Xat Mock 2

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INSTRUCTIONS Please read these carefully before attempting the test. 1. 2. 3. 4. There are Four sections.

. The total time allotted is 2 hours exactly. Please fill all the details, as asked on top of the answer sheet. Please try to maximize your attempt overall but you need to do well in all four sections. 5. 6. 7. All questions carry equal marks. There is 1/3rd negative marking for every wrong answer. Since it is a time constrained test and you have only 2 hours, and all question carry equal marks please do not get struck on any question, but move fast to try and do easier ones. 8. Please do all scratch work on paper only, no extra sheets to be used. Put all your answers on the answer sheet. 9. Relax. You are competing against yourself.

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Directions from questions 1 to 5: Each question is independent of each other. 1. A ladder leans against a vertical wall. The top of the ladder is 8m above the ground. When the bottom of the ladder is moved 2m farther away from the wall, the top of the ladder rests against the foot of the wall. What is the length of the ladder? 1. 10m 2. 15m 3. 20m 4. 17m


(1 P ) 2 (1 P ) 3 + ....... is + If P is a positive number, then 2 1 + P (1 + P ) (1 + P ) 3 (1 + P ) 4

1 1 P 1. 1 2 2. 1 3. 3 4

4. None of these

3. 4.

The number of integer solutions of the equation 3x + 6y = 13 is 1. 2 2. 1 3. 3

4. None of these

A certain city has a circular wall around it, and the wall has four gates pointing north, south, east and west. A house stands outside the city, three kms north of the north gate, and it can just be seen from a point nine kms east of the South Gate. What is the diameter of the wall that surrounds the city? 1. 6 km 2. 9 km 3. 12 km 4. None of these On a rectangular field 10 m wide and 20 m long, we wish to plant a garden. We wish to pave a walkway within this rectangular area of uniform width so as to have an area of 96 sq. m to plant the flowers. How wide should this walkway be? 1. 1 m 2. 2 m 3. 2.1 m 4. 2.5 m e) 2.2 m A square, whose side is 2 meters, has its corners cut away so as to form an octagon with all sides equal. Then the length of each side of the octagon, in meters is: 2 2 2 2 1. 2. 3. 4. ( 2 + 1) ( 2 1) ( 2 + 1) ( 2 1) All the page numbers from a book are added, beginning at page 1. However, one page number was mistakenly added twice. The sum obtained was1000. Which page number was added twice? 1. 44 2. 45 3. 10 4. 12 A man bought two bikes for Rs. 17,000. He sold one bike gaining 13% and the other losing 4%. On the whole he found that he neither gained nor lost. Find the cost of each bike. 1. Rs. 8,500 each 2. Rs. 8,000 and Rs. 9,000 3. Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 12,000 4. Rs. 4,000 and Rs. 13,000 In a number system the product of 44 and 11 is 2124. The number 3111 of this system, when converted to the decimal number system, becomes 1. 406 2. 1086 3. 213 4. 691 If A: B = 3: 4; B: C = 6: 9; C: D = 12: 19. Then A: B: C: D is: 1. 9: 12: 16: 19 2. 9: 12: 18: 19 3. 6: 8: 12: 19 4. None of these





10. 11.

Manisha makes the 200 km trip from Mumbai in Pune at a steady speed of 60 km per hour. The vehicle consumes 4ltrs per hour. What is the amount of petrol consumed for the journey? 1. 12.5 litres 2. 13.33 litres 3. 16 litres 4. 19.75 litres Manisha would like to minimise the fuel consumption for the trip by driving at the appropriate speed. How should she change the speed? 1. Increase the speed 2. Decrease the Speed 3. Maintain the speed at 60 km/hour 4. Cannot be determined


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A CD player manufacturer marks his product 87.5% above its cost price. He allows his distributor a discount of 40% on the list price and distributor allows the retailer a discount of 30% on the marked price, find the % profit margin of the distributor? 1. 12.5% 2. 17.5% 3. 31.25% 4. 16.66% Walking 1. 1 hour
7 11


of his usual speed, a man is 16 minutes late. The usual time taken by him to cover that distance is: 2. 28 min. 3. 12 min. 4. 8 min.20 sec.

