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Dr.V.CHINNIAH, M.Com, M.B.A., M.Phil., B.L.,Ph.D., Professor and Co-ordinator, Department of Management Studies Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai-625021 CERTIFICATE

This is to certify that the Internship training report titled A STUDY ON THE CUSTOMER TO HERO PREFERENCE MOTO WITH SPECIAL by REFERENCE CORP submitted

T.SELVARAJ ( for partial fulfillment of award of the Degree of Master of business Administration, by the Madurai Kamaraj University is his original Work that it has previously formed the basis for the Award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or other similar title and it represents wholly his independent Work.

Place: Madurai -21 (V.CHINNIAH) Date:

P.KUMARESAN MBA I year Department of Management Studies Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai-625021


I hereby state that the Internship training report titled A STUDY ON CUSTOMER PREFERENCE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO HERO MOTO CORP submitted for partial fulfillment of award of the Degree of Master of business Administration, by the Madurai Kamaraj University is his original Work that it has previously formed the basis for the Award of any degree, diploma, associate ship, fellowship or other similar title.

Place: Madurai (P.KUMARESAN) Date:


I hereby express my great pleasure in thanking all those who help me to complete this project. It is a great honor for me to be the student of Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University one of the more prestigious Institutions in Madurai. I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. C.CHANDRAN, professor & Head, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, for giving his valuable support and help. I take immense Pleasure in thanking Dr. V.CHINNIAH, M.Com, M.B.A., M.phil., B.L.,Ph.D., professor ,Department of Management Studies ,Madurai Kamaraj university , for Constant encouragement and enthusiastic cooperation in doing this Summer internship training. Above all I am indebted to my beloved parents, whose blessings and best have gone a long way in making this project a great success. Last but not least, I am grateful to my friends for their forbearance, support and encouragement. With deep reverence to the almighty God, I decided to him this humble endeavor of mine.



The HERO MOTO Motors (P) Ltd is one of the leading two wheeler producer in the country. Among the various models available, the choice of customers decides the sale. In this study the primary data is aimed to collect from nearly 100 customers and secondary data is also decided to collect for some specific analysis. It is planned to collect the customers personal and official details which are the prime factors in deciding the better performance of the company. For the analysis of the collected data should be used in sample statistical methods. It is also planned to give possible suggestions to the improvement of customer satisfaction related to HERO MOTO Motors (P) Ltd.



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Introduction Company Profile Product type an profile Research Methodology Analysis & Interpretation Statistical Analysis Findings Recommendations Conclusion


A study on customers impact on service of HERO MOTO motors was conducted by the researcher among the customer and the dealers of Dindigul districts in order to analyses existing brands and also give suggestion where required. The attitude and perception of the customers and the dealers are checked through personal interview and with the questionnaires, the researcher also analyses the various brands of HERO MOTO in detailed manner.

The interview was administrated to the limited customers of Dindigul district. This study is very important to know the satisfactory level of customers and introducing new marketing programs and factors as it helps to boost the sale of the HERO MOTO motors.


Bajaj Auto Daewoo Motors Eicher motors Ford motors General motors Hero Motors Hindustan Motors HERO MOTO Motors Hyundai Motors Ind. Auto Ltd. Kinetic Engineering LML Mahindra motors Maruti Udyog Ltd. Royal Enfield TVS Swaraj Mazda Ltd. Telco Volvo DC Designs

These are the companies that bring to us our dream machines. This is where it all starts from, the bourgeoisie Maruti 800, the up market Astra, the stately Mercedes, the General Motors, the Tata truck and the rest. Wend Your way through the automobile companies, their history and product lines. Find out hitherto unknown facts about the vehicles you use. Did you know that the Hindustan motor was the first vehicle manufacturing company to be set up in India? And it is the same Hindustan Motors, which manufactures both the sturdy Ambassador and the elegant Lancer, in association with Mitsubishi of course

To find out brand strength of HERO MOTO in Dindigul

To find out the buyers and dealers perception and attitude

towards HERO MOTO Motors.

To find out the major factors influencing the sales of HERO MOTO motors. To

ascertain the level of satisfaction towards the

performance of HERO MOTO Motors.

