creation of the universe is the 'Big Bang' theory of creation. According to this, the universe is created from an explosion in the super condensed material and consequent expansion of material. However, even if all the conditions for the creation of the universe were right at the beginning, many



factors had to be right for the consequent formation of the universe. It is known that our universe is expanding like a round dotted balloon, which is being blown out. Each dot, representing a star or a galaxy on it, is distancing itself from each other. Now, if the rate of expansion of the newly created universe had differed even very minutely from what it were actually, there would have been no universe perhaps, the end of the Unity. A little slower and the cosmos would have collapsed back, a little faster and the cosmic material would have long ago completely dispersed. If the density of the universe were a little more, the universe would not be expanding but, due to the force of attraction of atomic particles, contracting, ultimately collapsing. If the initial density were a little bit less, then the universe would be expanding far rapidly than now and no stars and no galaxies would ever have formed. Both the mass and the volume of a proton are incomparably larger than those of an electron; but strangely enough, these two particles have equal (though opposite) electrical charges. Because of this fact atoms are electrically neutral. If the atom was not neutral electrically, each atom would repel the other and the entire universe would explode. The four fundamental forces in the nature, in decreasing order of intensity, are Strong nuclear force, Weak nuclear force, Electromagnetic force, and Gravitational force. Still within that range of forces, the individual and the comparative magnitudes of the forces are delicately balanced otherwise the universe would not have existed. If the creation of the sustained universe was a miracle, the evolution of life on it was also the same... Had our sun been 30% larger it would have been burnt out in four billion years, too short a time for intelligent life to evolve. Had it been



smaller 95% of stars are smaller than the sun other difficulties would have followed. Similarly, had the sun not been a source of steady energy for billions of years, had the orbit of earth around sun been a bit narrower or wider, had planet Jupiter been too close or too far to save earth from the rain of steroids, had moon not been so improbably large to stabilize the tilt of the Earth's axis to around 23 degrees, had the solar system's position in the galaxy been too near the edge or too close to the middle, advanced form of life would have been impossible. Carbon based molecules can only survive between the limits of 120 and -20 C and earth is the only planet whose average temperatures fall within those limits. When one considers the universe as a whole, coming across a range of temperatures as narrow as this is quite a difficult task because temperatures in the universe vary from the millions of degrees of the hottest stars to absolute zero (-273 C). Nearly all of the radiation emitted by the sun falls into a single band that is 10-25 of the whole spectrum. Radiations which are necessary and conducive for life fall in this narrow band. This is also the only radiation under which photosynthesis works and our eye is able to see. Water has extraordinary properties conducive for life below 4 C, it expands (so that even if ponds etc. are frozen at surface underneath water is not), highest latent heat, high thermal capacity, high thermal conductivity while that of ice and snow is low, high surface tension, and viscosity, etc. The first step to happiness is to realize this happy but, impossible oddity of creation and life. We are extremely lucky to have a universe, and even more so to have a universe full of life. Since life is so improbable, Earth may be the only planet on which there is life. To be born as a human being is the happiest thing which could ever happen to anybody!



The seeds that ripen when we die are very important because they determine what kind of rebirth we shall take. Which particular seed ripens at death depends upon the state of mind in which we die. If we die with a peaceful mind, this will stimulate a virtuous seed and we shall take a fortunate rebirth; but if we die with an unpeaceful mind, in a state of anger, say, this will stimulate a nonvirtuous seed and we shall take an unfortunate rebirth. This is similar to the way in which nightmares are triggered off by our being in an agitated state of mind just before falling asleep. The analogy of falling asleep is not accidental, for the process of sleeping, dreaming, and waking closely resembles the process of death, intermediate state, and rebirth. More direct and indirect proofs are discussed in the later chapters.


Stress: Control, Change or Let Go!

Have you ever tried to exercise control over others until they gets stressed out? Have you ever tried to control things or events over which you had no control until may be you get tired and stressed out. There are different types of stressful situations, like people interrupting you all the time but you can control. You can let the interrupters know you are busy and don't have time to talk. Other stresses, like rush hour traffic, are usually beyond your control. Right? But there are some things about rush hour traffic that you can personally change, which may help may be you taking a different route, or traveling at a different time. Of course, these changes are not always possible. In that case, you have to change your attitude about the situation, in order to lessen the stress. You can listen to music or educational



tapes or books-on-tape. Rush hour traffic won't seem as frustrating because you'll be doing something to help keep your mind off the traffic and other drivers. In order to let go of commute stress, you have to accept the situation. You must accept that you cannot control the traffic, no matter how much you yell and gesture at other drivers to speed up. A stressful commute can ruin your whole day, don't let it! Accept that, if you are unable to change your route, or your time of travel, you are powerless over everything on the road, with the exception of your car and your attitude. Control your attitude, let go of the traffic, and you can control your stress! You can learn to manage a great deal of your stress by asking looking at each stressor and asking yourself, "Can I control it, can I change it, or do I need to learn to let it go?" The "control, change, or let go" concept is an important key to stress management. We spend too much time worrying about things over which we have no control that we have no energy left to control the things we can. We become so overwhelmed, that we feel like our whole life is out of control and we'll never catch up. Once you understand the "control, change, or let go" concept and start putting it into practice you will be able to deal much better with stressful situations. So much of our stress comes from trying to control other people, places and things when we simply cannot. We are the ones who end up with the stress and resulting headaches! The people we try to control go home, or simply ignore us, barely giving us a thought. That's why it is so easy to build up resentments against other people in situations or jobs when we don't think we have much control. On the job, it impedes productivity and healthy teamwork. People tend to blame other people. If you are stressed out because of others, it's important to go through the steps of control, change and



letting go. Unless you are ready to leave your job, family, or the planet earth, chances are you will continue working or being around the "stressful people." Ask yourself if the other person is actually a "stress carrier," or simply has a different style. Letting go is a process. It takes time, and doesn't always happen at once just because we will it. We have to use our thoughts to control our emotions and our actions. Remind yourself that there are people and events you cannot control. All you can control is your attitude and your reactions. Its possible to change yourself-talk about the situation. Identify which stresses you can control, take appropriate action, and learn to let go of the things you can't. Pick something in your life that stresses you out. Can you control it? If so, what can you do? Can you change it? If so, how? Perhaps you can only change or control a part of it. Do you need to let it go? If so, what can you do in order to let go? You can view life as unexpected and exciting or your can view it as scary because you don't know what the future holds. Take charge; take control or let it go. The choice is yours!

7.8 Your Past, Present and Future

Yes, transformation is possible. You have lots of opportunities to transform your past, present, and future. I have experienced this myself. Change is one of the most difficult things for people to experience. Change scares us because whenever things change, we are propelled into the unknown. Unfortunately, much of what we "know" no longer serves us. So, even when it is for our ultimate good, we are reluctant to let go of the



familiar. And it is often the familiar we want to change, a repetitive patterns in health, relationships, career, and money. The definition of "transform" is to make over to a radically different form, composition, state, or disposition. By definition, then, to be transformed means we have to change. Therefore, in order to experience the transformation of our past, our present, and our future, we must be willing to experience fear for a short while. To allow transformation to happen, we have to be able to "be" with change and the fear that may accompany it. So if we want to be transformed - to change the form of our lives and bodies, to alter our biological and experiential composition, to have a "re-do" with a clean slate, and to change our natural predisposition to life for the better - we need to experience a personal transformation. The clues to how we can enjoy all that are found in the definition of "transformation"a fundamental alteration in one's system of beliefs. So in order to experience a personal transformation we need to change our beliefs, specifically the beliefs that created the portions of our lives that we would like to have transformed. Unfortunately, changing our beliefs can seem scarier than changing things that are external to us. I was always told and I believed it at the time that transforming my present and my future were possible, but very difficult. And that changing one's past history has already happened? This type of transformation was only possible in movies, where the stars magically time travel into the past, heroically changing the course of a pivotal event earlier in their lives, and then return to their present where they watch their lives and the lives of those around them happily change right in front of their very eyes.



7.9 The Basic Survival Need

In the hierarchy of human needs, Maslow expresses the basic survival needs as the first priority, and the needs is concerned with man's highest potential when other needs have been met such as needs for love and affection, control and self-esteem needs and the need for self-actualization, i.e. to find and fully express one's true self. There is one further need as a self-actualization is the need for a higher truth.

7.10 The Need for a Higher Truth

This is the need required to make contact with the creative force that is beyond the human personality, to make sense of all the suffering and injustices of the survival struggle on earth. This need has been evident in all cultures, expressed by all religions, and is the spiritual path towards enlightenment, towards knowing God, towards discovering the truth of All That Is. It is only by having at least a glimmer of this spirituality that we each are part of, which we can aspire to the highest potential of being human. To be able to genuinely love and to forgive unconditionally, we need to see in all others - even our enemies - the same essential quality that we ourselves are part of. Spirituality is a transpersonal quality, it is beyond the ego and obsession with the self. It is the maturity of intuition. The path of personal transformation is primarily a process of becoming aware of, facing up to and taking responsibility for one's thoughts, feelings and actions, and then expanding this self-realisation by communicating with others, retaining integrity whatever the response, and further enhancing the quality of communication with ever-increasing empathy and understanding. Through understanding others better, we can



recognize their essential goodwill, however misguided it might have become, and begin to recognize the spirituality of humankind.

7.11 First We Need to Know Ourselves Better

The psychologist Nathaniel Brandon developed a technique called Sentence Completion, to help his clients uncover and communicate their true feelings that previously were suppressed. This denial of feelings and true wishes or desires occurs because of fear that acting on them or communicating them will bring scorn or ridicule - in short, will upset the apple cart. But to continue suppressing what one truly wants is to die inside, to lose integrity. Try completing the following sentences, with as much honesty and frankness as you can muster. Move on to the next one when you have uncovered an awareness that you were previously suppressing. And then put this self-realisation into action in your life.



The Laws of the Universe

8.1 The Laws of the Universe


Our Reality Within and Without

When we attach a value and a meaning to some event, we are creating a perception. In other words, it is our choice how to interpret what happened. One will usually interpret an event by seeing it through whatever issues or beliefs he already have going on inside of him. In other words, how you choose to see something, the perception you have of an event, is not necessarily what is happening, but how you choose to view it. If one is angry enough, he will likely interpret what someone says as sounding angry. If you clear yourself of internal issues, you will be able to interpret and create things from a higher vibration state. Whatever perceptions you may have, and then living by those perceptions, may determine the reality you will have. Here is an example from one of my Source Codes: you are walking down the street, and a dog begins barking at you. If you choose to live by the Laws which state that you create your own reality, you will say to yourself: I am creating that dog barking at me. That dog is a mirror of something going on inside of me. What in me is making that dog bark at me? Then



you may discover that you were actually feeling a lot of fear, or anger, maybe you weren't even consciously aware at the moment that you were feeling fearful or angry about something, and the dog sensed your fear or anger and barked. The dog reacted to something fearful, some energy of fear or anger that it felt from you. In that way, the dog was a mirror of what you were feeling. You felt fearful or angry when the dog barked, and that alerted you to the fact that you had to be feeling that inside of you to create it happening on the outside. Then you have an opportunity to look within and figure out what you are feeling fearful or angry about, get clear, and heal it. That would be the way to perceive what just happened if you are willing to accept that you create your own reality. If, however, you do not take responsibility and accept that whatever is going on inside of you will manifest as an event, a mirror, in your outer world, then you would perceive the situation more like this: I havent committed any offence. Why did that stupid dog bark at me? Someone ought to have trained it better than to let it bark and scare people. What a mean, stupid dog a bulah-bulah . It scared me half to death. And then nothing gets looked at internally, and there is no opportunity to heal. If you perceive or make a decision somewhere along the way that you are a bad person and responsible for other people's emotions, for making them feel bad about you, then you will go through life hating yourself, thinking you are evil, perhaps without knowing it. You may feel constantly ashamed and guilty. You will continue to create situations where you feel bad about yourself, where you think you have done something wrong. You will, in all likelihood, create your life where things always seem to go wrong, and relationships and life will probably become a fearful thing for you.



