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Bibliography Primary Sources Anderson, Lucas. Ether Frolic Ad. Digital image.

Nitrous Oxide in the Early 19th Century. Accessed December 23, 2012. ion/university-of-pennsylvania-medical-school/nitrous-oxide/. This image displayed an actual ad that gave the time and place of an act ual event where nitrous oxide will be inhaled for entertainment in 1809. The ima ge was used in the Historical Context slideshow. Anderson, Lucas. Laughing Gas Party. Digital image. Nitrous Oxide in the Early 1 9th Century. Accessed December 23, 2012. uction/university-of-pennsylvania-medical-school/nitrous-oxide/. This image expressed the method of inhaling the Nitrous Oxide through an inflated balloon. The image was used in the Historical Context slideshow. Anderson, Lucas. Laughing Gas Party Effects. Digital image. Nitrous Oxide in the Early 19th Century. Accessed December 23, 2012. http://wagraham.academic.wlu.ed u/introduction/university-of-pennsylvania-medical-school/nitrous-oxide/. This image displayed the disorienting effects while under the influence of nitrous oxide. The image was used in the Historical Context slideshow. Atwood, Kimball. Acupuncture Anesthesia. Digital image. Acupuncture Anesthesia: A Proclamation from Chairman Mao (Part IV). June 26, 2009. Accessed December 27, 2 012. lamation-from-chairman-mao-part-iv/. The Chinese most extensively used acupuncture as a form of surgical anes thetic. The image was used in the Archaic Methods slideshow. Average Hourly Wage for Healthcare Professionals. Digital image. Bureau of Labor Statistics. May 27, 2005. Accessed December 26, 2012. ed/2005/may/wk4/art05.htm. This image provided the various wages of medical professionals to show t he comparison of an anesthesiologist to others in the field. The image was used on the World Influences: Political and Economic page. Bassez, Arnaud. "Joseph-Frdric-Benot Charrire." Digital image. French Society of Nur ses (s) Anesthesiology. February 21, 2009. Accessed December 28, 2012. http://so This image of Joseph-Frdric-Benot Charrire, a 1700s surgeon, was used to acc ompany is quote on the Archaic Methods page. Birch, Nathan. Bloodlettting. Digital image. The 10 Most Insane Medical Practice s in History Read More: Http:// November 20, 2007. Accessed December 27, 2012. al-practices-in-history_p2.html.

This image depicts an early bloodletting event which was thought to alle viate pain from a surgery. The image was used in the Archaic Methods slideshow. Blatner, Adam, M.D. Ether Frolic. Digital image. Lecture 4: THE DISCOVERY AND IN VENTION OF ANESTHESIA. February 16, 2009. Accessed December 23, 2012. http://www This image portrayed the inhalation effects and method during an ether f rolic in the 1830s. This image was used in the Historical Context slideshow. Burns, Paul. "ARNAUD DE VILLENEUVE (1238 - 1314)." Digital image. The History an d Discovery of Cinematography. Accessed December 28, 2012. http://www.precinemah This image of Arnold of Villanova (c.1238-c.1310), physician and alchemi st, was used to accompany his quote on The Discovery page. Catie, and Will. Sister Mary Bernard image. Digital image. Find a Grave. Novembe r 4, 2008. Accessed December 21, 2012. page=gr&GRid=31129996. This image depicts Sister Mary Bernard, the first nurse to specialize in anesthesia. This image was used in the Historical Players slideshow. "Clamp for Compression Anaesthesia." Digital image. History of Anesthesia. Janua ry 21, 2000. Accessed December 27, 2012. /handout6.htm. This generic image depicts clamp which could have been used during surge ries to numb a limb in this era before anesthesia. The image was used in the Arc haic Methods slideshow. Dr. Crawford W. Long image. Digital image. Information concerning Anesthesia. Ac cessed December 21, 2012. This image provided a depiction of Dr. Long, the doctor to first use eth er as a surgical anesthetic. It was used in the Historical Players slideshow. Dr. Horace Wells Image. Digital image. Information concerning Anesthesia. Access ed December 21, 2012. The image provides a depiction of Dr. Wells, the doctor who unsuccessful ly demonstrated the use of nitrous oxide as an anesthetic. The image was used in the Historical Players slideshow. Dr. John Snow. Digital image. Information concerning Anesthesia. Accessed Decemb er 21, 2012. This image provided a portrait of Dr. John Snow who was considered the f irst anesthesiologist in history. This image was used in the Historical Players slideshow.