To find out the real factors influencing the sales of


MOTO Motors. To forecast future sales and income.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A good research work requires a clear scientific methodology because only through the application of correct methodology in selection of sampling techniques, appropriate tools of data collection etc., problem so that well founded conclusion can be drawn on the phenomenon under consideration. RESEARCH BACKGROUND Research type Population Sample design Descriptive study
HERO MOTO customers in Dindigul

Probability sampling Simple random sampling 100 Primary data Structured questionnaire method SPSS Percentage analysis and chi-square

Sampling technique Sample size Data collection Sampling tool

Statistical package Statistical tool

RESEARCH DESIGN Research design constitutes the blue print of collection, measurement and analysis of data. In specific terms, a research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN Descriptive research studies are those studies, which are concerned with describing the characteristic of a particular individual, or of a group.

QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN For the purpose of the survey, a structured questionnaire was prepared and distributed to the dealers and another questionnaire was prepared for the consumers, to study their preference and opinion of various brands of HERO MOTO motors. The questionnaire prepared with the consultation of the project guide. PILOT STUDY The questionnaire was prepared and a pilot study was conducted before starting the main study. The major aims of this study are: To ascertain whether the questions are easily

understandable to the respondents and are in proper order. To know whether the questionnaire is effective in collecting the necessary data.
To know whether any modification is needed in the

questionnaire. On scrutinizing it was found that a few questions were not relevant and so they were deleted and

few new questions were added which were founded to be important. SAMPLING PROCEDURE Sample Size Samples were collected from consumers; dealers and sub-dealers in which the total sample sizes of consumers are 100 and sample size of Dealers sub-dealers and Agents are 25. Sample Design A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample. Sample design may as well as lay down the number of items to be included in the sample i.e., the size of the sample. Sample design is determined before data are collected. There are many sample designs from which a researcher can choose. Two types are sampling designs are used Cluster sampling Convenience sampling Cluster sampling If the total area of interest happens to be a big one, a convenient way in which a sample can be taken is to divide the area into a number of smaller non-overlapping areas and then to randomly select number of these smaller areas with the ultimate sample consisting of all units in these small areas or clusters. Convenience Sampling
Convenience sampling technique was used to select the respondents. A convenience sample is one in which the only criterion for selecting the sampling unit is the convenience of the sampler.

DATA COLLECTION METHODS The study was based on survey method. The theme of the study was to find the consumers and dealers impact on the various brands of HERO MOTO motors and their satisfaction level. The study is based on primary and secondary data. Source of Data Primary data. Secondary data. Primary data Primary data are those data that are collected a fresh for the first time and that is original in nature. The primary data is collected through questionnaires. Secondary data Secondary data are those data that have been collected by some one else and which have already been passed through the statistical process. Secondary data here has been collected from

company profile, product profile of the company, catalogues and brochures, newspapers, magazines and general discussion with company personals.

The data collected were edited, coded and processed. Percentage technique is used in order to simplify the figure for diagrammatic representation and the following techniques are used to analyze the collected datas and informations. Percentage Analysis Chi-square Test

Percentage analysis: Percentage analysis used for the purpose of study which is most suitable for questionnaire based study. Percentage analysis is often used in data presentation the simple numbers, reducing all of them to 0 to 100 ranges. The data are reduced in the standard form with base equal to 100 which fast facilities relative comparisons the formula used here is Number of responses Percentage = ------------------------------- * 100 Number of respondents

Chi-square statistics is useful for the comparison of observed frequencies and to draw decision whether there is any significant difference between the two sets.

Where, o2 is the observed or calculated chi-square value e2 is the expected value which is to be taken from the chisquare table. If o2 > e2 the null hypothesis is rejected. If o2 < e2 the null hypothesis is accepted.


This study was limited to Dindigul districts and therefore

the findings of the study cant be extended to other areas.

Time, cost and other factors limited to the study to a sample

of 100 respondents. As the customers preferences may changes from time to time and also would change an introduction of new brands, the study is relevant for this period only. Some of the respondents interviewed were either reluctant or negative in their approach, most of them were busy.