And, all of this will change as your perception and understanding of how the universe works becomes clearer such as the understanding that no one can create the reality of another. And your life will also change when any false perceptions you have about yourself, as well, are made conscious - and you change them. When you know that you are responsible only for what you believe and what you feel, and when you know that others are responsible only for what they feel and believe, that feelings and beliefs about reality can only come from within, from what each person chooses to believe, there is no longer shame or blame, guilt or self hatred. Then you have the opportunity to believe and create your life in any way you choose - in a good way that works for you. You no longer believe it if others tried to blame you, and you no longer blame anyone else for your life. That is being the creator of your life. You choose consciously, not unconsciously, what you want to believe - you perceive yourself and life and others in a way that is positive and allows life to work harmoniously for you. If you remain a victim, in victim consciousness, things don't change, because victims never heal. How can they, if they never accept that they are the ones responsible for creating life that way in the first place? You can't change something if you don't think you created it to begin with - or, if you don't believe that you even have the power to create or change anything. Victims remain stuck, thinking it is someone else's fault, and that someone else has the power over their life, to create their life a certain way, instead of themselves. As soon as you give up 100% responsibility for creating your own reality; as soon as you give up the responsible role; as soon as you think someone is doing something to you, you have become a victim. Other's responses to you are, in reality,



only a reflection of your own energy and a reflection of whatever energy you are putting out, or have inside of you. In other words, if you have a perception that someone is a hurtful person, you must have a belief that you will be hurt. They then just play the role for you that you are expecting. You create what you believe in. The higher vibration is to see whatever happens as a mirror of oneself in the now or presently: You may ask yourself this question: Am I still doing that? Where do I still hold that judgment about myself - where do I still think that I am not ok? I identify the judgment I am making against myself. I then ask: What part of me do I still not love, and therefore I judge it? Then I look at the other person and think: I don't need to judge them. They are simply being a mirror of my own issue. I ask: What in me been created that is in my reality? In reality, all of us are really asking for love, which is what we all truly want. What is the mirror to me? Has instantly removed the judgment. Note that if there is no charge, there is only acceptance. Acceptance is the higher vibration. It is above forgiveness, because forgiveness implies that something has been done wrong. Acceptance says all is happening perfectly, as it should. All is perfect. Whatever is happening enables us to grow, if we look at it from being the Creator, not the victim. If we look at it all as perfect, we immediately move into the energy of Love, Trust, and Peace. Then there is no judgment. If it's complicated, it's not Truth. Know that if you feel anger or any other unpleasant or uncomfortable emotion, you must carry that energy within you. It isn't because of what someone else did. The situation just reflected what was already there in you. Then you have the opportunity to see what the mirror is for you, to see what you carry within yourself so that you can heal, grow, and



change - therefore, seeing your reflection in another or in a situation is a positive and useful thing. In a thought triggers emotion you can see what kind of thoughts you are thinking, and what kind of emotion it creates. See how you feel. Use your five (5) senses to ask if something doesn't feel right or comfortable in the way you are responding or feeling. If you don't like the emotion you are feeling, change the thoughts you are thinking. Get a new perspective, in other words. Healing comes from taking responsibility the 3rd law. The word emotion is a fascinating word. Look at it this way: E-motion, or Energy, put into motion. That is what our emotions do. They move energy and bring things into motion, or manifestation. The force behind what we feel is what allows us to create. First we have our thought, or perception. But it is the emotional energy, the fuel that allows something to get created. "I felt so strongly about that that I had to rush out and do it". Therefore, to create in a positive way, we must generate positive emotions from clear thoughts and perceptions. Lower vibration expectation judgment rejection/blame sorrow/apologizing Higher vibration Responding from compassion observing acceptance seeing the mirror



Fear is only a mask of our true desire. You need to find out what your true desire is, and state that desire 100% positively: "I choose to have or create...." There are 3 universal fears: (1) abandonment (2) not feeling worthy or good enough (3) loss of trust which is the fear of surrender Any time there is a fear, it will fall into one or more of these categories. Check out what your fear is about. You will continue to create the same kind of situations, you will keep yourself in judgment, you will reinforce the lower vibrational state of thinking it's someone else's fault, and you will keep yourself in the perception of being victimized, until you get out of the program and have a new perception.


Your Fear or Masked Desire

To find out and work with your fear, or masked desire, first state what you fear - say or write the negative expression of it: all that you think is going on, what bothers you, who you think did what to you, another's flaws, etc.

This exercise will help you see what your erroneous beliefs are that keep you in fear, that create the difficulty you are in, that make you see your own issues in others and judge them for it, and that keep you from manifesting what you want. The number one addiction to an erroneous core belief, what keeps you in it, comes from feeling guilt and shame. That's what makes us not want to see these issues as our self. In reality, there is no shame or guilt. There is only growth and love. If you treat yourself with love, you will be able to see that when you face an issue in yourself, you have the chance to



become even clearer, ever more loving. And that is the perfection of the journey, of what we experience, of seeing ourselves in the mirror.


Ultimate Truth About Yourself

Next, say or write your preferred truth, expressing what you choose to create, as 100% positive. Use all positive words. Then put your highest truth in the form of an "I am" statement. For example: "I am powerful" or "I am a loving, wonderful human being," or "I am able to love myself." Continue to say your positive I am statement throughout the day and for as long as you need to, until the negative program is neutralized. Here is the cycle of an erroneous core belief loop: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You feel guilty. You judge something or someone, including yourself. You feel guilty about doing that. Then you become fearful that you will be punished. You feel shame, and you hide it all away so you're not aware the issue is really even there, that it's yours. 6. In order to get away from the shame, or deal with it in some way, you blame others. This is called projection. You put it out on someone or something else. 7. You feel guilty about doing that and the loop goes on.


Re-adjusting an Old Belief

Own the fear or pattern. See how you react to a given situation - look at what you are afraid of. Ask: "What keeps me believing in that fear? What will happen if I let go of it? What is the pay off for keeping it? What do I get to do or not do if I keep the fear?"



2. Decide if this pattern serves you anymore. Decide if you want to keep the program, or change it. If you decide to keep it, observe why, without judgment. 3. If you decide to change it, decide what you want to change it to, exactly. Be specific. You must have a new belief, a choice for a new perception. If you choose to believe in a new reality, you eliminate fear. 4. Put out your intention - what you intend to create. Say: "I intend to do ." You can even state how you will do it, step by step. Your intention must be followed by willingness. 5. Ask Spirit or your Higher-Self, for guidance or help to achieve the new intention. State your new reality in the form of "I am" 6. Now, most importantly allow yourself to feel very clearly and strongly what it would feel like to operate out of and have that new belief in your life. What would you feel? Let that feeling flow into every cell of your body. Intention, or a new thought form, plus emotion creates the transformation into new ways of being and brings about the new pattern you are choosing. "E-Motion" means deep feeling and it is the energy that puts things into motion. And that which creates joy, growth and freedom. What could be better than that? Fears have supported us, and we tend to want to hold onto them through our anger or other emotional reactions because it's the only way of life we've known. Fears can be survival tools, but will keep you locked in a lower vibration that doesn't help your life. This is the energy that sucks ways of behaving out of fear:

Being aloof.



Being an interrogator (Who did this?. Why did you....?! Didn't you realize that...?! etc.). Being an intimidator (energy makes others feel afraid of you by backing people down). Being someone who creates confusion for others (gets them off center). Being a "poor me."

If you find yourself worried or fearful about what other people think, the mirror of that really is: you are in judgment of yourself. If you are in doubt, you are caught between realities and aren't sure what to believe. If you are in fear, you are actually holding a belief that you are inadequate to deal with something. A fear of judgment is actually a desire for unconditional love. If you are in pain, you are in resistance to something. What are you resisting? Identify what you are getting by holding onto the pain. Change the perception that there was any damage done in a given situation. If you are the creator, then you created that situation for some reason. What was the reason? If you are in pain, you are judging. Move instead to acceptance. It is all perfect. Ask: What is the gift of the mirror for me here? If you are asking why, you are into blaming. Go to your heart, instead. There is no war happening, unless you create one by your perception. If you are in resistance to something, you are trying to be in control, and you are fearing a loss of power. It is a false belief that you will lose control or power, because:



If you identify with God, The Most-High, if you know that you are God, that is power enough. And that is all there is. It's already working out perfectly. And everything else is God, too. Everything is already perfect, and there is no need for you to try to control anything. It is impossible to do so, anyway. What you can create is responding from Peace and living from higher vibration states. That then creates a reality that will mirror that higher vibration state.


The Role of the Ego

It is the ego which allows us to be in this reality where there is duality. That is why we see this reality with 2 eyes. But, we must understand the Higher Truth - that all is One, One Energy Source - and that perception comes with seeing from a single eye, the spiritual eye. The ego's true purpose is to offer us choice by comparison. It helps us decide what we want to experience and learn in this lifetime. The ego controls emotions. We need it for our wide range of emotions, which we learn from - in this way we learn to work with energy and use it appropriately. Self sabotage is the ego in its lower vibration. Listen to the Higher Self. The ego was designed to deal with polarity - neither side of which is the real truth. The Higher Truth is larger than, bigger than, either side of polarity. It is the point in the middle, the zero point, the neutral point where there is no attachment. Honor where someone is in their development, what lessons they have set up to learn for themselves. Using these laws will help you to allow others to express themselves, while you remain at peace.



Accept WHAT IS as Perfection; then use your power of choice to create the reality that you prefer.


Turning Barriers into Bridges

Only the person who never gives up in life, who persists with his wish to find and fulfill the promise of himself, makes this truly self-liberating discovery: those places that he once mistook as being impassible barriers to his happiness become as bridges to the same, but only if he learns to welcome them as part of his journey. From now on you must spin your straw into gold. So be it!


Secret Power of Self-Detach

When you hear someone say, "I'm sick and tired of it all", what he is really saying without realizing it is that he's sick and tired of suffering from his own lack of understanding. This all becomes clear once we understand that unhappiness does not come at us, it comes from us. For instance, impatience with our level of understanding is the very level of understanding we are impatient with. The understanding of this spiritual principle allows us to disconnect ourselves from our impatience. Life becomes instantly better. For one thing, the frustration fades and in its place, learning flowers. And the more we inwardly grow, the easier our whole life flows. This new and higher idea of disconnecting ourselves from whatever we think has us blocked leads to true self-liberation because we have never been trapped by anything outside of our own lack of understanding. This is why even the attempt to disconnect ourselves from our present life-level already belongs to a higher level of understanding.



This new, intelligent action we are calling "self-disconnect" works for you by gradually breaking down the painful circle-ofself that is repeatedly formed by asking the problem for the solution. Barriers begin to crumble and disappear, because you have stopped creating them. In the truest meaning of the words, you are getting out of your own way! Practice selfdisconnect as often as you can. The more you work at this special kind of letting go, the freer your days will flow and the higher your life will go. Persistence is everything in your personal work. You must persist even if it is only with your wish to be persistent. You must persist in spite of all forces that seem to be against your wish to break through to a New You. Believe me, there are no real obstacles to keep you from making it all the way to a Brand New World. Remember this. With any true innergrowth, the hardest step is always the one you have never taken before. The greater the doubt you will step across, the greater the possibility for walking beyond yourself, because doubt and fear form the perimeter of all self-limiting barriers. Risk only comes into account in the self-limited view of seeing life as a win/lose scenario. When self-discovery becomes more important than winning, then every situation in life presents you with an opportunity to win in a new way. Every time you step past yourself, you win a little more freedom, freedom to take another and yet another step into the great unknown where eventually, with persistence, fear turns into fearlessness because you have disconnected yourself from yourself.



