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A leader is someone who exercises influence over other people. It is an interpersonal influence directed towards the achievement of goals.

A leader is the individual in the group given the task of directing and coordinating tasks or who, in the absence of a designated leader, carries the primary responsibility for performing these functions in the group. Importance of leadership: Can reduce employee dissatisfaction as it will be among one of them that will be appointed a leader of a certain task or project. Encourages effective delegation (delegation is the principle of assigning tasks to subordinates under you. E.g. supervisor delegating any duty to the workers, in this case the worker will perform the duty and will be responsible to the supervisor) Creates team spirit Helps to develop skills and confidence in the group Classical theories: Trait theories: This is based on the assumption that leaders are born not made. Certain personality characteristics (or traits) become a basis on which future potential leaders are recognized by knowing and comparing them with the traits of known leaders. Lists of leadership qualities include: Physical traits, such as drive, energy, appearance Personality traits, such as adaptability, enthusiasm and self-confidence Social traits, such as cooperation, courtesy. A major problem with the trait approach is the question of exactly which traits are important. Despite research, there is no agreed set of traits which enable us to predict the successful leader. Activity based theories: Action centered leadership model is where task, group and individual needs are interconnected in the context of total leadership. A leader in any group has to strive constantly to achieve three major goals while at the same time maintaining a position as an effective leader.

setting objectives, planning tasks. Allocation of responsibilities and setting performance standards




Communication, team building, motivation and discipline

Coaching, counseling, development and motivation.

Contingency based theories: Simply put, contingency theory sees effective leadership as depending on a number of variable or contingent factors. There is no one right way to lead that will fit all situations. Rather it is necessary to lead in a manner that is appropriate to a particular situation. Contingency theory demonstrates that there is no ideal personality, nor one best style for a leader. The theory also provides a basis for developing people as leaders. By making people aware of the factors affecting the choice of leadership style and providing a basis for increased self-awareness the theory gives a useful starting point for leadership training.

Style (behavioral) theories: This theory concentrates on what a leader does, their behavior or style. Style is a difficult factor to measure or define. The style of a manager is essentially how he or she operates. The style leadership is divided: Task-centered leadership where the main concern of the leader is getting the job done, achieving objectives and seeing the group as simply a means to an end. Group-centered leadership where the prime interest of the leader is to maintain the group, stressing factors such as mutual trust, friendship, support, respect and warmth of relationships

Authoritarian: this leader was to remain aloof and to use orders without consultation in directing group activities

Democratic: this leader was to offer guidance, encourage the workers and participate in the group

Laissez-faire: this leader gave the workers knowledge, but did not become involved and generally participated little in the groups activities.

THE SKILLS OF A LEADER: The basic aim of leaders is to succeed in completing the task set with the help of their group. An effective leader will need to inspire confidence and trust so that there is maximum cooperation from the group. In order to achieve this aim, leaders need certain skills, which include: An understanding of the requirements of the group Ability to make decisions under pressure Confidence in his own ability and of the group Ability to create a sense of direction. Leaders should have a clear idea of what they are trying to achieve with their group. The ability to think strategically. Innovation and vision should be there. The possession of good communication skills should be there. If leaders are to conceive a vision, develop it into a strategy, win scarce organizational resources and gain the support of their staff, then they will need to be competent communicators.

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