Dr. Marcel Gilli. Digital image. Dr. Marcel Gilli MD. Accessed December 28, 2012 . This image shows Dr. Gilli, a registered anesthesiologist with 30 years of experience interviewed for this project. This image was used to accompany his quote on the World Influences page. Dr. William Thomas Green Morton. Digital image. Information concerning Anesthesi a. Accessed December 21, 2012. This image provides a portrait depiction of Dr. Morton who successfully and publicly demonstrated the effects of ether as a surgical anesthetic. The ima ge was used in the Historical Players slideshow. Ether Squibb Bottle. Digital image. Flickr from Yahoo. January 16, 2007. Accesse d December 20, 2012. This depicted a metal bottle once full of diethyl ether, the substance u se by Dr. Morton's demonstration. This picture was used in the main photo header for every page. "General Anesthesia Drugs." Health News RSS. Accessed November 2, 2012. http://w The complied list presented by this website provides names and the effec ts of various drugs used under the term general anesthesia. All the drugs listed vary in effects from the drug Hyoscyamine purpose as a muscle relaxant and pain killer in pill or liquid form to the inhalation of Halothane to induce and main tain the effects of the anesthetic. Many of the drugs include similar abilities including neuromuscular blockers, pain killers, muscular relaxants, skeletal rel axants and anesthetic inducers, but each includes different side effects and war nings that the doctor takes into consideration before administering the anesthet ic. As Kellicker provided that fact that each patient receives a tailored concoc tion of drugs to provide the most efficient and safest means of administering an esthesia, this list provides specific drugs that anesthesiologist combine to cre ate this effective mixture. The site illuminated the general understanding of ho w complicated the process becomes over the incorrect statement that anesthesia i nvolves a single dosage of simply one drug. Gilli, Marcel, Dr. "National History Day." E-mail message to author. November 14 , 2012. This e-mailed interview became one of the best tools to analyze the mode rn implications anesthesia has on the medical field as described by Dr. Marcel G illi, an anesthesiologist with thirty years of experience. After sending questio ns related to a description of the changes during his career and the reasons he chose this field of study, Dr. Gilli responded with very involved answers, espec ially to describe various medical devices and training that advanced his underst anding and effectiveness in his field of practice. The most interesting question included a comparison to another discovery or invention that mirrors the impact anesthesiology played in the medical field. Dr. Gilli provided two examples inc luding the discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick and the discovery of electricity . He described both as the catalyst for an innumerable amount of knowledge gaine d throughout history and correlated this idea to anesthesia being the basis for

the success of all modern operations. In addition to the security brought by the statistics represented by Woerlee, the knowledge held by this doctor provides a ssurance to all timid patients that their well-being is protected by capable han ds. This interview provides a modern connection to the mentality and the life of an anesthesiologist today, an occupation that owes its existence to the humble beginnings of inhaled ether. Gupta, Sanjay, M.D. "Quotes with Anesthesia (Page 3)." Quotes with Anesthesia. A ccessed December 26, 2012. This quote by Dr. Sanjay Gupta emphasized the risk of anesthesia involve d during an operation. This quote was used on the Anesthesia Today page. Harper, Winslow. "Civil War Suregeon." Harper's Weekly (New York City), July 12, 1862, VOL VI- NO. 289 ed. Accessed December 21, 2012. http://www.sonofthesouth. net/leefoundation/civil-war-medicine.htm. This newspaper provided a primary source depiction of a Civil War surgeo n during the same time Dr. Morton used ether on wounded soldiers during this war . This image was used on the World Influence: Political and Economic page. Johnson, Charlie. Mesmerism image. Digital image. A Brief History of Hypnosis. A ccessed December 27, 2012. .html. This image depicts a Mesmer performing hypnosis in the mid-1800s which w ould have been used during surgeries in this era. The image was used in the Arch aic Methods slideshow. La, Charrire Joseph De. A Treatise of the Operations of Surgery: Wherein Are Mech anically Explain'd the Causes of the Diseases in Which They Are Needful ... ; to Which Is Added, a Treatise of Wounds ... London: Printed by R. Brugis, for D. B rown, and W. Mears ; and T. Ballard, 1712. As a primary source from the era before anesthesia, this novel written b y Joseph Charrire gives the perspective of the capabilities of medicine in 1712. The text describes crude means of amputation and other general surgical principl es such as sterilization techniques including the use of brandy and wine. A quot e from the book reads "Cut quick with a crooked knife before covering the stump with the remaining skin," in describing the amputation of a leg. The agonizing p ain the follows thoroughly becomes imagined with this description. This novel gi ves a general outlook on surgical procedure during this time period, where as th e article by John T. Sullivan describes more of the emotional side of the surger y for the patient. The novel describes an in depth procedure and provides genera l information on surgery long before the ideas others conceived the idea of anes thesia, so one learns about some of the earliest and most effective surgical pro cedures during the time period around 1712. Marie, A. Romanticism Period- Edgar Allan Poe. Digital image. Edgar Allan Poe. J uly 15, 2004. Accessed December 28, 2012. eID=20015&lovemarkid=1297. This collage of Edgar Allan Poe items represents the American Romanticis m Period, around the discovery of ether as an anesthetic. This picture was used in the Historical Context slideshow.