9.1 Finding Karma
You can work through your karma the slow way, by living it, or you can go looking for it. It is by the emotional content of karma that we usually discover it, but you can also access it visually. Wait until you have been practicing the grounding eight times a day for at least two weeks. Then, do the grounding as usual, but after you have locked it in, start to look inside of yourself and see where the Light is not. Surrender those places. You can be very methodical and start with the big toe of one foot and work your way through your body, or you can just let your unconscious show you what it thinks is most important first. Every nerve and cell in the body is capable of retaining memory, not just the brain. This is not a process you can do once and call it done. It is daily hygiene, just like brushing your teeth. Your body will only show your karma that is ready to be cleared. Clear it all one day, and by the next day the next layer shows up to be cleared. It is like peeling the onion do remember this. Day to day events will also trigger karma, bring it into consciousness. Your thoughts can trigger it. Notice what bugs you, and surrender or let-go the feeling of being bugged. All day, every day there is a conversation going on between your mind and your body. You can detach from both, and observe it happening. You have a thought, and your body provides an emotion, which brings another thought, and another emotion, and a feeling. By feeling, we mean a sensation in your body. A muscle may twitch; you may become



aware of a place of tension inside of you. Feel the tension, and surrender it. I do this every night, by pumping my belly several times during a breathing exercise. By doing this I release any thing that gave me tension during the day. You are not only your mind, or your body. You are an infinite spirit, and so you can watch the mind and body chatting away to each other, and simply surrender the tension points the body shows you. Those tension points are your karma. Even after you clear your personal karma, you may go on to clear the karma of the group ego mind of your city, your ancestors, your country, your environment. Yes it is a simple thing to do if you decided to do it. (Know that you will clear, successfully, those karmas that have the same auras with yours at the time of your action.) If you are clearing karma from someone you know by remote, you will tend to feel it in your body, as a mild physical discomfort that draws your attention to what areas need clearing. It is therefore preferable to do it visually. Take for example, if you are dealing with someone who has a lot of power chakra issues, you might feel a tightness around the bottom of your ribs like say you cannot take a deep full breath, or a knot in your stomach, or an ache in my back, or a tingling in you head. You will observe the sensation with detachment. But must feel fancy to do it, you will follow the connections it makes through the body. Most stuff will make a complete circuit up and down of the body, where it is feeding on the energy meridians. You might trace a stomach knot's threads down one leg and through the foot into the earth, back in the heel, up the back of the leg following it's own path to the shoulders and around one side of the head, and back down the front to the knot. You can then visualize and clear the



whole circuit and everything attached to the knot to be removed as well. Practice! Practice!! Practice!!! You may also use counter-clockwise tornados. Clockwise dancing and vortexes are most often used in Wicca. That action can result in the manifestation of Karma. I'm sure everyone has had the experience of a spell having unexpected negative side effects? Counter-clockwise spin dissipates energy, so it can be used to break up and remove the blockages of karma. I seek nothingness or void, so I use counter-clockwise vortexes 100% of the time. I RRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIII all night. Do clear your karma! It is so simple. You go left to end up at the left, while somebody else prefers the opposite. So be it!


Clearing Karma

Faith method Faith, surrender, submission and gratitude, do the magic. Give it up to Cosmic Reality, or use the name of whatever Deity or Power you prefer. Your attention to something is an attachment to it, so you need to let go by distracting yourself so Cosmic Reality can take it. Shifting your attention to taking a deep breath afterwards, will detach your attention from it, and also shows that you believe it is handled, God/Spirit/Cosmic Reality will take care of it, and you are not going to worry about it anymore. That aspect of surrender is very important if you have faith. Worry shows lack of faith. Feel it flowing out your head. (Usually, but sometimes, out your feet, and sometimes burning up in the heart chakra or simply disappearing and to be absorbed by the Unity.)



Sometimes a release will be accompanied with muscle twitches and a desire to stretch. Muscles tighten against the old memories of pain, and relax when the memory is cleared. One of the most dramatic cases of this is that one may grew 8 cm taller in a single night, as all of the crap that held one in a slouched posture, curled protectively around his belly, will fall away. First, there must be recognition of stuff (or the so called gift you wish to give out), somehow through visualization or feeling, getting a grasp on what is to be released. What is to be released might be, this pain in my body, this feeling of doubt, this funny grey bit of resistance I am seeing/feeling, this annoyance with so and so. Some people don't like this idea of giving karmic crap to Cosmic Reality as a gift. The reason you offer it as a gift, is that Cosmic Reality doesn't judge it, and your negative opinion of wanting it gone, is also an attachment. Everything in life, including life itself is a gift of Spirit, whether we judge it as gift or garbage from our limited perspective, gift is what it is. Don't worry about giving up too much, or giving away something you need. What is given to Cosmic Reality, surely comes back better if it is still needed. She will give it a tune-up and hand it back. This is real. Thanking Spirit for accepting the gift, is like showing faith that you believe and expect that It will and that, which It has. Thank you is showing trust that nails the request into the Now, seals the deal, like So be it or Amen or Ashe. It good to know that gratitude itself can be enough to remove a blockage. Even If you don't like something, apply gratitude, and it will change. After the pause of breath, gently turn your attention to where the thing you gave away used to be and you will discover you see it, if it is still present, completely differently. All of its silver linings will be showing.



Give up karma, get back insight and compassion. Sometimes there will be some bits of crap still left, because your indication of this gift didn't cover everything. Find and surrender those bits too. Alternate phrases: Cosmic Reality, please take this, and everything connected to it, wherever it exists. It is a gift for You. All Yours. Thank you very much. (breathe a sigh of release) This clears what you can see and what you cannot see, that is related. Like, some issues may have connections and reflections all through you, your environment, your past lives, and even in other people. Cosmic Reality will know what to take. Cosmic Reality, please take this, in top down fashion from point of origin. It is a gift for You. All Yours. Thank you very much. (breathe sigh of release) This is time travel to change the past. After a speck of karma is first created, it will come up again and again, as Cosmic Reality gives you an opportunity to make a choice to release it. Likely, you did not know to release it, so instead it got bigger from your resistance. For example, perhaps when you were a child someone put a spider down your shirt, and ever since then you have had a phobia about spiders, and every time you see a spider it gets worse. This phrase asks Cosmic Reality to go back to before the first event occurred, and clear the whole pattern from the beginning. When the first event is cleared, all other events that came after disappear right into the now. The event is gone as if it never existed - it no longer exists. Time and space are illusions, the universe is being created and uncreated in every moment. The point of power is in the



now, and using this phrase you can change the past using the power of surrender in the now. Cosmic Reality, please take this, and everything connected to it, in top down fashion from point of origin. It is a gift for You. All Yours. Thank you very much. (breathe a sigh of release) You must clear everything and everything connected with it, all the way back into the past. Nature abhors a vacuum, so it is important to fill the void with light or else a clearing session can leave you feeling kind of empty and seeking new attachments to fill the void. Surrender the karmic stuff, then also surrender the hole where it used to be like bugs bunny cartoon, portable holes, hand them over now! Cosmic Reality, please take the hole/space/place where that stuff I surrendered to You, used to be and fill them with Your Grace and Light. Thank you very much. (Breathe in light, through your feet.) Additional universal phrases of surrender: Cosmic Reality (God/Allah) Will be Done; It will be as Cosmic Reality Wills; Cosmic Reality has it handled; Even though I walk in the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am; It is in the hands of Fate; I release any attachments; It is the Will of God/Allah...




Aka Cords: The Unity

The Aka cords is a term from Huna mysticism, it defines aka cords very elegantly. Everything is connected to every other thing: relationship, attraction, gravity, love etc. They are the super strings that are holding the universe together. As aka cords show up in the etheric, they are the underlying nature of how relationships connect people. Everything you see, everything you touch, creates a thread of energy between you and it. However, these threads of attraction are usually are only readily visible when they represent the union in relationships, because the cords of love between people are stronger than attachments to things. Like the apron-strings between mother and child, they are how we exchange empathy, love, and information. This usually happens on an unconscious level for most people. These etheric cords are a normal connection between friends and lovers. Most cords are flimsy and fade quickly, and they can also become negative attachments and vampiric siphons. When you grow an awareness of these threads, it becomes very easy to manage these cords with the power of imagination. Even without intuition, one can do the ritual. Guardian angels (personal Malaeka) will act on your requests so you think. For most people, knowing about the cords is not very important because the unconscious mind takes care of them. For healers, professional psychics and other folks who are doing energy work, it becomes more important to keep the tools in order and cut cord attachments that no longer serve. Sometimes a patient will continue to draw energy from a healer after the session is finished, and while this is a good thing in the short term, in the long term it can be hard on the healer and become a crutch, or negative addiction for the patient. So be aware!



This is why it is necessary to occasionally do a ritual to cut any aka cords that are not in ones highest good, by sending out a last blast of unconditional love and make the fire to manifest whatever the person on the other end needs. Usually I may not ask who is cut, one of my Source Codes said: I simply trust in the judgment of my Higher-Self or AllThat-Is. There is only fear to fear, and it comes from me. I ask that the highest good be done, anyways, as I am not yet free of creative fears. So, I give up my fears to Him, and get to ride out of duality, into that space where all things begin. There are several ways to disconnect cords. It is best to be clear in your intention, so that you don't cut cords which represent win/win relationships that serve your highest good, as said earlier. In the ritual you first ask to be shown the beneficial cords, and send love, gratitude and blessings down these cords Use power of imagination. Then ask to be shown ones that do not serve, and cut them out of the race. This method is nice and simple, but those who are determined, will sometimes show up in your life again, or simply connect new cords as often as they are cut. Always determine to cut them out. Get grounded and draw in as much light as you can hold, especially with the earth's fiery crystal core. With your imagination, first, ask to be shown all of the cords that connect you to people who are in service to your Highest Good, and only those cords. You may get an impression of being in the center of a big spider web or perhaps a cocoon with many threads coming from different chakras and radiating out from you in all directions. You may possibly get a sense of being surrounded by a crowd of people. You may feel it, or see it, or sense it, or just



imagine it there... it doesn't matter. What is important is your intention. These are the cords that benefit you, so you do not need to clear them. Thank these people for being in your life and gratefully send light and love down the cords to them. Give thanks for being shown that you are loved and supported, and let the vision go. Do not be surprised if some old friends contact you in the days following, to tell you they were thinking of you warmly. Nice bonus! Then, once again fill yourself with as much light as you can hold. This time, ask to be shown all of the cords that connect you to people or things that feed on your energy but do not serve your highest good. Most of these are people who want something that they think you can give them. Release a generous blast of the light you have drawn into yourself down the cord, as a farewell gift of unconditional love for them that will show up on their end as whatever it is they think they need from you. Let your intention be that the recipient's higher self choose the form in which the love manifests on the other end. Essentially, this means that the recipient's higher self or unconscious will use the energy as it thinks best. You do not need to know what it manifests as. As the light goes down the cord, imagine that it burns up the cord like a lit fuse, so that the cord is gone. Then, breathe more light into yourself, to replace what you gave away. Be sure to offer thanks to Goddess for Her abundance that allows you to be generous, and conclude the ritual. You may find that some of these people will unconsciously feel the cord being disconnected, and they



might contact you in the days following and complain that you feel distant. Others, the bottomless pits will not be satisfied with your gift and will promptly a reattach to you. Twenty four to seventy hours later, repeat the exercise. Give love to those who support you as before, and again ask to see the cords that connect you to those who do not serve your highest good. There will be fewer cords than before; ideally there will be none. The cords that have been reattached will be those of the persistent bottomless pit vampires who reconnect the cords no matter how many times you cut them, or how much of what kind of energy you send. If you are dealing with this kind of persistent bottomless pit vampire, there is another method you can use according to my Source Code. In this technique, instead of sending them more energy, you leave the cords as they are, but reverse the flow and take back only your own energy that they stole from you. Imagine you are sucking on the cords like a drinking straw. Be clear in your intention not to feed on their energy, but only to take back your own stolen energy from them. Since you are just taking your own energy back, you are not going to get any junk from them. Take your time at it, sip slowly so they will not be abruptly and unnecessarily deflated. You would not want them to pass out while driving would you? or anything of that nature - No. When these vampires realize (probably unconsciously) that there is no free lunch and they are no longer getting fed/rewarded through the cords, they will detach them from you on their own, like a leech dropping off. They will give up, pull in their cords and stop preying on you. They may go off and feed on someone else, but you cannot control what



someone else does. You can only control your own energy or you tax your daily Karma unduelly. Then if there are still any negative cords that have been reconnected in spite of your generosity, leave them attached, and draw on them several times a day until the vampires give up and detach. When I get impatient with it, I put it on autopilot... I ask my guardian Angels to disconnect the cords from me, on my end and plug them into the sender's higher self, or the Earth source, as They think best. To do this, as they are formed. I'm not suggesting you do this, though. The traditional ritual is good practice for learning about how relationships work, in the etheric. astral, spiritual world. Learn. You are learning.