DIRECTIONS for questions 15 to 50: Answer the questions independent of each other. 15. Raju has 128 boxes with him. He has to put atleast 120 oranges in one box and 144 at the most. Find the least number of boxes which will have the same number of oranges. 1. 5 2. 103 3. 6 4. Cannot be determined Every ten years the Indian government counts all the people living in the country. Suppose that the director of the census has reported the following data on two neighbouring villages Chota hazri and Mota hazri Chota hazri has 4,522 fewer males than Mota hazri Mota hazri has 4,020 more females than males. Chota hazri has twice as many females as males. Chota hazri has 2,910 fewer females than Mota hazri. What is the total number of males in Chota hazri? 1. 11264 2. 14174 3. 5632 4. 10154 A three-digit number abc is divisible by X when 2a + 3b + c is divisible by 7. What is X? 1. 7 2. 3 3. 5 4. 9 The number of divisors of an odd number is 34. If it is multiplied by 12, the number of divisors will be 1. 278 2. 76 3. 204 4. 216 Three runners A, B and C run a race, with runner A finishing 12 meters ahead of runner B and 18 meters ahead of runner C, while runner B finishes 8 meters ahead of runner C. Each runner travels the entire distance at a constant speed. What was the length of the race? 1. 36 meters 2. 48 meters 3. 60 meters 4. 72 meters Consider a triangle. Its longest side has length 12 and another of its sides has length 9. Its area is 54. What is the exact length of its third side? 1.15 2.16 3.18 4.20 If a carton containing a dozen crockery plates is dropped, then which of the following cannot be the ratio of broken and unbroken plates? 1. 2 : 1 2. 3 : 1 3. 4 : 1 4. 5 : 1 If there are 10 elements in a set A, how many elements are there in its power set, not including the null set? 1. 729 2. 81 3. 399 4. 1023 On reversing a three-digit number, we get a larger number. After adding them together, the result obtained is not a palindrome. The process is repeated with the new number obtained. We get a three-digit number, which is not a palindrome at the end of the 1st or 2nd repetition. At the end of the 3rd repetition, we get a four-digit palindrome. What is the difference between the initial three-digit number and its reverse? 1. 99 2. 100 3. 165 4. 101 Let n be the number of different 5 digit numbers, divisible by 4 that can be formed with the digits 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, with no digit being repeated What is the value of n? 1. 144 2. 168 3. 192 4. None of these A vessel contains mixture of two liquids A & B in the proportion 5 : 7. When 6 liters of mixture are drawn off and the vessel is filled with B, the ratio of A & B becomes 7 : 11. Quantity of liquid A held by the vessel initially is: 1. 50 liters 2. 48.5 liters 3. 43 liters 4. 37.5 liters


17. 18. 19.



22. 23.



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Sheena, a designer, bought a dress with a list price of Rs. 200 at a discount of 25%. If she wants to make a profit of 35%, she should sell the dress at a price of: 1. Rs. 202.5 2. Rs. 233 3. Rs. 235 4. Rs. 240 e) Rs. 245 A year ago the cost of Maruti and Ambassador were in the ratio of 3 : 4. The ratio of costs a year ago to present costs for Maruti and Ambassador are 4 : 5 and 2 : 3 respectively. At present the sum of their costs is Rs. 3.9 lacs. The cost of the Ambassador one year ago (in Rs lacs) was: 1. 1.6 2. 1.4 3. 1.75 4. 1.9 A can complete a piece of work in 4 days. B takes double the time taken by A. C takes double that of B, and D takes double that of C to complete the same task. They are paired in groups of two each. One pair takes twothirds the time needed by the second pair to complete the work. Which is the first pair? 1. A, B 2. A, C 3. B, C 4. A, D A CD player manufacturer marks his product 87.5% above its cost price. He allows his distributor a discount of 40% on the list price and distributor allows the retailer a discount of 30% on the marked price, find the % profit margin of the distributor? 1. 12.5% 2. 17.5% 3. 31.25% 4. 16.66% 1 1 1 + + + ....... Find the value of N = 2 4 46 68 1 1. 2. 1 3. 4. Indeterminate 4 From which step of the following process does the error begin? Step 1 a = b i.e., let a = b Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 1. 3 aa = ab aa - bb = ab - bb (a + b) x (a - b) = b(a - b) a+b=b 2a = a 2=1 2.1 3. 5 4. 6







A red light flashes 3 times per minute and a green light flashes 5 times in two minutes at regular intervals. If both lights start flashing at the same time, how many times do they flash together in each hour? 1. 30 2. 24 3. 20 4. 60 What is the sum of


1+ 2 1. 9 34.

2+ 3

3+ 4 2. 1

+ .............

99 + 100 3. 10 4. 100

Ashish is given Rs.158 in one rupee denominations. He has been asked to allocate them into a number of bags such that any amount required between Re.1 and Rs.158 can be given by handing out a certain number of bags without opening them. What is the minimum number of bags required? 1. 11 2. 12 3. 13 4. None of these The ages (in years) of Ramesh and Rahul are in the ratio 5 : 7. If Ramesh was 9 years older and Rahul 9 years younger, the age of Ramesh would have been twice that of Rahul. Their ages at present are 1. 10, 14 2. 5, 7 3. 15, 21 4. 20, 28


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For what value of k does the following system of equation have a solution? 2x + 3y = 15 kx - y = 4 3x + y = 9 1. 55/3 2. 55/12 3. 55/6

