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15.02.2012 Present:

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Nonefortheplaintiff. Defendantno.3inperson. Noneforotherdefendants. Beawaited.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.C.P.Wig,counselfortheplaintiff. Nonefordefendant. Mr.RajeevGupta,ARoftheplaintiff. Beawaited. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.L.R.Goyal,counselfortheplaintiff. Mr.RajeshKumar,counselforthedefendantno.1and2. Nonefordefendantno.3. AnapplicationunderorderXIIRule6readwith section151CPChasbeenfiledonbehalfofplaintiff.Copygiven. ReplicationtotheWSofdefendantno.1and2has been filed. ReplicationtotheWS of defendant no.3hasalso been filed. Beawaitedforappearanceofdefendantno.3.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.AmitSinha,counselforthepetitioner. Defendantunserved. Itissubmittedbythecounselforthepetitionerthat the vehicle has yet not been repossessed and that the arbitration proceedinghavealreadybeeninitiated. Ifindthatvideorderdated03.11.2011ofthiscourt, receiverhasbeenappointedexpartetorepossessthevehicle. However,sincethenthevehiclehasnotbeenrepossessed despiteseverallapseoftimei.eaboutthreeandhalfmonths.Itseems thatthepetitionerisnotmakinganysincereeffortstoseizethevehicle despitethecourtorders.Inthecircumstances,Iamoftheconsidered opinionthattheordershouldbevacatedimmediately.Accordingly,the orderdated03.11.2011regardingappointmentofreceiverexparteis herebyvacated. Matterbelistedforserviceoftherespondenton filingPF/RC/SpeedPostontakingofstepsinthreeworkingdaysfor 04.04.2012.Lastandfinalopportunityisgrantedforserviceofthe respondent. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 StatementofDr.RamGandhi,Defendant. ONSA.

I have no objection the application of the plaintiff for preponmentofthedateofhearingbeingallowed.


(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: PlaintiffinpersonwithcounselMs.AnitaSinghandMr. Mohd.Shariq. Mr.NiteshTyagi,proxycounselfordefendantno.1. Defendantno.2hasalreadybeenproceededexpartevide orderdated23.01.2012. Adjournmentisrequestedbytheproxycounselfor defendantno.1submittingthatthemaincounselisbusyelsewhere. Hehasalsosubmittedthattilldatedefendantno.1hasnotbeenserved inthecriminalcaseinwhichthechargesheetisstatedtohavealready beenfiled. Plaintiffhasalsorequestedforadjournmentashe hastoleavealso. In view of the submissions made, matter is adjournedforreplyandargumentsontheapplicationoftheplaintiff undersection195(b)Cr.P.Creadwithsection340CPCandforfurther examinationofplaintiffandRPEon21.03.2012at2.00pm.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

MLNo.05/2009 UniqueIDCaseNumber:02403C1008412007. PurshottamDass vs DelhiWakfBoard.

15.02.2012 Present: Mr.R.K.Jha,counselfortheplaintiff. Mr.KaruneshSaini,sonoftheplaintiffispresent. Mr.A.Hasan,counselforthedefendantalongwithMr. Mohd. Qaisar, law officer and Mr. Mohd. Abbas, Court clerk for defendant/DWB. Onemonth'sadjournmentisrequestedsubmitting thatpartiesarenegotiatingforsettlement. Itisalsoagreedthatplaintiffshallappearbefore theCEOofdefendanton21.02.2012at11.00amalongwithallthe documentsforthepurposeofdiscussingregardingsettlement. CEO of the defendant shall also ensure that the concernedclerkalongwithrelevantrecordisalsoavailableonthat dayinhisoffice. In view of the submissions made, matter is adjournedforsettlementinthealternativeforFPfor21.03.2012. Attestedcopiesoftheorderbegiventoboththe sides,dasti,asrequested. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Noneforthepetitioner. Mr.Raghvan,proxycounselforrespondentno.1. Respondentno.2isLd.Arbitrator. Beawaited. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: PlaintiffinpersonwithcounselMr.J.M.Bari. Mr.K.R.Pamai,counselfordefendant. Replyhasbeenfiledonbehalfoftheplaintifftothe applicationofthedefendantunderorder18rule17readwithsection 151CPCforrecallingoftheplaintiffforcrossexamination. Argumentsonthesamehavebeenheard. NoDWispresenttoday. Putupforordersinthepostlunchsession. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: PlaintiffinpersonwithproxycounselMr.VinodPal. Ms.ShrutiVerma,counselfordefendant. Exemption of the director of the defendant is soughtsubmittingthatheisnotavailabletoday.Considered.Allowed fortoday. Bothsideshavediscussedregardingsettlementand it is submitted that asnothingpositivematerializedmattermaybe proceededfurther. Adjournment is also requested on behalf of the plaintiff for filing reply tothe application of the defendant under section151CPCforrejectionoftheadditionalevidencesubmitting that main counsel is not available and the reply is not ready. Not opposed. In view of the submissions made, matter is adjournedforreplyandargumentson29.03.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.379/09 15.02.2012 Present: Noneforpetitioner. Mr.Raghvan,proxycounselforrespondentno.1. Respondentno.2isLd.Arbitrator. Itis11.15am. Itisthesecondcallsincemorningbutnonehas appearedonbehalfofpetitioner. In the circumstances, matter is adjourned for 04.04.2012forappearanceandarguments.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.709/09 15.02.2012 Present: Plaintiffinperson. Defendantinperson. Application of the plaintiff for early hearing is takenup. Defendanthassubmittedthathehasnoobjectionto theapplicationoftheplaintiffbeingallowed. Statementofthedefendantisrecordedseparately. Heard.Perused.Considered. In view of the submission made as well as the statement of the defendant, the application of the plaintiff for preponementofthedateofhearingisallowed. Matternowtakenupon25.02.2012at12.00noon.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: PlaintiffinpersonwithcounselMr.I.P.Singh. DefendantinpersonwithcounselMr.VikasTomar. Replicationhasbeenfiled.Copygiven. Arguments on the application of the defendant under order 7 Rule 11 CPC as well ass three applications of the plaintiffundersection151CPChavebeenheardatlength. Matternowbelistedforfurtherarguments,ifany andordersonalltheapplicationsfor29.02.2012at2.00pm.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ManojKumar,counselfortheplaintiff. Ms.Megha,counselforthedefendant. Adjournment is requested by the plaintiff submittingthatheisnotfullypreparedtoday. In view of the submissions made, matter is adjournedforappearanceofARofboththesidesalongwiththeir respectivecounselforthepurposeofsettlementinthealternativefor arguments on the application of defendant under section 8 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act read with section 151 CPC for 21.03.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.L.R.Goyal,counselfortheplaintiff. Mr.RajeshKumar,counselforthedefendantno.1and2. Mr.RaghavGupta,counselfordefendantno.3. CopiesofapplicationunderorderXIIRule6read with section 151 CPC has been filed on behalf of plaintiff and replicationhasbeengiventohim. Matternowbelistedforreplyandargumentsonthe applicationofplaintiffunderorderXIIRule6readwithsection151 CPCfor30.03.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Proxycounselforpetitioner. Ms.SmitaJain,proxycounselfordefendant. Adjournmenthavealreadybeenrequestedearlierin themorningbythecounselforpetitionersubmittingthatmaincounsel isunwell.Notopposed. Matter is adjourned for reply and arguments for 04.04.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


ParvezNoor 15.02.2012




ONSA. XXXXXXBYMr.AnwarulHasan,counselfordefendant. I have studied up till 8th9th standard. I have full knowledgeaboutthepresentcase.Iamawareabouttheprayermade inmycase.Icannotsaywhatreliefhasbeensoughtforbywayofthe presentsuitonlylawyercansay.IknowthatIhavefiledanappeal againsttheevictionorderpassedagainstmebythedefendant.Iamthe owner of property bearing no. A389/A, Amar Puri, Nabi Karim, PaharGanj,NewDelhi55andtoshowmyownershipIhavefiledthe house tax receipts, electricity bills and water bills on the judicial records. ItiswrongtosuggestthatIhavefabricatedthehousetax receipts electricitybillsand waterbills.Iamnotawareaboutthe nameofthepersonfromwhommypaternalgrandfather(Dada)had purchased the property in question. It is wrong to suggest that propertybearingno.A389/A,AmarPuri,NabiKarim,PaharGanj, NewDelhi55isalsoknownas389A.Vol.Theyaretwodifferent properties. Propertybearingno.A389/A,AmarPuri,NabiKarim, PaharGanj,NewDelhi55measuresabout200sqyards.Itiswrongto suggestthatpropertybearingno.A389/A,AmarPuri,NabiKarim, PaharGanj,NewDelhi55measuresabout1000sqyards.