Concept of the Prime Mover

10. Prime Mover
If we apply the idea of causality to the study of motion of objects, then the motion of a body is the result of its being moved by some other body, i.e., another body moved any moved body. In the so-called cosmological proof: that in the worlds, some objects are in motion. All motions result from being moved by some other objects; that if an object itself is moving and it is necessarily being moved by some other object, then the latter must necessarily be moved by something else; that the above argument cannot be repeated indefinitely. Therefore one can definitely arrive at a prime mover that is not moved by anything. The above conclusion belongs to simple-minded and lazyminded individuals. This notion needs to be examined logically and brought to its finality, since there was nobody there in the origin. Even the Pious, Saints and Prophets waver in a pool of open and logical challenges, because of a sole reliance on spiritual perceptions, which change from one time, era, tribe, race to another. The question of evolution or creation of Man, animals or non-living things is not solely coming to mind now. What comes to mind is how the spiral galaxy, a system beyond the Milky Way Galaxy (a rotating disk containing about 1011 stars including our Sun) came about. How?



Nobody was around at the origin. So there are no eyewitness reports. Cosmogonists can reach their conclusions only on the basis of the subtle observations that are barely within reach of modern instruments. These instruments give them vast scope within which to exercise their imaginations only. There are two models for the creation of the Universe: Big Bang and Continuous Creation. These would be brought forward in the discussion. The following few observations and analyses are to be noted without any bias reference. He made him complete and breathed into him of His spirit, and gave you ears and eyes . . . it is that you give thanks. (Quran) This is saying that the spirit of God is breathed into every man created, and it points to the mystical relation between human and Divine Nature. And for the created man to function properly, some features were incorporated during the time of creation. Let there be light and there was light. (The Bible) Obviously this has taken us, vividly, back to the period of the creation of man, animal and other matters in this Earth. What happened before this statement was pronounced could not be ascertained. It is only obvious and quite clear that the Earth was in a total darkness before this command was initiated. It was believed that God had made the command. In the beginning was the word and God was the word. (Bible) The above statement has shown us that there was a Prime Mover, perhaps as at the time of creation of the Universe, and at the time of the creation of Man, animals and other earthly things.



The heaven and the earth were joined together as one unit of creation before they were cloven asunder. (Quran) This is an obvious proof of the occurrence of the so-called Big Bang or the expansion of the core-centre in the evolution of the Universe. There was no indication of the period of and what brought about this action. Qi develops and rises, jing hua floats aloft, turning about following the flow, it is called the Heavenly River, also called Yun Han and all the stars appear. (Wu Li Lun, a Chinese scholar in the 3rd Century, AD) This simply means that stars are being formed by the contraction (mover) of gas clouds. The above statement supports the two above references mentioned from the holy Quran, Qi representing the context of Gods breath in this respect. Note that Qi = breath, hua = essence and Heavenly River is the Milky Way. Man is born into this Existence and the tradition didnt know any thing regarding human creation. This is confirmed through most of their words and doings. They referred to their Ancestors and not a particular Deity. They have lesser gods who carry off their request, through sacrifice or rituals, to the Supreme Being. (African Tradition) This idea has shown that the so-called ancestors migrated from another world or space to found or husband the earth, so to say. So there had been an existence somewhere else. And that the universe was in existence before the so-called Aur-Amashida, who were the descendants of the primordial ancestors. The Amashida-kinds were so powerful that they could create as wished. The next question is when and where?



According to a superior account, in a proper study of mankind, Allan Wilson at the University of California, has shown by genetics and after studying the pattern of DNA (DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID) in people now alive and produced a human family tree showing that the species emerged in Africa about 200,000 years ago and first left the continent to begin its world wide spread 100,000 years ago. Wilsons work relied on a type of DNA found not in the cell nucleus, but in its mitochondria. These structures, which convert sugar and oxygen into carbon dioxide, water and the energy that runs the cell, are the descendants of bacteria that took up residence in eukaryotic cells about 18 billion years ago. One consequence of their origin is that they carry their own genes. And since (in people, at least) individual receive all their mitochondria from their mothers, it is easy to trace mitochondria DNA back through the generations without having to worry about the mixing of genes from mother and father that goes on in the rest of the DNA. Scientists have two general models for the existence of Universe: Continous Creation and Big Bang (Scientific Statement). According to the Continous Creation (CC), creation is continuing all the time and so very slowly for any known sensitive instrument can measure. And in the course of some billions of years, the amount of matter in the Universe would double as a result of the slow drizzle of creation. In this action, the galaxies would have moved apart to the point where the amount of space between them had increased or even doubled. When the highly condensed hydrogen matter exploded from its own core (see Chapter 9) pressure and created showers



of still expanding galaxies, the energy required in this creation is zero equivalent energy of light balanced with the negative energy of gravitational field. The time of the bang obviously would be so negligible. So, the four energy laws came into play: Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong nuclear and Weak nuclear are acting together (Unity) in the space-less compact at the equivalent or even beyond the speed of light. The first ever Big Bang (of stored energy in vacuum or void) explosion, in the presence of light space, could have been released and registered between 10 to 20 billion years ago. The fifth energy was formed in order to eternalize the initial outburst. So is the word: The heaven and the earth were joined together as one unit of creation before they were cloven asunder. The word join could mean that the total elements of the Universe were originally in a single space, but broken apart due to a bang or expand continuously in space, hanging about There have been other minor explosions, such as one produced our Milky Ways, but formed within the fifth energy product of the Big Bang. Man-made explosive matters are ones that quickly come to mind. The fission and fusions of atoms forming bombs. The lesson here is that both light and spirit evolved at the same time since the occurrence of the first Big Bang. From the above examinations and analyses, it is absolutely unreasonable for any human being, who just came to this Realm of Existence; just in a recent time of less than. 200,000 years ago (since whatever vision, miraculous occurrence that might have happen to man must fall within the light of the formation of the Milky Ways, be it spiritual or scientific) so as to claim who is or was the Prime Mover. A stupid question asked by feeble-minded individuals. What could be certain is the existence of Matter. Behind the Matter is the Mind at work. Visible Matter has the same



exactitude of proportion and precise method granted by the Invisible Mind. What we should bear in mind is that there is and was no such thing as injustice in the Universe. What it means here is that if we have granted the above stated premises concerning the composition of Mind and Matter, there can be no such thing as injustice. Yet seemingly unjust things are done every day and seemingly go unpunished, because the punishments are always administered. So the so-called scientific ghosts come in i.e. vengeance is mine. The sinner who imagines his sins are undiscovered is a compound fool who deceives himself. For instance, a murderer (direct or indirect) who has secretly torn the life of his shrieking victim in some unfrequented spot, and has succeeded in hiding his crime from what we call justice cannot escape the Spiritual Law of vengeance within the Unity. Murdered creature often returns to the Realm of Existence in human form to dodge his murderer down. No known man has ever escaped the psychic law of equity any more than we can escape the material law of gravitation. So, it unbelievable therefore to attribute the spiritual law of vengeance on the Most High or the so-called prime Mover. Not much of a Deity or a prime Mover but what you are or represent. If there is any race with superior historical pride over others, it is the Africans. Their existence was closer to the period of the so-called creation; hence they have full authority talking about the Prime-or-Nonprime Mover. As more scientific researches are proceeding, Africans are likely to be proved right. So be it! One of the oldest questions to be asked about the universe was "How did it begin?" That question always puzzled mankind. The answer to such question depended on the faith and civilisation current to the scientist.



In the early days of the Greek philosophers the universe was the making of gods and goddesses, but how they actually performed the act of creation was not to be inquired into, for such matters were considered divine and, thus, laid outside man's comprehension. The Greek plan incorporated a marvellous scientific picture of the universe, for whilst they described the motions of the planets with mathematical precision, they believed them to be, like the stars, made of some celestial material that never decayed. In ancient China, the whole universe, everything on earth and in the sky, was considered part of a giant organism. However, they envisaged a universe that was many millions of years old and, in this respect, they were close to today's view. Western civilisation has grown up under the influence of Greek ideas and also that of Chinese teachings, which insist on a single God who is creator and sustainer of the universe; a God, who is also the single God according to the Muslim faith. The Bible does not contain any scientific information of note about the universe, but it reminds us of that: In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Galileo used to be fond of saying that the Bible teaches the way to go to heaven, not the way heavens go. The Church, in its constant attempts to keep the masses under its control, permitted no speculation into these divine matters. The misfortune of Copernicus, as a result of his statement, that it was the sun and not the earth to be the centre of the spherical universe, is well known. Even after the beginning of the modern scientific period, when Newton had worked out the motions of planets in great detail and also invented the idea of universal gravitation, people still considered the creation of the universe to be a divine act, which lies above speculation.



With the vast amount of information collected by observation of deep space in the last sixty years, as well as the development of relativity and quantum theory, scientists are at last in a position to work out how the universe began. Today, speculation and scientific research into cosmology lies outside the realm of religion, to the extent that some scientists today do not consider the creation of the universe to be a divine act altogether. However, these scientists are forgetting that when they trace the origin of the universe to its origin, or to that moment that sparked the beginning... they too concede that science becomes unable to function, for at that initial moment all the laws of physics seem to break down. The failure of some scientists to contribute this initial moment of creation to a divine force stems from the fact that they think of this initial moment as the moment when all the laws of physics break down, rather than being the moment when all the laws of physics came to be. The creation of the universe is a subject that is given great attention in the Quran. The huge and varied amount of information contained in the Quran about almost every stage and aspect of the creation continues to astound scientists today because of its very accurate agreement with 20th century knowledge. How can a book written in the 7th century contain such a rich amount of scientific information that was to be attained 14 centuries later? Much of this information was discovered only in the last fifty years! Neutral and unbiased observers do consider this to be valid evidence that such a book could never have been the product of any human being for the simple reason that, at the time, no human possessed such knowledge. All the evidence available today suggests an explosive origin to the universe that brought both space and time into



existence. This is what is referred to as the Big Bang. The theory of the Big Bank which has successfully taken over the place of the 'Steady state' theory was worked out in the 1920's by two scientists quite independently of each other, the Russian meteorologist Alexksandr Friedmann and the Belgian mathematician Georges Lemaitre. The Big Bang itself resulted from an extremely dense singularity. The creation of the universe is one of matter, space and time that are intimately linked together. Matter and space were joined as one and then were separated in the explosion. This is described in the Quran. (It is very important to know that science does not discriminate when it comes to disseminating of facts and nothing but facts. It must be stated here that, until proved otherwise, most of the italics to follow are written from the Quran without any emphases or reference [any individuals who want to know more must read more], because they open up some basic facts that no one can push aside. These facts, which could also be found in all other scriptures, was written openly by one of my Source Codes, are not known to be direct to any scientific statements. It is the facts the Nothingness of Self-Esteem cares about.) "Do not the unbelievers see that the skies and the earth were joined together and we ripped them apart?" The subsequent history of the Big Bang saw the Americans George Gamow, Ralph Alpher and Robert Horman indicate that the whole event took place at a very high temperature. This view has been confirmed by the later discovery of the background microwave radiation. The eventual formation of galaxies resulted as a condensation, under gravitational pull, of hot gases which was mainly hydrogen, but may also have



contained helium and a few other light elements as well. Over the ages, and with the formation of galaxies, the gas has gradually condensed into individual starts. The universe in its very early stages was, thus, still in the form of hot gases which is mentioned in the Quran in the following verse: "Then He took hold of the sky when it was smoke." Note that the verse did not say clouds or gas, but smoke, which is a very accurately described as smoke are cold. Once these stars were formed a system had to be devised to govern their motion. The kinetic energy stored in the foreword movement of these bodies could not be relied upon on its own, otherwise stars and also planets would have shot off in straight lines dispersing into space. No planet would ever revolve around its mother star, which also applies to earth and, thus, life would not have evolved on earth, because the whole of life on earth is so dependent on the sun. Gravity was the brilliant divine invention, working as an equating factor to the centrifugal force to induce precise orbits for all heavenly bodies. The speed, mass and distance of two bodies have to be worked out very precisely to induce an orbit. If you were to throw a tennis ball upwards towards the sky, it would travel upwards as a result of the kinetic energy stored in the throw but, eventually, the gravity of the earth will overcome and the ball fall back to the ground. But, if you were to throw the ball at a very high speed (say 10km per second) it would escape the gravity of the earth and leave the earth altogether. This is what is known as the escape velocity. It is the speed required for a moving body to enable it to escape the gravity of a planet or star.



