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The Integrated Curriculum For Secondary School (ICSS) Syllabus




Technical and Vocational Curriculum Division Technical Education Department 2006


Our nation Malaysia is dedicated to achieving a greater unity for all her peoples; maintaining a democratic way of life; creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably distributed; ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions; building a progressive society, orientated towards modern science and technology. WE, the people of Malaysia, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by the following principles: BELIEF IN GOD LOYALTY TO KING AND COUNTRY SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION THE RULE OF LAW MUTUAL RESPECT AND GOOD SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR

National Education Philosophy

Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on firm belief in God. Our efforts are focused towards creating Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being and able to contribute to the harmony and prosperity of the family, the society and the nation at large.


ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY SYLLABUS I. INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PERIODS 1.0 1.1 Development of Engineering Technology Technology and Society Definition of Engineering Technology 1.2 Changes in society according to the development in technology a. Relationship of technology with business and economy progress II. MANUFACTURING PERIODS 1.0 1.1 Introduction to Manufacturing Manufacturing System a. Input b. Processes i. Processing of materials ii. Management c. Output 2.0 2.1 Tools Classification of common hand tools a. Marking, measuring and Testing tools b. Holding devices c. Driving tools 65 2

c. Cutting tools

3.0 3.1

Engineering Materials Types of material a. Ferrous metals i. Steel ii. Cast iron b. Non ferrous metals i. Copper ii. Aluminium iii. Brass iv. Tin c. Non metallic materials i. Polymer ii. Concrete iii. Ceramic


Mechanical characteristics of metals and their uses, advantages and disadvantages of types of material Manufacturing Processes Machining processes and use of machine a. b. c. d. e. Lathe machine Milling machine Shaping machine Grinding machine Drilling machine

4.0 4.1


Joining techniques a. Assemble using screw, bolt and nut, and rivet b. Basic principles and

uses of the following processes : i. Soldering ii. Brazing iii. Oxy-acetylene gas welding iv. Arc welding v. Adhesive c. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each joining technique 4.3 Casting processes a. Types of casting i. Sand casting ii. Mould casting iii. Wax casting b. Main uses of each process c. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each process 4.4 Presswork processes a. Shearing b. Bending c. Drawing 4.5 Plastic moulding and shaping processes a. Types of plastic molding and shaping: i. Compress/solid Moulding ii. Injection moulding iii. Transferring moulding iv. Extrude moulding v. Blow moulding vi. Vacuum moulding b. Main uses of each process c. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each


5.0 5.1

Environmental Control Types of pollutions and current issues: a. Air, water, chemical waste, radioactive waste b. Recycle 54

III. COMMUNICATION PERIODS 1.0 1.1 Introduction to Communication Brief explanation on communication processes a. Human Human b. Human Machine c. Machine Human d. Machine Machine 2.0 2.1 2.2 Electronic Communication Brief explanation on basic communication concepts Main components in radio, amplifier and power supply Active and passive components (resistor, capacitor, coil, diode, transistor, integrated circuit and transformer) 2.3 Signal transmitter and receiver a. Types of modulation i. AM ii. FM b. Radio waves i. Radio ii. Television iii. Radar iv. Satellite

c. Transmission line i. Telephone ii. Intercom iii. Facsimile d. Fiber optic i. Principles of fiber Optic ii. Advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic

3.0 3.1

Computer System Basic principles a. Analogue b. Digital


Computer operating processes a. Input b. Storage c. Processing d. Output


Computer interface a. Human b. Machine


Introduction to multimedia and internet 62 PERIODS

IV. TRANSPORTATION AND POWER 1.0 1.1 Introduction to Transportation and Power Needs for transportation a. Work b. Social interaction c. Recreation d. Transportation of goods and people e. Development of the country 2.0 Transportation


Transportation system Land transport Water transport Air transport


Preparing process in transportation system a. Planning and research b. Construction c. Administration d. Maintenance


Transportation of people and goods. a. Lorry, taxi, bus, etc. b. Train, MRT and LRT c. Conveyor system, lift and escalator d. Elevator and crane Energy Resources Types of energy resources a. Renewable b. Non- renewable

3.0 3.1


Sources of energy and generating electrical energy a. Hydro b. Thermal c. Nuclear d. Solar


Motors and generators a. Direct current (DC) b. Alternating current (AC)


Engine a. Types of engines i. 2 stroke ii. 4 stroke iii. Diesel iv. Turbine


Magnetic levitation and transportation system Control Hydraulic control a. Principles of force, pressure, work and power b. Component, symbol and function c. Simple hydraulic circuit

4.0 4.1


Pneumatic control a. Component, symbol and function b. Simple pneumatic circuit Electric control a. Component, symbol and function b. Simple electric control circuit



Electronic control a. Component, symbol and function i. Diode ii. Thyristor b. Electronic control circuit

5.0 5.1

Future of Transportation and Power Technology Trends and future development of transportation and power technology Environmental Control Pollution caused by transportation and power industries a. Energy wastage b. Pollutant and material waste c. Congestion and traffic