Itiswrongtosuggestthatpropertybearingno.A389/A,AmarPuri, Nabi Karim, Pahar Ganj, New Delhi55 is owned by Delhi Wakf Board. It is correct that there is a Gazette notification of the suit propertyintheyear1975.Vol.Myfamilyownedthispropertysince about100years.ItiscorrectthatIhadmentionedinmyplaintthatI and my family have beentheownerofthesuit propertyforabout 7075 years. My averment made in the plaint and deposed in my affidavitthatIownedthepropertyforabout7075yearsiscorrectand mydepositiontodaythatwehaveownedthispropertyforabout100 yearsiswrong. Itiswrongtosuggestthatoutof1000sqyardsIhave takenpossessionof200Sq yardsunlawfully.Itiswrongtosuggest thatthesuitpropertyisalsoknownasTakiaLalShahKabristaan.Itis wrongtosuggestthatthesuitpropertyisagraveyardmeantforthe burialofthedead.Itiswrongtosuggestthatoutof1000sqyardsI have taken possession of 200 Sq yards unlawfully and have unlawfullybuilt30roomforcommercialandresidentialuse.Itisalso wrongtosuggestthatIamgettingrentfrom30roomstothetuneof Rs.60,00070,000/therebycausingwrongfullosetothedefendant.It iscorrectthatIhadgivenoneshoptooneMr.Mohd.Hanifonrentat therateofRs.2000/permonth.Itisalsocorrectthatthereisacivil casebetweenmyselfandMohd.HanifbeforeTisHazariCourtand therewasonecasefilebyMr.MohdHanifagainstmebeforeWakf

Tribunalwhichhassincebeingdismissed.Itiswrongtosuggestthat Mr.Mohd.HanifhasrecognizedtheDWBastheownerandlandlord ofoneshopwhichwasgiventohimrentbyme.AsondateMr.Mohd. Hanifisnotpayinganyrenttomealthoughearlierhehadpaidrentof approximatelyRs.12lacs/intheCourt.Itiswrongtosuggestthatmy titletothesuitpropertyisnotclearfromanyofthedocumentIhave filedonthejudicialrecord. ItiswrongtosuggestthattheGazette notificationshowsthatthepropertyinquestionisundertheownership ofthedefendant.Ihavereceiptnoticesfromthedefendantandthey were regarding the demand of the defendant to make me a tenant whichIdeclinedasIamtheownerofthesuitproperty.Itiscorrect thatthedefendantinitiatedtheproceedingsformyevictionfromthe suitpropertyandpassedtheorderofevictionwhichisunderchallenge inthepresentcase.Itiswrongtosuggestthattheimpugnedorderis correctandlegalandmypossessionofthesuitpropertyinunlawful andillegal.ItiswrongtosuggestthatIamdeposingfalsely. RO&AC (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

StatementofMr.AnisAhmed,Cousnelfortheplaintiff. WithoutOath. Iclosetheevidenceoftheplaintiff. RO&AC

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.25/2011 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.RashidHasan,President oftheplaintiff. Defendantno.1to6areinperson. Mr.Mohd.Abbas,Courtclerkfordefendantno.7. Adjournmentisrequestedbydefendantno.1to6 submittingthatcounselisunabletoappearashisfatherinlawhas expired. AdjournmentisalsorequestedbytheCourtclerk fordefendantno.7submittingthatcounselisnotavailabletoday. ApplicationoftheplaintiffunderorderVIRule17 readwithsection151CPCfiledon17.11.2011.Copyofthesamebe giventoDefendantno.1to6asrequested. Matter be listed for reply and arguments on the samefor03.04.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: PlaintiffinpersonwithcounselMr.AnisAhmed. Mr.AnwarulHasan,counselfordefendant. PW Parvez Noor is present for his cross examination.Heisexaminedanddischarged. Counselforplaintiffhassubmittedthathedoesnot wishtoleadanyfurtherevidenceandPEmaybeclosed. Statementofthecounsel forplaintiffisrecorded separately. Heard.Perused.Considered. In view of the submissions made as well as the statementofthecounselforplaintiff,thePEisherebyclosed. MatternowbelistedforentireDEfor20.03.2012.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ArunSharma,counselfortheplaintiff. Mr.RajTilakGuhaRoy,counselforthedefendant. Appearancehavealreadybeenenteredonbehalfof defendanton22.12.2011. Matternowbelistedforserviceofthesummonsof thejudgmentintheprescribedformatunderorder37CPCuponthe defendants on filing PF/RC/Speed Post on taking of steps in three workingdaysfor22.03.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ArunSharma,counselfortheplaintiff. Mr.RajTilakGuhaRoy,counselforthedefendant. Appearancehadalreadybeenenteredonbehalfof defendantson22.12.2011. Matternowbelistedforserviceofthesummonsof thejudgmentintheprescribedformatunderorder37CPCuponthe defendants on filing PF/RC/Speed Post on taking of steps in three workingdaysfor22.03.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ArunSharma,counselfortheplaintiff. Mr.RajTilakGuhaRoy,counselforthedefendants. Ifindonperusalofthefilethatthedefendantshad been served on 19.12.2011 and they have failed to enter their appearanceintheCourtwithinastipulatedperiodof10daysandonly POA(Vakalatnama)oftheirlawyerhavebeenfiledintheCourton 22.12.2011. Bothsideshavesubmittedthattheyarewillingto negotiateforsettlementandhaverequestedfortakingupthefileon 17.02.2012at2.00pm. Inviewofthesubmissionsmade,materislistedfor appearanceoftheplaintiffaswellasKartaofthedefendantalong with their respective counsel for the purpose of settlement in the alternativeforFPfor17.02.2012at2.00pm.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: PlaintiffinpersonwithcounselMr.J.M.Bari. Mr.K.R.Pamai,counselfordefendant. File has been taken up today for orders on the applicationofthedefendantunderorder18rule17readwithsection 151CPC. Argumentsonthesamehavebeenheardearlierin themorning.Materialonrecordrelevantprovisionsoflawandthe precedentsonthepointshavebeenperused. Videorderdated13.01.2011thecrossexamination ofthePW1Mr.H.P.SeoniewasorderedtobeNilasdefendanthad failedtoputinappearanceforhiscrossexamination. Counselforthedefendanthadsubmittedthatmain counsel for defendant, who was one of the main counsel was not availableonthatdayandARofthedefendantwasnotavailableand forthisreasonboththecounselandARofthedefendantfailedtoput inappearanceonthatday. Counselfortheplaintiffhasvehementlyopposed the application submitting that it has been filed with malafide intentiontodelaythecase. I find on perusal of the file that PW 1 Mr. H.P.Seonie had filed his affidavit as examination in chief on 11.08.2011andhadtenderedhisaffidavitinevidenceon20.10.2011.

2 On20.10.2011hiscrossexaminationhaddeferredasmaincounselfor defendantisnotavailable.Thereafter,matterwaslistedfor23.11.2011, when application for adjournment had been filed on behalf of the defendant submitting that main counsel was busy elsewhere. Mr. K.R.Pamei, Advocate who was present in the Court on behalf of defendanthadsubmittedthatalthoughhisvakalatnamahadbeenfiled buthewasnotinapositiontocrossexaminethewitnessashewasnot well. On this submission, PW 1 was discharged unexamined and absolutelylastandfinalopportunitywasgrantedtodefendanttocross examinethePW1failingwhichsamewasordertobedeemedtobe closedonnextdateofhearing. Subsequentlyon13.01.2012despitethecasehavingbeen takenupthricenonehasappearedonbehalfofdefendantonwhich crossexaminationofthedefendantwasorderedtobeNilandPEhad alsobeenclosed. More than sufficient number of opportunities have alreadybeengiventothedefendanttocrossexaminethePW1but both the counsel and defendant choose not to appear for cross examinationofPW1andpreferredtobebusyelsewhere.Thewheels ofjusticecannotbekeptwaitingforthedefendantorhiscounseland trial cannot remain suspended as the counsel for defendant is not available. Reliance can also been placed upon the judgments as follows: SteelageIndustriesLimitedvsSmitChanderBegai,BombayHigh

3 Courton22November,1991. CM(67576/2006JasbirSinghandanrvsTaranjitSingh,HighCourt ofDelhion27.08.2008. I do not findanycogent reasondisclosedforgranting anotheropportunityforcrossexaminationofPW1tothedefendant. Inviewoftheforegoingreasons,theapplicationofthe defendantisherebydismissed. AlthoughnoDWispresenttodayandnoexplanationfor thesameisgivenbutintheinterestofjusticeonemoreopportunityis grantedtothedefendantforitsentireevidence. MatternowbelistedforentireDEfor05.03.2012.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.S.K.Mehta,counselforpetitioner. Mr.B.Mahapatra,counselforUOI/respondentno.1. Mr.MohitMadaan,counselforrespondentno.2. Notice has not been issued to respondent no. 3/L&DO. Ahlmadisdirectedtodischargehisdutydiligently. Mr. Niraj Kumar, counsel for L&DO along with Mr. Manoj Madhwar, UDC forL&DOarepresent inthe Court in connectionwithsomeothercase.Mr.Nirajhasacceptedtheservice onbehalfofL&DOinthepresentmatteralso. Copyofthereferencealongwithannexurebegiven tohimasrequested. Matter now be listed for filing WS on behalf of respondentsfor21.03.2012at2.00pm (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.S.K.Mehta,counselforIPNo.I. Mr.SunilKumarSharma,UDCispresentonbehalfof L&DO. Adjournment is requested submitting that main counselforL&DOisnotavailabletoday. Matter is adjourned for FP for 21.03.2012 at 2.00pm. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Filehasbeentakenuptodayontheapplicationforfurnishinganother secondaddressofthedefendant. Present: Proxycounselfortheplaintiff. Freshaddressofthedefendanthasbeenfurnished ontherecord. Heard.Perused.Considered. Fresh service be effected upon defendant as per earlierorderaswellasordinaryprocessforthedatealreadyfixedi.e. 14.03.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Freshexecutionpetitionhasbeenreceivedonassignment. Itbechecked&regd. Present: Mr.B.S.Mathur,counselforDH. Heseeksadjournmentforfilingcertifiedcopiesof theaward. In view of the submissions made, matter is adjournedfor17.02.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Freshappealhasbeenreceivedonassignmentontoday. Itbechecked&regd. Present: Mr.SatinderVerma,counselfortheappellant. Appellantinperson. Certified copy of the impugned order dated 13.02.2012hasbeenfiled. Considered. TCRbecalledfor16.02.2012at2.00pm.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Freshappealhasbeenreceivedonassignment. Itbechecked&regd. Present: Mr.RajenderKumar,counselfortheappellant. Heard.Perused.Considered. TCRbecalledfor16.02.2012at12.00noon.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Freshcasehasbeenreceivedonassignmentontoday. Itbechecked&regd. Present: Mr.SureshSingh,counselfortheplaintiff. Heard.Perused.Considered. Issuesummonsofthesuitunderorder37CPCin theprescribedformattothedefendantonfilingPF/RC/SpeedPoston takingofstepswithinthreeworkingdaysfor22.03.2012. PlaintiffisSeniorCitizenaged70years.Thiscase beidentifiedasthatofSeniorCitizenandnecessarynotingalsobe madeontheindexofthefile. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

LAC No.40/08 (property no.14) 15.02.2012 PW-1(Witness of IP No.1)-Mr. Pradeep Kumar Singh, Deputy Land and Development Officer, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. ON SA. Itendermyaffidavitinmyevidence.SameisEx.PW1/A, itbearsmysignatureatpointAandB.Thecontentsofmyaffidavit are true and correct. I rely upon the documents exhibited in my affidavit. RO&AC (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

StatementofMr.Gyaneshwar,counselforIPNo.1. WithoutOath. IclosethePEonbehalfofIPNo.1/L&DO.


