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1. Operating Support System System information is always required to process the data generated by and used in business operations.

Such operations support systems produce a variety of information that can best be used by managers. Further processing by management information system is usually required. The role of the business enterprise operations support systems is to efficiently process business transactions, control of industrial processes, supporting the company's communication and collaboration, as well as updating the company database. The operating system used by Pizza Hut are subdivided into several types, namely: a. Transaction Processing System (TPS) Transaction Processing System is an important part of operations support systems in charge of processing and data recording reports of business transactions, with two basic principles, ie, in batch processing and in real-time (or online) processing. Pizza Hut in doing trasnsaksi already has network computer integrated with a customer that provides ordering information. Transaction Processing System that is used by Pizza Hut is a Point of Sale (POS) System, Point of Sale is the most vital part in the operation, with a consumer transaction involving direct interaction with customers and the company's data base simultaneously, hardware and software capabilities reliable continuity of operations is a key factor. TPS is a system that uses electronic cash register terminals to store and transmit data entry of sales in all networks are directly contacted by a central computer and can be processed for the purposes of rapid or periodic. In principle operating systems Pizza Hut is a workflow which translates into standard automation process. Customer orders received by the system point of sale (order station) that will be recorded by the data collector makaline station as a collective of some order station. Then the customer orders will be processed directly by the kitchen with a hardcopy document as a work order transactions. All transaction data is stored in the file server, while the driver is required as a supervisor routing operations to be monitored directly by Headquater over WAN networks. b. Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS) Pizza Hut franchise companies have started doing business alliance using intranets, extranets, and the Internet to build a good network of global communication with the customer, internal parties, suppliers, and others involved in the system. An information system related to the support team, working groups, improved communications and productivity, and collaboration on the application form and job automation. For example, to facilitate the electronic mail to send and receive electronic messages, and includes using videoconferencing and others. The system is also used for coordination and exchange of information on the company's internal, eg between outlet of Pizza Hut will be connected into a single network so that the coordination and exchange of information can be easily done. Pizza Hut apply online order against kosumennya. Order online service is divided into three menus, the first is a log in account for the consumer either a regular customer or a new customer by entering the pin code to determine the closest Pizza Hut networks. The second menu is a demonstration of the purchase, the service is provided for customers to place an order online mencoa before going into actual transactions. And the third is the way features help companies to communicate with customers via email and toll free phone. Around this time, then it implies that Pizza Hut has to approach customers, because it is not possible to customer relation management performed Pizza Hut will create its own loyalty for its customers.

2. Management Support System This system essentially arises when the application information system focuses on providing information and support for effective decision making by managers. Because it provides information and provide support in decision making by all levels of managers and business professionals is quite a difficult task, it needs an operation support system called management support systems. a. Management Information System (MIS) This information system provides information in the form of reports and views to managers and business professionals. For example, the sales manager may use information via computer networks, and access to the display of the state of their product sales and can access the company intranet on a daily sales analysis reports, and also evaluate the results of the sales made by their sales staff. MIS used in Pizza Hut is Pizza Hut's Field Management System which provides applications that can assist store manager in business forecasting, inventory management and human resources management. This application will be a next reporting form used by the company in the determination or decision making support systems. b. Decision Support Systems (DSS) DSS is a computer system that provides direct support to a manager in decision / making decisions. A production manager can use the DSS to determine how much product will be produced as in manufacturing companies, based on sales forecasts associated with the promotion to be conducted, the location and availability of raw materials required in the production of a product. DSS provides the information needed for the manager end-user interactively using a variety of analytical models, simulation and others. For Pizza Hut alone DSS usage is seen when each store manager to monitor the performance of direct and interactive system, also equipped with a management tool in analyzing business analysis, forecasting and inventory management. The use of computer-based information systems (Computer-Based Information System) which is used by Pizza Hut to support the overall activities of the company looks at each field follows: The use of computer-based information systems (Computer-Based Information System) which is used by Pizza Hut to support the overall activities of the company looks at each field as follows: 1. Support business operations in the event:

