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1) The enzymes of glycolysis are located in a) Cytosol b) Mitochondria c) Ribosome d) Nucleus 2) Which is an inhibitor of glycolysis a) Sodium acetate b) Sodium fluoride c) Fluoroacetate d) Malonate 3) 3 phosphoglycerate is converted to 2 phosphoglycerate by the enzyme a) Racemase b) Isomerase c) Mutase d) Hydrolase 4) In anaerobic glycolysis total ATPs produced are a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 5) In aerobic glycolysis total ATPs produced are a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10 6) Pyruvate is converted to oxaloacetate by the enzyme a) Pyruvate dehydrogenase b) Malic enzyme c) Pyruvate carboxylase d) Pyruvate decarboxylase 7) The amino acid which forms pyruvate a) Leucine b) Alanine c) Histidine d) Phenylalanine 8) An intermediate of Krebs cycle which is required for ketone body utilization is a) Isocitrate b) Siuccinyl CoA c) malate d) Alpha ketoglutarate 9) Which of the following stimulates glycogenesis a) Insulin b) Epinephrine c) Growth hormone d)Thyroxine 10) Substrate level phosphorylation in Krebs cycle is catalyzed bythe enzyme a) Succinate thiokinase b) Fumarase c) Succinate dehydrogenase d) Aconitase 11) Renal threshold for glucose is a) 180 mg % b) 250 mg % c) 350 mg % d) 480 mg% 12) Tubular maximum for glucose is a) 150 mg/min b) 250 mg/min c) 350 mg/min d) 450 mg/min 13) Which of the following is a cause of hyperglycemia a) Overdose of insulin b) Hyperthyroidism c) Hypopituitarism d) Hypoadrenalism 14) End product of aerobic glycolysis is

a) Pyruvate b) Lactate c) Acetyl CoA d) Malate 15) Substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis is catalysed by a) Hexokinase b) Phosphofructo kinase c) Pyruvate kinase d) Aldolase 16) Glycogenolysis is increased by a) Glucagon b) Epinephrine c) Growth hormone d) All of the above 17) Which of the following is an amphibolic pathway a) Glycolysis b) Glycogenesis c) Krebs cycle d) Glycogenolysis 18) Coenzyme required for pyruvate dehydrogenase a) TPP b) FAD c) NAD d) All of the above 19) Fluoroacetate is an inhibitor of a) Citrae synthetase b) Aconitase c) Fumarase d) Succinate dehydrogenase 20) All of the following are intermediates of the Krebs cycle, EXCEPT a) Oxaloacetate b) Fumarate c) Malate d) Arginine 21) Haeme is formed from which intermediate of the Krebs cycle a) Acetyl CoA b) Pyruvate c) Alpha ketoglutarate d) Succinyl CoA 22) Diabetes mellitus is caused due to deficiency of the hormone a) Glucagon b) Insulin c) Epinephrine d) Cortisone 23) All of the following hormones increase blood glucose level, Except a) Growth hormone b) Throxine c) Insulin d) ACTH 24) Branching enzyme is required for a) Glycogemnesis b) Glycogenolysis c) Glycolysis d) Gluconeogenesis 25) Synthesis of 2,3 BPG occurs in a) Liver b) kidney c) RBC d) Brain 26) The connecting link between HMP shunt and lipid synthesis is a) Ribose b)NADPH c) NADH d) sedoheptulose 7 phosphate 27) The amount of glycogen stored in the liver in grams is a)100 b) 300 c) 500 d) 700 28) All of the following are true of Rapaport leubering shunt , EXCEPT a) It occurs in all the cells b) it provides a mechanism to dissipate energy c) it is a diversion of EMP pathway d) 2,3 BPG is formed in the shunt

29) Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is stimulatd by a) ATP b) insulin c) cyclic AMP d) NADH 30) Von Gierkes disease is caused due to deficiency of the enzyme a) Glycogen phosphorylase b) glucose 6 phosphatase c) degranching enzyme d) branching enzyme 31) All of the following are true regarding the HMP shunt pathway , EXCEPT a) It is a multicyclic pathway b) it generates energy c) ATP is required d) carbondioxide is produced 32) Which of the following drugs causes haemolysis in G6PD deficient people a) Alprazolam b) metronidazole c) phemeramone maleate d) primaquin 33) G6PD deficiency offers protection against which disease a) Typhoid b) malaria c) thalassemia d) cholera 34) Substrate level phosphorylation in Krebs cycle is catalyzed by the enzyme a) Succinate thiokinase b) citrate synthetase c) fumarase d) isocitrate dehydrogenase 35) All of the following are substrates for gluconeogenesis, EXCEPT a) Pyruvate b) glycerol c) leucine d) glutamate 36) Glycerol can enter glycolytic pathway via a) DHAP b) 1,3 BPG c) 3 PG D) 2 PG 37) Enzymes of HMP shunt are located in a)mitochondria b) cytosol c) lysosomes d) ribosome 38) The coenzyme for transketolase is a) NADP b) NAD c) TPP d) FAD 39) The first pentose formed in HMP shunt pathway is a) Ribose 5 phosphate b) Ribulose 5 phosphate c) Xylose 5 phosphate d) Xylulose 5 phosphate 40) The rate of HMP shunt reactions is increased by a) Insulin b) glucagon c) starvation d) diabetes 41) Glucose is the only source of energy for a) Heart b) RBCs c) kidneys d) platelets 42) Which of the following enzymes is required for gluconeogenesis a) Phosphofructokinase b) pyruvate kinase c) glucokinase d) phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase

43) Gluconeogenesis is decreased by a) Glucagon b) epinephrine c) steroids d) insulin 44) Glycogen synthesis requires a) UDP glucose b) glycogen synthetase c) Branching enzyme d) all of the above 45) Glycolysis and HMP shunt have the following similarity a) Glucose 6 phosphate is an intermediate in both b) Ribose 5 phosphate is an intermediate in both c) NAD is reduced in both d) ATP is formed in both 46) The enzyme which does not take part in glycolysis a) Hexokinase b) phosphofructokinase c) pyruvate kinase d) fructose I,6 biphosphatase 47) Pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA by the enzyme a) Pyruvate carboxylase b) pyruvate dehydrogenase c) acetyl CoA dehydrogenase d) pyruvate decarboxylase 48) All of the following are intermediates of the Krebs cycle, EXCEPT a) Oxalosuccinate b) oxaloacetate c) lactate d) fumarate 49) Arsenite inhibits a) Isocitrate dehydrogenase b) alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase c) succinate dehydrogenase d) succinate thiokinase 50) The correct sequence of intermediates inKrebs cycle a) Succinate, fumarate, malate, oxaloacetate b) Fumarate, succinate, malate, oxaloacetate c) Malate, fumarate, succinate, oxaloacetate d) Succinate, malate, fumarate, oxaloacetate


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) A B C A A A B B A A A C B A C D C D A C D C C A A B A A B B B D B A C A B C A A B D

43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50)


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