4. None of these


A and B can do a piece of work in 21 and 28 days respectively. They began the work together but A leaves after some days and B fineshed the remaining work in 14 days. After how many days did A leave? 1. 6 2. 11 3. 5 4. 12 The length of the perpendicular from P(1, 2) on the straight line x + 2y + 3 = 0, is 1. 4 2. 8/5 3. 4/5 4. 2 If E, F, G and H are the mid points of the four sides of a square ABCD and I, J, K and L are the mid points of the four sides of the square EFGH. Then the ratio of the areas the squares ABCD and IJKL, is 1. 3 : 1 2. 4 : 1 3. 2 : 1 4. 22 : 1 Ram, Shiv and Ganesh assemble for a contributory party. Ram brings 3 apples while Shiv brings 5. Since Ganesh did not have any apples, he contributed Rs. 8. How many rupees should Ram and Shiv respectively get, assuming each of the three consumes an equal portion of the apples? 1. 1, 7 2. 3, 5 3. 5, 3 4. 2, 6 A tennis ball is dropped from s height of 20 feet. It bounces back each time to a height which is one half of the height of the last bounce. How far approximately will the ball have traveled before it comes to rest? 1. 48 feet 2. 40feet 3. 60 feet 4. Cant be determined. What is the smallest number which when divided by 10 leaves a remainder 9, when divided by 9 leaves a remainder 8, when divided by 8 leaves a remainder 7 and so on till when divided by 2 leaves a remainder 1? 1. 2519 2. 1519 3. 3509 4. 2520 Veeru and jai are two friends. If Veeru tells the truth 40% of the time and jai 30% of the time, the probability that they will contradict each other when they are narrating the same incident is 1. 0.43 2. 0.46 3. 0.48 4. 0.40 Two trains are running on parallel lines in the same direction at speed of 45 km and 25 km per hour respectively. The faster train crosses a man is slower train in 36 seconds. The length of the faster train is: 1. 198 meters 2. 170 meters 3. 200 meters 4. 185 meters All sides of an equilateral triangle (each side is 50 cm long) are divided into 5 equal parts and lines are drawn through these points parallel to the sides of the triangle (effectively the triangle is divided into small triangles). If you imagine all lines are made from one piece of wire, what was the length of the wire? 1. 300 cm 2. 315 cm 3. 450 cm 4. 330 cm In a tribe of orrisa there are 40 persons. Each person likes some of his fellow-tribesmen and does not like others. Each day all the people who are liked by more than half the tribe become dinner. Which day after the 1 st person is eaten will there be no dinner? 1. 20th day 2. 21st day 3. last day 4. Data insufficient. Values of x which satisfies 1. 5 < x < 17 < 3 are 2 2. -3 > x > -17 11 x

38. 39.









3. -4 < x < 17

4. x < 17


At what rate were the oranges sold per dozen if by bargaining to get one orange per rupee more, I saved Rs 16 per dozen? 1. Rs.8 2. Rs.4 3. Rs.5 4. Rs.12 If a, b, c are in G.P. and m, n, o are in A.P., then (n-o) log a + (o-m) log b + (m-n) log c is 1. 0 2. 0.5 3. 1.5 4. 0.1


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In the figure O is the center of the circle and PT is the tangent to the circle at T. If PC = 4 cm and PT = 8 cm, find the radius of the circle. T B O C P

1. 5.5 cm 51.

2. 6.5 cm

3. 6 cm

4. 7 cm

A box contains 6 red balls, 7 green balls and 5 blue balls. Each ball is of a different size. The probability that the red ball selected is the smallest red ball, is 1. 1/18 2. 1/3 3. 1/6 4. 2/3 The line AB is 6 meters in length and is tangent to the inner one of the two concentric circles at point C. It is known that the radii of the two circles are integers. The radius of the outer circle is: A C B 1. 5 metres 2. 4 metres 3. 6 metres 4. 3 metres


53. 54.

What is (-2)17 1. -131072

2. 132092

3. 136094 3.832

4. 138922 4. 178

What is the octal of (1100011)2 1. 143 2.981

Directions: Q. 55 to 56: choose the best alternative: 55. Two oranges, three bananas and four apples cost Rs. 15. Three oranges, two bananas and one apple cost Rs. 10. I brought 3 oranges, 3 bananas and 3 apples. How much did I pay? 1. Rs 10 2. Rs. 8 3. Rs. 15 4. cannot be determined Four cities are connected by a road network as shown in the figure. In how many ways can you start from any city and come back to it without travelling on the same road more than once?


D 1. 8 2. 12 3. 16 4. 2

Directions: Q. 57 to 60: If f(x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = (x - 3)/2, then 57. What is value of (g0f0f0g0g0f) (x) f0g0f0g)(x) 1. x 58. 2. x 3. (5x + 3)/(4x - 1) 3. 2x + 3 4. [(x + 3) (5x + 3)] [(4x - 5)(4x - 1)]

What is the value of f0(f0g)0 (g0f)(x) 1. x 2. x

4. (x + 3)/(4x - 5)

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59. 60.