When an artificial satellite is placed in orbit around the earth, what happens is that at a required distance, while the satellite is shooting out of the earth's gravitational field, its speed is reduced which reduces its kinetic energy and with some directional adjustments its kinetic energy can be equated with the earth'' gravity. All these adjustments must be very precisely executed at a precise distance and speed otherwise a correct orbit cannot be obtained. The endless intricate orbits and mathematical precision in the universe leave one in a gasp in awe. (All the planets that circulate around stars also revolve round the centre of gravity of their own galaxies.) These very accurate balances are mentioned in the following two following verses: "The sun and the moon follow courses precisely computed" and "And the sky He raised and set the balance" The orbits of the heavenly bodies are mentioned in the verse: "And the sun and the moon, all travelling in orbits." all as in the last verse is not 'both' which indicates that the reference to the sun and the moon is symbolic only, and all other heavenly bodies also obey the same rules. The next stage sees these massive newly formed stars start to shrink under their own gravitational pull. As a result, their central regions become denser and hot. When the material in the centre of the star has heated up sufficiently, to say at least seven million degrees Kelvin (K), nuclear reactions begin. These reactions, which are similar to those which take place in an hydrogen bomb, continue throughout the life of the star.



These reactions are distinctly different from ordinary combustion - as in a burning wood. What actually takes place inside a star is that hydrogen is converted to helium with the emission of huge energy. This is precisely what the Quran speaks of with the words: "as if it were a brilliant star..whose oil is well lit, even no fire touches it." The verse mentions a star, it's oil (i.e. fuel), and a reaction which is not combustion (fire) - 'nuclear reactions'. The verse is a very accurate description of what goes on inside a star. These nuclear reactions cause the stars to radiate all types of radiation into space, from x-rays and gamma rays in the short waves all the way to the longer radio waves. The visible section of those waves which are found between the ultraviolet and the infra-red is the sunlight. On the other hand, planets do not emit any light of their own, but only reflect light. This differentiation between natural light and reflected light is mentioned with the words: "Blessed is He who made constellations in the sky and placed there in a lamp, and a moon giving light." "It is He who made the sun to lighten up and the moon that is lightened." In 1965, a very important discovery was made, and that was the background radiation which supported the Big Bang theory. But, the Big Bang theory, together with the detection of the red shift in the spectrum of far away galaxies, gave birth to yet a new concept and that was the universe is expanding-



this was briefly explained previously at the beginning of this chapter. Doppler Effect applies to any waves and not only that of sound. When applied to light waves it was found that if the source of light is approaching its light would be shifted towards the blue end of the spectrum, while as light from a receding source would be shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. In the same vein, a light received from distant galaxies have a red shift which indicate how much they were flying away from us. That contribution of the red shift analysis meant that the universe is indeed expanding. This conclusion is literally mentioned in the Quran: "and the heavens we created with might and we are expanding it Note that the word "expanding" is used in the present tense and not in the past which again is in agreement with the fact that the expansion of the universe is a continuous process. This phenomenon was also explained at the beginning of this section. At the time of the Quran (7th century), it was still believed that all the stars in the sky including our sun were eternal and are made of a material that never fades or decays. No one was really aware of the nature of the reactions that took place inside stars for that was to be 20th century atomic theory territory but that, and as was mentioned before, was mentioned in the Quran. These atomic reactions would take place inside a star for a finite time and then the star would eventually run out of energy when it has used up all its resources. When that stage is reached, a star like our sun will undergo a series of drastic changes. First, it will expand to become a red giant. The nearest planet, Mercury, would be



swallowed up and the intense heat given off by the sun in this red giant stage would be amount to cause all the seas and oceans on earth to boil over and evaporate, signalling the end of life on earth. In other words, the star would start to collapse and lose its lustre and end up as a white dwarf. Here, the Quran uses the very accurate scientific words: "when stars lose their lustre" The finite life, or specific life span, of each star is also referred to accordingly: "He has ordained the sun and the moon, each one runs for an appointed time." in its opening verse, Quran describes the end of time as follows: "When the sun is rounded" "When the stars have collapsed" "When the oceans boil over in a swell" It is very significant how the verse said "when the stars have collapsed" and not 'when the sun has collapsed', because the boiling of the oceans will be a result of the expansion of the sun (red giant stage) and not it's collapse, that is, the ocean will boil over long before the sun starts to collapse. Also, the term "collapse", as used in the Quran, is the precise term used by today's astronomers to describe that stage of a star's life. Whilst the Big Bang provided an explanation as to the origin of the universe, it still remained necessary to calculate its age. To do so, astronomers once again rely on red shift to calculate the speeds and distance of the furthest galaxies and



quasars. These distances give us indications to the age of the universe. The most distant quasars, which have velocities of some 240,000 km/sec. (80% the speed of light), are at distances of up to 14 billion light years (a light year being the distance travelled by light in one year). When we look into depth of space, we are actually looking back far into the past. When we look at that distant quasar, we are not seeing it as it is now, but as it was 14 billion years ago. The modern accepted figure for the age of the universe is a little bit more than 18 billion (thousand million) years. The age of the universe is also found in the Quran? 1) "the angels and the spirit ascend unto Him in a day, the measure of which was fifty thousand years." The verse clearly said a day that was and not a day that 'is', which clearly indicates that that day was in the past (50,000 years ago) after the angels ascend. How many days a space ship takes to reach the moon? 2) "a day relative to your God is equivalent to a thousand years of your count." If for God, 1 day = 1000 years for man, and 1 year for God is 1000 x 365 = 365,000 years for man. Then 50,000 years of Gods = 365,000 x 50,000 for man = 18.25 billion! The importance of these analyses, as brought up by one of my Source codes, is to put your mind at rest and to direct your attention to your inner-self to answer the question: What am I? and not to brother with Who is the Prime Mover? but that you are within the Unity, perhaps brought about by the Big Bang.



The Unity
11.1 Theory of Relativity
There is Unity, one origin, the primordial Ancestors, the Most High. There is no power among men that goes beyond men. The power, driven by the energy generating within men and moving randomly from man to the others and his surrounding is the maximum. Man controls other attractions, to and from lesser animals and non-living things, in this Realm of our Existence. The law of attraction indicates the unity of the whole creation. No exception. Negative to positive and vice versa. Let us examine the Einstein Theory of Relativity, that energy (E) is equal to the product of mass (m) and square speed (c) or E = mc2. Since c2 = c x c, a multiple of itself shows that one thing (body) is first attracted to itself and then to other things around it (him). The speed of this motion will depend on the magnitude of the inner energy driving the resultant power of the body. This inner self is known as Kundalini, Spinal-thread, Serpent of Eden, Life Force or what have you. The name this thing is called does not matter, but what it is and how it works. Even the Mother Earth as an entity in the unity has her own kundalini. Man can accelerate motion (vertical, against gravity) of its serpent towards his goal (good or evil, but not above evil and good). It is only when it is dormant, or the so-called serpent remained coiled at the base of the spinal cord that Man cannot reach his set goals. And any attempt to wake it up by force will



result to catastrophe. We shall learn more of its structure and its application to obtain our goals. First, lets examine if the universal energy depends on time. Assume that speed is a distance (s) covered in a specific time (t), so that the speed is equal to a distance, covered by a body in motion, divided by time (or c = s/t) the Energy E = m (s2/t2). Simple. In cosmos, it is a real phenomenon that distance always approaches zero. Then in a simple mathematical expression, s s ( is the space difference), indicates that the distance approaches zero (or s0). As this last condition holds, the energy (E) becomes larger and indirectly proportional to time. This results to the time (t) becoming smaller. In the view of the above explanation, it could be seen that at the absolute unity, space-time relationship is 1; there is no time in cosmos, where the energy is large. And at zero mass (m) such as in light, the energy (E) is zero, while the negative energy of gravitation played a part. The relationship between distance and velocity is neither in strict proportionality nor a straight line. In general more distant objects have greater apparent magnitudes, while velocity is directly deduced from a shift. Even the speed of light is finite. The more distant object corresponds to earlier times and the nearer ones to later times. We are not separate individuals but part of a colossal spiritual network linking all atoms and all other things that exist in this world. All these are held together in the spiritual force field The Unity. The existence.

11.2 The Void and the Origin

The Sun, the Milky Way, galaxies and clusters of galaxies are all isolated systems in space, that is, matter is concentrated in



the central region, surrounded by empty space. In contrast, super-clusters are not clearly demarcated, rather, the distribution of matter is net-like and the empty space is now isolated in holes or voids. The void is the Original Self, the spiritual force field, like light. It has no image visible to the naked eye. It is porous and permeates every atom including Man. It is the command and active principle of the creation. The African origin of belief and spirituality describes it as Nameless, while Zoroastrians called it the Unlimited Source. Hindus equate the void, or darkness with consciousness or EnSof in Jewish religion. The characteristic features of super-clusters is brought about as in nebular theory: that as long as the original gas cloud has a certain amount of angular momentum, then no matter what its original shape, the body formed after the collapse must have a symmetrical shape indicating rotation. This was the idea of heavenly bodies having circular shapes. From this principle, the spaces between the heavenly bodies are dark and void. Purpose for the Existence In giving some security belief, Isaac Asimov gave good accounts of the reasons for creation. There is some purpose to the Universe. After all, if one is going to have a whole battery of spirits and demons running the Universe, as it is being done in the world of Man now, one cant really have them doing it all for nothing. The purpose of existence is the Unity, in which everything must participate. The Egyptian god, Thoth (Hemes Trismegastus) said that every existing thing is composed of the four elements: fire (dry and heat), water (moist and cold), air (heat and moist) and earth (moist and dry), in unison. One state evolves to



another state cold is gradually turns to heat and heat to vapour (air), so also this transformation (development) occurred in human and other things. This effect of changes in things in the Universe can be felt in the ozone layer. Ozone is the protective layer in the atmosphere that shields the Earth from the suns rays, in particular is the ultraviolet-B radiation that can cause skin cancer and can burn marine life. In 2000, NASA said the ozone layer expanded to three times the size of Australia. But due to the extreme warm condition in 2003, the ozone hole reduced drastically. This is an indication of gradual change in all things. The Zoroastrians of Persia worked out a delightfully complex scheme of the Universe. They imagined the whole of existence to be engaged in a cosmic war. Ahura-Mazda or Mara, leading countless spirits (other gods?) under banner of Light and Good, encountering an equally powerful army under Ahriman fighting for Darkness and Evil. The force was almost evenly matched and individual men could feel that with them lay the balance of power. If they strove to be good they were outstanding to the right in the most colossal conflict ever imagine. Some of these notions crept into other beliefs and we have the war of God versus the Devil. In this view however, there is no question as to who will win. God must and will win. In science however the so-called Security Belief is assumed to be false. Science does not merely ignore the possibility of a cosmic war, when it has tried and still trying to workout the origins and the ultimate fate of the Universe. Therefore, the purpose of existence is the flow within the Unity. Destiny Destiny comes from mens thoughts and mens actions working within the limited circle of the Realm of our



Existence. The Nature who wears the whole of our universe as though it were one head upon a necklace, will not deny your right to use your body and mind in the ways that seem right to you. But remember that Power isolates those who hold too much of it. The breathing exercise becomes an entity in itself, an actual state of consciousness in its own right. Body breathing becomes the embodiment of the breath. It is also a renunciatory technique to achieve a predetermined trancelike state an isness, in Zen word. The echoes of destiny vibrate on all human beings within the Realm of Existence after the so-called creation. It is also true that karmic (past creation) destiny vibrates on Man, also within the Unity Existence of Man The creation of man can be likened to playing with clay to produce a product (ceramics, etc). Figure 9.1 expresses the making of a ceramic object. Clay and water (human body) have been moulded to form a green paste or mortar.