(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

LAC No.56/08 (property no.23) 15.02.2012 PW-1(Witness of IP No.1)-Mr. Pradeep Kumar Singh, Deputy Land and Development Officer, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. ON SA. Itendermyaffidavitinmyevidence.SameisEx.PW1/A, itbearsmysignatureatpointAandB.Thecontentsofmyaffidavit are true and correct. I rely upon the documents exhibited in my affidavit. XXXXXBYIPNO.2. DEFERREDASREQUESTEDSINCETHECOUNSELFORIPNO. 2ISNOTAVAILABLETODAY.


(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Ms.AeshnaSaxena,counselforplaintiffs. ThedeficientcourtfeesofRs.460/hasbeenfiledon record. Heard.Perused.Considered. Maternowbelistedforserviceofthedefendanton filingPF/RC/SpeedPostontakingofstepsinthreeworkingdaysfor 04.04.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.Gurmit,Manageroftheplaintiff. Nonefordefendantno.1and2. Defendant no.3 and 4 have already been proceeded ex partevideorderdated09.06.2011. Itisnow2.20pm. Despitesincemorningnonehasappearedonbehalf ofdefendantno.1and2.Itappearsthatdefendantno.1and2arenot interestedincontestingthecaseasnonehasappearedontheirbehalf. In the circumstances, defendant no.1 and 2 are proceededexparte. Matternowbelistedforexparteevidencebyway ofaffidavitfor12.03.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.Gyaneshwar,counselforIPNO.I. NoneforIPNo.II. Mr.ShyamDutt,counselfortheIPNo.III Mr.S.K.Jha,counselforDMRC. CourtnoticehasnotbeenissuedtoIPNo.IandII bytheAhlmad.Ahlmadisdirectedtodischargehisdutydiligently. As the counsel for IP No.I has appeared today, courtnoticenottobeissuedtohim. AsnonehasappearedonbehalfofIPNo.II,fresh courtnoticebeissuedtoIPNo.IIonlyfor11.04.2012at2.00pm.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.Gyaneshwar,counselforIPNO.I. NoneforIPNo.II. Mr.ShyamDutt,counselfortheIPNo.III Mr.S.K.Jha,counselforDMRC. CourtnoticehasnotbeenissuedtoIPNo.IandII bytheAhlmad.Ahlmadisdirectedtodischargehisdutydiligently. As the counsel for IP No.I has appeared today, courtnoticenottobeissuedtohim. AsnonehasappearedonbehalfofIPNo.II,fresh courtnoticebeissuedtoIPNo.IIonlyfor11.04.2012at2.00pm.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.Gyaneshwar,counselforIPNo.1/L&DO. Mr.Pradeep Kumar, Deputy Manager of L&DO and Mr.ManojMadhwar,UDCforL&DO. Mr.RoshanLal,AttorneyofIPNo.2.Heisrepresenting IPNO.2and3,whoaretheoneandthesameperson. PWPradeepKumarSinghispresent.Hehasfiled hisaffidavitinexaminationinchief.Sameistenderedinhisevidence and his statement is recordedseparately.Hiscrossexaminationis deferredonrequestasthecounselforIPNo.2isnotavailabletoday. Inthecircumstances,matterisadjournedforcross examinationofPWPradeepKumarSinghandRPEfor21.03.2012at 2.00pm. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.Gyaneshwar,counselforIPNo.1/L&DO. Mr.Pradeep Kumar, Deputy Manager of L&DO and Mr.ManojMadhwar,UDCforL&DO. IPNo.2hasalreadybeenproceededexparte. PWPradeepKumarSinghispresent.Hehasfiled hisaffidavitinexaminationinchief.Sameistenderedinhisevidence andhisstatementisrecordedseparately. CounselfortheL&DOhassubmittedthathedoes notwanttoleadanyfurtherevidenceandPEmaybeclosed. In view of the submissions made, PE is hereby closed. Matternowbelistedforexpartefinalarguments for21.03.2012at2.00pm. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

LACNo.03/08 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.NirajKumar,counselfortheplaintiff. File has been taken up today on the application under section151and152CPConbehalfofL&DOforcorrectingtheorder sheets. Heard.Perused.Considered. Mr.B.Mahapatra, counsel for UOI and Mr. S.K.Jha, counselforDMRCarealsopresentintheCourtinconnectionwith otherLACmatters. CounselfortheL&DOMr.NirajKumarhasrequestedfor correction in the order sheet dated 18.05.2011 submitting that his presencemaybemarkedonthesameasheispresent. NoobjectionhasbeengivenbyMr.RajanLalandMr. Sanjeev Yadav, counsel for the L&DO in the coloumn of the applicationonthefirstpage. Counsel for the petitioners and counsel for UOI and DMRChavesubmittedthatthereisnoobjectiontothesamebeing allowed. It is also pointed out that in the order sheet dated 18.05.2011proxycounselforL&DOhadappeared. Mr.NirajKumarhassubmittedthathehasappeareda littlelaterinthedayontheabovementioneddateandforthisreason hisappearancecouldnotbementionedintheordersheet.

Asthereisnoobjectionfromanycorner,theapplication isherebyallowedandnowtheappearanceofMr.NirajKumarasthe counselforL&DOberecordedintheordersheetsof18.05.2011today itself. NecessarycorrectionsaremadesignedbytheCourtand dates.Nofurtheractionisrequired. Filebeconsignedtorecordroom. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ShyamDutt,counselforthepetitioner. Mr.B.Mahapatra,counselforUOI. Mr.S.K.Jha,counselforDMRC. Mr.NirajKumar,counselforL&DO. Mr.DeviRam,KanungoispresentonbehalfofLAC. HehassubmittedthereportoftheLAC,NewDelhi dated15.02.2102whereinthenameoftheownerofacquiredproperty iscorrectedastheR.R.FinancialConsultantLimited. Copies of the report have been given to all the counsels. Furtherargumentshavebeenheard. Vide separate order of even date, the petition is allowed. Copy of the judgment be sent to the LAC for information. After completion of formalities the file be consignedtoRR. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ShyamDutt,counselforthepetitioner. Mr.N.L.Singh,counselforUOI. Mr.S.K.Jha,counselforDMRC. Mr.NirajKumar,counselforL&DO. Furtherargumentshavebeenheard. Vide separate order of even date, the petition is allowed. Copy of the judgment be sent to the LAC for information. After completion of formalities the file be consignedtoRR. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ShyamDutt,counselforthepetitioner. Mr.B.Mahapatra,counselforUOI. Mr.S.K.Jha,counselforDMRC. Mr.SanjeevYadav,counselforL&DO. Furtherargumentshavebeenheard. Vide separate order of even date, the petition is allowed. Copy of the judgment be sent to the LAC for information. After completion of formalities the file be consignedtoRR. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


15.02.2012 Present: ApplicantinpersonwithcounselMs.VidyaBhardwaj. Mr.G.M.Farooqui,counselfortherespondentalongwith the Mr. Mohd. Qaisar, Law officer and MR. Mohd. Abbas, Court ClerkforDWB. Furtherargumentshavebeenheard. Videseparateorderofevendate,thesuitishereby dismissedasnotmaintainablesinceithasbecomeinfructuous. Filebeconsignedtorecordroom.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012


M/s Tata Capital Limited, Kanchanjunga Building, 4th Floor,18,Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. ......................................................................................................Petitio ner. Versus M/s Dushad Erthmovers, RZG 525-26, Palam Colony, Raj Nagar-2, New Delhi-110045. Mrs. Brij Lata Khandelwal, Care of Mr. Kailash Khandelwal, RZG 525-26, Raj Nagar Part-2, Palam Colony, New Delhi-110045. .................................................................................................Responde nts. 15.02.2012 Appearances: Mr.Ajay Kohli, counsel for the petitioner. ORDER 1. A petition under section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) has been filed by the petitioner in which the prayer has also been made for appointing ex parte interim receiver to take the possession of the vehicle/machine i.e. COMPACTOR 5250 STD having chassis number 4648129322.