What are the last two digits of 22005? 1. 32 2. 04

3. 48

4. 64

Manass house number is a square with 3 digits but < 500. This number when reversed is also a square and < 500 and is Manas's telephone extension at work. His car registration number is a square with 4 digits and is formed from his house number by repeating the right most digit. What is the difference between Manass house and telephone number. 1. 297 2. 169 3. 311 4. 183

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Directions for questions 61 to 66: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. What a curious feeling! said Alice, I must be shutting up like a telescope. And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches high, and her face brightened up at the thought that she was now the right size for going through the little door into that lovely garden. First, however, she waited for a few minutes to see if she was going to shrink any further: she felt a little nervous about this; for it might end, you know, said Alice to herself, in my going out altogether, like a candle. I wonder what I should be like then? And she tried to fancy what the flame of a candle is like after the candle is blown out, for she could not remember ever having seen such a thing. After a while, finding that nothing more happened, she decided on going into the garden at once; but, alas for poor Alice! When she got to the door, she found she had forgotten the little golden key, and when she went back to the table for it, she found she could not possibly reach it: she could see it quite plainly through the glass, and she tried her best to climb up one of the legs of the table, but it was too slippery; and when she had tired herself out with trying, the poor little thing sat down and cried. Come, theres no use in crying like that! said Alice to herself, rather sharply, I advise you to leave off this minute! She generally gave herself very good advice (though she very seldom followed it), and sometimes she scolded herself so severely as to bring tears into her eyes; and once she remembered trying to box her own ears for having cheated herself in a game of croquet she was playing against herself, for this curious child was very fond of pretending to be two people. But its no use now, thought poor Alice, to pretend to be two people! Why, theres hardly enough of me left to make ONE respectable person! Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that was lying under the table: she opened it, and found in it a very small cake, on which the words EAT ME were beautifully marked in currants. Well, Ill eat it, said Alice, and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; so either way Ill get into the garden, and I dont care which happens! She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, Which way? Which way? holding her hand on the top of her head to feel which way it was growing, and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size: to be sure, this generally happens when one eats cake, but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way. So she set to work, and very soon finished off the cake. 61. On the basis of the passage, which of these words do you think most appropriately describes Alice? 1. adventurous 2. timid 3. enterprising 4. optimistic Which of these statements best sums up the passage? 1. One should not try everything that looks inviting. 2. One should be adventurous and take life as it comes. 3. One should never stop trying. 4. One should pretend to be two people. What a curious feeling! said Alice, I must be shutting up like a telescope. The word curious here means 1. strange 2. new 2. exhilarating 4. dull to be sure, this generally happens when one eats cake, but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way. This statement closest in meaning to this sentence is 1. Alices life was going to change after eating the cake. 2. Alices life was dull and stupid. 3. Alice expected the cake to work magic, because she had become used to expecting the unexpected, and disliked normal results


63. 64.

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4. Alice wanted the cake to work magic because her life was dull and stupid And she tried to fancy what the flame of a candle is like after the candle is blown out, for she could not remember ever having seen such a thing. The word fancy here means 1. elaborate 2. like 3. imagine 4. inclination Come, theres no use in crying like that! said Alice to herself, rather sharply, I advise you to leave off this minute! Choose the most appropriate way of putting this sentence 1. Alice admonished herself. 2. Alice denounced herself. 3. Alice decried herself. 4. Alice disciplined herself.


Directions for questions 67 to 71: Select that item which does not belong to the group. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 1. democracy 1. courage 1. gold medalist 1. revenue 1. authority 2. voting 2. strength 2. athlete 2. income 2. cruel 3. monarchy 3. valor 3. Olympic Champion 3. expenditure 3. kind 4. dictatorship 4. warrior 4. record holder 4. receivables 4. loyal

Directions for Q. 72 and 73: In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence is underlined. Beneath each sentence, four different ways of phrasing the underlined part are indicated. Choose the best alternative from among the four. 72. The MP rose up say that, in her opinion, she thought the Womens Reservation Bill should be passed on unanimously. 1. rose to say that she thought the Womens Reservation Bill should be passed 2. rose up to say that, the Womens Reservation Bill should be passed on 3. rose to say that, in her opinion, she thought that the Womens Reservation Bill should be passed 4. rose to say that, in her opinion, the Womens Reservation Bill should be passed on Since the advent of cable television at the beginning of this decade, the entertainment industry took a giant stride forward in our country. 1. this decade saw the entertainment industry taking 2. this decade, the entertainment industry has taken 3. this decade, the entertainment industry had taken 4. this decade, the entertainment industry took


Directions for questions 74 to 80: From the given alternatives, select the one in which the pairs of words have a relationship similar to the one between the bold words. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. DOCTOR: DISEASE 1. policeman: criminal SPEAR: DART 1. knife: sword WOOL: ACRYLIC 1. rayon: silk FOOD: HUNGER 1. sleep: weariness BUILDING : BRICK 2. dentist: drill 2. door : window 2. plastic : rubber 2. night : slumber 3. politician: electorate 3. mountain : molehill 3. winter : spring 3. dream : sleep 4. teacher: ignorance 4. cannon : gun 4. cotton: terylene 4. thirst : drink

