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January 2 Weds Night Kids activities start back up! January 4 Royal Rangers starts back up!

January 6 Family Sunday January 13 First BGMC Sunday of 2013!!! Kids-N-Ministry Festival Applications go out! January 15 ECS Spirit Night at Chester Chick-Fil-A 5-8PM

A long time ago, far away lived a bubbly yellow giraffe named Jenna. Jenna led a normal giraffe life until something happened that changed her forever! Heres Jennas story: Hi! Im Jenna the giraffe. When I was just a little giraffe I would spend my days playing around in the fields with my friends. One day I had this urge to take a trip. I found a man who was building the strangest thing Id ever seen. Animals who were already there told me he had been building this thing for a long time. It was made of gopher wood and it was HUGE!!! One day, the man building this thing, asked me and my friends if we wanted to go on the ark with him. What an adventure! I couldnt wait to see the inside of that gigantic boat he built! When we got close, we noticed more animals coming to get on the big boat! Noahs son showed us where we would sleep. The boat was even bigger than it looked on the outside and it was soon filled with Noah, his family, and every kind of animal you could imagine. We all wondered what was going on! Noah shared with us how God was protecting us all from a great flood. We stayed on the ark for almost a year. Sometimes it would get a little stinky, and we would get tired of sleeping next to the owls who stayed awake all night. Noah told us fascinating stories about God and how he protects those who obey him. We leaped with joy when the land dried and we walked off the ark. We praised God and thanked Him for saving us! Then, the coolest thing I had ever seen stretched across the sky. I tried to poke my head over the top of it, but that didnt work. Well, thats my story. See you later! So mom and dad are talking a lot about praying circles this month, huh? Want to know what the fuss is about? Check out this book The

Circle Maker for Kids

available at Christian bookstores or online! Learn how God wants you to pray and to pray BIG! Nothing is impossible with God!

A FREE night of childcare for kids ages 0-12 at our Parents Night Out on February 15, from 6PM to 9PM. Kids will enjoy a fun evening of games, crafts, and a movie while parents enjoy a couple hours on their own! Dinner provided-PIZZA of course! Asking all moms and dads to pre-register their kiddos so we can plan accordinglyforms will be coming home with your children soon!
Please contact Pastor Tiffany Cummings with any questions721-4996 or email:

We are in the process of updating the KidLife directory and attendance tracking system. Please take time this month to fill out the Family Registration Card, even if you have filled out something similar in the past. This will help us fill in the information gap on some of the kids and to make any needed corrections! Thanks!

There are many different animals in the Bible. Change into your best safari clothes, grab your pencil, and get ready for a BibleFari. See how many of these animals from the Bible you can find in the jungle below.

Piggy Back! Gather some of your friends together for this really great game. Get a sticker for each player. Secretly write the name of one animal on each sticker. Place one sticker on the back of each person (dont let them see whats on the sticker). When you say go, everyone walks around the room asking each other yes or no questions about the animal on their back. See who can guess whats riding on their back first. Animal Crackers! Heres a game of charades with a twist. Get a box of animal crackers and a few friends. Each person draws an animal out of the box, and quickly eats it without letting anyone see what it. After completely swallowing the cracker, begin acting like the animal. The first person to guess the correct animal gets to be the next person to eat (play). Just for Fun! Where did Noah keep his bees? In the ark hives. Why did the crow sit on the telephone pole? He wanted to make a long caw. What is a frogs favorite drink? Croaka-cola Why did the worm oversleep? Because he didnt want to get caught by the early bird.

bear / bee / bird / camel / caterpillar / cattle / cobra dog / donkey / dove / eagle / fish / fox / horse lions / quail / raven / rooster / sheep / wolf / worm

New Years usually translates into resolutions and new goals for most of us. One of the most common New Years resolutions is that of becoming more active, getting in shape, and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Well, this is a fantastic goal for us to have and even better for it to spill over into our kids lives!! Instead of spending time in front of the TV, check out these exercises and games that will get everyone moving! You dont have to be an expert...just focus on FUN!

Circuits: Set boundaries with the cones 20 yards apart and have five kids stand by each cone. Yell "five vertical jumps" and all kids do five jumps. Yell "skip" and all athletes skip to the next cone, moving clockwise. Yells "eight pushups" and all kids do eight pushups. Next, ask the kids to suggest exercises. For instance, if one kid says, "bear crawl," all the kids should bear crawl to the next cone. After a couple suggestions, repeat the circuit once or twice. Obstacle Courses: Kids love fun, and obstacle courses are a fun way to get them motivated and moving. Obstacle courses are simple to set up at home, the park, the playground or the beach, and you can use a variety of things as equipment. Get creative and use toys in the closet, stuffed animals, soccer balls, footballs, jump ropes, soup cans and old dish rags to set up as the obstacles. Make each obstacle fun and challenging and keep the game going for 15 to 30 minutes. After you come up with a few courses have the children make up a few and participate with them.

Mark Batterson shares a perfect blend of biblical yet practical advice that will revolutionize your prayer life by giving you a new vocabulary and a new methodology. You'll see how prayer is your secret weapon. Through stories of parents just like you, Batterson shares five prayer circles that will not only help you pray for your kids, but also pray through your kids. Batterson teaches about how to create prayer lists unique to your family, claim God-inspired promises for your children, turn your family circle into a prayer circle, and discover your child's life themes. And he not only tells you how, he illustrates why. As Batterson says, 'I realize that not everyone inherited a prayer legacy like I did, but you can leave a legacy for generations to come. Your prayers have the power to shape the destiny of your children and your children's children. It's time to start circling.' Only $2.99 on!

Pick up a brochure to find the times and locations of all the great Life Groups this month! Family Sunday Nursery Training Session

-MPact Girls -Rainbows -Digging Deeper -House Fires

Royal Rangers

-MPact Girls -Rainbows -Digging Deeper -House Fires

Royal Rangers

BGMC Sunday KidLife Ministry Heads Meeting

ECS Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A 5-8PM

-MPact Girls -Rainbows -Digging Deeper -House Fires

Royal Rangers

-MPact Girls -Rainbows -Digging Deeper -House Fires

Royal Rangers

Mens Breakfast 8:30-9:30AM

Store Sunday/ KidLife Fun Sunday/ KdLife jr

-MPact Girls -Rainbows -Digging Deeper -House Fires

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