In brief the case of the petitioner is that the respondent had chassis

approached the petitioner bank to avail loan facility to purchase of the vehicle/machine i.e. COMPACTOR 5250 STD having number 4648129322 and also promised to perform all his obligations as to the payment of the monthly installments. A total sum of Rs. 18,00,000/- was granted as loan to the respondent vide loan agreement dated 31.03.2009 bearing loan agreement number 35 monthly 7000049546 and the said amount was repayable in installments of Rs.61,520.00/- with interest. 3. As per the terms of the loan agreement, respondent purchased chassis

vehicle/machine i.e. COMPACTOR 5250 STD having

number 4648129322. The respondent failed to adhere to the financial discipline of repayment of the loan either towards principal or interest thereon and also to make the vehicle available for inspection to the officials of the bank. The petitioner also issued notice to the respondent regarding the payment of the outstanding amount towards him and the possession of the vehicle but despite the notice, the respondent neither cared to reply to the notice nor has made any effort to repay the outstanding amount and also to hand over the peaceful possession of the vehicle. Only 27 installments have been made. There are 06 installments of Rs.61,520/-each(06x 61,520/-) overdue towards the principal, interest, penal interest and other dues for which legal notice dated 21.07.2011 and 26.11.2011 has been sent to the respondent. 4. The petitioner has claimed that it had a strong apprehension

that the respondent might sell away the vehicle. It was prayed that Mr. Ram Niwas Sharma, Remedial Manager of the petitioner company

be appointed as receiver to take possession of the COMPACTOR 5250 STD having chassis number 4648129322 during pendency of the present petition. 5. I have heard arguments at length and have given my conscious In

thought and prolonged consideration to the material on record, relevant provisions of law and the precedents on the point. view of the facts and circumstances of the case, this Court is of the considered opinion that it is a fit case for appointment of an ex parte interim receiver. 6. Accordingly, Mr. Ram Niwas Sharma, Remedial Manager of

the petitioner company, is hereby appointed as receiver who shall be under the direct control of the Court. He is directed to seize the COMPACTOR 5250 STD having chassis number 4648129322 in accordance with law and keep the same in safe custody. He shall remain personally present at the time of seizure of vehicle. The vehicle shall be seized between 8 am to 8 pm on a working day and not on the weekend. The vehicle shall not be seized while it is plying on the road. The receiver shall ensure that the entire seizure process is witnessed and documents are signed by an independent person of the public whose complete details along with documents of identity are taken. Petitioner shall not dispose of the said vehicle without the permission of the Court. It is further directed that the receiver at the time of seizing the vehicle shall prepare an inventory of the articles found from the vehicle. The exact date and time of seizure shall also be noted down and a copy of the seizure memo shall be supplied to the respondent or his representative at the spot itself. Before taking possession, the respondent shall be permitted to remove his belongings from the vehicle. Receiver can take the help of the police,

if required. The receiver is directed to submit his report within ten days of the seizure of the vehicle. Since an official of the petitioner company is appointed as receiver at specific request, so it is further ordered that the petitioner shall also ensure that the receiver submits his report within the prescribed time. Petitioner shall also place on the record the documents to show that the arbitration clause has been invoked and the process of appointment of the arbitrator has been initiated. In the event of any of the above terms and conditions of this order are not complied with by the petitioner, the Court may release the vehicle on the terms and conditions deemed fit by the Court and order of appointment of receiver shall be vacated. In case the vehicle is not repossessed within a period of three months from the date of appointment of receiver, the order shall be vacated. Documents of identity of receiver be placed on record within three working days. 7. Copy of the order be given dasti to the counsel for the

petitioner, as prayed. Announced in the open Court on SHARMA) this 15th day of February, 2012. Delhi. ADJ-02, Wakf Tribunal, New (NIVEDITA ANIL


M/s Tata Capital Limited, Kanchanjunga Building,4th Floor, 18,Barakhamba Road,New Delhi-110001. ......................................................................................................Petitio ner. Versus 1.M/s Topline Build Tech Private Limited, Through its Directors, 302,Ansal Chamber-II, 3rd Floor,6 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066. 2.Mr.Vikas Uppal, Care of Mr.V.K.Uppal, 15/4,Sarva Priya Vihar, New Delhi-110017. ..................................................................................................Respond ents 15.02.2012 Appearances: Mr.Ajay Kohli counsel for the petitioner. ORDER 1. A petition under section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) has been filed by the petitioner in which the prayer has also been made for appointing ex parte interim receiver to take the possession of the vehicle/machine i.e. mounted concrete pump model-HBT40C-1410D having chasis number 09TB104020106. 2. In brief the case of the petitioner is that the respondent had

approached the petitioner bank to avail loan facility to purchase of the vehicle/machine i.e.mounted concrete pump modelHBT40C-1410D having chasis number 09TB104020106 and also promised to perform all his obligations as to the payment of the monthly installments. A total sum of Rs.13,50,000/- was granted as loan to the respondent vide loan agreement dated 21.05.2010 bearing loan agreement number 7000077819 and the said amount was repayable in 35 monthly installments of Rs.45600/- with interest. 3. As per the terms of the loan agreement, respondent purchased i.e.mounted concrete pump model09TB104020106.The


HBT40C-1410D having chasis number

respondent failed to adhere to the financial discipline of repayment of the loan either towards principal or interest thereon and also to make the vehicle available for inspection to the officials of the bank. The petitioner also issued notice to the respondent regarding the payment of the outstanding amount towards him and the possession of the vehicle but despite the notice, the respondent neither cared to reply to the notice nor has made any effort to repay the outstanding amount and also to hand over the peaceful possession of the vehicle. Only 14 installments have been made. There are 04 installments of Rs.45600/each(04x45600/-) overdue towards the principal, interest, penal interest and other dues for which legal notice dated 21.12.2010 and 27.08.2011 has been sent to the respondent. 4. The petitioner has claimed that it had a strong apprehension

that the respondent might sell away the vehicle. It was prayed that Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the petitioner bank be appointed as receiver to take possession of the mounted concrete pump model-

HBT40C-1410D having chasis number pendency of the present petition. 4.

09TB104020106 during

I have heard arguments at length and have given my conscious

thought and prolonged consideration to the material on record, relevant provisions of law and the precedents on the point. 5. In view of the facts and circumstances of the case, this Court is

of the considered opinion that it is a fit case for appointment of an ex parte interim receiver. 6. Accordingly, Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the

petitioner bank, is hereby appointed as receiver who shall be under the direct control of the Court. He is directed to seize the mounted concrete pump model-HBT40C-1410D having chasis number 09TB104020106 in accordance with law and keep the same in safe custody. He shall remain personally present at the time of seizure of vehicle. The vehicle shall be seized between 8 am to 8 pm on a working day and not on the weekend. The vehicle shall not be seized while it is plying on the road. The receiver shall ensure that the entire seizure process is witnessed and documents are signed by an independent person of the public whose complete details along with documents of identity are taken. Petitioner shall not dispose of the said vehicle without the permission of the Court. It is further directed that the receiver at the time of seizing the vehicle shall prepare an inventory of the articles found from the vehicle. The exact date and time of seizure shall also be noted down and a copy of the seizure memo shall be supplied to the respondent or his representative at the spot itself. Before taking possession, the respondent shall be permitted to remove his belongings from the vehicle. Receiver can take the help

of the police, if required. The receiver is directed to submit his report within ten days of the seizure of the vehicle. Since an official of the petitioner bank is appointed as receiver at specific request, so it is further ordered that the petitioner shall also ensure that the receiver submits his report within the prescribed time. Petitioner shall also place on the record the documents to show that the arbitration clause has been invoked and the process of appointment of the arbitrator has been initiated. In the event of any of the above terms and conditions of this order are not complied with by the petitioner, the Court may release the vehicle on the terms and conditions deemed fit by the Court and order of appointment of receiver shall be vacated. In case the vehicle is not repossessed within a period of three months from the date of appointment of receiver, the order shall be vacated. Documents of identity of receiver be placed on record within three working days. 7. Copy of the order be given dasti to the counsel for the

petitioner, as prayed. Announced in the open Court on SHARMA) this 15th day of February, 2012. Delhi. ADJ-02, Wakf Tribunal, New (NIVEDITA ANIL


M/s Tata Capital Limited, Kanchanjunga Building,4th Floor, 18,Barakhamba Road,New Delhi-110001. ......................................................................................................Petitio ner. Versus 1.M/s Topline Build Tech Private Limited, Through its Directors, 302,Ansal Chamber-II, 3rd Floor,6 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066. 2.Mr.Vikas Uppal, Care of Mr.V.K.Uppal, 15/4,Sarva Priya Vihar, New Delhi-110017. ..................................................................................................Respond ents 15.02.2012 Appearances: Mr.Ajay Kohli counsel for petitioner. ORDER 1. A petition under section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) has been filed by the petitioner in which the prayer has also been made for appointing ex parte interim receiver to take the possession of the vehicle/machine i.e. mounted concrete pump model-HBT40C-1408DY having chasis number 10TBI14080051. 2. In brief the case of the petitioner is that the respondent had

approached the petitioner bank to avail loan facility to purchase of the vehicle/machine i.e. mounted concrete pump modelHBT40C-1408DY having chasis number 10TBI14080051 and also promised to perform all his obligations as to the payment of the monthly installments. A total sum of Rs.13,50,000/- was granted as loan to the respondent vide loan agreement dated 28.08.2010 bearing loan agreement number 7000085415 and the said amount was repayable in 35 monthly installments of Rs.45925/- with interest. 3. As per the terms of the loan agreement, respondent purchased i.e. mounted concrete pump model10TBI14080051.The


