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In the beginning we see an establishing shot where there are people walking the streets some of which are lying on the ground, some carrying water in Africa. This is a juxtaposition to London where people are walking to their destinations and people are just standing to talk to their friends; this is a choice and not an option whereas in Africa it isnt an option its life. We then begin to focus on certain peoples lives some of which who are shopping, picking up kids, in a classroom where we are then introduced to our main characters: Anthony the rower and Sophie the dancer as well as the public. We are able to see Anthonys daily life; waking up early, training, urging, rowing and him is school. We are also able to see Sophies daily life; making her way to the dance studio, getting ready to dance, teaching dance, learning moves and her performing in front of an audience. This then links to a juxtaposition of a child in Africa who has to wake up, fetch water, clean the house and look after the family in certain scenarios; we then begin to question success. By doing all these activities are Anthony and Sophie benefiting towards their life and, are they reaching their goals where they can say they are successful or at least close to being successful? Does the child in Africa do what he/she does because he/she wants to or because he has to? Do they feel they will be successful? From here we then go into an interview with Anthony where we the interviewee ask him questions as well him doing a diary on his life and how he feels towards success. As he is speaking his voice remains but will be in the background of a clip of him on a rowing machine, sweating showing his hardship. After Anthonys interview we then move on to Sophies interview. We ask similar questions to Anthonys interview; also whilst speaking her voice remains but as a background sound to clips of her dancing, learning and working a sweat. We then draw away from our main characters and focus on the public; analysing what people do. We then ask the public general questions of success such as Define success using one word and then able to record their responses where we then elaborate and ask more questions such as is there an end to successes. There is then juxtaposition back to the child in Africa who we ask questions about success and what they want to achieve etc. After all the interviews we therefore create questions making our target audience think about how they view certain things; making our documentary subjective as oppose to objective. From all of these things we are able to answer what is success? Which is that it cannot be answered its what you make of it that you are able to find out what success truly is. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts Winston Churchill A journey of discovery for both the viewer and us, we look at the steps taken for us to salvage our documentary. We see director and crew planning a documentary of a documentary, attempting to right are wrongs. Working to a strict deadline, we see a change, rather than for individuals we see a group working for a common goal. As we try to capture moments of success, past and present through the use of archive footage and captured footage.

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