Military Medics Today. Digital image. Army Medical Initiatives Serve in Saving L ives. September 26, 2012. Accessed December 28, 2012. http://www.militarymoulage .com/blog/. This image shows a military medic at work. They first given access to an esthesia during the Mexican- American War. The image was used in the World Influ ences slideshow. Nineteenth Century Chloroform. Digital image. Science Clarified. Accessed Decemb er 20, 2012. This image provided a visual representation of administering chloroform during its first use in this era. It was used this image in the main picture hea der for each page. Nolan, Hamilton. Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Digital image. New Surgeon General: Dr. Sanja y Gupta. January 6, 2009. Accessed December 28, 2012. new-surgeon-general-dr-sanjay-gupta. This image depicts Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and CNN medical corr espondent, to accompany his quote on the Anesthesia Today page. O'Donnell, J. J. Apuleius. Digital image. Apuleius, Apology. Accessed December 2 8, 2012. This image of Apuleius, gatherer of medical literature, was used to acco mpany his quote on the Discovery page. Oliver W. Holmes to Dr. Morton. November 21, 1846. Accessed December 28, 2012. h ttp:// This primary source of a letter written to Dr. William Morton from Olive r Wendell Holmes connects the cultural aspect of the ear with the discovery of a nesthesia. In this letter, Holmes, a famous author during the Romanticism era, t he main purpose writing become suggesting the name anesthesia for the discovery Dr. Morton had made with ether. In addition to the lecture by Papper that discus ses the Romanticism era's value in connection to the discovery of anesthesia, th is letter gives primary evidence of their connection. For the project, the lette r gives a primary source of the cultural influence of anesthesia's discovery. Oliver Wendell Holmes image. Digital image. Oliver Wendell Holmes Biography. Acc essed December 22, 2012. endell.html#b. This picture depicts Oliver Wendell Holmes, a respected poet of the Amer ican Romanticism era. The image was used on the Historical Context: Social and C ultural page. Pearce, David. Dr. Charles Jackson. Digital image. UTOPIAN SURGERY Early Argumen ts against Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentistry and Childbirth. Accessed December 2 1, 2012.

