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Address: Via Rusca 9 20015 Parabiago (MI) Italy Phone: +39.0331.559534 | Mob. +39.348.0074640 Web: | www.renergyplus.


Advanced Renewable Energy Services

5 MWp Solar Energy project Gujarat INDIA

Address: Via Rusca 9 20015 Parabiago (MI) Italy Phone: +39.0331.559534 | Mob. +39.348.0074640 Web: |

Advanced Renewable Energy Services

Table of content

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About Renergy Plus ................................................................................................................ 3 PROJECT SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Geographic location and solar irradiation ........................................................................ 4 2.1.1 Geographic location .................................................................................................. 4 2.1.2 Solar Radiation Resource Assessment ...................................................................... 5 2.2 Project rights and authorization status ............................................................................. 7 2.2.1 PPA details ................................................................................................................ 7 2.3 Financial statements ......................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Special services for non-Indian company ........................................................................ 8 2.5 Additional information ..................................................................................................... 8 3 Contacts................................................................................................................................... 9

Address: Via Rusca 9 20015 Parabiago (MI) Italy Phone: +39.0331.559534 | Mob. +39.348.0074640 Web: |

Advanced Renewable Energy Services

1 About Renergy Plus

Renergy Plus is a consultant company that provides advance services for renewable energy company. Renergy Plus interconnects the main market players of the renewable energy sector. With an extended international network of relationship, Renergy Plus is the bridge between investors, project developers, EPC contractors, installers and solar farm owners. Renergy Plus have direct contacts with solar energy key players in the followings countries, USA, UK, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Israel, Dubai, India, Italy, China, Morocco. The main key areas of Renergy Plus are: - operational solar farm - ready to build solar energy project in full turnkey solution - ready to build project rights and authorization - land procurement (India only) - solar module procurement - inverter procurement Renergy Plus manages a wide portfolio of solar energy investment opportunity within the above key area.

Address: Via Rusca 9 20015 Parabiago (MI) Italy Phone: +39.0331.559534 | Mob. +39.348.0074640 Web: |

Advanced Renewable Energy Services

The proposed 5 MWp is a solar PV project ground mounted located in Gujarat State in India country. The Gujarat State with more than 300 days / year of sun is one of the most area with high yearly irradiance of the entire India, this will guarantee high production rate for solar energy conversion. All the permits, clearances and power purchase agreement are in place, this is a shovel ready project.

2.1 Geographic location and solar irradiation

2.1.1 Geographic location
The solar farm will be located in Gujarat State. The geographic area is identified by point A in the following picture.

Address: Via Rusca 9 20015 Parabiago (MI) Italy Phone: +39.0331.559534 | Mob. +39.348.0074640 Web: |

Advanced Renewable Energy Services

Picture 1 Gujarat State

The land identified to build the solar farm is a Government land and has been secured through lease agreement for 35 years.

2.1.2 Solar Radiation Resource Assessment

The assessment of solar radiation has been performed using the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the SolarGis data. This location receives about 2240 kWh/m2 Direct Normal Incidence over the year.

Address: Via Rusca 9 20015 Parabiago (MI) Italy Phone: +39.0331.559534 | Mob. +39.348.0074640 Web: |

Advanced Renewable Energy Services

Picture 2 - India Solar Radiation Map

Based on the solar radiance and the total peak power of the solar farm the total estimated energy production is 8,760,000.00 kWh / Year with an estimate of 0.5-0,7% degradation each year. Productivity per installed KWp is 1752 KWh / KWp / Year.

Address: Via Rusca 9 20015 Parabiago (MI) Italy Phone: +39.0331.559534 | Mob. +39.348.0074640 Web: |

Advanced Renewable Energy Services

2.2 Project rights and authorization status

In this chapter are listed all the process authorization already completed. The project is now in ready to build status. The work can commence once the build & construction phase are commissioned to a local EPC. Land site secured with 35 years contract lease with Government; Engineering and planning are completed; All building permits are approved by local Government entities; PPA Contract signed with the government electricity distribution utility company; Interconnection agreements with the local utility are in place; Insurance covers are in place.

2.2.1 PPA details

The PPA complies with the rules of the S-REC guidelines of India. The project is on the REC mechanism. PPA has been signed with the off-taker for INR Rs. 9,98 per Kwh for the first 12 years and INR Rs. 7 per Kwh for the remaining 13 years generated by the solar farm for a total of 25 years period. The off-taker will provide the back to back LC to project owner /investors to secure the income from the power generation.

2.3 Financial statements

Following is shown some basic financial figures. The complete business plan with 25 years projection will be provided after a signed LOI. Expected revenue generated: first 12 years: INR Rs. 8,74,24,800.00 / year next 13 years: INR Rs. 6,13,20,000.00 / year The project is for sale at total cost of INR Rs. 9 Cr. Project can be commissioned to local EPC at typical cost of INR Rs 7-8 Cr / MWp all inclusive (expect project right and land).

Address: Via Rusca 9 20015 Parabiago (MI) Italy Phone: +39.0331.559534 | Mob. +39.348.0074640 Web: |

Advanced Renewable Energy Services

2.4 Special services for non-Indian company

Renergy Plus thanks to strong local partnership in India and the experience in wind acquisition will provide, to non-Indian companies, all the required consultant services for the correct acquisition of the project rights and the ownership of the lands. All the process is designed to be compliant with the latest FDI regulation (oct-2011). The foreign company is secured for the 100% transfer of the solar farm benefit.

2.5 Additional information

Owner of the project is a Special Purpose Entity (SPE) company. The SPE (a Limited Partnership) set up to own and operate the solar project (similar to LLC in the US). The Developer (name will be disclosed under LOI) is responsible from project inception to commissioning and will enter into special agreement for this project. There are no lawsuits, judgments or liens against the company outstanding or pending Build & construction phase can start within 30-60 days, after project commissioned to local EPC. The solar farm can be in operation in less than 6 months.

Address: Via Rusca 9 20015 Parabiago (MI) Italy Phone: +39.0331.559534 | Mob. +39.348.0074640 Web: |

Advanced Renewable Energy Services

3 Contacts
For any further information please refer to:
Valerio Palella | International Business Developer
Address: Via Rusca 9, 20015 Parabiago (MILANO) Italy Phone: +39 0331 559534 | Mobile: +39 348 0074640 Web: |

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