HBT40C-1408DY having chasis number

respondent failed to adhere to the financial discipline of repayment of the loan either towards principal or interest thereon and also to make the vehicle available for inspection to the officials of the bank. The petitioner also issued notice to the respondent regarding the payment of the outstanding amount towards him and the possession of the vehicle but despite the notice, the respondent neither cared to reply to the notice nor has made any effort to repay the outstanding amount and also to hand over the peaceful possession of the vehicle. Only 10 installments have been made. There are 05 installments of Rs.45925/each(05x45925/-) overdue towards the principal, interest, penal interest and other dues for which legal notice dated 23.05.2011 and 26.11.2011 has been sent to the respondent. 4. The petitioner has claimed that it had a strong apprehension

that the respondent might sell away the vehicle. It was prayed that Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the petitioner bank be appointed as receiver to take possession of the mounted concrete pump

model-HBT40C-1408DY having chasis number 10TBI14080051 during pendency of the present petition. 4. I have heard arguments at length and have given my conscious

thought and prolonged consideration to the material on record, relevant provisions of law and the precedents on the point. 5. In view of the facts and circumstances of the case, this Court is

of the considered opinion that it is a fit case for appointment of an ex parte interim receiver. 6. Accordingly, Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the

petitioner bank, is hereby appointed as receiver who shall be under the direct control of the Court. He is directed to seize the mounted concrete pump model-HBT40C-1408DY having chasis number 10TBI14080051 in accordance with law and keep the same in safe custody. He shall remain personally present at the time of seizure of vehicle. The vehicle shall be seized between 8 am to 8 pm on a working day and not on the weekend. The vehicle shall not be seized while it is plying on the road. The receiver shall ensure that the entire seizure process is witnessed and documents are signed by an independent person of the public whose complete details along with documents of identity are taken. Petitioner shall not dispose of the said vehicle without the permission of the Court. It is further directed that the receiver at the time of seizing the vehicle shall prepare an inventory of the articles found from the vehicle. The exact date and time of seizure shall also be noted down and a copy of the seizure memo shall be supplied to the respondent or his representative at the spot itself. Before taking possession, the respondent shall be permitted to remove his belongings from the vehicle. Receiver can take the help

of the police, if required. The receiver is directed to submit his report within ten days of the seizure of the vehicle. Since an official of the petitioner bank is appointed as receiver at specific request, so it is further ordered that the petitioner shall also ensure that the receiver submits his report within the prescribed time. Petitioner shall also place on the record the documents to show that the arbitration clause has been invoked and the process of appointment of the arbitrator has been initiated. In the event of any of the above terms and conditions of this order are not complied with by the petitioner, the Court may release the vehicle on the terms and conditions deemed fit by the Court and order of appointment of receiver shall be vacated. In case the vehicle is not repossessed within a period of three months from the date of appointment of receiver, the order shall be vacated. Documents of identity of receiver be placed on record within three working days. 7. Copy of the order be given dasti to the counsel for the

petitioner, as prayed. Announced in the open Court on SHARMA) this 15th day of February, 2012. Delhi. ADJ-02, Wakf Tribunal, New (NIVEDITA ANIL


M/s Tata Capital Limited, Kanchanjunga Building,4th Floor, 18,Barakhamba Road,New Delhi-110001. ......................................................................................................Petitio ner. Versus 1.M/s Topline Build Tech Private Limited, Through its Directors, 302,Ansal Chamber-II, 3rd Floor,6 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066. 2.Mr.Vikas Uppal, Care of Mr.V.K.Uppal, 15/4,Sarva Priya Vihar, New Delhi-110017. ..................................................................................................Respond ents 15.02.2012 Appearances: Mr.Ajay Kohli counsel for petitioner. ORDER 1. A petition under section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) has been filed by the petitioner in which the prayer has also been made for appointing ex parte interim receiver to take the possession of the vehicle/machine i.e. mounted concrete pump model-HBT40C-1410DY having chasis number 010TB114080037. 2. In brief the case of the petitioner is that the respondent had

approached the petitioner bank to avail loan facility to purchase of the vehicle/machine i.e. mounted concrete pump modelHBT40C-1410DY having chasis number 010TB114080037 and

also promised to perform all his obligations as to the payment of the monthly installments. A total sum of Rs.13,50,000/- was granted as loan to the respondent vide loan agreement dated 21.06.2010 bearing loan agreement number 7000079907 and the said amount was repayable in 35 monthly installments of Rs.45600/- with interest. 3. As per the terms of the loan agreement, respondent purchased i.e. mounted concrete pump model010TB114080037.The


HBT40C-1410DY having chasis number

respondent failed to adhere to the financial discipline of repayment of the loan either towards principal or interest thereon and also to make the vehicle available for inspection to the officials of the bank. The petitioner also issued notice to the respondent regarding the payment of the outstanding amount towards him and the possession of the vehicle but despite the notice, the respondent neither cared to reply to the notice nor has made any effort to repay the outstanding amount and also to hand over the peaceful possession of the vehicle. Only 13 installments have been made. There are 04 installments of Rs.45600/each(04x45600/-) overdue towards the principal, interest, penal interest and other dues for which legal notice dated 21.12.2010 and 27.08.2011 has been sent to the respondent. 4. The petitioner has claimed that it had a strong apprehension

that the respondent might sell away the vehicle. It was prayed that Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the petitioner bank be appointed as receiver to take possession of the mounted concrete pump

model-HBT40C-1410DY having chasis number 010TB114080037 during pendency of the present petition. 4. I have heard arguments at length and have given my conscious

thought and prolonged consideration to the material on record, relevant provisions of law and the precedents on the point. 5. In view of the facts and circumstances of the case, this Court is

of the considered opinion that it is a fit case for appointment of an ex parte interim receiver. 6. Accordingly, Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the

petitioner bank, is hereby appointed as receiver who shall be under the direct control of the Court. He is directed to seize the mounted concrete pump model-HBT40C-1410DY having chasis number 010TB114080037 in accordance with law and keep the same in safe custody. He shall remain personally present at the time of seizure of vehicle. The vehicle shall be seized between 8 am to 8 pm on a working day and not on the weekend. The vehicle shall not be seized while it is plying on the road. The receiver shall ensure that the entire seizure process is witnessed and documents are signed by an independent person of the public whose complete details along with documents of identity are taken. Petitioner shall not dispose of the said vehicle without the permission of the Court. It is further directed that the receiver at the time of seizing the vehicle shall prepare an inventory of the articles found from the vehicle. The exact date and time of seizure shall also be noted down and a copy of the seizure memo shall be supplied to the respondent or his representative at the spot itself. Before taking possession, the respondent shall be permitted to remove his belongings from the vehicle. Receiver can take the help

of the police, if required. The receiver is directed to submit his report within ten days of the seizure of the vehicle. Since an official of the petitioner bank is appointed as receiver at specific request, so it is further ordered that the petitioner shall also ensure that the receiver submits his report within the prescribed time. Petitioner shall also place on the record the documents to show that the arbitration clause has been invoked and the process of appointment of the arbitrator has been initiated. In the event of any of the above terms and conditions of this order are not complied with by the petitioner, the Court may release the vehicle on the terms and conditions deemed fit by the Court and order of appointment of receiver shall be vacated. In case the vehicle is not repossessed within a period of three months from the date of appointment of receiver, the order shall be vacated. Documents of identity of receiver be placed on record within three working days. 7. Copy of the order be given dasti to the counsel for the

petitioner, as prayed. Announced in the open Court on SHARMA) this 15th day of February, 2012. Delhi. ADJ-02, Wakf Tribunal, New (NIVEDITA ANIL


M/s Tata Capital Limited, Kanchanjunga Building,4th Floor, 18,Barakhamba Road,New Delhi-110001. ......................................................................................................Petitio ner. Versus 1. Mr.Jamshed, Son of Mr.Rojdar, House Number 131,Village-Khori, Jamalpur,Post-Dhauj, Faridabad-122001,Haryana. 2.Mr.Rojdar, Care of Mr.Jamal Khan, House Number 73,Village-Khori, Jamalpur,Post-Dhauj, Faridabad-122001,Haryana. ..................................................................................................Respond ents 15.02.2012 Appearances: Mr.Ajay Kohli counsel for the petitioner. ORDER 1. A petition under section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) has been filed by the petitioner in which the prayer has also been made for appointing ex parte interim receiver to take the possession of the vehicle/machine i.e. AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01J62933889 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA12277. 2. In brief the case of the petitioner is that the respondent had

approached the petitioner bank to avail loan facility to purchase of the vehicle/machine i.e. AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01J62933889 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA12277 and also promised to perform all his obligations as to the payment of the monthly installments. A total sum of Rs.20,54,800/- was granted as loan to the respondent vide loan agreement dated 31.10.2010 bearing loan agreement number 7000093415 and the said amount was repayable in 34 monthly installments of Rs.70,860/- with interest. 3. As per the terms of the loan agreement, respondent purchased i.e. AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine and chasis number 01J62933889

vehicle/machine number

MBYB24900AKA12277.The respondent failed to adhere to the financial discipline of repayment of the loan either towards principal or interest thereon and also to make the vehicle available for inspection to the officials of the bank. The petitioner also issued notice to the respondent regarding the payment of the outstanding amount towards him and the possession of the vehicle but despite the notice, the respondent neither cared to reply to the notice nor has made any effort to repay the outstanding amount and also to hand over the peaceful possession of the vehicle. Only 08 installments have been made. There are 05 installments of Rs.70,860/-each(05x70,680/-) overdue towards the principal, interest, penal interest and other dues for which legal notice dated 27.08.2011 and 26.11.2011 has been sent to the respondent. 4. The petitioner has claimed that it had a strong apprehension

that the respondent might sell away the vehicle. It was prayed that Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the petitioner bank be appointed

as receiver to take possession of the AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01J62933889 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA12277 during pendency of the present petition. 4. I have heard arguments at length and have given my conscious

thought and prolonged consideration to the material on record, relevant provisions of law and the precedents on the point. 5. In view of the facts and circumstances of the case, this Court is

of the considered opinion that it is a fit case for appointment of an ex parte interim receiver. 6. Accordingly, Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the

petitioner bank, is hereby appointed as receiver who shall be under the direct control of the Court. He is directed to seize the AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01J62933889 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA12277 in accordance with law and keep the same in safe custody. He shall remain personally present at the time of seizure of vehicle. The vehicle shall be seized between 8 am to 8 pm on a working day and not on the weekend. The vehicle shall not be seized while it is plying on the road. The receiver shall ensure that the entire seizure process is witnessed and documents are signed by an independent person of the public whose complete details along with documents of identity are taken. Petitioner shall not dispose of the said vehicle without the permission of the Court. It is further directed that the receiver at the time of seizing the vehicle shall prepare an inventory of the articles found from the vehicle. The exact date and time of seizure shall also be noted down and a copy of the seizure memo shall be supplied to the respondent or his representative at the spot itself. Before taking possession, the respondent shall be

permitted to remove his belongings from the vehicle. Receiver can take the help of the police, if required. The receiver is directed to submit his report within ten days of the seizure of the vehicle. Since an official of the petitioner bank is appointed as receiver at specific request, so it is further ordered that the petitioner shall also ensure that the receiver submits his report within the prescribed time. Petitioner shall also place on the record the documents to show that the arbitration clause has been invoked and the process of appointment of the arbitrator has been initiated. In the event of any of the above terms and conditions of this order are not complied with by the petitioner, the Court may release the vehicle on the terms and conditions deemed fit by the Court and order of appointment of receiver shall be vacated. In case the vehicle is not repossessed within a period of three months from the date of appointment of receiver, the order shall be vacated. Documents of identity of receiver be placed on record within three working days. 7. Copy of the order be given dasti to the counsel for the

petitioner, as prayed. Announced in the open Court on SHARMA) this 15th day of February, 2012. Delhi. ADJ-02, Wakf Tribunal, New (NIVEDITA ANIL