SSLC Higher.Secondary Under graduate Post graduate others Total Source: Primary Data Inference:

05 10 47 03 0 100

05 10 47 03 0 100

From the above table it was clear that about 9 Per cent of the respondents areSSLC, 34%of them areHr.sec, 47%of them are

under graduates and 03% of them are post graduates and 07% of them are others (UN educated & Below SSLC).

50 40 30 20 10 0





Under graduate Qualification

Post graduate


Monthly Income
TABLE: 2 .

Monthly Income

No. of respondents

Percentage (%)

Below 5,000 Between 5,001-10,000 Between 10,001- 15,000 Above 15,000 Total Source: Primary Data Inference:

23 43 20 14 100

23 43 20 14 100

Regarding monthly income of HERO MOTO 23 Per cent of the respondents are below 5,000, 43 Per cent of them are between 5,001 to 10,000, 20 per cent of them are between 10,001 to 15,000 and 14 Per cent of them are above 15,000.

M onthly Incom of the Hero Honda users. e

Percentage 50 40 30 20 10 0 below 5,00 0 betw een 5,00110,000 B ee etw n 10,00115,000 Abov e 15,00 0 Percentage (% )

Incom per M e onth


Area of the Respondents


No. of Respondents 53 47

Percentage (%) 53 47

Rural Urban




Source : Primary data Inference : From the survey it was found that about 53 Per cent of the respondents are living at Rural i.e, Developing area and 47 Per cent of them are living at Urban area.

Area of people living

54 52 Percentage 50 48 46 44 Rural Area Urban No. of Respondents

Fig:3 .



No. of Respondents 21 48 24 05 02

Percentage (%) 21 48 24 05 02

Below 25 year Between 26 to 30 years Between 31 to 35 years Between 36 to 40 years Above 40 years

Total Source : Primary Data Inference:



From the survey it was found that about 21 Per cent of the respondents are using motorcycle below 25 year,48 Per cent of them between 26 to 30 years,57 Per cent of them between 36 to 40 years, and 02 Per cent of the respondents are 40 years old.
A elim o th u e s g it f e s r :
Percentage 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0
B e tw e e low e n 2 B 5 2 e 6 tw y t o ea e e r 3 n 0 B 3 y e 1 tw e a to e rs e 3 n 5 3 y 6 e a to rs 4 0 A b y o e v a e rs 4 0 ye a rs

N.o Rs o d n o f e p n e ts

1 0

Ae g

Future plan regarding present vehicle

TABLE : 5 .
Future plan

No. of Respondents 20 41 39

Percentage (%) 20 41 39

sale Exchange others




Source: Primary Data Inference: The above table shows that above 20% of the respondents are plan to sale of their bike, 41% of them plan to exchange,39% of them are under others which include giving vehicles to their relations.(Father and brothers.)

Future plan regarding present vehicle

50 40 Percentage 30 20 10 0 sale Exchange Sale exchange report others No. of Respondents


Respondents planning to purchase new vehicle

New vehicle

No. of Respondents 25

Percentage (%) 25

Interest to purchases of New Vehicle

Not Interest to purchase of New Vehicle






Source: Primary Data Inference: About 25% of the respondents planning to purchase new vehicle and about 75% of them are not interested in purchasing.

Respondents planning to purchase new vehicle

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Interest to purchases of New Vehicle Not Interest to purchase of New Vehicle Purchase Plan


No. of Respondents


Satisfactory level towards availability of colours

. Availability of colours

No. of respondents

Percentage (%)

Satisfied Not Satisfied Total Source :Primary data Inference :

91 9 100

91 9 100

Out of 100 respondents about 91% of them are satisfied with availability of colours and only 9% of them needs more alternatives.

the satisfactory level towards availability of colours

100 Percentage 80 60 40 20 0 Satisfied Not Satisfied Satisfactory Level No. of respondents


Difficulties in present vehicle

Difficulties in present vehicle

No. of respondents 25 48 16 11 100

Percentage (%) 25 48 16 11 100

Mileage Cost of spare parts Starting troubles Brake failure Total

Source : Primary data Inference:

From the survey it was found that about 25% of them having complaints regarding mileage, 48% of them having cost of spare parts, 16%of them having starting troubles and 11%of them having brake failure when the use HERO MOTO mountain areas.

