2012 News Round-Up and 2013 Events Listing

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2012 Round Up

MS Support Centre wins 5000 in the Morgan Foundation Entrepreneur Awards

The MSSC has won runner-up place in the Morgan Foundation Awards. Prizes were awarded in a gala ceremony and the MSSC won 5000 in the category for charity or social enterprise making the best social contribution. The MSSC was recognised for "offering support, therapies and helpful strategies to manage the symptoms of MS and other neurological conditions as effectively as possible in a happy, supportive and understanding environment". The Centre began in 1985 and has grown from a small volunteerled charity to one with more than 300 members employing 12 staff and supported by around 25 volunteers. The Morgan Foundation was created in 2001 by Steve Morgan, founder of Redrow Homes. During the awards ceremony held at Carden Park Hotel, Chester the winners and runners-up in the seven categories won a total of 115k in cash prizes as well as a package of professional services. The Awards were open to charities, social enterprises, businesses and entrepreneurs from Merseyside, Cheshire, Shropshire, North Wales and the Wolverhampton area. Businessman Steve Morgan, the founder of the Morgan Foundation, said: The Morgan Foundation Entrepreneur Awards are all about Targeting Inspiration from young entrepreneurs with great ideas, to established charities changing lives across the region. As in previous years I have been heartened and humbled to meet some truly exceptional people during the judging process. At a time of economic uncertainty, stories of entrepreneurial success and social enterprise are even more meaningful and our aim is to give them the recognition they so deserve. Information about all the winners, runners-up and finalists can be found on the Awards website www.mf-awards.co.uk

Directors Lunches
The Centre ran two Directors Lunches during 2012 in April and November. Both lunches were supported by Thomas Cole Internet Solutions. The lunches provide a great way for businesses to network and act as a thank you from the Centre for all the support that is offered to us by the business community. Both events provided an opportunity for people to hear more about the work of the Centre and its plans for the future. Out next Directors Lunch will be held in April 2013 where the speaker will be the Very Reverend Professor Gordon McPhate, Dean at Chester Cathedral and Lecturer in Medical Ethics at Chester University.

Bupa Great Run

A team of six runners took part in the 10k run in the city of Manchester on Sunday 20th May 2012, all were raising money for the MSSC. Well done to Kiran, Charlotte, Mark, Dan, Kate and Andy who took part. The Centre has secured places for the Manchester and London Bupa Great Runs for 2013. If you would be interested in running on behalf of the Centre, call 01244 678619

New Outreach programme in Conwy

The MSSC embarked on a brand new project this year as it started a new outreach programme in Conwy. From September the Centre started to offer a physiotherapist led exercise class at the health and social care centre, Canolfan Crwst, in Llanrwst. The session is part of the MSSCs services for people with neurological conditions and involves an exercise class led by a qualified Neurological Physiotherapist. Our range of therapies reflect a variety of personal interests and promote physical stability and improvement, as well as complementing and supporting the work of neurologists and GPs explained Jane Johnston-Cree, Centre Manager and Senior Neurological Physiotherapist at the MSSC. Whilst our Centre in Chester provides a supportive environment for many people across the region, it is not always possible for people to travel to us regularly. The development of this session gives people the option of taking part in a weekly exercise session, and group exercise has been shown to have a real beneficial impact on those who have neurological conditions. The weekly session has been funded by the Big Lottery.

2013 Key Dates

Winter Workout Raffle Draw 22nd January MSSC Open Evening 7th March Fashion Show Directors Lunch Golf Day Manchester 10K London 10K 6 mile Challenge 21st March 24th April 23rd May 26th May 27th May 29th June

Local Charities celebrate working together

Two local charities celebrated the benefits of working together this year when the MSSC opened its doors to the local Branch of Parkinsons UK. For the first time, people with Parkinsons in Chester and the surrounding areas were able to get access to purpose-built facilities for physiotherapy, yoga, massage, a range of complementary therapies and social support. Neil Kemsley, Chair of the MSSC Trustees, believes the move has been an unqualified success. Our building was enlarged last year and our opening hours have been extended, this means that we can put on more activities and reach more people who have these difficult neurological conditions he said. The two Charities have agreed to continue their co-operation, which first started in 2010, on a permanent basis for the future. The Chairs of the two organisations signed the new agreement at the AGM of the Parkinsons Chester Branch held at the MSSC. Said Ann Edwards, Chair of the Parkinsons Branch, Experience shows that people with Parkinsons have gained a great deal from access to these splendid facilities. It is clear that working together can produce great benefits to people with both conditions. We are making the best use of the building and its equipment. This way everyone is a winner.