M/s Tata Capital Limited, Kanchanjunga Building,4th Floor, 18,Barakhamba Road,New Delhi-110001. ......................................................................................................Petitio ner. Versus 1. Mr.Jamshed, Son of Mr.Rojdar, House Number 131,Village-Khori, Jamalpur,Post-Dhauj, Faridabad-122001,Haryana. 2.Mr.Rojdar, House Number 73,Village-Khori, Jamalpur,Post-Dhauj, Faridabad-122001,Haryana. ..................................................................................................Respond ents 15.02.2012 Appearances: Mr.Ajay Kohli counsel for petitioner. ORDER 1. A petition under section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) has been filed by the petitioner in which the prayer has also been made for appointing ex parte interim receiver to take the possession of the vehicle/machine i.e. AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01J62933892 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA11445. 2. In brief the case of the petitioner is that the respondent had

approached the petitioner bank to avail loan facility to purchase of the vehicle/machine i.e. AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01J62933892 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA11445 and also promised to perform all his obligations as to the payment of the monthly installments. A total sum of Rs.20,54,800/- was granted as loan to the respondent vide loan agreement dated 31.10.2010 bearing loan agreement number 7000093411 and the said amount was repayable in 34 monthly installments of Rs.70,860/- with interest. 3. As per the terms of the loan agreement, respondent purchased i.e.AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine and chasis number 01J62933892

vehicle/machine number

MBYB24900AKA11445.The respondent failed to adhere to the financial discipline of repayment of the loan either towards principal or interest thereon and also to make the vehicle available for inspection to the officials of the bank. The petitioner also issued notice to the respondent regarding the payment of the outstanding amount towards him and the possession of the vehicle but despite the notice, the respondent neither cared to reply to the notice nor has made any effort to repay the outstanding amount and also to hand over the peaceful possession of the vehicle. Only 08 installments have been made. There are 05 installments of Rs.70,860/-each(05x70,680/-) overdue towards the principal, interest, penal interest and other dues for which legal notice dated 27.08.2011 & 21.11.2011 has been sent to the respondent. 4. The petitioner has claimed that it had a strong apprehension

that the respondent might sell away the vehicle. It was prayed that Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the petitioner bank be appointed

as receiver to take possession of the AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01J62933892 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA11445 during pendency of the present petition. 4. I have heard arguments at length and have given my conscious

thought and prolonged consideration to the material on record, relevant provisions of law and the precedents on the point. 5. In view of the facts and circumstances of the case, this Court is

of the considered opinion that it is a fit case for appointment of an ex parte interim receiver. 6. Accordingly, Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the

petitioner bank, is hereby appointed as receiver who shall be under the direct control of the Court. He is directed to seize the AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01J62933892 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA11445 in accordance with law and keep the same in safe custody. He shall remain personally present at the time of seizure of vehicle. The vehicle shall be seized between 8 am to 8 pm on a working day and not on the weekend. The vehicle shall not be seized while it is plying on the road. The receiver shall ensure that the entire seizure process is witnessed and documents are signed by an independent person of the public whose complete details along with documents of identity are taken. Petitioner shall not dispose of the said vehicle without the permission of the Court. It is further directed that the receiver at the time of seizing the vehicle shall prepare an inventory of the articles found from the vehicle. The exact date and time of seizure shall also be noted down and a copy of the seizure memo shall be supplied to the respondent or his representative at the spot itself. Before taking possession, the respondent shall be

permitted to remove his belongings from the vehicle. Receiver can take the help of the police, if required. The receiver is directed to submit his report within ten days of the seizure of the vehicle. Since an official of the petitioner bank is appointed as receiver at specific request, so it is further ordered that the petitioner shall also ensure that the receiver submits his report within the prescribed time. Petitioner shall also place on the record the documents to show that the arbitration clause has been invoked and the process of appointment of the arbitrator has been initiated. In the event of any of the above terms and conditions of this order are not complied with by the petitioner, the Court may release the vehicle on the terms and conditions deemed fit by the Court and order of appointment of receiver shall be vacated. In case the vehicle is not repossessed within a period of three months from the date of appointment of receiver, the order shall be vacated. Documents of identity of receiver be placed on record within three working days. 7. Copy of the order be given dasti to the counsel for the

petitioner, as prayed. Announced in the open Court on SHARMA) this 15th day of February, 2012. Delhi. ADJ-02, Wakf Tribunal, New (NIVEDITA ANIL


M/s Tata Capital Limited, Kanchanjunga Building,4th Floor, 18,Barakhamba Road,New Delhi-110001. ......................................................................................................Petitio ner. Versus 1. Mr.Jamshed, Son of Mr.Rojdar, House Number 131,Village-Khori, Jamalpur,Post-Dhauj, Faridabad-122001,Haryana. 2.Mr.Rojdar, Care of Mr.Jamal Khan, House Number 73,Village-Khori, Jamalpur,Post-Dhauj, Faridabad-122001,Haryana. ..................................................................................................Respond ents 15.02.2012 Appearances: Mr.Ajay Kohli counsel for the petitioner. ORDER 1. A petition under section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) has been filed by the petitioner in which the prayer has also been made for appointing ex parte interim receiver to take the possession of the vehicle/machine i.e. AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01K62936208 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA12337.


In brief the case of the petitioner is that the respondent had AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine

approached the petitioner bank to avail loan facility to purchase of the vehicle/machine i.e. number 01K62936208 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA12337 and also promised to perform all his obligations as to the payment of the monthly installments. A total sum of Rs.20,54,800/- was granted as loan to the respondent vide loan agreement dated 31.10.2010 bearing loan agreement number 7000093408 and the said amount was repayable in 34 monthly installments of Rs.70,860/- with interest. 3. As per the terms of the loan agreement, respondent purchased i.e. AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine and chasis number 01K62936208

vehicle/machine number

MBYB24900AKA12337.The respondent failed to adhere to the financial discipline of repayment of the loan either towards principal or interest thereon and also to make the vehicle available for inspection to the officials of the bank. The petitioner also issued notice to the respondent regarding the payment of the outstanding amount towards him and the possession of the vehicle but despite the notice, the respondent neither cared to reply to the notice nor has made any effort to repay the outstanding amount and also to hand over the peaceful possession of the vehicle. Only 08 installments have been made. There are 05 installments of Rs.70,860/-each(05x70,680/-) overdue towards the principal, interest, penal interest and other dues for which legal notice dated 27.08.2011 & 26.11.2011 has been sent to the respondent. 4. The petitioner has claimed that it had a strong apprehension

that the respondent might sell away the vehicle. It was prayed that

Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the petitioner bank be appointed as receiver to take possession of the AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01K62936208 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA12337. during pendency of the present petition. 4. I have heard arguments at length and have given my conscious

thought and prolonged consideration to the material on record, relevant provisions of law and the precedents on the point. 5. In view of the facts and circumstances of the case, this Court is

of the considered opinion that it is a fit case for appointment of an ex parte interim receiver. 6. Accordingly, Mr.Ram Niwas Sharma, Officer of the

petitioner bank, is hereby appointed as receiver who shall be under the direct control of the Court. He is directed to seize the AMW Tipper Model:2518 having engine number 01K62936208 and chasis number MBYB24900AKA12337 in accordance with law and keep the same in safe custody. He shall remain personally present at the time of seizure of vehicle. The vehicle shall be seized between 8 am to 8 pm on a working day and not on the weekend. The vehicle shall not be seized while it is plying on the road. The receiver shall ensure that the entire seizure process is witnessed and documents are signed by an independent person of the public whose complete details along with documents of identity are taken. Petitioner shall not dispose of the said vehicle without the permission of the Court. It is further directed that the receiver at the time of seizing the vehicle shall prepare an inventory of the articles found from the vehicle. The exact date and time of seizure shall also be noted down and a copy of the seizure memo shall be supplied to the respondent or his representative

at the spot itself. Before taking possession, the respondent shall be permitted to remove his belongings from the vehicle. Receiver can take the help of the police, if required. The receiver is directed to submit his report within ten days of the seizure of the vehicle. Since an official of the petitioner bank is appointed as receiver at specific request, so it is further ordered that the petitioner shall also ensure that the receiver submits his report within the prescribed time. Petitioner shall also place on the record the documents to show that the arbitration clause has been invoked and the process of appointment of the arbitrator has been initiated. In the event of any of the above terms and conditions of this order are not complied with by the petitioner, the Court may release the vehicle on the terms and conditions deemed fit by the Court and order of appointment of receiver shall be vacated. In case the vehicle is not repossessed within a period of three months from the date of appointment of receiver, the order shall be vacated. Documents of identity of receiver be placed on record within three working days. 7. Copy of the order be given dasti to the counsel for the

petitioner, as prayed. Announced in the open Court on SHARMA) this 15th day of February, 2012. Delhi. ADJ-02, Wakf Tribunal, New (NIVEDITA ANIL

StatevsOmPrakash FIRNo.12/08 PSSangamVihar 15.02.2012 Present: None. It is 3.40pm. As none has appeared on behalf of applicant, it seems that he is not interested in pursuing the application. The same is dismissed in default. Application be consignedtoRR.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