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1. lime: cement 79. 80. TREE: TRUNK 1. pen: ink CIRCLE: ARC 1. line: segment

2. highway : asphalt 2. car : chassis 2. part : whole

3. river : bridge 3. cabin : log 3. percent : fraction

4. vehicle : road 4. arm : body 4. small : big

Directions for questions 81 to 90: From the four choices, find the word closest in meaning to the given word. 81. imponderable 1. manifest 3. incapable of being evaluated retaliate 1. to repeat cede 1. to impregnate vitiate 1. to impair acumen 1. accuracy temerity 1. fear fabricate 1. to stretch juncture 1. beginning calumny 1. cleverness verbiage 1. fecundity 2. add on 2. begin 2. reject 2. shrewdness 2. recklessness 2. concoct 2. obstruction 2. hardship 2. precision 2. confining 4. meditative 3. repay in kind 3. retreat 3. quicken 3. force 3. diffidence 3. indulge 3. critical moment 3. compliment 3. wordiness 4. nullify 4. yield 4. enhance 4. obtuseness 4. ruthlessness 4. dazzle 4. complexity 4. slander 4. foliage

82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.

Directions for question 91 to 95: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. The communities of ants are sometimes very large, numbering even up to 500,000 individuals; and it is a lesson to us that no one has ever yet seen a quarrel between any two ants belonging to the same community. On the other hand, it must be admitted that they are in hostility not only with most other insects, including ants of different species, but even with those of the same species if belonging to different communities. I have over and over again introduced ants from one of my nests into another nest of the same species; and they were invariably attacked, seized by a leg or an antenna, and dragged out. It is evident, therefore, that the ants of each community all recognize one another, which is very remarkable. But more than this, I several times divided a nest into two halves and found that even after separation of a year and nine months they recognized one another and were perfectly friendly, while they at once attacked ants from a different nest, although of the same species. It has been suggested that the ants of each nest have some sign or password by which they recognize one another. To test this I made some of them insensible. First I tried chloroform; but this was fatal to them, and I did not consider the test satisfactory. I decided therefore to intoxicate them. This was less easy than I had expected. None of my ants would voluntarily degrade themselves by getting drunk. However, I got over the difficulty by putting them into whiskey for a few Page 10 of 19

moments. I took fifty specimens -- twenty five percent from one nest and twenty five percent from another, made them dead drunk, marked each with a spot of paint, and put them on a table close to where other ants from one the nests were feeding. The table was surrounded as usual with a moat of water to prevent them from straying. The ants that were feeding soon noticed those that I had made drunk. They seemed quite astonished to find their comrades in such a disgraceful condition, and as much at a loss to know what to do with their drunkards as we were. After a while, however, they carried them all away; the strangers they took to the edge of the moat and dropped into the water, while they bore their friends home into the nest, where by degrees they slept off the effects of the spirits. Thus it is evident that they know their friends even when incapable of giving any sign or password. 91. A good title for this passage might be: 1. Natures Mysteries 3. Drunken Ants 2. Human Qualities in the Insect world 4. Communication in Ant Communities 4. passive

92. 93.

Attitudes of ants toward strangers of the same species my be categorized as: 1. indifferent 2. curious 3. hostile

The authors anecdotes of the inebriated ants would support all the following inductions except the statement that: 1. ants take unwillingly to intoxicants 2. ants aid comrades in distress 3. ants have invariable recognition of their community members 4. ants recognize their comrades by a mysterious password. According to the passage chloroform was less successful than alcohol for inhibiting communication because of: 1. its expense 2. its unpredictable side effects 3. its unavailability 4. its fatality Although the author is a scientist, his style of writing also exhibits a quality of: 1. sophistry 2. whimsy 3. hypocrisy 4. tragedy



Directions for questions 96 to 111: Choose the alternative which most nearly means the opposite of the given word. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. EXHAUST 1. emphasize CALCULATION 1. conjecture GRIM 1. clean DECOMPOSITION 1. combustion ENUNCIATE 1. detach CANDID 1. defiant PRESCRIBE 1. attempt CONSPICUOUS 1. undistinguished FESTER 1. mourn 2. fortify 2. bad habit 2. relaxing 2. infiltration 2. stammer 2. stingy 2. recount 3. revere 3. acceptance 3. abundant 3. equalization 3. disfigure 3. withdrawn 3. diminish 4. diffuse 4. aspiration 4. cheerful 4. reconstitution 4. cloister 4. dejected 4. disallow

103. 104.

2. incorrect 2. shine

3. vexed 3. mend

4. considerable 4. leave alone

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CONCILIATE 1. provoke MYOPIC 1. legendary FALLOW 1. prompt AMBIVALENT 1. antisocial MITIGATE 1. prefer PROCLIVITY 1. efficiency ROUTINE 1. unsparing

2. replace

3. inform

4. expose

106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111.