major difficulties in present vehicle

60 Percentage 50 40 30 20 10 0 Mileage Cost of spare parts starting troubles Brake failure No. of respondents

Major Difficulties

Mode of purchase the Vehicle

Mode of purchase the Vehicle

No. of respondents 79 21 100

Percentage (%) 79 21 100

Ready cash Auto Finance Total Source: Primary Data Inference:

Regarding mode of purchase about 79%of the respondents prefers ready cash, 21%of them interested in Auto finance.

mode of purchase preference

100 80 Percentage 60 40 20 0 Ready cash Mode Auto Finance No. of respondents

Fig:9 .

Satisfaction towards the Auto finance

Auto finance

No. of respondents 21 nil 21

Percentage (%) 100 nil 100

Satisfied Not-satisfied Total

Source: Primary Data Inference: From the survey it was found that about 100% of them have difficulties in getting finance and non of them does not have any kind of difficulties.

satisfaction towards the Auto finance

Satisfied Not-satisfied


Satisfaction towards the mileage expectation of the customer

Satisfaction towards the mileage

No. of respondents 87 13 100

Percentage (%) 87 13 100

Satisfied Not-satisfied Total Source: Primary Data Inference:

From the survey it was found that about 87 per cent of them Satisfied with milage and 13 per cent of them not-satisfied with milage.

The satisfaction towards the mileage expectation of the customer.

No 13%

Yes 87%

Fig:11 .

Expectation of mileage for not-satisfied customers

Expectation of mileage for not-satisfied customers

No. of respondents NIL 05 08 NIL 13

Percentage (%) NIL 38 62 NIL 100

50KM 60KM 70KM 80KM Total

Source: Primary data Inference:

The above table shows that about 38% of them are expecting milage above 60KMPL, 62% of the customers are expecting above 70KMPL.

expectation of mileage for not-satisfied customers

No. of respondents 50KM 60KM 70KM 80KM


Non Satisfied Customer


Number of services per year

Services per year

No. of Respondents 5 5 31 45 14 100

Percentage (%) 5 5 31 45 14 100

1 2 3 4 5 & above Total Source: Primary data Inference:

The above table shows that 45% of them serviced their vehicle 4 times in a year, 31% of them serviced their vehicle 3 times in a year.

no. of services for year

50 Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 Service 4 5& above No. of Respondents




Price value of the vehicle

No. of Respondents 93 07 100

Percentage (%) 93 07 100

Worthy Not-worthy Total Source : Primary data Inference:

From the survey it was found that 93% of the respondents feel value for money is worthy, only 7% of respondents has not satisfied with value for money.

value for money

Not-worthy 7%

Worthy 93%


Improvement in dealers network

Improvement in dealers network

No. of Respondents 45 55 100

Percentage (%) 45 55 100

Satisfied Not-satisfied Total

Source: Primary data Inference: The above table shows that about 45% of the respondents are suggest improving the dealer network. 55% of the respondents are Satisfied with the current dealer network.

improvement in dealers network

No 55%

Yes 45%



TABLE: 16 Reason to buy Band name Efficiency Recommendations Quality others Total Source : Primary data Inference: From the above table 41% of the respondents are purchasing their vehicle for he brand name of HERO MOTO . 38% of the respondents are going for Quality. No. of Respondents 41 11 7 38 3 100 Percentage (%) 41 11 7 38 3 100

reason to buy Hero Honda

50 40 30 20 10 0 Band name Efficiency Recommendat ions Quality others Percentage

No. of Respondents




Period of usage

No. of Respondents 4 18 61 17 100

Percentage (%) 4 18 61 17 100

Below 1 yr 1-2 yrs 3-5 yrs above 5 yrs Total Source : Primary data Inference:

From the above table 61% of the respondents are using their vehicle for the period of 3-5 yrs. 17% of the respondents are using more then 5 yrs. 18% of the respondents are using their vehicle for the period of 1-2 yrs.

period of usage
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Below 1 yr 1-2 yrs 3-5 yrs above 5 yrs


No. of Respondents





Respondents suggestion to others to buy

No. of Respondents 60 40 100

Percentage (%) 60 40 100

Ready to Suggest Not ready to suggest Total

Source: Primary data Inference: 60% of the respondents are ready to suggest others to buy HERO MOTO products and 40% of them not interested in convincing other.

