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The Balkan Region

The Balkan region has been a central place affecting European culture and was a meeting point between east and west for thousands of years. It went through uncounted battles and wars between its various ethnic minorities and the outside world. Some of the Balkan regions have been part of great world powers such as the Kingdom of Alexander the great, the Byzantine Romans, and the reign of Othman through which Islaam entered by Allahs mercy. In recent history the Balkan region has again been affected by many wars and from them the most recent ones which provoked the fall of communist Yugoslavia. As a result, the whole region split into several smaller independent countries. Despite all harm suffered, Islaam is still present and recently increasing in many of its countries such as Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Macedonia. The numbers of students of knowledge are increasing each year leaving a positive impact on the community and the Dawa in general. The present situation with regards to the Salafi da'wa is getting better year by year. As confirmed by a graduate from the Medina University from the faculty of Hadeeth living in Skopje in Macedonia, the noble call to tawheed is being carried by a number of students of knowledge whom most of them graduated from the Islamic University of Medina. Among the most important factor that Allah has blessed them with, is their close relationship with scholars such as Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee, Shaykh 'Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree, Shaykh Saalih asSuhaymee, Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree and others. By Allahs will, a few learning centres have been established throughout the region, of which at present one is in Macedonia, two in Kosovo and at least three in Albania. A unique opportunity has arisen for ILM4U to help our brothers and sisters in Balkans to establish the religion for the sake of Allah.

The specific needs of our brothers at this time in the Balkan region are as follows: -Arabic books of Aqeedah and Fiq to teach in the various centres. -Financial help in for of monthly payments to the costs for a new online radio. -Financial help to copy CDs of lectures in the Albanian language that will be spread to the people free of cost. Donate today; do not delay the chance to earn a continuous charity through ILM4U.

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