2. identical 2. creative 2. learned 2. amplify 2. reduction 2. counterfeit

3. farsighted 3. deep 3. nervous 3. reveal 3. authenticity 3. rare

4. tantalizing 4. secondary 4. decisive 4. protect 4. dislike 4. official

Directions for questions 112 to 119: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Many of the underdeveloped countries will promote the growth of their economies in one way or another, no matter whether they receive substantial outside aid in the process or not. The character of that development, however, is likely to be strongly influenced by the types and amounts of aid available. The outcome is much more likely to be favorable, from the standpoint of the objectives for successful development set up previously, if there is substantial international aid, than if there is not. By substantial aid I mean not only large amounts of technical assistance but also of capital. Initially, the capacity of an underdeveloped country to use capital productively may be surprisingly small -- limited by lack of organization, trained personnel, and other social obstacles. At this stage technical assistance is its main need from outside, with comparatively small amounts of capital, much of which may have to be in the form of grants for non-self-liquidating projects in education, health, access roads to rural areas, and the like. If, at this stage, substantial capital is available from outside to supplement what can be formed internally (and to stimulate internal capital formation, for it does that too) the rate of economic growth can be considerably increased, and the strains and frustrations and political risks of the development process are likely to be considerably less. It is possible for underdeveloped economies to modernize themselves with very little capital from outside. Japans imports of capital were small, though some of it came at crucial times. The contribution of foreign direct investment to the advancement of technical know-how, also, was greater than would be indicated merely by the size of investment. The Soviet Union industrialized its economy with practically no aid from foreign investment capital except for the foreignowned installations confiscated after the revolution, though it imported machinery in the early days on short-term or intermediate-term credits and hired services of foreign experts. Both Japan and Russia achieved their development in an authoritarian political and social framework. The outcome in both cases, from standpoint of the peace of the world and democratic ideals, was highly unfavorable. In the absence of outside aid, the only way to accumulate capital is to increase production without taking much of the benefit in more consumption, or even while pushing consumption standards down. Where the people are already near the subsistence level, this may mean extreme hardship. Somehow the people must be motivated to change their accustomed ways quickly, to work hard, and to forgo present consumption so that capital investment can be made. Which of the given choices is closest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the passage? 112. 113. SUBSTANTIAL 1. material CHARACTER 2. physical 3. considerable 4. mathematical

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1. protagonist 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. OBJECTIVES 1. goals PERSONNEL 1. workers SUPPLEMENT 1. augment AUTHORITARIAN 1. dictatorial ACCUMULATE 1. adjust SUBSISTENCE 1. discount

2. nature 2. disinterest 2. private 2. vitamins 2. traditional 2. gather 2. poverty

3. clown 3. complaints 3. employers 3. angle 3. rigid 3. hoard 3. survival

4. performer 4. weaknesses 4. managers 4. request 4. overbearing 4. credit 4. bankruptcy

Directions for questions 120 to 126: Each of these questions contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. Choose the set in which the statements are logically related. 120. A. College students are intelligent. C. Rams sister is college student. E. All intelligent persons go to college 1. ADF 2. BCD A. Laxman is a man. C. Some women are islands. E. Meera is not an island. 1. ADE 2. ABE A. All roses are fragrant. C. All roses are plants. E. All roses need air. 1. ABC 2. BCD A. Mary is John's wife. C. Mary wears Johns ring. E. John loves Mary 1. ADF 2. ABD A. No attendants are qualified. C. Some nurses re not qualified. E. All attendants are qualified. 1. ABF 2. CDF A. Different hues are obtained from primary colors. C. Blue and red can give different hues. E. Blue can give different hues. 1. ACE 2. AEF A. Painting and music is art. C. Culture and art are complementary. E. Painting is a form of art. 1. BDF 2. AEF B. Intelligence is a collegians attribute. D. Ram goes to college. F. Ram is an intelligent person. 3. ABF 4. ABD B. Meera is Laxmans wife. D. No man is an island. F. Laxman is not an island. 3. ADF 4. CDE B. All roses are majestic. D. All plans need air. F. All plants need water. 3. CDE 4. CEF B. Mary and John danced together. D. Husband and wives dance the last waltz. F. John danced last with Mary. 3. ACE 4. AEF B. Some nurses are qualified. D. All nurses are attendants. F. Some attendants are qualified. 3. BDF 4. BDE B. A rainbow consists of several hues. D. Red is a primary color. F. Red can give different hues. 3. ADF 4. CDF B. Art is symptom of culture. D. Music is a form of art. F. Music shows culture. 3. ACE 4. CEF







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Directions for questions 127 to 133: In each of the following questions, choose the odd one out. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 1. abstract 1. apt 1. invoice 1. ring 1. equestrian 1. quell 1. eulogy 2. conceptual 2. relevant 2. sales tax 2. shoulder 2. neigh 2. ruffle 2. panegyric 3. material 3. appropriate 3. octroi 3. finger 3. derby 3. allay 3. ignominy 4. ideational 4. adept 4. quotation 4. write 4. bark 4. pacify glorification

