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Stephanie Schleimer__________________________________________________________ Center for Strategic Management and Globalization Copenhagen Business School Email: Phone: (+45) 3815 5623 Fax: (+45) 3815 3035

A C A D E M I C J O B S ____________________________________________________ Copenhagen Business School, Center for Strategic Management and Globalization Assistant Professor Since August 2009 Griffith Business School, Department of Management Lecturer August 2008 July 2009

E D U C A T I O N_____________________________________________________ Doctor of Philosophy 2009 (Griffith Business School; Griffith University / Australia) First Class Honours 2004 (Griffith Business School; Griffith University / Australia) Masters of International Business 2004 (Griffith Business School; Griffith University / Australia) Bachelor of Business (major in Marketing) 2002 (Griffith Business School; Griffith University / Australia)

P U B L I C A T I O N S______________________________________________________ Schleimer, S.C. & Riege, A. (2009). Knowledge transfer between globally dispersed units at BMW. Journal of Knowledge Management. (Forthcoming) Vol.13, No.1. Schleimer, S.C. & Shulman, A.D. The role of collaboration for innovation - Explaining configurations of collaboration in new service versus new product development. (Forthcoming) Journal of Product Innovation Management.

W O R K I N G P A P E R S__________________________________________________ Schleimer, S.C. & Shulman, A.D. Testing the mediating role of internal collaboration on the relationship between external collaboration and product development performance. Schleimer, S.C. & Shulman, A.D. Value-adding configurations of firm internal and external collaboration in new product development. Schleimer, S.C., Coote, L., & Riege, A. Subsidiary absorptive capacity an empirical test for mediation and moderation in international strategy implementation.

R E F E R E E D C O N F E R E N C E P A P E R S______________________________ Schleimer, S.C. and Shulman, A. (2009). Testing the mediating role of internal collaboration on the relationship between external collaboration and product development performance. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago/USA. Schleimer, S.C. and Shulman, A. (2009). Intra-firm and inter-firm collaboration as predictors of new service versus new product development performance. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago./USA. Schleimer, S.C. and Shulman, A. (2008). Value-adding configurations of firm internal and external collaboration in new product development. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, L.A./USA. Schleimer, S.C. and Shulman, A. (2008). Comparing the value-adding configurations of strategic alliances for new service versus new product developments. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, L.A./USA. Schleimer, S.C. (2007). How researchers define firm collaboration matters a meta-analysis on the differences between firm internal and external collaboration. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia, USA.

A W A R D S________________________________________________________________ 2007 & 2008 Griffith Graduate Research School international travel grant awarded 2005 2005 2005 2004 2003 2001 2000 Griffith University Postgraduate Scholarship (05-08) Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (0508) First Class Honors for Masters of International Business Griffith Award for Academic Excellence Griffith Award for Academic Excellence Griffith Award for Academic Excellence Deans list at the University of Puget Sound/Washington (spring term)

P R O F E S S I O N A L A F F I L I A T I O N___________________________________ Academy of Management

R E V I E W S_______________________________________________________________ Ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of World Business Discussant and reviewer at the Copenhagen Conferences Series 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (2007, 2008, 2009) Technology and Innovation Management Division Operations Management Division Public Policy and Strategy Division

T E A C H I N G_____________________________________________________________ POSTGRADUATE 2009 2009 2009 2008 2006 Foundations of Strategy (IMM) Copenhagen Business School Strategic Management (FSM) Copenhagen Business School Strategic Management (MBA) and (executive MBA) Griffith University Strategic Management (MBA) Griffith Business School Knowledge Management (MBA) Griffith Business School

UNDERGRADUATE 2005- 2006 2005-2006 International Marketing Management (Bachelor) Griffith Business School International Business (Bachelor) Griffith Business School

P R O F E S S I O N A L E M P L O Y M E NT__________________________________ 2007 2009 Strategic Consultant for the Queensland Department of Education Strategy and Research o Design of collaboration models within and across industries o Refinement of existing industry collaboration models and collaboration cluster plans Strategic Consultant for BMW World Headquarters, Munich/Germany o Global knowledge management solutions for 8 leading international subsidiaries and headquarters

2004 - 2006

2002 - 2004

Marketing Manager for BMW World Headquarters; Brand Relations and Cooperations Department, Munich, Germany o World launch of the new BMW 5 Series at the International Filmfestival in Cannes/France Marketing Manager, Progressive Sports International o Event Marketing o Magazine Advertising and Brand development Marketing Manager for Department of Sales, Kookai and Morgan Paris, Munich/Germany


2001- 2002

P E R S O N A L P A R T I C U L A R S________________________________________ Languages: German (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (conversational)

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