This image depicts Dr. Charles Jackson, teacher and adviser of Dr. Morto n. This image was used in the Historical Players slideshow. Pearce, David. Dr. John Warren. Digital image. UTOPIAN SURGERY Early Arguments a gainst Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentistry and Childbirth. Accessed December 21, 2 012. This image depicts Dr. John Warren who performed the surgeries in the de monstrations of Dr. Morton and Dr. Wells. This image was used in the Historical Players slideshow. Pearce, David. The Letheon Inhaler image. Digital image. UTOPIAN SURGERY Early A rguments against Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentistry and Childbirth. Accessed Dece mber 21, 2012. This image depicts the Letheon inhaler that Morton patented to deliver e ther as an anesthetic. The image can be found on the Historical Context: Politic al and Economic page. Pearce, David. Morton's Patent. Digital image. UTOPIAN SURGERY Early Arguments a gainst Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentistry and Childbirth. Accessed December 21, 2 012. This image depicts the patent Morton filed that publicly gave reason to believe that he was the inventor of ether as an anesthetic until Dr. Long's reve lation. This image was used on the Historical Context: Political and Economic pa ge. Pearce, David. Professor James Simpson image. Digital image. UTOPIAN SURGERY Ear ly Arguments against Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentistry and Childbirth. Accessed December 21, 2012. This image depicts Professor James Simpson who first used chloroform suc cessfully to ease labor pains. This image was used in the Historical Players Sli deshow. Pearce, David. Sir Humphrey Davy image. Digital image. UTOPIAN SURGERY Early Arg uments against Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentistry and Childbirth. Accessed Decemb er 21, 2012. This is an image of Sir Humphrey Davy, the first person to describe the anesthetic property of nitrous oxide. The image was used in the Historical Playe rs slideshow. Pearce, David. "Utopian Surgery? The Case against Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentis try and Childbirth." Utopian Surgery? The Case against Anaesthesia in Surgery, D entistry and Childbirth. Accessed December 28, 2012. http://www.general-anaesthe The website provided the Apuleius quote and the biblical reference to de monstrate the use of alcohol during early surgeries on The Discovery page.

Pearce, David. "Utopian Surgery? The Case against Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentis try and Childbirth." Utopian Surgery? The Case against Anaesthesia in Surgery, D entistry and Childbirth. Accessed December 28, 2012. http://www.general-anaesthe This website provided the Arnold of Villanova quote to show the early de sire to find a pain remedy for surgery on The Discovery page. Pearce, David. "Utopian Surgery? The Case against Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentis try and Childbirth." Utopian Surgery? The Case against Anaesthesia in Surgery, D entistry and Childbirth. Accessed January 07, 2013. http://www.general-anaesthes This website provided the Saint Bernard of Clairvaux quote on the World Influence: Social and Cultural Page in order to show the distaste for removing t he pain of labor. Pereira, Rita. Michael Jackson's Death Certificate. Digital image. Bump Shack. J uly 8, 2009. Accessed December 22, 2012. -jackson-death-certificate-released/michael-jackson-death-certificate-photos/. This image provides proof of the death of the pop star Michael Jackson a fter a cardiac arrest from abusing the anesthetic propofol. This image was used on the World Influence: Social and Cultural page. Propofol Related Death. Digital image. Propofol Infusion Syndrome: A Simple Name for a Complex Syndrome. October 2010. Accessed December 28, 2012. http://doctor This image describes the social influence of anesthetics with the traged y of drug abuse. The image was used in World Influences slideshow. "Saint Bernard of Clairvaux." Digital image. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. January 7, 2009. Accessed December 28, 2012. airvaux/. This image of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, a Cistercian abbot, was used t o accompany his quote on the World Influences: Social and Cultural page. Solis, Brian. Industrial Revolution Factory. Digital image. The Social Revolutio n Is Our Industrial Revolution. July 14, 2008. Accessed December 28, 2012. http: // This image depicts a factory during the industrial revolution which prov ided years of technological advancements during the anesthesia era. This image w as used in the Historical Context slideshow. Terrantez 1715. Digital image. Vintage Madeira. Accessed December 23, 2012. http :// This image provided a glimpse into the type of alcohol from the 1700s th at might have been used during surgeries. The image was used in the Archaic Meth ods slideshow.