Respondents suggestion to others to buy Hero Honda products.

Not re a dy to sugge st 40%

Re a dy to Sugge st 60%




Satisfactory level

No. of Respondents 33 65 2 100

Percentage (%) 33 65 2 100

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Total

Source: Primary data Inference: Regarding satisfactory level, about 33% of them are highly satisfied with existing brands of HERO MOTO, 65% are just satisfied and 2% of them are dissatisfied with the brands of HERO MOTO.

Satisfactory level towards the brands in Hero Honda motors

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Satisfactory level Dissatisfied


No. of Respondents




Satisfactory level Highly Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents 19 78 3 100

Percentage (%) 19 78 3 100

Source : Primary data Inference:

Regarding availability, about 19% of them highly satisfied, 78% of them satisfied, 3% of them dissatisfied.
the satisfactory level towards availability of Hero Honda Motors.
100 Percentage 80 60 40 20 0 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Satisfactory level Dissatisfied No. of Respondents




Satisfaction level Highly Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Total Source: Primary data Inference:

No. of Respondents 20 77 3 100

Percentage (%) 20 77 3 100

Regarding performance, 20% of them are highly satisfied, 77% of them just satisfied, 3% of them dissatisfied with performance.

Satisfaction level of performance of Hero Honda Motors

100 Percentage 80 60 40 20 0 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Satisfactory Dissatisfied No. of Respondents

Fig:21 It shows that the majority of the respondents are satisfied with the performance.


Reasons for preferring a particular brand

No. of Respondents

Percentage (%)

Price Mileage Style and Good looking Performance Total

22 30 23 25 100

22 30 23 25 100

Source : Primary data Inference: From the above table, it was found that about 22% of them prefer because of economical price, 30% of them for mileage, 23% of them for style and good looking and 25% of them for performance.

R e a s o n s fo r p refe rrin g a p a rtic u la r b ra n d o f H e ro H o n d a.

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Mileage Price Style and Good looking Performance


N o. of Res pondents

Re a so n fo r p re fe rrin g



Satisfactory level towards the brand in HERO MOTO motors

This is to find out how much the respondents are satisfied with the brands in HERO MOTO motors Null Hypothesis: The brands in Motors are satisfied. Level of Significance: Let = 0.05
Satisfactory level

Observed Frequency 33 65 2 100 (Oi-i)

Expected Frequency

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Total

Observed value o2 = Ei Expected value:

e2 = 5.991 for 2 degree of freedom at 5% level of confidence. Inference: It is found that the brands in HERO MOTO Motors are satisfied.

A. THE METHODS OF LEAST SQUIRES This method is most widely used to practice. It is a mathematical method and with its help a trend line is fitted to the data in such a manner that the following two condition are satisfied. 1. (Y Yc) = 0 i.e., the sum of deviations of the actual values of Y and the compound
values of Y is Zero.

2. (Y-Yc)2 is least i.e., the sum of the squares of the deviations of the actual and computed values is least from this line and hence the name method of least squares. The
line obtained by this method is known as the line of best fit.

Arithmetic straight line : here the fitting process consists of finding the values of the constants a and b in the straight-line equation. Y = a + bX. The value of a respondents the value of the trend when X=0, b gives the slope of the line or the amount by which trend increases or decreases for each unit of time. Y gives the estimated or trend values. The values of a and b can be determined by solving following normal equations in which time is represented by X and the value in the series by Y.

= Na + bX ------------------------------ (1)

XY = aX + bX2 --------------------------- (2)

from these equation a and b may be obtained to symbolic form as follows: Y a = N XY b = X2

1. THE METHODS OF LEAST SQUARES Below are given the figures of sales (Rs. in crores) of Royal
Enfield Motors i.e., in India.

YEAR 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008

SALES (RS. IN CRORES) 20,70,147 26,21,400 30,00,751 33,36,756 33,37,142

Source : Secondary data SOLUTION: With the help of available data, the researcher can able to forecost the future sales by implementing method of least squares. By using this method, the research can find the sales for the year 2008-09 and 2009-10 under the formula Y = a+bX.

