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Memory Outlines


COMMENCEMENT OF ACTION A. Filing B. Pre-Filing Notice Requirements 1. Federal Tort Claims 2. Waiver C. Relationship to Service JURISDICTION AND SERVICE A. Service of Process 1. Waiver of Service 2. Personal Service on Individuals a. Delivery to the Person b. Abode c. Who May Serve Papers d. Community Property Considerations 3. Service by Publication 4. Service on the Federal Government 5. Service on Corporations and Other Business Associations 6. Service in Specific Situations 7. Service After Initial Service of Process B. Minimum Contacts 1. Generally 2. Domicile 3. No Contacts, But In-State Service Obtained 4. Consent or Waiver 5. Consent by Contract C. Long-Arm Statutes 1. Generally a. Business b. Tort c. Property d. Insurance 2. Jurisdiction is Specific to In-state Activity 3. Transacting Business



E. F.


a. Factors Considered b. Physical Presence not Required c. Internet Transactions d. Registered Agent Distinguished 4. Commission of Tort a. Generally b. Products Liability Cases 5. Ownership or Use of Property 6. Insuring Risk 7. Full Jurisdiction Obtained Challenges to Personal Jurisdiction, Consolidation, and Waiver 1. Appearance 2. Method 3. Exception 4. Timeliness, Consolidation 5. Waiver a. By Waiting Too Long to Move for Dismissal b. By Seeking Affirmative Relief In Rem Jurisdiction Subject Matter Jurisdiction 1. Federal Question 2. Diversity Jurisdiction 3. Supplemental Jurisdiction 4. Removal Jurisdiction Venue and Change of Venue 1. Basis a. Residence of D b. Location of Events or Property c. Personal Jurisdiction 2. Actions Against Corporations 3. Improper Venue 4. Forum Non Conveniens


PLEADINGS AND MOTIONS A. Complaint and Answer 1. Complaint Contents JARR a. Jurisdiction b. Allegation of Facts c. Right to Relief d. Relief Requested 2. Joinder of Claims 3. Single Complaint 4. Pre-Answer Motion to Dismiss 5. Answer 6. Post-Answer Motion to Dismiss

B. C. D. E.



H. I.


Notice Pleading Pleading Special Matters Signing of Pleadings, Sanctions Challenges to the Pleadings 1. In General 2. Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State Claim a. Purpose b. Drastic Remedy c. Truth Inference d. Amendment Allowed e. Too Vague Consolidation and Waiver of Certain Defenses 1. In General 2. FRCP 12 Defenses 3. Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction 4. Lack of Personal Jurisdiction or Improper Venue a. Challenge by Motion b. Challenge in Answer Counterclaims 1. Compulsory 2. Permissive Crossclaim Amended Pleadings 1. Generally 2. Leave of Court 3. Claims, Defenses, or Parties 4. Relating Back a. New Claim or Defense b. New Party c. New Party Restriction d. New Party Practical Effect Appearance and Default 1. General Overview 2. Appearance 3. Proof of Service and Proper Venue 4. Entry and Judgment Amount 5. Protection for Members of Military 6. Motion to Vacate In General 7. Motion to Vacate for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction 8. Motion to Vacate Other a. Meritorious Defense b. Reason for Ds Failure to Appear c. Ds Diligence d. Effect Upon P


PARTIES A. Generally 1. Real Party in Interest 2. Capacity B. Compulsory Joinder of Indispensable Parties 1. Generally 2. Complete Relief 3. Rights Are Being Adjudicated a. Indispensable Parties b. Parties Who Are Not Indispensable 4. Procedure 5. Dismissal in Absence of Indispensable Party C. Permissive Joinder of Parties 1. Common Question of Law or Fact 2. Separate Trials D. Impleader 1. Generally 2. Procedure 3. Insurer as Party E. Addition or Substitution of Parties 1. Addition 2. Procedure on Addition 3. Substitution F. Class Actions 1. Generally 2. Requirements CULP a. Common Questions b. Usual Claim c. Large Membership d. Protection 3. Examples 4. Additional Factors a. Risks of Separate Actions b. Conduct of Opposing Party c. Common Questions 5. Notice Requirements a. In Common Questions b. Not in Common Questions DISCOVERY A. Methods and Scope of Discovery 1. Methods PRIDE 2. Timing and Sequence 3. Discovery vs. Ex Parte Contacts 4. Superior Court vs. District Court


5. 6. 7. 8.


