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Robot Musketeers

Character Bible

Anita Gill

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Synopsis The Characters Character Bio Hero Turnarounds Hero Props Hero Colour Palette Hero Expressions Hero Character Bio Villain Turnarounds Villain 10. Props Villain 11. Colour Palette Villain 12. Expressions Villain 13. Character Bio Sidekick 14. Turnarounds Sidekick 15. Colour Palette Sidekick 16. Action Shot 17. Size Comparison 18-27. Weekly Class Exercises

Set in the 17th century, people have become accustomed to the integration of robots within society. In Paris, tragedy has struck . The death of King Christophe, beloved King of France, has shocked the country and worse yet, relations between the church and the royal family have become fractured due to Christophes wife, Clarisse, becoming Queen. Christophe was a kind and generous yet powerful leader who worked closely with the Cardinal to make France a formidable country. However, with Clarisse now in place as Queen, France, in particular, Paris ,is becoming a city people fear for all the wrong reasons. The Queens controlling nature and need for power means that Clarisse will stop at no lengths to control the people of France. Her dog-like robot, Bernard is eager t0 protect his mistress yet is not as tough as he may believe. Wanting to restore France to its former state, Philippe, head musketeer of the Cardinals guards sets out to overthrow the Queen and restore order, removing the evil fears brought about by Queen Clarisse and her need to take control of the humans and fellow robots. Philippe, along with the rest of the Cardinals guards, despite their robotic nature, do not believe that the likes of Clarisse should dictate in such an evil manner.

The Characters

Character Bio - Hero

Name: Philippe Philippes loyalty is to his country and family. This trait, along with bravery and dedication, are what make him the perfect choice as the Cardinals head musketeer. Intent on overthrowing the Queen to regain peace, Philippe will use his strength and agility to rid Paris of this tyranny.



Arm Weapon Attachments

Colour Palette
Main body Internal gl ow

Highlighted metal
Dark metal





Character Bio - Villain

Name: Queen Clarisse Despite her elegant, graceful appearance, Queen Clarisse is a cruel tyrant who, regardless of using her minions to carry out her orders, is more than capable of using physical power to keep those below her in line. Her power knows no bounds. Clarisse intends to remain queen and keep control, at any cost.



Colour Palette
Main body

Detail s
Eye Wig & body surface






Character Bio - Sidekick

Name: Bernard Sidekick of Queen Clarisse, Bernards bark is worse than his bite. He is eager to protect his mistress from those against her. However, he should not be underestimated, he has a vicious and loyal personality.


Colour Palette

Main body Details





Action Shot

Size Comparison

Character Design Weekly Class Exercises

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

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