Assumption: Year = X Sales = Y Y Where => a XY b= X2 Year Sales (Y) (Rs. in crores) 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Total 20,70,147 26,21,400 30,00,751 33,36,756 33,37,142 Y = 1,43,66,196 -2 -1 0 1 2 X = 0 4 1 0 1 4 X2 = 10 -41,40,294 -26,21,400 0 33,36,756 66,74,284 XY = 32,49,346 X X2 XY N

Y X X2

= = =

1,43,66,196 0 10 32,49,346

XY =

Y = a + bX Y a= N = 5 1,43,66,196

a= 28,73,239.2

XY b= X2

32,49,346 = 10

b = 3,24,934.6

Sales for year 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 can be estimated by applying following formula Y Y1 = a + bX = 28,73,239.2 + (3,24,934.6 ) (3)
Y1 = 38,48,043


= 28,73,239.2 + (3,24,934.6 ) (4)


= 41,72,978

Inference: Now the sales for the year 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 can be obtained by above formula and workings. Thus for 2008-2009 the sales value is Rs 38,48,043. and for the year 2009-2010 is Rs. 41,72,978.


1. From the survey it was found that the majority of the respondents are Under Graduates 2. It shows that the majority of the respondents annual income lye between 5,001-10,000. 3. It founds that the 53% of the respondents are living at Rural 4. The 48% of the respondents are in the age group of 26 to 30 years old. 5. The survey indicates that the 41% of the respondents future plan is exchange the two wheeler. 6. It indicates that the 75% of the respondents are not interest to purchase New Vehicle. 7. About Colourings, 91% of the respondents are satisfied with the colours available. 8. Majority of bike users have the difficulties with mileage and cost of spare parts i.e., 25% of them consider their difficulties in mileage and 48% of them worried about cost of spare parts. 9. Regarding made of purchase about 79% of them prefer to pay ready cash and remaining of them prefer loan through Audio finance. 10 It shows that the majority of the respondents said, they are

satisfied with Auto finance. 11. From the survey the researcher under stood that 87% of the respondents are satisfied with mileage

12. It shows that the majority of the respondents are excepting more then 70KMPL. 13. Majority of the respondents are serviced their vehicle more then 3 times per year 14. It shows that the majority of the respondents are satisfied with their two wheeler is worthy for the value for money.

15. Majority of the respondents are convinced with the present trend in dealer network. 16. Majority of the respondents are going for the vehicle for the brand name and quality.i.e. 41%of them consider brand name and 38%of them consider quality. 17. It shows that the majority of the respondents are using their vehicle for 3-5 yrs. 18. It shows that the majority of the respondents are ready to suggest to others to buy HERO MOTO products. 19. It shows that the majority of the respondents are satisfied with brands of HERO MOTO 20. It shows that the majority of the respondents are satisfied with the availability of HERO MOTO motors.

21. It shows that the majority of the respondents are satisfied with the performance.

22.It shows that the respondents are choosing the particular brand for its mileage

SUGGESTION A few customer felt that cost of the spare parts was high when compared to other brand .Even though they have purchased the vehicle for higher price they are incurring more expenditure on the spare parts. Therefore the customer feels that they will be more satisfied if the prices if the spare parts are reduced. The appearance factors play a vital role in the purchase decision of a customer. So the manufacturers can introduce more attractive features in the existing vehicles to meet the competition in the industry.
The number of authorized service centers is very limited hence

the customer has to drive long distance to get their vehicles

serviced .So the company can introduction more service canter in order to satisfy the customer. A better customer relation and follow up lead to a better relationship with the customer. The regular customer can be given some discount in the service charges.
In the dealers office the customer are treated in a fair manner.

The behaviours of the office staff and public relations can be improved in order to win more customers. In the case of passion the sizes of the seat and the petrol tank are not proportionate to each other. This may some times spoil the first impression. The customers find some complaints in the Dawn model such asa. Vibration after a speed of 80 kmph. b. Bad road grip. c. Low fuel efficiency. d. Lesser pick-up during rainy seasons.