- Serving the sale - Assist in customer buying her records - Tracking inventory - Paying salary - Purchase of raw materials - Evaluate the performance trend of sales or other sales


Support managerial decision making (managerial decision making)

In structural, managerial decision-making process consists of several steps: - Identify problems and opportunities In this case Pizza Hut seized the opportunity to serve new markets, namely Internet users due to changes in consumer behavior from offline to online. - Help generate and evaluate alternative decision Operational activity translated into an automated system, like a dapatdilihat in the website, customers can choose the preferred type of topping. By knowing the type of toppings that consumers favored at the time, then this can be used as an effective way of analyzing the superior excellence of a product. - Select course of action and monitor its implementation After knowing and analyzing the strategic things that can create a competitive advantage, then the third step is to apply to the company. With decision-making process that can be used in the system business forecasting, inventory management and human resource management, then these things can help managers make better managerial decisions and has a strategic competitive advantage. For example, a decision in the case of purchase of raw materials, whether it should be added or discontinued their purchases, which it will be associated with setting up inventories so wasteful expense does not happen. In addition to forecasting the business then the managerial investment decisions of what is needed today and in the future. 1. Besides the management information system capable of supporting the Strategic Advantage (strategic advantage), including:

- The information used as the basis of preparation of the information is a strategic information system - Information systems are used to support the mission of the company in terms of 100% customer satisfaction. - Through its website ( consumers can ordering online or find nearest Pizza Hut restaurant (with ensuite facilities store finder) and also can get a coupon for free through the site. Things like this can attract new customers and customers of the restaurant away from competitors. - Through the information system, Pizza Hut can always perform competitive product differentiation through recipes, so it can always make changes flavor according to the changing tastes of the customers and always provide a breakthrough for Pizza Hut products. - Through the use of information systems, it can accelerate the delivery order in hot conditions (fresh from the oven) with a reasonable price (value priced application). So consumers can instantly feel the genuine enjoyment of the products offered by Pizza Hut in a relatively not too long at affordable price.

- Through the use of enterprise information system operational efficiency can be achieved. - System information also plays menunjuang introduce business innovation activities of firms. - The system is very easy to use POS information to support the company's operational activities (user friendly). Therefore the information systems used by Pizza Hut are very beneficial to the company's strategic advantage. The successful implementation of management information systems at the company's Pizza Hut to inspire other companies to follow the lead of the Pizza Hut. The success of Pizza Hut with methods such as Information Systems Point of Sales System (POS) and Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS) through the website done by other companies such as McDonalds and KFC. The success of Pizza Hut with web-sitenyameminimalkan process of trial and error so Mc'Donalds dilakukanoleh McDonald's can make a better information system. McDonald's plans to spend $ 1 billion over five years to tie all the operations in real-time digital network (system informasiperusahaan). Information system designed to make the McDonald's management knows how many billions of pastel burgers, buns, and chicken nuggets consumed disembarang or at all stores at all times in one day. Every detail of every time of the day. Every detail of each property (expected) are available in real-time. With the growth in the number of restaurants in 1700 as a new restaurant in a year makes McDonald's wanted to create a tool to control the key quality that make a successful fast food chain sajisecara This consistency. McDonald's executives wanted a system to monitor and biased information may affect the minute by minute basis the company's ability to create a consistent product to customers quickly. If connected to every key piece of equipment in every store, digital network real-time will allow McDonald's provide better customer using information and communication technology to monitor the quality of oil used for frying, or to ensure that each raisin bread padatingkat burnt crunchiness that sesuai.Itu be a member of the McDonald's executives a detailed view of overall system involves real-time. Sales, service time, staffing, data supply chain, location of vendor, equipment repair orders, and all figures is another reality that tracked McDonald's with a system developed internally, which generally makes the data available to decision makers in a week or so, the bias is within seconds via a web browser.

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