Wiener, Hesh. "U.S. Patent Office Circa 1870." Digital image. PATENT DEPENDING. April 2006. Accessed December 28, 2012. 4.html. This image represents the Patent office where Dr. Morton filed his Lethe on patent. The image was used in the Historical Context slideshow. Woerlee, G. M. Early Anesthesia Administration. Digital image. Anesthesia & Anes thesiologists. August 5, 2009. Accessed December 20, 2012. http://www.anesthesia This image provided a depiction of early anesthetics used. Without namin g the specific substance, the rag inhalation method was popular. The image was i n the main photo header for each page. Woerlee, G. M. "Is General Anesthesia Safe?" Is Anesthesia Safe. August 5, 2009. Accessed November 7, 2012. In the article entitled Is Anesthesia Safe, the author describes different socio-cultural apprehensions about the use of anesthesia during a surgery. He i ncludes statistics that showed about thirty percent of patients fear the idea of anesthesia greater than the operation itself. To answer the question prompted b y the articles title, Woerlee introduces a system that anesthesiologist use to ra nk the status of a patient from ASA-1 being completely healthy through ASA-5 bei ng in critical patient near death if the surgery is not performed. A patient can also receive an E status which represents an emergency. Statistics show that th e risk of death of a healthy, pregnant woman includes about five to ten deaths o f the mother out of one-hundred-thousand live births whereas death by anesthesia involves only about six more cases per one-hundred-thousand patients. The artic le also presents three influences on the risk involved in anesthetics: the initi al health of the patient, age of the patient and the nature of the operation its elf. In contrast to the physical agony described in Joseph Charrire book before a nesthesia, Woerlees describes fear that stems from a mental ignorance to facts an d the misguiding nature of emotion. With definitive evidence of the safety of an esthesia, this piece provides a clear contrast of the effectiveness of modern, g eneral anesthesia during operations to the torture and risks of the past. Woerlee, G. M. Modern Anesthesia Operation. Digital image. Anesthesia & Anesthes iologists. August 5, 2009. Accessed December 20, 2012. http://www.anesthesiaweb. org/. This image provided a modern view into the equipment used for modern ane sthetics. The picture can be found in the main photo header on each page. Secondary Sources Adams, Aileen K. "Tarnished Idol: William Thomas Green Morton and the Introducti on of Surgical Anesthesia." Journals of the Royal Society. May 2002. Accessed Se ptember 17, 2012. As Aileen K. Adams write as a summary of the events portrayed a novel wr itten by Richard J. Wolfe, she first shows her veneration for his extensive cred entials and research while proclaiming three main entities in the race to claim as the originator of anesthesia. The three men she names include Williams Morton

, who patented ether after the demonstration as Massachusetts General Hospital o n October 16, 1846, Charles Thomas Jackson, a geologist and chemist who claimed the discovery and advise to attempt it, and Horace Wells, a dentist from Hartfor d, Connecticut how claimed she had used nitrous oxide as anesthesia two years be fore. Adams used a more dramatic tone to portray her information with less empha sis on every person involved, where as the website entitled Dramatis Personae gave a more historical tone with more of an abundance characters with biographical i nformation to support their findings. Anesthesiologist. Digital image. Anesthesiologist Salary in USA. Accessed Decemb er 28, 2012. t-salaries.html. This generic image depicts and anesthesiologist, a new branch of medicin e founded because of anesthesia. This image was used in the World Influences sli deshow. Blow to the Jaw image. Digital image. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). Fe bruary 8, 2010. Accessed December 27, 2012. e/4/. This generic image depicts jaw which could have been dislocated with a b low during surgeries to render the patient unconscious in this era before anesth esia. The image was used in the Archaic Methods slideshow. Brief Study: Crawford W. Long. August 31, 2012. Accessed December 29, 2012. http :// The part of this video used gives a look into the Crawford Long Museum a nd memorabilia from the discovery of anesthesia. This clip was used on The Disco very Page. Condon-Rall, Mary E., Ph.D. Anesthesia and Perioperative Care of the Combat Casu alty. Bernan Assoc, 2000. 855-96. Accessed November 3, 2012. /anestesiologia/files/2012/09/brief-history-of-military-anesthesia.pdf. From this chapter in the textbook entitled Anesthesia and Perioperative Care of the Combat Casualty, Mary Elle Condon-Rall discusses the parallels betwe en the advancements in the medical field with anesthesia and the history of war around the world. She introduces her topic with a comprehensive history of the m ajor characters in the progression of anesthesia and introduces two novel charac ters including Joseph Priestley (17331804) who created and described nitrous oxid e, the same chemical unsuccessfully by Horace Wells, in 1772 and John Snow (18131 858) who became the first doctor to specialize in anesthesia and invented an app aratus to inhale chloroform. After this introduction on general history, she del ves into the first use of military anesthesia in the Mexican- War. The chapter c ontinues through major historical wars including the American Civil War, the Spa nish- American War, World War 1 and 2, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. As t he battlefields changed, the progression of anesthesia aided in emergency surger ies to protect the lives of wounded soldiers. In contrast to the novel by Joseph Charrire which discusses the procedure of surgery in an operation room setting, Condon-Rall describe a whole new situation in the battlefield with different str uggles than the controlled environment of Charrire. The chapter provided an in-de pth history on the political effects of anesthesia through the history of its us e in the military.