Sudden breaking does not give the desired result in HERO

MOTO vehicles when compare to others.

There are only three dealers of HERO MOTO in the city of Dindigul . This is not sufficient enough in a developed city

like Dindigul. Therefore the number of main dealers can be increased in order to achieve a better coverage.

CONCLUSION The phenomenal growth in automobile industries has influenced the business, industry, trade and economy. In a short span of time, automobile industries have been implementing several projects for competing in complex market. HERO MOTO motors, the largest one-stepped in the global market to sell and show their service not only in India but also the rest of the nations. The researcher was success in conducting this A study on consumers impact on the service of HERO MOTO. The

Researcher found that cost of spare parts dissatisfies the customers and the rest of the things such as availability, brands, colour, mileage and other features, they are quiet satisfied. So from the study the main impact has been found out these are as follows. * More concentration in exchange mela. * Reduce cost of spare parts. * Update the technology. * Increase the number of dealers and subdealers. * Encourage the agents by giving more commission and incentives * Reduce in price of slow moving brands

So once the above suggestions are implemented in practice, it sales and goodwill towards HERO MOTO motors.

2004 New motorcycle model - "Aself 350cc" introduced HERO MOTO became the World No. 1 Company for the third consecutive year. Crossed sales of over 2 million units in a single year, a global record. Super Jet - World's largest selling motorcycle crossed the 5 million mark New motorcycle model - "TMT*" introduced Joint Technical Agreement renewed Total sales crossed a record of 10 million motorcycles 2005 HERO MOTO is the World No. 1 for the 4th year in a row New motorcycle model - "karizama" introduced New motorcycle model - "Cap Deluxe" introduced New motorcycle model - "Gloup" introduced New motorcycle model - "Air Jet" introduced

2006 HERO MOTO is the World No. 1 for the 5th year in a row

It shows that the majority of the respond


1. Name

2. Educational qualification A. SSLC C. Under Graduate Others 3. Monthly income A. Below Rs. 5000 10,000 C. Between Rs.10, 001-15,000 4. Area of living A. Rural 5. Age A. Below 25 years C. Between 31-35 years E.Above40 years B. Between 26-30 years D. Between 36-40 years B. Urban D. Above Rs.15, 000 B. Between Rs.5,001B.Higher Secondary D. Post Graduate E.

6. Your future plan regarding the present vehicle A. Sale B. Exchange C. Others

7. Do you have any plan to purchase new vehicle A. Interest B. Not interest

8. Did you satisfied with the availability of colours A. Satisfied B. Not satisfied

9. Major difficulties your find in HERO MOTO motor bikes A. Mileage C. Starting trouble B. Cost of spare parts D. Brake failure

If any other specify.. 10. Mode of purchase your vehicle A. Cash B. Auto finance

11. If auto finance means did you satisfied or not A. Satisfied B. Not satisfied

12. Do you feel your bike gives expected mileage? A. Satisfied 13. If not satisfied give your expectation A.50KM B.60KM C.70KM D.80KM B. Not satisfied

14. Number of services per year A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5

15. Did you felt your vehicle is better value for money?

A. Worthy

B. Not worthy

16. Do you feel any improvement in dealers network? A. Satisfied B. Not satisfied

17. Which reason attract you to buy this bike A. Brand name D. Quality B. Efficiency E. Others C. Recommendations

18. Year purchasing the vehicle A. 1 year before B. 2 years before

C. 3 years before

D. 5 years before

19. Do you ready to suggest to others to buy the HERO MOTO products A. Ready B. Not ready

20. Are you satisfying with the HERO MOTO motors? A. Highly satisfied B. Satisfied C. Dissatisfied

21. You satisfied with availability of HERO MOTO motor bikes A. Satisfied B. Not satisfied

22. You are satisfied with your bikes performance A. Highly satisfied B. Satisfied C. Dissatisfied

23. Why are you prefer this particular brand of HERO MOTO motors

A. Price C. Style & good looking

B. Mileage D. Performance

Suggestions & Recommendations ....

Thank you

Table of Content



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Introduction Company Profile Product type an profile Research Methodology Analysis & Interpretation Statistical Analysis Findings Recommendations Conclusion

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