RCA7/12,8/12&9/12 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.PuneetYadavcounselforappellant. The respondents were not served with the present appealastheywereproceededexpartebeforethetrialcourt. Furtherargumentsheard. Videseparatejudgmentofevendate,appealis allowed. TCR be sent back alongwith attested copy of the judgmentforcompliance. AppealfilebeconsignedtoRR. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

LAC11/09 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ShyamDuttcounselforpetitioner. Mr.B.MahapatracounselforUOI. Mr.NirajKumarcounselforL&DO. Mr.S.K.JhacounselforDMRC. Counselforpetitionerhasrequestedforadjournment submitting that inadvertently he was not able to move an applicationbeforeLACforcorrectionofthenameofownerof theacquiredpropertyintheaward.Notopposed.Matterbelisted forfurtherproceedingson29.2.2012at2pm. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.145/12 15.02.2012 Freshcasereceived.Itbecheckedandregistered. Present: Mr.DilpreetSinghcounselforplaintiff. Mr.SanjeevSharmacounselfordefendantno.1. Copiesoftheplaint,applicationsandannexureshave beengiventothecounselfordefendantno.1,asrequested. Defendant no.1 has already filed a caveat which is alsoannexedherewith. Counselfordefendantno.1hassubmittedthatason date, he is representing only defendant no.1 and that in all probability,hewouldalsobe representingdefendantno.2to4 whomaybeservedseparately. Heard. Perused. Considered. Heard on the interim applicationalso. Boththecounselshavesubmittedthatthepartiesare willingtoexplorethepossibilityofsettlement. Notice of the plaint as well as the applications be issuedtodefendantno.2to4onPF/RC/speedpostontakingof immediatestepsfor22.2.2012at11.30am. Matter be also listed for personal appearance of partner of plaintiff and defendant no.2 to 4 alongwith their respectivecounselsforexploringthepossibilityofsettlement.In themeanwhiletillthenextdateofhearing,anexparteadinterim orderispassedinfavourofplaintiffandagainstthedefendants restraining them, their officer,agents and assigns or anybody actingunderthemfrominanymannercarryingoutchangesin the Articles of Association of the defendant no.1 company relating to removal of its directors and composition of its existing Board of Directors either by removal of existing DirectorsorbyinductionofanynewDirectorwithoutwritten consent ofthe plaintiffandfurther, restrainingthe defendants, theirofficers,agentsandassignsoranybodyactingunderthem frominanymanneralienatingtheassetsofthedefendantno.1or creatingthirdpartyinteresttherein.

Copyoftheorderbegivendastitoboththesides,as requested. Matterbelistedon22.2.2012at11.30am.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.144/12 15.02.2012 Freshcasereceived.Itbecheckedandregistered. Present: Mr.DilpreetSinghcounselforplaintiff. Mr.SanjeevNarulacounselfordefendantno.1. Copiesoftheplaint,applicationsandannexureshave beengiventothecounselfordefendantno.1,asrequested. Defendant no.1 has already filed a caveat which is alsoannexedherewith. Counselfordefendantno.1hassubmittedthatason date, he is representing only defendant no.1 and that in all probability,hewouldalsobe representingdefendantno.2to4 whomaybeservedseparately. Heard. Perused. Considered. Heard on the interim applicationalso. Boththecounselshavesubmittedthatthepartiesare willingtoexplorethepossibilityofsettlement. Notice of the plaint as well as the applications be issuedtodefendantno.2to4onPF/RC/speedpostontakingof immediatestepsfor22.2.2012at11.30am. Matter be also listed for personal appearance of partner of plaintiff and defendant no.2 to 4 alongwith their respectivecounselsforexploringthepossibilityofsettlement.In themeanwhiletillthenextdateofhearing,anexparteadinterim orderispassedinfavourofplaintiffandagainstthedefendants restraining them, their officer,agents and assigns or anybody actingunderthemfrominanymannercarryingoutchangesin the Articles of Association of the defendant no.1 company relating to removal of its directors and composition of its existing Board of Directors either by removal of existing DirectorsorbyinductionofanynewDirectorwithoutwritten consent ofthe plaintiffandfurther, restrainingthe defendants, theirofficers,agentsandassignsoranybodyactingunderthem frominanymanneralienatingtheassetsofthedefendantno.1or creatingthirdpartyinteresttherein.

Copyoftheorderbegivendastitoboththesides,as requested. Matterbelistedon22.2.2012at11.30am.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

Ex.98/10 15.02.2012 Present: None. Itis3.05pm. AsnonehasappearedonbehalfofDH,itseemsthat he is not interested in pursuing the execution. The same is dismissedindefault.ExecutionfilebeconsignedtoRR. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

142/12,147/12&148/12 15.02.2012 Freshcasereceived.Itbecheckedandregistered. Present: Mr.SanjayKumarcounselforpetitioner. Heard.Matterbelistedon25.2.2012for consideration. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

46/08 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ShyamDuttcounselforpetitioner. Mr.NirajKumarasproxycounselforUOI. Mr.S.K.JhacounselforDMRC. Mr.SanjeevYadavcounselforL&DO. PW1 Mr.Sanjay Aggarwal is examined and discharged. Petitionerandhiscounselhassubmittedthattheyare nottoleadanyfurtherevidence.PEisclosed. MatterbelistedforREfor22.2.2012at2pm. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012


MR.G.C.AGGARWAL R/O HOUSE NO.77,HARGOVIND ENCLAVE, NEW DELHI AGE51 YEARS, OCCUPATION BUSINESS. ONS.A. I tender my affidavit in my evidence. Same is Ex.PW1/A,itbearsmysignatureatpointAandB.Thecontents ofmyaffidavitaretrueandcorrect.Irelyuponthedocuments whichhavealreadybeenprovedinthiscase aswellasinthe connectedcasebearingLACno.53/08. XXXXXXBY MR.S.K.JHA COUNSEL FOR DMRC, MR.NIRAJKUMARASPROXYCOUNSELFORUOIAND MR.SANJEEVYADAVCOUNSELFORL&DO. ItiscorrectthatIndraprakashApartmentsOccupants Association has filed a writ petition before the Honble High CourtofDelhiagainstL&DO.Writpetitionisfiledagainstthe orderofL&DOtoreentertheproperty.Iamnotpersonallyparty inthewritpetition,however,itwasfiledbyourAssociation.Ido notrememberwhetheranydocumenthasbeenfiledbymebefore LACbeforepassingoftheawardinquestion.Idonotremember whetherIamthepartyintheawardpassedbytheLAC.Ihave filedmyclaimbeforeLandAcquisitionCollector.Ihavenotfiled

anysaledeedwithrespecttoascertainingthemarketvalueofthe landinquestionbeforeLACbeforethesaidawardwaspassedby the LAC. Indraparkash Building was constructed on the lease holdlandleasedbyL&DO.ItiscorrectthatBengaliMarketis abuttingtheBarakhambhaRoad.Ihavenotfiledanydocument showingmyownershipoftheflatno.322whichisinthenameof M/sTilyarInvestmentsPvt.Ltd.ofwhichIamDirector.However, thesameisfiledinreferenceu/s30&31ofL.A.Act.Itiscorrect that the rates prevailing in the year 200304 for the property situatedatBarakhambaRoad arenotcomparabletotheprices prevailingintheyear2007asthepriceshaveappreciatedsince 200304.Itiswrongtosuggestthattheflatownershaveviolated thetermsandconditionsoftheleaseduetowhichL&DOhas cancelledtheleasedeedandreenteredthepropertyinquestion.I am not aware whether the lease given by L&DO has been cancelled.Ihavenotfiledanydocumentsshowingthatthemarket valueofthelandinquestionwasRs.ThreeLacspersquaremeter atthetimeofacquisition.ItiswrongtosuggestthattheLAChas rightlyassessedthemarketvalueofthelandatRs.57,960/per sq.meter.Itisfurtherwrongtosuggestthattheawardpassedby LACisjustandproper.ItiswrongtosuggesttosuggestthatIam nottheowneroftheflatinquestion.Itiswrongtosuggestthat LAC has rightly considered the market value of the property

situatedinBengaliMarketandBabarLanetoassessthemarket value of the land in question. It is wrong to suggest that the marketvalueofthelandatBarakhambaRoadandBengaliMarket arecomparable.Therearepropertieswhicharepurelyresidential in nature situated on Barakhamba Road. It is correct that Barakhamba Road is a very busy road. It is correct that in 200304 Barakhamba Road was not widened. It is wrong to suggestthatthereusedtotrafficjamintheyear200304.Itis wrong to suggest that many of the MNCs had moved out of ConnaughtPlaceandBarakhambaRoadareabecauseoftraffic congestionandotherhalfhadmovedoutduetopaucityofspace toNoida,Gurgaonetc.ItiswrongtosuggestthatIamdeposing falsely.


(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

63/08 PW4 STATEMENT OF MR.SUMIT GARG SON OF MR.P.K.GARG R/O 71,F.KAMLA NAGAR,NEW DELHI,AGE41YEARS,OCCUPATIONPRIVATEJOB. ONS.A. I am working as account officer in the petitioner associationi.e.IndraprakashApartmentsOccupantsAssociation having its registered office at 901,Indraprakash Building,21 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. I tender my affidavit in my evidence.SameisEx.PW4/A,itbearsmysignatureatpointA andB.Thecontentsofmyaffidavitaretrueandcorrect. Irely

XXXXXXBY MR.S.K.JHA COUNSEL FOR DMRC, MR.NIRAJKUMARCOUNSELFORL&DOANDMR.NIRAJ KUMARASPROXYCOUNSELFORUOI. Ihavenopersonalknowledgeaboutthecase.WhatI havestatedisonthebasisofrecordmaintainedbytheassociation intheordinarycourseofbusiness. RO&AC (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

63/08 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ShyamDuttcounselforpetitioner. Mr.NirajKumarasproxycounselforUOI. Mr.S.K.JhacounselforDMRC. Mr.NirajKumarcounselforL&DO. Itispointedoutthaton04.02.2012PW3Mr.Anwar Gautamwasexaminedanddischargedbutinadvertentlyitwasnot mentionedintheordersheetdated04.02.2012. PW4Mr.SumitGargisexaminedanddischarged. Petitionerandhiscounselhassubmittedthattheyare nottoleadanyfurtherevidence.PEisclosed. MatterbelistedforREfor22.2.2012at2pm. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

Counselfortherespondentshavesubmittedthatthey arenottoleadanyfurtherevidenceandtheevidenceleadearlier bythem,maybetakenintoconsideration.Inthecircumstances, REisalsoclosed. Partargumentsheard. Matterbelistedon22.2.2012forfurtherarguments,if any/judgmentat2p.m.