Clay + Water Product air-dried to harden Hardened product fired Air-dried to cool Final product

Time 0 12 days + 30 minutes + 23.30 hours = 13 days

Figure 9.1. Ceramic production



The paste is then left to dry by natural air for a period of 12 days before it is fired in a kiln or sort of that. The firing takes little time, while the fired product is left again to cool off naturally. Cooling is also rapid, resulting in a few times. It is the time of firing that the paste becomes a whole and it occurred within a short period. In cosmic creation, this is the time of Hu (In the beginning was the word and the God was the word, says the scripture), and that was when the firewithin is formed. This period is so small that it may be impossible to note not even in this Realm of Existence. When you wish for something to occur, just hu it by the word of mouth. Be and it becomes or kun fayakuun says the scriptures. Remember that the power of the name is almost limitless. Africans know this source of power and they use it fully and appropriately in naming their children. When you call Mojisola! in Yoruba means literally, I-wake-into-a-wealth. You are indirectly wishing yourself well. In a spiritual realm, you are directly wishing your child well. This is the same in YaAdua (a child that deserves prayer). Even the so-called spirits guide their names. And when Jacob, in the scripture, asked the angel hed wrestled for his name, the angel kept it secret for fear that the name would give Jacob power over the angel. In other words when a man calls you stone he makes you a stone for an instant. When you will wake-up your child, in the early morning, by the name Oloriburuku (One with bad luck) you are indirectly creating a realm of sub-existence for your child and a direct new existence for your self. Then you wonder why you are in a perpetual state of poverty and in that your supposed happymood. The suffering and smiling syndrome. Remember that a mans voice should be his own to command, so it shouldnt



carry another mans message hidden within its sound. Be warned! We create with our thoughts, our substance and our spirit. According to Sefer Yezirah, the Book of Creation, the knowledge of mysteries of the cosmos will reveal to you that you too can create life. Our thoughts cannot be pure unless we wake up the fuel or the fire within.

11.3 The Path

In the beginning was the word hu or u. To hu is to create (Emet) or give life to at least until the appointed time of the so-called de-creation (met or mut). In the beginning, all other things, aside Man, were in existence. Man came to be by the command hu. The air or wind, which is not normally visible to naked, unobstructed eyes, represents the unsounded hu. The combination of the two words: human resulted to the existence of Man. No hu, no Man. But must we ponder well on this matter, in the combination of the two words hu-man, there is a gap in human consciousness and that is the so-called awareness. And without pure awareness, Man is out of the Existence. Following a simple experiment by focusing your attention on an object, a simple object for that matter, which could be a figure or whatever. Do your focusing at least for 20 seconds, and the close your eyes. And immediately your eyes are closed, try to recollect the image of your chosen object or figure. Can you guess what happen? Now let us get back to our discussion before the above experiment. An impure awareness may unbalance Mans mind and body. Any form of disconnection of mind from body is negative.



The word hu or u is also related to a sort of open-and-close affairs. And if you opened an action, it is obvious that such action is closed to be relevant and complete. Any closed action must be opened, allowing for further action to take place. The gap between open-and-close affairs is the so-called awareness. In The syllable, A-U-M, the mouth is opened when A is pronounced, while the pronouncement of M closes the mouth and the gap between A and M is U, the so-called awareness. So, AUM is a word of power. Note that open-andclose of the word AUM without the conjunction U is impossible. As you open with A, a flow of air flows into your mouth, yes? There is this question, what is making you opening your mouth to pronounce the word A? This is the energy within that also comprises the same word A for A-hu-man or simply AUM. If one can perceive this, the one understands the principle of creation. Aside Man all other things came into existence by the same action. Note that the word hu or u has been attributed to Man. Man is intelligent homo-sapiens in this world that can control his fire within to achieve anything in this world as wished. There are other beings, jins and aliens or UFOs. But our limited experience has assured us that man is the only intelligent beings in the Universe. But if we remember Wuli Lun, regarding the creation (Qi develops and rises, that jing hua (essence) floats aloft, turning about (and) following the flow, and which is called the Heavenly River (the Milky Way), also called Yun Han and all the stars appear) then we know that other things might have existed before the Realm of this existence.



11.4 The Fire Within

The Fire Within, fire or simply kundalini sits at the base position of the spinal cord of man. The word position indicates that kundalini cannot be seen physically, but can be felt in a conscious or alpha state. The seat of kundalini is a form of cup, as shown in Figure 9.2 is like an inverted triangular figure or cone object, with a point downward. Note that the cone point sits on vertex of another cone. This point-to-point of the two cups or cones is never stable. It takes a serious disciplined, knowledgeable and episteme mind to balance this of the two cups or cones is never stable. It takes a serious disciplined, knowledgeable and episteme mind to balance this unstable structure.

Kundalini (Fire within)

Figure 9.2 Seat of the fire within A light tap or a little stir or movement of the fire will certainly destabilize the top cup-like structural member to a point of collapse. If the top portion of the structure fell off, the fire may die-out. And hence the fire is put out, the results is that the host (man) becomes insane. This is because the fire may go wild and consume the host.



It is very interesting to know that the structure will not just fall off by itself, but by man himself, due to so many factors to be discussed in the subsequent sections. The house of the fire must be protected jealously so as not to fall or destroy. When the fire is not excited or kindled the so-called fuel, or more so like a stick of match that is not excited or rubbed with a frictional object, remains unused. But a little thinking or even hunger will kindle the dormant fire. Hence the idea of daily prayers, litany, mantra or religions activities will certainly kindle the fire. But how and which? We shall answer these questions as we proceed.

11.5 Collapse of the Fire Within

The top as the lovely cradle of success is a stupid idea designed only for stupid, backward individuals. Lets get the story. In the Hope for the Flower, narrated by Trina Paulus and retold by Denis Whitely: There was this caterpillar, Pimpe, who found his normal routine dull and meaningless. Pimpe among other caterpillars during their crawling spree came upon a towering column or pillar of squirming, wriggling caterpillars that seemed to rise forever into the clouds high above. These sets of caterpillars seemed to be desperately trying to craw and wriggle over one another to reach the top of the pillar and Pimpe got exited. Ah, something interesting is up there, he guessed and perhaps the top of the pillar is where he will find what hes looking for. Whats up over there? Pimpe asked as one caterpillar rushed past him, shoving him aside Bo olo ya fun mi, the comot make I pass syndrome. Oh, sure, it must be awfully good because everybody is



rushing to get up there. So Pimpe plunged into the wriggling mass of bodies to begin fighting his way up there. Sometime along the line, Pimpe met a friend, Bimpe who was also wriggling, stepping and been stepped upon. The two friends fell in love with each other. And decided to get out of the caterpillar race, so they got down the column and live together happily. Soon, the boredom engulfed Pimpe; he talked to Bimpe, saying that it was a mistake pulling out of the race to reach the top. Bimpe didnt agree with him, so they parted and Pimpe went back to the wriggling up the column (pillar) trying his luck to reach the top. Bimpe, at this time crawled off and discovered the secret of how to become a butterfly. With ruthless discipline, Pimpe kept stepping on others to reach the top. As he got near the very summit of the wriggling pinnacle, he realizes that he cant get to the absolute unless he gets rid of those who are above him. Whao! He could hear the screams of falling bodies who have been displaced by the ones next in line. Ah! He has only a few wiggles to the top, when he heard someone saying: There is nothing up here after all!. Pimpe stopped wriggling and looked around. Holy Heaven! He couldnt believe his eyes. All around him as far as he could see, the world is full of thousands of giants, tall pillars with countless caterpillars trying to reach the top. As he started to climb down the pillar, he saw a very beautiful and colourful butterfly circling the pillar, he looked closely and verily, it was Bimpe. Pimpe started fighting his way down the pillar. As he wriggled downward, he tried to tell others that there is really nothing up there. One of the crawlers sneered at Pimpe and told him how foolish and stupid he is to think if he came down he will become butterfly. He is a caterpillar and nothing can change



that. Others simply called him an idiot, who lacked tenacity, and who is full of sour tastes; who could never make it to the top and jealous too. Pimpe wavered at first, but decided to go and find out from his friend how to become butterfly. He eventually learnt how to spin his cocoon to become butterfly. The so-called top is not the lovely cradle of success that we have been hypnotized to be. There is nothing up there that worth wriggling for. Be on your guide and watch out for the usurpers as those caterpillars may have falling back to the rock of failure. The fire within get weakened in man when he tries to force himself above his capability, by trying to follow others, who have different echoes of destiny different from his. Then the fire will eventually die and such a man will be out of existence, because he, by so doing is trying to be outside the Unity. Hence the fire within him would go wild and he will burn out of existence within the Unity.

11.6 Awakening the Fire Within

It takes a lot of energy to drive the wheel that awakens the coiled Serpent of Eden, Yog Sothoth kundalini. Imagine the action of a sleeping hungry lion when a careless gazelle, gliding straight ahead, bumped into the sleeping lion. It is not hard to know that when the lion wakes up, sees his prey it will jump at his prey in a sudden rush. And unless a lowcurrent electronic garget is fused (braced) or attached to a stabilizer, a high current of electricity, which is released suddenly and passing through the wire, will blow up the powerhouse buried in the garget. When that happens, the garget becomes useless. These two cases will show you the



idea of how a dormant, coiled Serpent of Eden will react to a sudden excitement. In a way, unless Man goes on gradually in a spiritual development, other forms of developments (scientific, metaphysics, philosophic, etc) would be out of the way. This is exactly what most of our race lacked. You can only grow when you shun surface materials - just for the sake of it, just for others to know you as a big guy, just to see yourself as a man to be reckoned with - in a society of idiots. In the developed nations of the world today; their citizens have grown beyond materials in its ordinary context. They grow in mind-development that lead to technological advancement which everybody can witness. A love of money or surface materials leads man to a dead spiritual development. It often does. Prayers, mantras, monologue, all born out of thought form coupled with good deeds and love of others of your own race and others in that order, will awaken kundalini and direct you towards your goal according to your inner urge. It is my saying that: If you hate you halt but love so that you live. There are a lot of affirmations and dances that keep you going forever. This book will introduce you to few affirmations and dances to begin with and you must develop spiritually by yourself according to your inner urges. When would human beings come to understand that they shape their fate and not fate them? They kindle their fire within, not and never by the permission or help of a priest, pastor, alfa or what have you. With lofty words they build their castles in the air, without foundations; they paint their pictures in engravings on the walls around them. As from today, you must break through the wall around the prison of the ego and the damnation of your self importance