"Crawford Long." Crawford Long. March 30, 2012. Accessed September 17, 2012. htt p:// This brief article from the Digital Library of Georgia provides a concis e biographical piece about Crawford Long. Although not a complete biography, it clearly sheds light on his practice in Jefferson, Georgia as a surgeon. He began experimenting with a gas known as sulfuric ether and its sedative properties. H e performed his first human experimentation on March 30, 1842 as he removed a cy st from James M. Venable while under the influence of this gas with great succes s; however, he never publically documented the extent of his work. The article a lso explains the creation of Doctors Day as a result of Longs success on that day. This article states the idea the William Morton provided the first public demon stration of ether like the source by Robert B. Hoffman, Esq. and Donald E. Marti n, M.D., but they gave more credit to Morton as they claimed that Longs finding w ere not well known where as this article claims Crawford Long to be the true pio neer of surgical anesthesia. Eileen, Manon. Opium Poppy. Digital image. How to Grow and Opium Poppies- Global Drug Trafficking Pt. 2. August 22, 2012. Accessed December 27, 2012. http://www icking-pt-2/. This image served as a generic representation of opium used earlier as a surgical pain reducer. It was used in the Archaic Methods slideshow. History of Anesthesia. August 19, 2009. Accessed December 29, 2012. http://www.y This video was split into two clips to show the introduction before anes thesia and during its discovery on the Home Page. The second clip is on the conc lusion page to show the modern advancement in the field of anesthesia. Hoffman, Robert B., Esq., and Donald E. Martin, M.D. "Pennsylvania Society of An esthesiologists Home." Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists Home. Accessed September 18, 2012. From this informative website article from the Pennsylvania Society Anes thesiologist by Robert B. Hoffman, Esq., and Donald E. Martin, M.D, they present an in depth history of the previously used methods of surgical sedation from th e early uses of opium, water of nightshade, and hypnosis to the later benefits a nd dangers of using ether, nitrous oxide, chloroform, cyclopropane, and halothan e. It includes three major figured attributed with the initial public demonstrat ion of ether in 1846 by William T. G. Morton who was a Boston dentist, nitrous o xide by Horace Wells, a dentist during the same time period, and the first accou nt of private use or ether in 1842 by Crawford Long, a Georgian Surgeon. However , this source bases its findings to support the importance of nurses as the firs t professionals in the administration of ether, where as the source from Aileen K. Adams includes these three people with others to paint a more full picture of the earliest documentation of anesthesia. Howard. Stinging Nettles. Digital image. Stinging Nettles. August 23, 2011. Acce ssed December 27, 2012. tles/. This image served as a generic representation of stinging nettles used e