106/12 15.02.2012 Present Mr.AjayKohli,counselforthepetitioner. Heardontheapplicationforappointmentofexparte receiver. Vide separate order of even date, the receiver is appointed as ex parte to take the possession of vehicle in question. Documentsofidentityofreceiverbeplacedonrecord withinthreeworkingdays. Matternowbelistedforfilingoftheaffidavitofthe receiverregardingrepossessionofthevehicleaswellasservice oftherespondentwiththemainpetition aswellastheinterim applicationonfilingPF/RC/SpeedPostontakingofstepswithin threeworkingdaysfor4.4.2012. Copyoftheorderbegivendastitothecounselfor petitioner,asrequested. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

100/12,101/12,102/12,103/12,104/12&105/12 15.02.2012 Present Mr.AjayKohli,counselforthepetitioner. Heardontheapplicationforappointmentofexparte receiver. Vide separate order of even date, the receiver is appointed as ex parte to take the possession of vehicle in question. Documentsofidentityofreceiverbeplacedonrecord withinthreeworkingdays. Matternowbelistedforfilingoftheaffidavitofthe receiverregardingrepossessionofthevehicleaswellasservice oftherespondentwiththemainpetition aswellastheinterim applicationonfilingPF/RC/SpeedPostontakingofstepswithin threeworkingdaysfor4.4.2012. Copyoftheorderbegivendastitothecounselfor petitioner,asrequested. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.14/11 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.S.K.GargcounselwithMr.Gurmit,managerof plaintiff. NoneforD1&2. D3&4areexparte. Matter is adjourned for appearance of D1&2 for


(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.288/11 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.L.R.Goelcounselforplaintiff. None for D1 to 3 who have refused to accept the serviceofsummonson3.11.2011and22.12.2011. Mr.Pramod Jain,Director of D4 is present. He has submittedthatMr.VinayJainwhoisshownasproprietorofD4 andinhispersonalcapacityasD5,ishissonandhasnoconcern withM/s Vinay Exports, as Mr.Pramod Jainisdirector ofthe same. Replicationfiled.Copygiven. Anapplicationu/o1rule10r/worderVIrule17r/w section151CPCfiledonbehalfofplaintiffalongwithamended plaint.Copygiven. AsD1to3havefailedtoputinappearancedespite theirbeingserved,sincetheyhaverefusedtoacceptthesame,D1 to3areherebyproceededexparte. Adjournment is requested by Mr.Pramod Jain submittingthathiscounselisnotavailabletoday.Notopposed. Matterisadjournedforreply,ifanyandargumentsfor 30.3.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.275/10 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.RajeshGuptacounselforpetitioner. Noneforrespondent. Counselforpetitionerhassubmittedthathehashada telephonicconversationtwicetodaywithMr.AmitGuptacounsel forrespondentandinformedhimabouttodaysdateaswellasthe factthatthefileisstillpendingbutMr.AmitGuptahastoldhim thathemayormaynotbeabletoappearbeforecourttodayashis matteriscomingupinRohiniCourtsat2pm. Arguments of the counsel for the petitioner has alreadybeenadvancedonthelastdateofhearing. Last opportunity granted to the respondent for advancing arguments for 21.2.2012 at 2pm failing which the mattershallbedecidedonmerits. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

M18/10 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ArshadAliproxycounselforplaintiff. Mr.RajanLalcounselforD1. Mr.Mohd.Qaisar,lawofficerand Mr.Mohd.Abbas,court clerkforD2. NoneforD3. Adjournmentisrequestedsubmittingthatthecounsel forplaintiffisnotavailabletoday.CounselforD3hasalsonot appearedtoday. Onemoreopportunitybeingabsolutelylastandfinal opportunitygrantedforargumentsontheapplicationu/o39rule 1&2CPCfor3.4.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.136/08 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.C.P.Vigcounselforplaintiff. Ms.RajniChauhancounselforD1toD3. D1inperson. Mr.RajivGuptaARofplaintiff. ProxycounselforD4. Amended W/s filed on behalf of D1 to D3 alongwithdocuments.Copygiven. Matter adjourned for further proceedings for 5.3.2012.(Asplaintiffis75yearsold,thiscasebeidentifiedasthat ofaseniorcitizenandnotingbemadeintheindexofthefile.) (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.220/11 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.AmitSinhacounselforthepetitioner. Respondentisnotserved. Itissubmittedbythecounselforthepetitionerthat the vehicle has since been repossessed and the arbitration proceedingshasalreadybeeninitiated. AnapplicationunderorderVRule20r/wsection151 CPChasbeenfiledonbehalfofpetitionerforsubstitutedservice ofnoticeuponthe respondent.Heard.Perused.Considered.On perusalofthefile,Ifindthattherespondentcannotbeservedby ordinary process. In the circumstances, application is hereby allowed. Service now be effected upon respondent by way of publication in the News paper Swadesh on filing PF and publicationchargefor24.03.2012.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

725/09 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.RajeshGuptaproxycounselforthepetitioner. Mr.AbhishekKumarcounselforrespondent. Mr.Deepak Awasthi counsel for NSE. He has submittedthatthearbitrationrecordhasalreadybeensubmitted. Adjournment requested submitting that the main counselforpetitionerisnotavailabletoday. Matter is adjourned for 24.3.2012 alongwith other connectedmatters. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

262/11&157/10 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.AbhishekKumarcounselforpetitioner. Mr.RajeshGuptaproxycounselfortherespondent. Mr.Deepak Awasthi counsel for NSE. He has submittedthatthearbitrationrecordhasalreadybeensubmitted. Anapplicationu/s9oftheArbitration&Conciliation Actandu/s94r/wsection151CPCfiledonbehalfofrespondent. Copygiven. Adjournment requested submitting that the main counselforrespondentisnotavailabletoday. Matter is adjourned for 24.3.2012 for reply and argumentsontheapplicationfiledtoday. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.74/11 STATEMENT OF MR.AMIT SINHA COUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONER. WITHOUTOATH Ihaveinstructionstomakestatementonbehalfofthe petitioner. An award has already been passed in favour of the petitionerandagainsttherespondentandinthecircumstances, thepetitionerdoesnotwishtopursuethecaseanyfurther.Itis prayedthatthecasemaybedisposedoffaswithdrawn. RO&AC (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.74/11 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.AmitSinhacounselforthepetitioner. Itissubmittedthatanawardhasalreadybeenpassed infavourofthepetitionerandagainsttherespondentandinthe circumstances,thepetitionerdoesnotwishtopursuethecaseany further. It is prayed that the case may be disposed off as withdrawn. Statement of counsel for the petitioner has been recordedseparatelyinthisregard. Inviewofthesubmissionsmadeandthestatementof counselforthepetitioner,caseisdisposedoffaswithdrawn.File beconsignedtoRR. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.80/11 STATEMENT OF MR.DHRUVA RAI COUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONER. WITHOUTOATH Ihaveinstructionstomakestatementonbehalfofthe petitioner. It is prayed that the case may be dismissed as withdrawnastherespondenthasregularizedtheaccount. RO&AC (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.80/11 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.DhruvaRaicounselforthepetitioner. It is submitted that the case may be dismissed as withdrawn as the respondent has regularized the account. Statement of counsel for the petitioner has been recorded separatelyinthisregard. Inviewofthesubmissionsmadeandthestatementof counselforthepetitioner,caseisdismissedasaswithdrawn.File beconsignedtoRR. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.264/11 15.02.2012 Present: Proxycounselforthepetitioner. Nonefortherespondent. Adjournmentisrequestedsubmittingthatthecounsel forthepetitionerisnotwellandisunabletoappearbeforecourt today. Beawaited.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

SuitNo.42/12&43/12 15.02.2012 Present: back. Respondentbeservedafreshfor4.4.2012. Mr.DhruvaRaicounselforpetitioner. Processissuedtorespondenthasnotbeenreceived

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

M12/10 15.02.2012 Present: PlaintiffinpersonwithMr.Mohd.Shahzadcounsel. Mr.Mohd.Qaisar,lawofficerand Mr.Mohd.Abbas,court clerkfordefendant. AdjournmentisrequestedforfilingofamendedW/s submitting that the same is not ready. Not opposed. Matter is adjournedforfilingofamendedW/stotheamendedplaintas wellasforargumentsontheapplicationu/o39rules1&2CPC for6.3.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

M/17/10 15.02.2012 Present: Mr.ArshadAliproxycounselforplaintiff. Mr.Mohd.Qaisar,lawofficerand Mr.Mohd.Abbas,court clerkfordefendant. Mr.Mohd.Qaisar,law officer has submitted that the counselisnotavailableandheshallbereportingintheofficefor changeoflawyerastheconcernedlawyerhasnotbeenappearing inthepresentmatter. Matter is adjourned for filing of documents and argumentsontheapplicationofplaintiffu/o39rules1&2CPC for3.4.2012. (NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/NewDelhi 15.02.2012

MCANo.01/2012 15.02.2012 At this stage, Mr. BaharUBarqi, counsel for the defendant/Caveatorhasalsoappearedandorderiscommunicatedto him. Filenowbetakenupforconsiderationonthealreadydate fixedi.e.16.02.2012at2.00pm.

(NiveditaAnilSharma) ADJ02/WakfTribunalNewDelhi 15.02.2012

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