Directions for questions 134 to 136: From the given alternatives, select the one in which the pairs of words have a relationship similar to the one between the bold words. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. SYMPHONY: COMPOSE 1. rain: flood 2. light: switch COW: HERD 1. grass: green 2. child: family 3. novel : author 3. bald: hair 4. song : music 4. horse: jockey

BIRD: ORNITHOLOGY 1. zoology: animal 2. stars: galaxy blandishment 1. nonsense Ignoble 1. aloof 2. threat 2. unknown

3. archaeology: antiquity 4. plants: botany 3. abrasion 3. bizarre 4. flattery 4. dishonorable

Directions for questions 139 and 140: Find the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word. 139. 140. EULOGIZE 1. forget TENACIOUS 1. pertinacious 2. debt 2. frail 3. belittle 3. intransigent 4. folly 4. meek

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Directions: Q. 141 to 144: Ghosh Babu took voluntary retirement in Dec. 1991 and received a certain amount of money as retirement benefits. On Jan 1, 1992, he invested the entire amount in shares. At the end of the month, he sold all his shares and realised 25% profit. On Feb 1, he reinvested the entire amount in shares which he sold at the end of the month at a loss of 20%. Again, he invested the entire amount on Mar 1 in a new company. At the end of the month, he sold the new company to a friend and realised a profit of 20% in the process. He invested the entire amount in shares on Apr 1, which he sold at the end of the month for Rs. 1,08,000 incurring a loss of 10%. 141. 142. 143. 144. What is the amount of retirement benefits received by Ghosh Babu? 1. Rs. 1,08,000 2. Rs. 1,25,000 3. Rs. 1,20,000 The percentage profit received by Ghosh Babu between Jan 1 and Apr 30 is: 1. 8.00% 2. 15.00% 3. - 10.00% 4. Rs. 1,00,000 4. None of these

The amount of loss incurred by Ghosh Babu based on his operation in Apr 1992 is: 1. Rs. 25,000 2. Rs. 12,000 3. Rs. 20,000 4. Rs. 8,000 The maximum amount invested by Ghosh Babu in any one month was in: 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April

Directions Q. 145-148: The following chart gives the total sales, total expenditure and share capital of four companies namely A, B, C and D. Profit is defined as the difference between total sales and total expenditure.
25 20 15 10 5 0 A B C D Sale Expenditure Share Capital

145. 146. 147. 148.

Which company has the lowest profit per rupee of sales? 1. A 2. B 3. C Which company has the lowest profit per rupee of total expenditure? 1. A 2. B 3. C Which company has the highest sales per rupee of share capital? 1. A 2. B 3. C Which company has the lowest profit per rupee of share capital? 1. A 2. B 3. C

4. D 4. D 4. D 4. D

Directions Q. 149-152: The XYZ Company conducted two training programmes for their line and staff employees to develop their managerial abilities. The training programmes were on Decision Making and Financial Management. The following table gives the number of line and staff employees who attended these workshops, classified as per the length of employment. Length of Employment Decision Making Line Staff 40 30 60 20 50 40 Programme attended Financial Management Line Staff 30 20 80 60 40 50 Total Number Line 10 30 30 Both Staff 15 15 20 Line 100 140 200 Staff 120 90 160

Less than 3 years 3 to 5 years More than 5 years Page 15 of 19


What is the number of the employees with 3 to 5 years to employment who have not attended the programme on Financial Management? 1. 190 2. 140 3. 60 4. 80 What is the number of employees with less than 3 years of employment who attended only one of the programmes? 1. 120 2. 70 3. 25 4. 95 What percent of the employees with more than 5 years of employment did not attend either workshop? 1. 64% 2. 86% 3. 50% 4. 14% How many of the employees who attended at least one programme have more than 5 years of employment? 1. 180 2. 130 3. 230 4. 36

150. 151. 152.

Directions Q. 153 to 156: Five machines produce fuses that are used in four wheeled vehicles. The fuses are inspected and either accepted or rejected. The following table gives the number of fuses accepted and the percentage of the total production rejected for each machine. Machine No. 1 2 3 4 5 153. 154. 155. 156. Number accepted 400 380 380 400 430 Percentage of production rejected 20 22 16 18 12 3. 600 4. None of these

What is the production for machine 1? 1. 480 2. 500

What is the approximate number of fuses rejected from the production of machine 5? 1. 59 2. 36 3. 52 4. 48 The total production is highest for machine number 1. 1 2. 2 The total production is lowest for machine number 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 3. 3 4. 4 or 5 4. 4 or 5