Seize this moment for the comfort and joy of all, if you would secure eternal life and you are not to become a torment and tyrant to your immediate neighbour. There is a critical part of the brain that may be called the guardian of your mind. The scientific term for this 100mm network of cells radiating from the brain stem is reticular activating system (RAS). And without going too much technical about this, we can imagine a little character sticking in mind, and in keeping with its functions, we refer to it as Ras. Ras is the sentinel that is responsible for filtering all incoming stimuli, everything ranging from sights and sound to smells and touches. Ras determines moment by moment which information is going to become part of man. So Ras decides what habits man breaks or forms. Ras however cannot controls mans life leaving him a prisoner of forces beyond control? No. Ras is an obedient servant. The straight truth is that man commands his Ras to do his bindings. You as man must be sure of what you want, because Ras has uncanny ability to do only what is really important to you. Note this. What is the justification for man claiming to be a servant of the Most High? To be directed by or direct the Most High? If individuals could have special power that will enable them to get something for nothing, it is wish. Heaven helps those who help themselves. Once youve decided, for instance, to live in a noise-polluted area - all other conditions being equal, Ras enable you to get or build a house right in that place and get used to the noise. Living there becomes your priority. And once your Ras was convinced that you were satisfied with your idea, it filters out the noise and you wouldnt hear any noise anymore. Never tells you what to do, but only do what you want. Someone who sticks in a failure syndrome, or accidentprone simply blame his misfortunes to: I am just unlucky or



I think it is fate. The Ras of such individual will simply yab by saying: Sebi it was what you have programmed me to tune in on, you have directed me to block all positive thoughts that could lead you to success and health. So wetin now? So now, what to do to ignite the fire within, positively, so as to command Ras to carryout our bindings? Your constant habit in the use of raw power (amulets, voodoo, witchcraft, cultism secret or open, holy or poor water) to awaken the fire within is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to grater cosmic powers. The end is death physical or spiritual. That is the truth. A few ways of awakening the fire within you are briefly explained as follows:

11.7 Voodoo/Amulets/Oogun
The so-called amulets or voodoo diabolical objects always represent the fullest extension of human psyche the male human psyche in particular. Black, white magic or voodoo practice goes back to the Middle Ages, when witches were believed to have made a contract with the devil. Even witches use amulets to boost their wayward powers. The so-called amulets come on different forms: they could be ordinary symbols (eye-in-the-triangle, ankh, cross, star-inthe-moon, two-opposite-triangles, ying-yang, left- or righthanded pentagrams, sacred chao, ouroboros, serpent-eatingits-own-tail, swastika, sacred heart, etc, etc) or objects (all sacred symbols when added to other things, such as cutting eye in the triangle on gold and the voodooist put it on for a purpose; or when a voodooist. wears a cross cut in gold or silver or any other symbols for whatever purpose, they were being kept, other than beauty or aesthetics; holy water,



osanyin or GSM). In African context, one may not be practicing the oldest religion, witchcraft, before one uses amulets. The use of any of these objects, if they were used diabolically, for the purpose of protection, health or wealth, has qualified or made the user as a voodooist. Whatever angle you look at it or you try to protest or dodge, the user, in that respect, is a voodooist. You can as well stay healthy and wealthy without you getting indulged in any of the voodoo symbols and objects if you so wish. So be it! So when you indulge yourself in the use of amulets or the likes, you are inviting some external forces that may not be compatible with your spirit. Then you end up in an untimely death (physical or spiritual).



Witchcraft, the oldest religion, is the act or craft of sucking the fluid of life, kundalini fluid, from someone else without any physical touch. The fluid of life, when disturbed or made absent in the body, may result to insanity or uncoordinated thoughts. A witch has a sort of demon in him or her body. The demon grants the witch special faculties and powers for the exclusive purpose of making it easier for the witch to reach his or her victim. The so-called demon, like any other parasite needs to feed to live. So, the host must be on guard to produce enough to eat for the two. Any other power (by a sect, mafia, society, secret or open cult in religions, government, individual, etc) that makes the live of others (race, family, individuals) miserable in whatever form is witchcraft. By feeding on their victims fluid of life directly or indirectly, such victims become the living-deads, perpetual slaves of the witches.



Here is the example and one of the origins of the slavery, narrated by Naiwu Osahon and part of which has been mentioned here for the purpose of our discussion. One can read, read and read in Daily Sun of February 26 of 2004. At a conference in Belgium in1885, in one of the common messages sent to proposed colonies, King Leopold described directly how Congo should be evengelised. Then, King Leopold agreed that the tasks before the Reverend Fathers and his compatriots were too enormous and must be done with tactics Your objective in Congo, said the king, is never to teach niggers how to know God, this they know already. They speak and submit to Mungu, one Nzambi, one Nzakomba and what else I dont know. They know that to kill, to sleep with someone elses wife, to lie and to insult is badYour essential role is to facilitate the task of administrators and industrialists. As if that was not enough, the king said further. Sing everyday that it is impossible for the rich to enter heaven. Make them pay tax each week at Sunday mass. Use the money supposed for the poor to build flourishing business centres The modern slavery, open witchcraft (IMF, World Bank, artificial democracy, cultism, etc), is all around, seeping deeper and deeper into every atoms of our existence. A Witchcraft coven could be a secret or open cult on its own that operates within a particular number (13) of members. And when the number exceeds 13 (secret), they split up into ministries (open) for effective operations. Wherever a victim of a coven may go, other ministries will surely attend to him or her. So be cautious! This is a very dangerous way of awakening kundalini. Avoid this way like a plague. Those (race, individuals) who used this method to gain entrance into the affairs of others are now



regretting it, through confrontations. So be it!





11.9 Cultism
The proper dictionary meaning of the word Cult is a system of religious worship i.e. in devotion to a Deity. Cult is supposed to be an endeavour that has taken on forms to make in some ways acceptable to the earthly senses that is beyond earthly comprehension. Only that which does not conform to the laws of Creation can have an unusual effect. Such ones that are not in the harmony with universe are very much evidence in the presentday cults. You find open and secrete cults. Open, when they are bold enough to threaten other with hell fire as well as the economic and spiritual flogging to those who do not partake in their practice of the obvious open witchcraft as they do; secrete, when they are afraid you will not accept their dirty tricks. And just as the open cult, the secret one is the same, but goes a step further by flogging you without prior warning. Often they employ the help of voodooists or spiritualists on their victims. Must you, as a father or the so-called society mother, partake in a cultism or fetish practice, and then you should expect your children to be interested in such, so far as your children or even admirers can pick a trace of success in your life. They want to try on whatever has made you thick. No wonder the society is full of rotten youths. So, be conscious, because your so-called success is a tormenting one that which will surely end at death.



11.10 A Force in Thought Form

The Thought of Man is a guide to the mysterious knowledge of the inwardness of creation. We create with our thoughts, our substances, and our spirits. If you know how to use it you can create life. Thought became more than just the rambling monologue, that which you are accustomed to hearing within your head. Thought is a force that has shaped the Universe The Unity. Each person creates his own world (sub-Realm of Existence in the cosmos, his Universe), and by his own thinking it is taking shape by how he sees it and how he sees it depends on how he is inside and from the first moment when he begins to notice the world around him. Before we can use its power to influence the world around us, we must learn its power to influence us. Ignorant people play with thoughts in the most careless way and think that they emerge from thoughts unaffected. But they err, for thoughts belong to the Unity. Thought form can be made by anyone at all with a little practice. To create a thought form, one must first decide what one want to accomplish, and be sure that it is for good. Then one must call imagination or visualization into play. One must visualize exactly the results which one wants to achieve. At all time we must speak to the Thought Form that we have created in a firm, positive voice. There must not at any time be any suspicious of negativeness or of indecision. We must speak in the simplest, possible and a well-understood language and in the most direct manner possible. So be it! Act and awaken your dormant fire within.



11.11 Congregational Prayers and Rituals

Parable You wake up in the morning without what to eat and you must go to your ritualistic prayer session. Your friend woke up the same morning having some grudges against you, for not asking him to follow him to a wakening ceremony organized by your friends brother; your wife was not happy that her junior brother could not have enough money to take to school. And when you announced that your family should prepare and eat the little food you have and speed off to the prayer session, about 23 km away from home, Junior was only too happy that, he will meet one of his schoolmates in the prayer ground, so he quickly docked a slice of bread and put it in a plastic bag and shoved it inside his top jacket. He was ready for Kilometre23. In other area, a community leader has just been kidnapped, ngigeed, his whereabouts unknown. The people have just decided to go into groups prayers, each sect in his own prayer ground. Few of them belong to Kilometre23. Off they went. In Kilometre23, the congregation has started their ritualistic prayers, calling the usual Spirit they were used to. But suddenly in the mists of the reckless prayers, an unhappy wife started to think of her brother who, in the couple of hours will come to pester her life for the school fees that is not available. Somehow along, the husband is thinking aloud what will become of a family with nothing at home to eat; and his friend is seriously considering how disappointed and bad his friend would feel when he found out that he was not been invited to the wakening ceremony of his mother who died some 25 years ago; while Junior was so exited to talk to his friend, whom he has not met for quite a long time. The community representatives are just wondering what or who might have kidnapped their leader.



In all of these, different thought forms are created, each person as aspired for, but all in a random aura. The vibration at this time would be high. The only problem is that each person will receive, according to his or her inner urge some portions of others thought forms. This may cloud-up and confuse his or her thoughts and may eventually send a wrong signal to RAs of the individuals. So the sad sister may end up receiving more funds from a friend to support her home for purchasing food item, instead of getting enough money for her brother to school, If the husbands imagination was stronger than hers. So it may occur to others, ending up getting no definite results from their prayers. And unless the whole congregation focus its attention on a particular goal to be achieved, it is very difficult that prayers of people, of diverse or unfocused thoughts, would be answered. It can never work and it has not worked in million years. Even if a whole country murmured and cried for hundred years nothing positive is unlikely to happen. And since the majority of the people are liars, cheats, the results of their so-called congregational prayers are death and agony. May we all overcome our adversaries. Your thought form is pure only in a state of silence even if you are alone. So be it!

11.12 Sex Psychology

The original and pure sex psychology is devoid of all mundane inebriety. The whole existence of the universe moves under the principle of sex life. In modern civilization sex life is the focal point for all activities. Therefore sex life is not unreal. Its reality is even experienced in spiritual or conscious Realm of Existence. Only the material sex life is but a perverted reflection of the original fact, the Absolute Truth. Truth cannot be impersonal but contains a pure sex life.



Consequently, the impersonalist priests, alfas, gurus, teachers, philosophers, physicians and the likes have given impetus to the abominable mundane sex life, because they have stressed the impersonality of the ultimate truth. The religionists even attributed the awakening of the fire or the Serpent of Eden as the cause of the original sin, but against whom? If one may ask. Therefore, man without information of the actual spiritual form of sex has accepted perverted material sex life as the all in all. Sexual Energy Sexual energy is passion and aliveness. It is the life force, the creative force of the Universe. The key to a passionate life is to trust and follow the fire within or simply fire. Mans life, as mentioned earlier, is filled with the sexuality of the universe. Unfortunately, lesser human beings, non-spiritual and people of no conscious minds, who have their life force, fire, dormant or misdirected towards evil, have become masters at cutting down their sexual energy. Man should know now that his sexual energy has the power to create and transform. Mans ego should not be afraid of this, as our peers and especially the religions organizations that are now emphasizing only the evil of sex and not teaching how well one can use sex life for creation. These individuals use sex in its natural form to gain whatever they wish to gain. Unfortunately, the lesser beings in the form of priests or alfas, teachers, heads, leaders of organizations and the likes, are misreprenting their sex life when they themselves engaging in pervasive sexual harassment on the opposite sex under their command. Their own lives become entangled and their prayers not answered, even when they fast, dance or cry. So why wondering why things are not in right direction with



bundles of prayers and yearly, monthly, weekly, daily and hourly fasting. It is far from the truth that sex is the origin of sin. This is never truth from the first man to this present existence. Sex as said earlier is by divine prescription, it is something man must handle carefully. And once you can overcome the pangs of sex, you can overcome anything, any temptation whatsoever. If you can obey that cosmic rule, every other thing in your life would fall into place. A man who has attained sexual disciplines is one who has risen against and above the lust of the flesh will not succumb to the lure of money so much as to loot the treasury or exhibit some other forms of corrupt tendencies It is erroneous and dangerous belief that spiritual energy and sexual energy are opposite, and that one should deny his sexuality in order to be more spiritual. Not only that such practice is creating a tremendous conflict within themselves and ends up blocking the very cosmic energy they were seeking. Remember that Universe is pure sexual energy waiting to be tapped by fuelling the kundalini, the Fire Within. In the developed Nations of this world, in which both spiritual and scientific energy have been released, sexual energy is mostly being directed to creation, whereby harmonizing the energy within to the cosmic energy without. We are all witnesses to the effects of this action. From now on, clear out your old ideas, fears, prejudices or negative beliefs about sex. The idea of getting a life partner (wife or husband) is to streamline your sexual energy in one direction, aligning your track of energy in harmony with the Universe, and when the two of you (unique couple) are constantly in one direction, because you are in harmony with the Universe, you can move mountains; you can create and command the world. In that