6.0 6.1


V. CONSTRUCTION PERIODS 1.0 1.1 Overview of Construction Technology Concept of construction technology a. Definition of construction technology b. Elements of construction i. Material ii. Tools and machine iii. Worker iv. Method v. Management c. Types of construction projects i. Light construction engineering - Housing building - Government office building - Commercial building - Industrial building ii. Heavy construction engineering - Highway - Water supply project - Industrial complex d. Purposes of construction i. Storage ii. Shelter iii. Manufacturing iv. Transportation v. Communication vi. Recreation e. Construction flow chart i. Planning - Design - Management ii. Construction - Building structure - Fixing system - Completing project iii. Maintenance - Hand over project to clients - Occupancy


- Renovation


Importance of construction technology a. Effects of construction technology. b. Manpower and organization involved in construction industry Preparation of Construction Projects. Starting a project a. Allocation ( Financial source) b. Professional staff c. Feasibility study d. Problem solving e. Making decision based on suggestion from consultant Acquisition of site a. Choice of site b. Cost i. Land ii. Land status iii. Location iv. Site contour v. Material vi. Labour vii. Interest c. Purchasing real estate i. Negotiation ii. Legality Surveying of construction site a. Study available information b. Land survey equipment i. Purpose of survey ii. Levelling survey equipment iii. Field work iv. Plotting c. Practical soil work d. Characteristics of soil i. Cohesion ii. Non-cohesion Designing and Planning Projects.

2.0 2.1





Project design a. Definition of design b. Professional involved i. Engineer ii. Architect iii. Planner c. Pre-design factors i. Function ii. Shape iii. Cost iv. Strength v. Material d. Design process Working drawings and details a. Working drawings b. Working drawing set i. Engineering drawing ii. Site drawing iii. Architectural drawing iv. M & E drawing v. Structural drawing c. Details


4.0 4.1

Management of Construction Activities Contract management a. Definition of contract b. Types of contract i. Negotiation tender ii. Open tender c. Types of contractors d. Cost estimation i. Floor area ii. Volume iii. List of quantity


Management of construction project a. Construction activity b. Administration at construction site c. Gantt chart d. Critical flow chart


Management of Resources


Worker and labourer a. Types of workers i. Site work ii. Constructing structure iii. Completing structure iv. Machinery work Materials and tools a. Purchasing procedure b. Acquiring materials i. Stock ii. Purchase on demand iii. Lump-sum contract c. Acquiring tools i. Purchase ii. Rent / lease Construction Materials a. Concrete i. Ingredients ii. Properties iii. Concrete usage iv. Preparing and mixing v. Concrete placement vi. Compaction vii. Curing b. Wood i. Plank ii. Plywood c. Metal i. Steel ii. Aluminium iii. Copper d. Brick e. Glass f. Soil and aggregate g. Tar and bitumen h. Plastic i. Rubber j. Paint




Construction equipment i. Light tools ii. Construction machines Construction of Structure



Preparation a. Acquiring permit or permission b. Site clearing c. Identify location of structure i. Use of centre line ii. Use of site line d. Site lay-out i. Entry and exit ii. Accommodation iii. Utility ( electricity, water and telephone ) iv. Security Earthwork I. Stabilizing earth ii. Loosening soil iii. Excavating iv. Adding earth to site v. Disposing of earth vi. Clearing



Construction of foundation a. Types of foundation i. Pad foundation ii. Cantilever base foundation iii. Raft foundation iv. Piling foundation - Friction - Bearing Super structure construction a. Construct frame structure i. Timber frame - Floor - Wall - Roof ii. Reinforced concrete frame - Beam - Column b. Construct load bearing wall



Structure enclosure a. Enclosing roof b. Enclosing walls - installing door

- installing window 7.0 7.1 Future of Construction Technology Trends and future development in construction technology Environmental Control Management of construction waste and solid waste i. Types of waste ii. Recycling 8.2 Erosion control a. Methods used to control erosion i. Hydro seeding ii. Trenching iii. Gunniting VI. INDUSTRIAL DESIGN PERIODS 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 Introduction to Design. Design as a problem solving activity Purpose of design Ways to Design Design processes a. Ways to fulfill basic needs b. Clarifying problems c. Obtaining and thinking of ideas d. Obtaining solution e. Making and modelling solutions f. Testing design if it functions and to solve problems 3.0 Recording and Presenting Design Ideas 28

8.0 8.1


Methods of recording and presenting ideas a. Plane and perspective drawings b. Enhance parts of drawing c. Detail drawings d. Present and arrange ideas of design e. Using other media. f. Ways of making model

4.0 4.1

Using Information In Design Methods a. Acquiring information b. Presenting information c. Presenting operation d. Writing report

5.0 5.1

Methodology of Design Implementation of design methodology a. Situation for design b. Design brief c. Research and study d. Solution e. Product or model f. Testing

6.0 6.1

Design Factors Human factors in design a. Methods of design considering the following factors : i. Body and human movement ii. Safety iii. Growth and ageing vi. Needs of disabled or ailing people v. Vision, colours and lighting


Function factors in design a. Methods of design to fulfill functions i. Observing existing functions ii. Methods to clarify function


Aesthetic factors in design a. Aesthetic elements i. Line ii. Shape iii. Arrangement iv. Structure v. Colour vi. Texture b. Arrangement i. Rhythm ii. Symmetry iii. Proportion iv. Repetition c. Sources of inspiration d. Industrial packaging


Strength factors in design Methods of designing for strength: a. Definition of structure b. Types of load i. Compact ii. Tension iii. Torque iv. Shear c. Structure in nature. For example: honeycomb d. Methods of beam design to support and control flat plate and frame for firmness and toughness in order to strengthen boxes

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