Team Working Dos and Donts

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Team working Dos and Donts

DO___________________________________ Take the time in your team to review and improve how the team operates ,It's about how we reviewing all the activities we do and correct errors or deficiencies in the implementation Example THE MEETING AND THE DECISION MADE TO EVERY DEPARTMENT

Make sure the teams objective are clear, we have to ensure the purpose of the establishment of these teams should be obvious that each member who was in the team knows what the goals will be achieved and understand what to do example

To promote a profitable and sustainable business activity that meets the customers needs. To increase the company's market share To gain the competitive edge To increase the company's role in relations to social responsibility To provide excellent customer service Also, for companies to get the customers' trust and support, they need to be honest and morally right. They have an obligation to ensure the quality of their goods and services

make sure your own objective are clear, we need to know and have an overview of the things we want to accomplish so that we know how to get it (SERVICES, NUMBER OF SALES, ACTION PLAN)

example When you set a goal make sure it is SMART:

1. Specific - consider who, what, when where, why and how in developing the goal

2. Measurable - include a numeric or descriptive measurement (NUMBER) 3. Achievable - consider the resources needed and set a realistic goal(2013) 4. Relevant - make sure the goal is consistent with the mission(THE MISSION OF THE COMPANY IS-------------) WE DONT KNOW YET,WE CAN STATE IT ON NARATION) 5. Time-bound - set a realistic deadline.(2013, BULAN DEPAN) We've created a worksheet to help you create a SMART goal and provided instructions to complete it in your goal-setting session. In order to get your creative juices flowing, review the following goals and see if you can come up with additional ways to make them SMART. Is It Specific? Sample Goal: Increase revenue from my personal chef business. This typical goal of any business lacks specificity. The author needs to detail how the increase will occur, quantify the increase and set a deadline that can be measured. SMART Goal: Increase revenue by 25% each month by catering 2 parties a month.

Is It Measurable? Sample Goal: Gain more clients for my consulting business by participating in a networking group. This is a worthy goal. But, how would you know if the networking group actually helped you get more clients? Include a metric to measure progress in meeting the goal. SMART Goal: Gain 2 clients each quarter for my consulting business by participating in a monthly networking group. Is It Achievable? Sample Goal: Offer compilation services to my bookkeeping clients by September 30th. The goal is specific and measurable and is pretty SMART if there are employees available with the skills to provide the service. If not, then the deadline might need to be extended. Is It Relevant? Sample Goal: Write a fiction novel about my experience helping build houses in Costa Rica. It sounds like a very interesting book and possibly a worthy personal goal. But, If you just started an advertising agency and most of your time is spent building your clientele, then this goal may not be relevant to your current mission. It may have to go on the back-burner for awhile. Is It Time-bound? Sample Goal: Create a website to sell jewelry from my store.

Of course, this goal needs a deadline. Otherwise the author may never get around to creating it. Checking off that a deadline is included in a goal is fairly straightforward. Making sure that it is realistic may be an entirely different matter. Consider all of your priorities and time constraints and set a realistic deadline. If outside pressures are making the deadline unrealistic, then look at ways to change the strategy for completion. For example, can you outsource some tasks associated with the goal? SMART Goal: Create a website to sell jewelry from my store by December 31st. Utilize a website development company to create the site and payment interface. -talk regulary about who will do what and by when (EVERY DEPARTEMENT HAVE THEIR OF TASK)

we must be clear in giving any direction to any member who in the team is good and it is clear that everything can be achieved on time and correctly example The most simple example is the distribution schedule picket conducted during school hygiene is one example of each member of the organization's duty to do its job each and division of time -work together as much as possible when you are trying solve customer problem (M2 SPA, PAGI) we must work together to overcome the problems generated by the customer so that we can exchange ideas so that we have many ways to solve the problem -make sure that your team member all comunicate well (SEMUA BICARA) we must ensure that all team members must communicate well in order to avoid misunderstanding in performing a given task than that we can also overcome the problems in the team more easily -have short,sharp team meetings to give everyone a chance to air their views and suggest improvements ( WAKTU SINGKAT DAN SEMUA MASALAH DI SEMUA DEPARTMENT SELESAI) we have to give time and opportunity for each team member to freedom so that we could hear their opinions terhadp constraints they face and try to overcome these obstacles together -stay involved and try to keep all the other team member involved (SEMUA IKUT BICARA) we have to involve all members in the team in order to solve the problem of the existence of each of each member in the team feels considered and necessary -get together socially and have fun it helps with communication (PULANG KERJA MAKAN) we have to provide refreshing to the team that aims to familiarize among the team members, so that team members get to know one another so that each team member adaptable when the task family gathering

typically, one of the companies engaged in the transportation blue bird holding its annual family gathering that aims to relieve the stress of the task given by the company other than that family gathering can also remove misunderstandings among employees in the office Dont_________________________________ -Worry if the team does not work perfectly , it will need fine tuning from time to time we have to worry if the team is not working on target, we have to understand what her problem and how to solve the problem. (UCAPAN) -Let your team be over-managed so that members are not involved in decision making, we have to provide the opportunity for each member to give advice to each member free to express the problems it faces and give them a little improvisation to perform tasks that do not feel pressured( DETAIL DETAILNYA DIURUS) -Allow the team become an elite club that doesnt work with orther parts of bussines, we have to work with all parts of the organization or group to achieve the targets that have been granted although the responsibility given to the other groups are different from us (MERASA HEBAT, NORMAN) -Miss any chance to congratulate the team on its successes, we should celebrate the success of the team for the work that has been achieved in order to be motivated to work even harder the task will be given late ( HANYA KEMENAGAN BIASA SAJA) -Let a blame culture develop, share responsibility when things go wrong. Mistakes made by the group and the team was a mistake that should be shared in order to have the same responsibility with the group cohesiveness (SEMUA DEPARTMENT MENYALAHKAN)

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