Jan8 Citycouncil Endorsement 2013

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 8, 2013 Contact: Tara L. Martin I Email: TMartin@rwdsu.org I Phone: 212.684.5300 x122 I Cell: 347.416.



NEW YORK, NY Today, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) is announcing six additional endorsements of candidates for New York City Council in the 2013 elections. The endorsements are as follows: District 8 Melissa Mark-Viverito District 22 Costa Constantinides District 24 Rory Lancman District 31 Donovan Richards District 33 Steve Levin District 34 Antonio Reynoso RWDSU President Stuart Appelbaum issued the following statement regarding the RWDSU's endorsements: "Income inequality has reached immoral levels in this city. Far too many working families are struggling just to survive. Working people need elected officials at every level who are committed to progressive ideals. We need council members who will fight for all New Yorkers - including low wage workers. "The individuals we are endorsing today have fought for New York City's working people - from taking a stand against Wal-Mart to spearheading groundbreaking living wage legislation, responsible development, workers rights, immigrant rights, the car wash workers campaign, and fair contract fights. These candidates are champions for working families, and the RWDSU is proud to stand with them. Councilmember Melissa Mark-Viverito -- District 8 As a member of the city council, Melissa Mark-Viverito has worked closely with the RWDSU - from lending support to the organizing campaign for car wash workers to advocating for the passage of the living wage law. She is the lead sponsor of the Car Wash Accountability Act, which requires car washes to be licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs and would ensure greater review of this industrys labor and environmental practices.

Costa Constantinides -- District 22 Costas background as a grassroots organizer turned District Leader has put him in direct touch with the needs of working families of Queens. Through his work in the City Council as Deputy Chief of Staff to Councilmember Jim Gennaro, he has been instrumental in passing environment legislation that protects the health and safety of all New Yorkers. He has been a vocal opponent of Stop and Frisk and has organized youth in his district to increase civic participation. Rory Lancman -- District 24 As a member of the Assembly and chair of the Workplace Safety Committee, Rory Lancman fought armin-arm alongside the RWDSU for safer working conditions, better wages and real bargaining rights for retail, car wash and supermarket workers. He has authored and passed several pieces of state legislation that have protected the rights of workers, and has teamed up with the New York State Department of Labor to host the first annual "New York State Immigrant Workers' Rights Awareness Weekend". Donovan Richards -- District 31 As the chief of staff to former Councilmember James Sanders who chaired the Labor and Civil Service Committee, Donovan has spoken out against development that would damage communities, and he has advocated for funding for developments that would create high quality jobs and public space. He has also led trainings for youth in his district - educating them on their rights while being stop and frisked. Councilmember Steve Levin -- District 33 Councilmember Steve Levin was an early and fierce supporter of the Living Wage campaign. He has spent his career fighting for working families in the housing arena, working to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to safe and affordable housing. Antonio Reynoso -- District 34 Born and raised in the 34th district, Antonio Reynoso started his career as an organizer under the mentorship of the late Jon Kest, a close friend and ally of the RWDSU and a pre-eminent leader in our city's progressive movement. As the current Chief of Staff to Councilmember Diana Reyna, he has shown his commitment to issues like living wages and responsible economic development. The RWDSU has previously endorsed two other candidates in this year's city council's races -- Corey Johnson, District 3 and Jesus Gonzalez, District 37.

### The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) represents 100,000 members throughout the United States, including 45,000 members in New York. The RWDSU is affiliated with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW). For more information, please visit our website at www.rwdsu.org.

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