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Eisenhower we will accept nothing less than full victory D does not stand for anything Why Who

Who Liberation of France Needed to open up Second Front, USSR and Western Front Commander of allied Expeditionary Forces Eisenhower Ground forces Bernard Montgomery Lieutenant General Frederick Morgan 156,000 troops: 73,000 Americans, 61,715 British, 21,400 Canadian; 195700 naval personnel Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Poland also helped.

Where Normandy, 60 miles of the Cotentin Peninsula, not across from Dover at Pas-deCalais Preparations Codename operation Neptune (assault phase) under Operation Overlord (Allied invasion of North-west Europe) Operation Bodyguard to mislead Germans, convinced Hitler that the attack would be across the Straits of Dover on Pas-de-Calais used Operations Glimmer and Taxable to drop chaff/aluminum to show on radar invasion fleets moving across the straits o Phantom army, led by Patton Weather needed full Moon, spring tide; there was high wind, seas, overcast; Germans thought they were safe French Resistance helped sabotaged trains, electrical facilities, reinforcements and underground cables. Although they were discovered, the German intelligence had issued a false alarm about a month earlier and so the alert was ignored. June 6, 1944 First airborne assault at around midnight o Against Luftwaffe (400 aircraft) o More than 13,000 fighter, bomber, transport o The outstanding factor both before and during the invasion was the overwhelming air superiority of the enemy. Second seaborne troops landing about 6:30 AM o Relatively little opposition o Except at Omaha Beach best German forces, over 2,000 casualties German army led by Rommel (home on leave!) o 4 million mines on beaches o Hitler did not release counterattack until after noon Five beaches Utah, Omaha, Gold Juno, Sword

Effects Casualties o On June 6th 37,000 ground forces dead, 16,714 air forces (Allies) o 209,000 casualties on Allies o 214,000 German casualties On war (turning point) o Liberated northern France, went on to liberate Paris, and most of France by September 1944 o Then invaded Germany to meet with Soviet forces from other front to fight against Nazis Two-front war, why they lost World War I

British Second Army British, Canadian, Australian Sword, Juno, Gold Beaches US First Army Americans Omaha, Utah Beach Fought hard, captured the entire beach after taking Carentan on June 12 Needed a port, tried to build one, but failed Fought to get inland in stalemate, but Germans were losing forces and supplies, Allies took Cherbourg on June 28, had the port and could continue inland. Ended June 30, 1944

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