Wirral Community Choir Concert 11th July

The Centre signed an agreement with the local branch of Parkinsons UK, to work in collaboration, here is Neil Kemsley, Chair of the Trustees of the MSSC and Ann Edwards, Chair of the Chester Branch of Parkinsons UK signing the agreement.

Welsh Minister visits Centre

The MSSC played host to Lesley Griffiths, the Welsh Assembly Minister for Health and Social Services, and Carl Sargeant Assembly Member for Alyn and Deeside in July when they visited the Centre to meet members, staff and volunteers. They spent over an hour at the Centre being shown round the extensive facilities which cater for people with MS, Parkinsons and other neurological conditions. Members can access Neuro physiotherapy, exercise classes, counselling, information and advice from the specialist centre and the Assembly Ministers were clearly impressed by the breadth of activities available, which aim to allow people with long-term neurological conditions access to regular exercise. Karen Shepherd from the North Wales Neuro Science Network and Parkinsons UK Mold Branch and a member at the Centre, initiated the visit and said, I wanted Lesley to see what a brilliant place this is so she can see what a valuable and vital resource it is for neuro therapy services in our locality. These services are not available in the NHS, so many people access their only therapy programmes from here. It enables people with neurological conditions to manage their own health effectively, keeping their independence for as long as is feasible and in my own case maintaining my health and mobility levels enough for me to continue in my work.

Centre will Shine in 2013

The MSSC has been successful in its bid to gain a Time to Shine intern for 2013, funded through the Rank Foundation. From January until October a research project which will take place at the Centre which will inform the MSSCs development and ongoing sustainability over the coming years. The Centres membership is growing and it is now serving members with a variety of neurological conditions. The Centre is also continuing its ongoing ambition to raise its profile amongst healthcare professionals. This research project will provide the evidence that we need to make the case to local health bodies that we can deliver ongoing, sustained services to people with chronic degenerative neurological conditions both efficiently and cost effectively, with the aim of securing the funding that is required to do this. The research project will also provide some of the information that we are required to feed back to the Big Lottery, following their People and Places Wales grant to the Centre last year, which supports the establishment of three outreach physiotherapy programmes in hard to reach communities in North Wales. The project will involve gathering, reviewing and evaluating evidence which demonstrates the effects of access to regular exercise on both the physical health and psychological well-being to people with a long term neurological condition.

Bell Meadow Charity Golf Day

Helsby Golf club played host to the charity golf day sponsored by Bell Meadow on Thursday 12th July, 19 teams of golfers took part to raise money for the MSSC. Caps and sunscreen were out as the golfers bathed in sunshine navigated their way around the challenging Cheshire golf course. The day raised nearly 4000 this time, and has raised a total of 8000 over the last 3 years that it's taken place. A great day was had by all and many teams have already booked their place for next years golf day which is to be held on the 23rd May 2013.

Fundraising Success
The MSSC has strong support from its business friends and passionate individual supporters. As always we are extremely appreciative to everyone who has helped raise all important funds for the Centre whether you have organised a social event, taken part in one of our collection days or been sponsored to do something challenging - we are very grateful for your support and hope that you had fun taking part! This year we were delighted to be nominated as a charity to support by two organisations community initiatives and as a result we won the token collections run through ASDA Saltney and John Lewis in Chester.

Forgotten Phones
We are now able to recycle mobile phones and turn them into funds for the Centre. If you would like one of our collection boxes for old mobiles, please let us know. There is no cost to an organisation, as all postage is paid.

