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A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 5 (READING) Prepared by: Rosette M. Pagapulangan and Christine Joy A.


I. Objectives

a. Notes details in the story. b. Suggests ways on how children can help their family save money.

II. Subject Matter

The Rag Doll Reference: Reading Gems 5 TX pp. 231-233 Materials: pictures, charts

III. Procedure:

Teachers Activity A. Pronunciation Drill Let us read the following words. Read them after me. /f/ fee proud forty prayer food package family pretty from passed B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation /p/

Pupils Activity

Pupils read the words.

How many of you have Yes maam! experienced earning some money? Do you know anybody of your age who helps his/her He is selling newspapers.

family earns a living? She is selling sampaguita. On the board are pictures of children doing He is cleaning a car. something. What can you see on the first picture? They are gathering junks and scraps. How about the second one? The third one? How about the last one? What do you think these children get out of what they are doing? 2. Unlocking of Difficulties Today, we will read a very interesting story. As you read the story, you will meet some new words. Lets try to find out what these words mean. On the board are pictures and words. Match the word with the pictures. They are able to earn some money.

A __ 1.

B a. medicine

__ 2.

b. pushcart

__ 3. c. package

__ 4.

d. dump site

__ 5.

e. rag doll

3. Presentation of the Motive Question. The story that we are about to read is entitled The Rag Doll. It is about two children who earn a living for their family. As you read the story, try to

find out how their life changed when one of them received a rag doll as a gift from someone. 4. Presentation of the General Comprehensive Questions. You will also answer the questions on the board after you have read the story. Lets read the questions.

Pupils read the questions. 1. Who are the characters in the story? 2. What did they do to earn a living? 3. What are their reasons why they want earn more? 4. What did their family usually do at night? 5. What did Doa Clara give to her goddaughter, Betty? 6. How did Betty treat her rag doll? 7. Why did Betty go to the dump site alone? 8. Why did Betty go straight home instead of going to the Kabise? 9. How did their life change when Betty received the rag doll?

5. Recall of Standards for Silent Reading

Sit up straight. Hold the book with both hands.

As we read, we follow some standards. Let us recall Read with your eyes, not with your lips. some of them. How do we sit? How will you hold your book? What will you use in reading Etc. 6. Silent reading of the Selection 7. Comprehensive checkup Let s now answer the questions on the board. C. Oral reading of the Selection Yes maam I will surely be happy about it. I will be happy because I and my family can already live without worrying where we will get our needs every day. Pupils answer the questions. Pupils read the selection.

D. Application If you were Betty, would you feel happy that your rag doll We should never give up no contains money? matter how hard our situation is. We should always think of ways to Why? make our lives better. E. Infusion of Values Do not buy things that are not needed. What lesson did you learn from Do not be picky. the story?

What suggestions can you give to other children on how they can help their family save money? IV. Evaluation Read the paragraph and answer the questions below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

The farmers of Panay perform the bongad to ensure rich harvest. During the rice planting, they put a comb and some coconuts on an altar as offering to the spirits. They also put together young branches of bunga with ikmo for the old people to show.

1. Who performed the bongad. a. fisherman of Panay b. farmers of Panay c. women of Panay d. children of Panay

2. When did they perform the bongad? a. during rainy season b. during a typhoon c. during the barrio fiesta d. during the rice planting

3. Where did they put the comb and some coconuts? a. on an altar b. on a basket c. on the porch d. on a boat

4. Why did they do this offering? a. To celebrate success c. to ensure rich harvest

b. To have a long life success

d. to calm the sea

5. What did they put together for the old people to show? a. Young fruits of banana with leaves b. Young branches of bunga with ikmo c. Young leaves of bayabas with sampalok d. Fresh flowers of sampaguita with ilang-ilang

V. Assignment Read : Roboy pp. 238-241 TX Answer the questions on FOLLOWING UP p. 242


K-r-r-i-n-g-g! went the old clock on the table.Wake up Betty! It is already late. We might not have anything more. said Ariel. Okay! Ill be up, said the sleepy Betty as she tried to open her eyes. After drinking hot coffee and eating pandesal, the two children got their pushcart. Soon, they were on their way to dump site. As they pushed their cart, they talked as they walked. I hope we will be able to get more usable things to be sold to kabise, said Ariel.

Yes, Ariel, we need to earn more, answered Betty. Mother needs medicine. She is coughing terribly. Classes will soon open and we need to pay our tuition fee, added Ariel. When the children arrived at the dump, there were already some children. So they joined others in sorting usable things. For the days effort, they were able to earn one hundred and forty pesos. They went to the drugstore to buy medicine for their mother. They also bought a little rice and a fish. Later, they were on their way home. Lets buy oranges for Mother, suggested Betty. Oh yes, she needs some to help ease her cough. When they reached home, they prepared their food right away. After feeding their mother, they gave her some oranges and the medicine. Their mother was so happy that she cried. How wonderful you are, children. Im so lucky to have you. Im so proud of you! remarked their mother as she wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks. The children embraced their mother. And they said happily.You are wonderful too, Mother. We are so lucky and proud to have you as our mother. Night, the family gathered together to say their prayers. What a sight to look at! The mother leading the prayers with the children answering devoutly. The two children continued their daily routine happily and without any complaint. They were happy and contented with their simple needs. One afternoon, while Betty was sitting near the window, she heard a loud voice. Good afternoon! Is this the house of Betty Zaraspe? Betty upon hearing her name, jumped out to see who was calling. She saw a driver with a package. Doa Clara is giving this package to her goddaughter, Betty said the driver. You must be Betty. Oh! Yes, sir, Im betty, answered Betty. So this is for you, said the man. Thank you very much. Please come in so mother can see you,said Betty. Never mind, thank you, remarked the driver. Doa Clara still needs the car at three oclock. So I must leave now. Just tell your mother that Doa Clara is extending her regards to her. Goodbye! Thank you again, sir, and goodbye! said Betty. Betty was so excited while telling her mother about the package. When she opened it, she found a pretty rag doll.

At last, I have a pretty doll! shouted Betty in delight.Ninang is so thoughtful! How can I thank her, Mother? asked Betty. You may write a letter to her, suggested her mother. From that time on, Betty was so happy with her rag doll. Every day, she brought it to the dump site. She cannot afford to leave it behind. So, after a while, the rag doll was soiled. The more Betty loved it. One day, Ariel got sick so Betty was forced to go to the dumpsite alone. Her only companion was her rag doll. After getting all the usable things at the dumpsite, Betty went straight to Kabise. On her way to Kabise, she met four boys. They were shouting and laughing boisterously. Betty was frightened upon seeing them and more so when they grabbed her rag doll. Please give me back my rag doll, pleased Betty. But her plea went to deaf ears. Instead of giving the rag doll back to Betty, they threw it down and passed it to one another. They even stepped on it. When they left, the rag doll was in terrible mess. It had a disheveled appearance. With tears in her eyes, Betty picked up the rag doll. Instead of going to Kabise, she went straight home to tell her mother what happened. When Ariel and her Mother saw the rag doll, they were so angry. What happened to the rag doll? Who did this terrible thing?asked Mother. Tell me and Ill punish them! said Ariel who stood up in spite of his fever. But before Betty could answer their questions, she saw something coming out of the ragdoll. Her eyes widened when she saw money coming out of the rag doll. The three were taken aback with what they saw. At mothers suggestion, they opened the ragdoll and to their big surprise, there was plenty of money inside the rag doll. We are rich now! shouted Ariel. I can buy another rag doll! said Betty. Thank God! exclaimed her mother.

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