arlier to redirect pain during surgeries. It was used in the Archaic Methods sli deshow. Ice. Digital image. Ice Wallpapers and Ice Backgrounds. Accessed December 27, 20 12. This generic picture of ice represents the practice of cold submersion t o numb pain before the surgery. The image was used the in Archaic Methods slides how. "Industrial Revolution." American History, 2000. Accessed November 22, 2012. htt p:// From this article, the database describes a period from before the found ing of American in England until about the 1870s referred to as the Industrial R evolution. During this era, many ideas and inventions where established by vario us people that advanced the technological aspect of the country. Some of these i nventions included interchangeable parts, mass production, and the cotton gin cr eated by Eli Whitney in 1793. In contrast to the Papper piece which explains the cultural aspect of Romanticism during this era, this database article describes the economic aspects of America during the same time period. The article enligh tens the project by opening up the idea these advancements allowing the medical field to prosper as they found new inventions as well, such as anesthesia. "Information concerning Anesthesia." Greater Houston Anesthesiology. Accessed De cember 21, 2012. In this website, the information was compiled into a timeline. Each date included a picture of the notable character if mentioned and the date of their momentous event that attributed to the discovery and progression of anesthesia. The timeline spans from the first surgical use ether by Dr. Long in 1842 to the establishment of the American Board of Anesthesiology in 1938. Although much of this same information about personal biographies of each player in this journey to the present is thoroughly described in Dramatis Personae, the information portr ayed in this site follows the advancements of Anesthesia to a more modern day an d age as it provides implication for the political and social effects anesthesia played on the world. For the research, the site provided an easier to follow re presentation of the information found in other site previously found. Jeff. Eve's Sin. Digital image. One Sin. June 5, 2008. Accessed December 28, 201 2. This image depicts the sin of Eve that caused the pain for women during labor. Pain was controversially reduced with anesthetics as a cultural influence . The image was used in the World Influences slideshow. Jimsonweed. Digital image. Desert Bloom. June 13, 2006. Accessed December 27, 20 12. This generic image depicts a jimsonweed plant which could have been used during surgeries in this era before anesthesia. The image was used in the Archa ic Methods slideshow. Kellicker, Patricia. "General Anesthesia: Anesthesia, General." Consumer Health

Complete. September 1, 2012. Accessed October 15, 2012. /chc/detail?vid=6&hid=106&sid=f7cec39c-12be-4f7e-b2fc-7e2ec73f12db%40sessionmgr1 04&bdata=JnNpdGU9Y2hjLWxpdmU%3d#db=cmh&AN=HL102887. In this article by Patricia Kellicker, she describes the methods, hazard s, and benefits to the use of general anesthesia. Kellicker explains some the se vere complications of using general anesthesia today such as heart attack, strok e, allergic reaction, and Anesthesia awareness which occurs when a patient comes to their senses during the procedure. In addition to the procedure before, duri ng, and after the influence of anesthesia, Kellicker then describes proper measu res taken to avoid many of the complications listed above such as accurate medic al history and height and weight measures. Kellickers article provides a contempo rary application to general anesthesia in contrast to Joseph Charrire viewpoint o f the pain endured during the procedures without modern medical sedation. This p iece enlightens the project to the advancements made with anesthesia since its e arly stages as ether in the 1800s. McAllister, Ellis. Belladonna. Digital image. My Herbal Journal. January 6, 2011 . Accessed December 27, 2012. ic-garden-profile-atropa-belladonna.html. This generic image depicts a belladonna flower which could have been use d during surgeries in this era before anesthesia. The image was used in the Arch aic Methods slideshow. Papper, E. M., Dr. "THE DISCOVERY OF ANESTHESIA: ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE LITERAT URE OF THE ROMANTIC ERA." Lecture, 3rd Harmel Lecture, Duke University, Durham, February 15, 1989. Accessed November 20, 2012. r/Papper_Romantic-lecture_12.pdf. In this lecture transcript, Papper describes the relationship between th e discovery of surgical anesthetics and the American Romanticism Period which oc curred during the same general time period. He presents the idea that a rejuvena ted outlook on the value of human life bring about a right to live happy and pea cefully. This idea leads him to claims that this peace can only be achieved by t he pain free benefit anesthesia provides during what would other wise be an excr uciating operation. Papper refers to the use of anesthetics during surgery as "d esirable and necessary" to the people living during the Romanticism period. In c ontrast to the American History Database article about the Industrial Revolution occurring at this time, Papper's article sheds light on the cultural atmosphere of the 1800s. For the project, it provides a cultural factor that promoted the idea of anesthesia during surgery. Pearce, David. "Dramatis Personae." General Anaesthesia. Accessed September 17, 2012. From this website, one can find a myriad of names in connection to the c reation and public use of the various forms of early anesthesia. An extensive hi story of each person accompanies their name, and an extensive web can be drawn b etween the relationships between many of the major names fighting for the title of the inventor of anesthesia. Some of the names include Horace Wells, the denti st with a failed public demonstration after a faulty deployment of the nitrous o xide failed to prevent all of the pain, Williams Morton, the man who patented th e Letheon inhaler that administer the ether in his public demonstration, Professor Charles Jackson, the advisor of Morton to use a stronger ether called diethyl e ther, H5C2-O-C2H5, and John Collins Warren who actually performed the surgery in the ether demonstration. This website provided key biographical information on