C. D.


F. G. H. I.



Scope of Discovery Generally Privileges Apply Protective Orders Work-Product a. What is Protected b. In Anticipation of Litigation c. Distinguish from Attorney-Client Privilege d. Court-Ordered Disclosure e. Legal Malpractice f. Waiver by Disclosure to Witnesses g. Attorneys Thought Processes 9. Using FOIA in Lieu of Discovery Discovery With Regard to Experts 1. Testifying 2. Consulting 3. Fact or Occurrence Initial Disclosures Depositions 1. Subpoena 2. Recording Testimony 3. Transcript 4. Conduct During Depositions 5. Use of Deposition as Evidence at Trial Interrogatories 1. Generally 2. Scope of Inquiry Production of Documents Physical and Mental Examinations Requests for Admission Supplementation of Responses 1. Materially Incomplete or Incorrect 2. Not Already Rectified Discovery Abuse POSE 1. Protective Orders 2. Orders Compelling Discovery 3. Sanctions for Violation of Order a. Discretion b. Scale of Severity c. Ultimate Sanctions 4. Exclusion of Witness Spoliation 1. In General 2. Negative Inference 3. Electronically Stored Documents 4. Implications for Practice

5. Civil vs. Criminal Cases VI. PRE-TRIAL PROCEEDINGS A. Preliminary Equitable Relief FRCP 65(a) 1. Requirements ROMP a. Risk of Irreparable Harm b. Ps Harm Outweighs the Harm to D c. Likelihood of Success on the Merits d. Public Interest 2. Temporary Restraining Order a. Showing Required b. Limited Duration B. Dismissals 1. Voluntary Dismissal 2. Involuntary Dismissal 3. Coordination With Statute of Limitations C. Summary Judgment 1. Motion 2. Issue of Material Fact a. Affirmative Showing b. Materiality c. Admissible Evidence d. Self-Contradiction e. Credibility f. Typical Factual Issues g. Any Doubt 3. Summary Judgment When Law Compels Result D. Pre-Trial Conference

VII. TRIALS A. Burden of Proof 1. More Likely Than Not 2. Special Situations B. Procedure 1. Evidence Motion 2. Opening Statement 3. Timeliness of Trial Objections a. Rulings on Evidence b. Other Rulings c. Constitutional Exception 4. Mistrials a. Motion b. Timeliness C. Jury Trials 1. Of Right

2. Legal or Equitable Decisions 3. Jury Selection a. Peremptory Challenge b. Restriction c. Challenge For Cause LIB (1) Lack of Qualifications (2) Incapacity (3) Bias, Actual or Implied 4. Jury Instructions a. Generally b. Content of Instructions c. Timing and Procedure d. Objections to Proposed Instructions (1) Timeliness (2) Preserve for Appeal 5. Counsels Closing Argument 6. Jury Deliberations 7. Verdict 8. Jury Misconduct, Setting Aside the Verdict a. Improper Actions b. Improper Reasoning or Thought Process c. Life Experiences d. Bias or Prejudice e. Error in Recording or Reporting Verdict f. Procedure VIII. JUDGMENT AS A MATTER OF LAW A. Terminology B. Purpose and Timing 1. Purpose 2. Timing 3. Comparison to Summary Judgment C. Test for Sufficiency of the Evidence 1. Generally 2. Burden on Motion 3. Credibility Disregarded 4. No Weighing of Evidence IX. VERDICTS AND JUDGMENTS (OTHER THAN JML) A. Jury Trials B. Bench (Judge) Trials C. Entry of Judgment D. Costs and Attorney Fees 1. Litigation Costs 2. Attorney Fees


POST-TRIAL MOTIONS A. Motion for a New Trial 1. Grounds JET a. Juror Misconduct b. Errors of Law c. Timeliness 2. Timing and Procedure 3. Reopening Judgments B. Motion to Vacate Judgment 1. Grounds 2. Timing and Procedure APPEALS A. When an Appeal is Allowed Final Judgment Rule 1. Appeal as of Right 2. Discretionary Review 3. Extraordinary Writs a. Writ of Mandamus b. Writ of Prohibition B. Appeal Procedure 1. Time for Notice of Appeal 2. Extension 3. Standard of Review a. Pure Questions of Law b. Discretionary Rulings c. Factual Determinations d. Raised Below e. Sustain on Any Theory 4. Circuit Court of Appeals 5. United States Supreme Court a. Conflict b. Question of Law c. Substantial Public Interest


XII. PRECLUSION A. Res Judicata B. Collateral Estoppel

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