The Ellesmere Port Therapy Access Project

The MSSC was able to enter into a new venture in the Summer thanks to funding received from the Peoples Postcode Trust, a grant-giving charity, funded entirely by players of Peoples Postcode Lottery. The Centre was awarded 5,000 to run The Ellesmere Port Therapy Access Project which involves a 3-way partnership between the MS Support Centre, the Chester branch of Parkinsons UK (which supports members from the whole of West Cheshire, including Ellesmere Port), and the Chester and Ellesmere Port District Branch of the MS Society. The three month project has enabled people in the Ellesmere Port area who are affected by MS or Parkinson's Disease to access the facilities and services available at the Centre in Saltney, and to address both their physical health and mental wellbeing needs. By doing this the three Charities involved wish to improve the quality of life for people affected in the area by enabling regular attendance at the Centre and by developing the range of therapies and activities they have access to. Cheshire West and Chester council sustainable community transport initiative has enabled the service to be provided through the Specialist Planning and Passenger Fleet teams of the Integrated Transport Service, (Community & Environment Department) using a wheel chair accessible Shuttle minibus for the first six months of the project. Neil Kemsley the Chair of Trustees said The Peoples Postcode Lottery has enabled the Centre, to extend its opening times on Fridays. The Centre can now offer its excellent facilities for use to a wider group of people with neurological conditions in their locality. The Peoples Postcode Lottery is a charity lottery; players play with their postcodes to win cash prizes while raising money for good charities and community initiatives across England, Scotland and Wales, including the Peoples Postcode Trust. Peoples Postcode Lottery believes in supporting local communities so the money raised by players in each country, stays in that country.

New Trustee Appointed

Solicitor, Louise Eccleston was appointed a Trustee of the MSSC in June. Louise is a partner at Walker Smith Way solicitors in Chester and brings a great level of experience to the Centre. She has 19 years experience in trust and private client law and is head of the probate department. She has worked with a number of clients who have benefited from the services provided by the charity and was delighted to be invited to become a member of the board at the Centre. Since qualifying as a solicitor in 1993, Louise has dealt solely with advising the vulnerable and elderly clients, the administration of estates, wills and inheritance tax planning. This has included acting as trustee fort family trusts or as attorney or deputy (via the Court of Protection) for those not able to handle their own finances, Mrs Eccleston is also secretary of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, a member of the board of trustees for Age UK Cheshire and a member of Solicitors for the Elderly, giving Louise a deep understanding of care issues and the needs of carers. Neil Kelmsley, chairman of trustees at the MSSC, said having known Louise for a while now, we are delighted she has become one of our trustees and know we can count on her to support us when we need her help and advice at a time when the centre is undergoing a period of significant expansions.

MS Centre Opens doors to Healthcare Professionals

The MSSC held an Open Evening on Wednesday 29th February. The event aimed to increase the awareness of the services available for people affected by MS, Parkinsons and ME within the North Wales and Cheshire was a well supported. Many local Health care professionals, GPs and their support staff attended the event and found out about the services provided at the Centre. This was a unique opportunity for GPs and other healthcare professionals to increase their knowledge of these poorly understood conditions, and how the support and therapies available at the Support Centre can greatly enhance an individuals quality of life and help with symptom management. Jane Johnston-Cree the Centre Manager said, We are really pleased to be building relationships with GP practices which will hopefully see us providing more information and education to healthcare professionals, making them better informed about the conditions we support. Well be holding the next one on 7th March.

A Muddy Challenge
The 2012 MS Six Mile Challenge took place on Saturday 30th June at Capel Curig and involved eight teams navigating around a six mile course with their MS passenger. The teams who entered were unwavering even though they faced a mud bath! Setting off from the base camp participants battled through chest high mud, icy water and up and down rocky forest paths beating off the midges. The gritty fundraisers have raised over 8,000 to date. Thanks to the following teams who took part this yearTarporley High School Team Barret MS Support Centre Whitchurch Rugby Club Nacred Lambs (Carden Arms) The Dogs Bollox The Walking, Talking Tripods (Airbus) AGS Lambs To take part in this event in June 2013 please contact 01244 678619.

Contact Us
01244 678619 Find Us on Facebook ms.support.centre and Twitter @mschester

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