major characters to build more an interconnectedness in the early just as Aileen K. Adams. Pearce, David. First Sin image. Digital image. UTOPIAN SURGERY Early Arguments a gainst Anaesthesia in Surgery, Dentistry and Childbirth. Accessed December 22, 2 012. This image depicts the scene of the first sin by Eve in the Garden of Ed en which lead to the pain during labor for women. This image was used on the Wor ld Influence: Social and Cultural Page. Shannon, Tim. Nightshade Flower. Digital image. Nightshade, Discussion. July 200 7. Accessed December 27, 2012. cussion. This generic image of Nightshade depicts the flower mixed with water to soothe surgical pain. It was used in the Archaic Methods slideshow. Snow, Stephanie J. Blessed Days of Anaesthesia: How Anaesthetics Changed the Wor ld. OUP Oxford, 2008. Accessed November 20, 2012. about/Blessed_Days_of_Anaesthesia.html?id=bAWsJvbvrCEC. In this book by Stephanie J. Snow, the positive outlook of the world aft er the invention of anesthesia is taken. She begins with a historical lesson on the discovery of anesthesia from Humphrey Davys experimentation with nitrous oxid e the American discovery of ether. The focus of this book lays in the Victorian era of British History, and this become the viewpoint she writes from. Although it had its benefits, anesthesia also caused controversy and depression with the introduction of murder and death that followed. In contrast to the book written by Joseph Charrire which describes the gruesome tale of surgery before anesthesia , Snow uses the time period after the discovery of anesthesia to bring more ligh t on its benefits and how it changed the medical field forever. For the project, it gave more insight on the global aspects influenced by anesthetics. Sullivan, John T., MD. MGH. "Surgery before Anesthesia." Surgery before the Inve ntion of Anesthesia. May 11, 2005. Accessed October 17, 2012. http://neurosurger In this article written by John T. Sullivan, an MD and MGH anesthesiolog y resident, he explores the event of a surgery before the invention of surgical anesthesia. He includes quotes about the excruciating pain it caused to the few patients that used surgery only as a last resort. The article also includes prac tices of surgery using crude methods such as marijuana, opium, alcohol, belladon na jimsonweed, and the use of stinging nettles to redirect the patients attention from the surgical pain. In contrast to the article by Robert B. Hoffman, Esq. a nd Donald E. Martin, M.D. that described the use of such drugs and methods, Sull ivan describes the results of opium and alcohol use as a sedative to cause nause a, vomiting and even death. This article sheds light on the suffering of patient s during surgery before anesthesia which provides a basis for its invention bein g a turning point in history. Turley, Jonathan. Digital image. Federal Appellate Court Rules Medical Marijuana Law Does Not Protect Worker In Use of Medical Marijuana. September 21, 2012. Ac cessed December 27, 2012. -court-rules-medical-marijuana-law-does-not-protect-worker-in-use-of-medical-mar

ijuana/. This generic image depicts a marijuana leaf which could have been used d uring surgeries in this era before anesthesia. The image was used in the Archaic Methods slideshow. Westhorpe, Rod, Dr, and Jan Davies, Dr. "HISTORY OF ANESTHESIA." All About Anest hesia. Accessed October 19, 2012. tion=com_content. From the information provided in this article, the authors, Dr. Rod West horpe and Dr. Jan Davies, explore the progression of the drugs used as surgical anesthetics from physical means of losing consciousness to hypnotism in the eigh teenth and nineteenth century. Next, it introduces the use of ether and then chl oroform by Professor James Young Simpson of Edinburgh in 1847. The uses of chlor oform lead to the first documented death of Hannah Greener, a young girl, in the following year from a heart attack linked to the anesthetic. Finally, the artic le includes information on the modern drugs used such as sodium thiopentone in t he 1930s to induce anesthesia and the use of curare and halothane to replace eth er and chloroform. As opposed to the discussion of early methods of anesthesia d escribed in Dramatis Personae like diethyl ether, this article goes on the explain the modern drugs used as surgical anesthetics. This website provides a more com plete and detailed progression of the various forms of surgical anesthesia throu ghout the years of its development.

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