wise your command becomes the Unitys or Eagles (so to say) command leading to Absolute Nothingness (AIN or not .) And since Nothingness is indestructible, your family life becomes stable. There is no need of crying, fasting or praying for whatever (within the Echoes of Destiny) your minds are set on, since the two of you (husband and wife) are always involved in enlivening or fuelling your kundalini towards a common goal all the time. So be it! Love exists with the presence of adoration, service, friendship, conjugal love and paternal affection and only when these are absent that the so-called material sex results in the sensual pleasure which may lead to: anger, conjugal love, comedy, chivalry, servitorship, fraternity, parenthood, horror and shock. Not-Doing Carlos Castaneda, in his Journey to Ixtlan has explained in detail the power behind not-doing. Not-doing is so powerful that not until you stop the world only then can you benefit from its power, by stopping the world you stop doing. Doing make one separate cats from dogs, but if you want to learn not-doing, you must categorize the cats and dogs into one group animal, so that the word animal is generalized and made easy. If I ask you, in earnest to use your hands to draw energy into your being or ward-off evils, of course I am teaching you by not-doing. And since you have been taught, or been-doing, to use hands for physical things not for the unseen crackpots like what I have just told you, you wouldnt take it as the truth, and that action of yours is doing and what Ive just told you is real and nothing. A normal person tries to affect the forces of doing by changing it into not-doing.



Not-doing is very difficult to comprehend until one masters its use and usefulness. And unless you master and practice the following actions you are still doing. Erasing Self Importance You take yourself so seriously. You are too damn important in your own mind that you feel justified to be annoyed with everything. You are so damn important that you can afford to leave if things dont go your way, because you think by so doing you have character. That is not it. You are weak and conceited. You are probably indulging yourself in material and perversion sexual life. The world around us is a mystery and men are no better than anything else. If a little plant could be generous with us, in providing us its curative tendency, we must thank it whenever we tamper with it. Your feeling too big to thank the plant is doing and thats stupid. From now on you must erase your self-importance. Erasing personal History There is this secret of life you should not fail to understand and practice daily. Nobody should know your personal history. No one knows who you are or what you do. Not even you. The question is, how would you know yourself then? Little by little you create a thick fog around yourself, you must erase everything around you until nothing can be taken for granted, until nothing is any longer for sure or for real. Mans problem is that he is always too real, his endeavour is too real; his moods are too real. Man must erase himself. I mean it. Eraze your personal history completely. What for? is the next question. If you hide from people, they will also hide from you, is another illusive statement. Ha! Emi ko. Really? Not I.



You may begin with the simple thing, like you not revealing what you really do. It doesnt matter what you do. Another protesting question that crops into mind is thats absurd, why shouldnt people know me, Olodumare ma jenyo ile Aye wa-o, May I not come to this world like ghost. Thats how he sees it. How silly! But what is wrong with that is once your folks know you, you are an affair taken for granted and from that moment on you wont be able to break the tie of their thoughts. You should like the ultimate freedom of being unknown, so no one will know you with steadfast certainty. The so-called lie becomes lie only if you have personal history. When one does not have personal history, nothing that one says can be taken for a lie. The trouble is, when you are available to people, youll have to explain everything to everybody compulsorily, and at the same time you want to keep the freshness, the newness of what you do. And since you cant be exited after explaining everything you have done, you lie in order to keep on going. Is that not it? Survive! And later you become an object of ridicule. From now on you must show people only what you care to show them without ever telling exactly how youve done it. No! I cant keep secret, is the next statement. I am a scientist or I am an open person and everything must be exposed for acceptance, you will say. Scientist keeps secret during his findings and only when he has reached his concluded result that he cares to expose the findings. Not before or during his findings. Scientists are not ready to give out failed or unacceptable results. So, they often erase personal history in this regard. In general when nothing is for sure, we are always on our toes. So be it!



Stopping the World In order to stop the world one must imbibe certain attitudes in him. You must stop doing.

11.13 Tradition / Religion

For those free minds, that see things in an open perspective, we write this piece and not fanatical minds Religious fanatics do not understand what they stand for and neither do they know much in what they practice. They have poor awareness, so they are really dead-alives and very awkward in their attitudes towards anybody who doesnt believe in what they themselves have no knowledge of. They must be discarded and avoided like plague, in all ramifications, because they are dangerous to people. These are the scum of the Unity. The so-called religious ceremonies are the moderated traditional attitudes of a race attributed to Deity or Grand Master. The Truth is that all religions have been traced back to their primitive origins, with their base in old traditions. There is no exception. The truth must be told and let the evils be damned. This is not to damn the religions of the world, but to strengthen the mind of a highly spiritual man not to waver in his belief. After all, all religions preach love, without which all efforts of the ceremonies and rituals are doomed. The aspect of belief is a thing of mind. Tradition follows the common behaviour (marriage, burial, food, habitation etc) and attitude (worship, rituals, etc) of a race or community. In general, the word tradition refers more to a process. The process in which opinions, practices, customs, beliefs are handed down from ancestors to posterity. Tradition is always as old as the people and race. No matter where the descendants migrate to they carry their tradition along with



them. Traditions do not change. A peoples tradition cannot be traced to its origin. Every single theistic religion has a particular person (Guru, Prophet, Teacher, Krishna etc) as the founder, autodidact or originator. Even in the case of non-theistic religion, where their beliefs and practices aimed at bringing people together, the idea is the same. It is necessary to say that some religions unite all human beings together, from its original inception and not as an afterthought, are superior religions for that mater. Any religion that uses fear to bind people to any Deity is an inferior religion. In many cases, certain religions may become part of tradition of a race.

11.14 Affirmation / Ohun

Let there be light and there was was the words to hu the creation of the world, the Realm of Existence, as we know it. In the beginning was the word and God was the word, says the Bible. Whatever you say trice is the truth, says the Hadith Nabiyi [the Prophet SAW]. In the above contexts, there was no idea of supplication to any Deity. To whom the command let was directed is not the subject of discussion here. But the question is why must it be only words devoid of other external things, such as: juju, voodoo, scientific artifacts (such as GSM), etc? Sets of calculated words are the so-called ohun. All religions and sects are involved in the use of ohun to achieve one thing or the other (evil or good). Ohun is far superior to prayers. This is simple. Prayers are directed as supplication to an unknown Force or Deity, while ohun is specific for awakening the Fire Within. Affirmations, mantras, rudra or simply ohun (African) could be a specific word or a number of words repeated to stick and



store in Ras, which will sieve out the old unwanted or used ones. Few examples of ohun are given below. Note that the so-called ohun are created so they can be decreated as wished. Affirmations or ohun are one of the most important elements of creative visualization. It is a strong, positive statement that something is already so. So it is superior to prayers. Let there be light and it was. Whatever I say trice is the truth. A secret must be told here and now. Just go ahead, is a powerful mantra created by the Americans. So be it! There are three elements within you that determine how successfully you visualization in the practice of affirmation will work for you in any given situation: Desire, a desire to create that which you have chosen to visualize; belief, the more you belief in yourself for what you have chosen, the more certain you will do it; acceptance, that you must be ready to accept your results completely. All these three are your intention to create. So create! The clearer and stronger your intention is, the more quickly and easily your creative visualization for your affirmation to work. Having a strong intention then you may wish to embark upon simple statements as follow: Direct: I am getting better and better everyday. I slip into harmony with the Universe. I rise above evil. Indirect Just go ahead. You are not the target. In praise



Blessing the sun, the moon and the earth Blessing the man who stands on the earth In blessing I walk In blessing before me I walk In blessing behind me I walk In blessing above me I walk In blessing above and about me I walk It is finished in blessing. . . . . .

The above statements are just typical examples of affirmations. Anybody can make one depending on the wants and intentions. Any affirmation picked for use must be repeated often. So, invoke often as you banish often.

11.15 Meditations
People mix the idea of prayers and meditations together. Prayer is a supplication made with a vow or covenant to a Deity, while meditation is the enlivenment of ones body/sprits, i.e. making your body and mind work together within a frame of the Unity. Meditation comes in many forms, depending on a race or tribe and their common beliefs. Any exercise performed physically, without the use of ritualistic materials is meditation. This includes: Yoga, al-solaat, dancing, clapping of hands, singing in chorus, etc. They come in different forms depending on the founder. And they look similar. When you raise up you hands (this is a practice common to all religions, even a baby does that often, and when waving in greeting to others) you are supposed to be receiving cosmic rays, and when you concentrate on this simple act, you benefit from these cosmic rays. For a well normal person, walking becomes meditation, if it is done for a purpose.



A good example of enlivenment of the fire within is given below. If you stand erect, then read or recite any favourable affirmation preferred or used to. Now putting imagination into play, Visualise a ball of golden light circulating on the top of your head for few seconds. Bring down the light to youre the position of your throat and circulate the light round it. Do that repeatedly in the position of your heart, your pelvic region, your middle-point region and your feet. You can now elevate the light from your feet to the top head, bring down the light from your head pouring down through your outside left side, reaching your left foot and proceeding to the right foot and elevate it by the right side reaching the top head. Repeat three times. Do the circulation by pouring the light down through the outside front and elevating to the head along the back three times repeatedly. Now the light is pouring out of the whole body in circulation of up-and-down three times before you close down by a pure positive thinking. Remember to close down properly (positively) for easy opening. This is the same way by closing down a running programme in your computer when you have finished the days job, and in this way, the opening of the computer is made easy for the next programme. The example of a simple meditation, given above, points to a simple golden rule that you are your own worst enemy and your own best friend. The so-called light you circulate round



you body is the cosmic light or an extension of light from the Most High, which must be used to the benefit of mankind. Be cautious!

11.16 Phrases
To compete is to prepare for failure, as you prepare to proof yourself in the den of enemies. Dont be trapped by the need to achieve anything. This way you achieve everything. All barriers to your expressions and happiness of life are now dissolved if you are within. If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.



Why will Man boast of sensibilities superior to those apparent in the brute; it only renders him a more necessary being. If our impulses were confined to hunger, thirst and desire, we might be nearly free, but no because, we are moved by every wind that blows a change of word or scene that the world may convey to us. Remember that nothing may endure but mutability, since Mans yesterday beside now may never be like his morrow. Time is not a track that we run on from birth to death as inexorably as a train will follow its rails. Man feels instinctively that time follows a straight line, the past lying behind, the future lying in front. Then it is clear that time is analogous to a surface rather than a line, a rolling hilly surface at that. The track we follow over the surface of time as a winding road cut trough hills. Every little way the road branches and the branches follow canyons. And you are may not be aware that, at these branches the crucial decisions of your life take place. Yes they do. You can turn right or left into different futures. Occasionally there is a switchback where one can scramble up or down a bank and skip over a few thousand or million years if you dont have your eyes so fixed on the road, you miss the short cut. Once in a while another road crosses yours. Neither its path nor its future has any connection whatsoever with only the realm-of-existence we know. If you happen to take that turn you might find yourself on another planet, whoa. Yes, in another space-time, with nothing left of you or of your realmof-existence you know but the continuity of your ego. But, must you have the episteme knowledge; you may leave the roads of that high probability and strike out over the hills



of possible time, perhaps following them for a little way, even following them backwards, with the past ahead of you, and the future behind you. In the part II of the Nothingness of Self Esteem, you will truly meditate. So be it!


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