Character Design - Bible

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Character Design George Whiley CGAA Yr 2

Arthurian Arabian Nights

Desperate times in King Arthurs Kingdom, have forced him to invade eastern worlds to access there resources and wisdom to bring his kingdom back to its glory. He will stop at nothing to achieve this, causing an undercover war against Arabia. The Street Rat being one of the few people in Arabia to know about the invasion, must stop King Arthur single handed to save Arabias secrets of medicine and magic.

Sidekick The Servant

Height = 5.8 Weight = 17st Age = 32 Long time assistant to King Arthur throughout his many conquests, he has travelled far and wide carrying everything that a King would need to survive in the deserts of Arabia.

Expression Sheet


Hero The Street Rat

Height = 5.9 Weight = 10st Age = 24 Born into a life of crime and stealing to stay alive, he has trained himself to be self sustaining and skilled in the art of fighting, all in order to survive on the streets of Arabia Being the one of the few that is aware of the situation involving King Arthurs undercover invasion, he must single handily take down the King to save Arabias most prized jewels,

Expression Sheets


Villain King Arthur

Height = 6ft 4 Weight = 14st Age = 56

Determined to expand the Kingdoms wisdom he will stop at nothing discover other Kingdoms treasures and secrets.

Expression Sheets


Initial Silhouettes and sketches

Characters Hero Sidekick Villain

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