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Reporting Period

BEHAVIOR Work and Social Skills

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Organizes Materials and Belongings Works Well With Others Follows Instructions Stays on Task Completes Work on Time Respects Self, Others, and Environment

X - Conduct Needs Improvement



Teacher Comments

Days Absent

Reporting Period Standard Grading Scale 3 - Meets Expectation 2 - Making Progress


4 - Exceeds Expectation (3rd -5th Only)

Code - Description # - Dyslexia M - Modified

1 - Insufficient Progress Printed Date: 12/10/2012

A - Accommodated

Reporting Period

1 2 3 4 5 6 Code

Reporting Period

Solves problems using concrete objects and pictorial models to show equivalent fractions Solves problems using concrete objects and pictorial models to compare and order __fractions and __decimals

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Reporting Period

Identifies slow changes to Earth's surface caused by wind, water, and ice, such as: __weathering, __erosion Explain and illustrate the water cycle and the Sun Identifies sequences and predicts patterns of change within __shadows __tides __moon

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The expected reading level for 4th grade students falls between P and R as shown on the Reading Continuum Based on evidence from the Reading Continuum, student independent reading level is: (See Individual Reading Report) The exptected SRI level for 4th grade students falls between 700 and 900 Writing Students will use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, publishing) to compose texts that either communicate about an important personal experience (personal narrative) or communicate ideas & information (expository text) Each composition should demonstrate the following criteria: Organization Clear Central Idea

Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Thinking Organizes, analyzes and describes patterns between two sets of related data in a real world situation using numbers, pictures, and/or words Geometry and Spatial Reasoning Applies real word connections and generates geometric definitions using critical attributes of: __angles __lines __2D shapes __3D shapes __transformations __lines of symmetry Measurement Estimates and uses measurement tools to solve problems involving: __length __area __perimeter __time __temp Solves problems by performing simple conversions between: __length __capacity __weight __mass Probabilty Determines possible combinations of data in problem solving situations SOCIAL STUDIES Interprets bar graphs in order to solve problems

Life Science

Describes the flow of energy through food webs Compares and contrasts inherited and learned traits/behaviors


Illustrates and compares life cycles of insects and plants Understands how to manage peer pressure Understands the importance of managing stress and the effect of stress on the body Understand how to take care of the body through nutrition and hygiene

Ideas flow logically (including transitions) Use of appropriate details and examples Thoughtful and Engaging Effective word choice Varied Sentences Spelling

Special Areas 4 Art

4 Physical Ed 4 Music

Appropriate punctuation and grammar Listening and Speaking Listens appropriately Communicates ideas, thoughts, and experiences effectively

Concepts, Skills, Historical Facts, and Traditions

Understands concept of geographical regions of Texas Identifies role of Native Americans in Texas history Identifies and explains significance of European Exploration Explains the major events leading to the formation of Texas Understands the structure of Texas government Identifies influencial people and symbols of Texas


Number Operations Solves problems that apply an understanding of place value through reading, writing and comparing the value of __whole numbers through 999,999,999 and __decimal numbers to the hundredths place Solves problems that requires modeling and applying multiplication facts __1 digit by 2 digit __2 digit by 2 digit __problem solving process Solves problems by modeling and applying division in pictures, words, and number form __2 digit by 1 digit, and __3 digit by 1 digit __problem solving process


Physical Science Measures, compares, and contrasts physical properties of matter Creates an electrical circuit Designs an experiment to test the effect of force on an object Earth Science Examine the properties of soil to __retain water __sustain plant growth

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