Directions Q. 157 to 161: Amit received a large order for stitching school uniforms from Mayflower school and Little Flower school. He has two cutters who will cut the fabric, five tailors who will do the stitching and two assistants to stitch the buttons and button holes. Each of these nine persons will work for exactly 10 hours a day. Each of the Mayflower uniforms requires 20 min for cutting the fabric, one hour for stitching, and 15 min for stitching buttons and button holes, whereas the Little Flower uniform requires 30 min, 1 hour and 30 min respectively for these activities. 157. 158. What is the maximum number of Little Flower uniforms that Amit can complete in a day? 1. 50 2. 20 3. 40 4. 30 On a particular day, Amit decided to complete 20 Little Flower uniforms. How many Mayflower uniforms can he complete on that day? 1. 30 2. 40 3. 20 4. 0 If Amit decides to complete 30 Little Flower uniforms only and no other on a particular day, how many total manhours will be idle? 1. 20 2. 30 3. 5 4. 25 If he hires one more assistant, what is the maximum number of Mayflower uniforms that he can complete in a day? 1. 40 2. 50 3. 60 4. 30



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Amit has the option to hire one more employee of any category. Which category should he hire to get maximum increase in production capacity, assuming that he needs to stitch only Mayflower uniforms on that day? 1. Tailor 2. Cutter 3. Assistant 4. Cannot be determined

Directions Q. 162 to 165: The following table gives the number of households in a country during the period 1970 to 1990. The subsequent pie charts give the distribution of households based on the number of children for the years 1970 and 1990. Year 1970 1972 1974 1976 162. No. of households (million) 120 123 126 129 Year 1978 1980 1982 1984 No. of households (million) 132 135 140 145 Year 1986 1988 1990 No. of households (million) 150 155 160

Which of the following statements about the households is true? 1. There were more households with children in 1970 than in 1990. 2. There were more households with two or more children in 1970 than in 1990. 3. The number of households with two children decreased slightly from 1970 to 1990. 4. None of the above. The simple annual growth rate of number of households form 1970 to 1990 was: 1. 1.52% 2. 1.65% 3. 2.10% 4. 3.00%
No Children 35% Three more children 25% Two children 20% Two Children 18% Three or More Children 20%


One child 20%

One Child 22% 1990

No Child 40%

164. 165.

The average number of children per household in 1990 was 1. 1.18 2. 1.35 3. 2.0

4. Cannot be determined

Assuming that the average number of children per household in 1970 was 3, how many households were without any children in 1970? 1. 24 million 2. 42 million 3. 14 million 4. Cannot be determined

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Free trade means 1. a barter of goods without the use of hard cash. 2. no official tariffs on trade between nations. 3. a national policy of only trading with those nations which have ben given MFN status 4. Using US Dollars to trade. NAFTA is an acronym for the 1. North American Free Trade Agreement. 3. North African Free Trade Agreement. 2. North American Frontier Trade Agreement. 4. North Asian Free Trade Agreement.



E-commerce means 1. European free commerce 2. commercialization of electronics. 3. buying, trading and/or selling goods via the internet. 4. Buying and selling goods electronically. The Pacific Rim countries are those which 1. lie in Australia 3. have Pacific natives. The name of India's first electric car is 1. Reva. 2. Kewa. A coin with a minting error is called 1. FIDO 2. DIDO Power Compact is from which company 1. Ariel 2. Nirma Golden Eye TV is of which company ? 1. BPL 2. Thomson 2. have climates similar to Papua New Guinea 4. Are bordering the Pacific Ocean. 3. Shewa. 3. LIDO 3. Surf 3. LG 4. Lova 4. PIDO 4. Rin 4. Onida 4. Konica 4. Kingfisher


170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176.

Relate the following Challenge the limits to appropriate company ? 1. LG 2. Konka 3. Samsung Relate the following The joy of flying to an airline ? 1. Sahara Airline 2. Indian Airlines 3. Jet Airways What does Nabisco stand for in RJR-Nabisco 1. National Biscuit Corporation 3. National Biscuit Company

2. National Business Company 4. National Business Corporation 4. 1909 4. Fixed costs 4. UP 4. Durables

177. 178. 179. 180.

In which year did cement manufacture start in India 1. 1902 2. 1908 3. 1900 Which of the following does not vary with output? 1. Variable costs 2. Total Cost Which state leads in industry? 1. Tamil Nadu 2. Maharashtra Indians spend most of their income on 1. Apparel 2. Food 3. Implicit costs 3. Karnataka 3. Car

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181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188.

The Indian governement announced the New Liberalised Industrial Policy in 1. 1989 2. 1990 3. 1991 4. 1995 Where is the headquarter of Asian Development Bank 1. New Delhi 2. Tokyo 3. Kathmandu Monetary Policy is laid out by? 1. Money lenders 2. Central Government Dhirubhai Ambani started his first textile mill in 1. 1966 2. 1956 3. Central Bank 3. 1972 4. Manila 4. Private sector 4. 1959 4. Alvin Toffler 4. Just Shop 4.Colgate Palmolive 4. Mahindra

7 Habits of Highly Effective People is authoured by 1. Philip Kotler 2. CK Prahlad 3. Stephen Covey Which is the largest US retail giant 1. Walmart 2. Seven Eleven Indias largest FMCG company is? 1. HLL 2. ITC Who manufactures the E-Class brand of cars? 1. Mercedes 2. Mistubishi 3. Harrods 3. Tata 3. Maruti

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