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You are transporting a patient who was involved in a major car

accident and has severe head injuries. While en route, you should re-
assess vital signs every:
A: 5 minutes.

B: 10 minutes.

C: 15 minutes.

D: 20 minutes.

2. During your assessment of a patient complaining of crushing chest

pain, you find the patient to have diaphoretic skin. The term
diaphoresis indicates:
A: warm, dry skin.

B: cool, dry skin.

C: hot, clammy skin.

D: cool, clammy skin.

3. A 1-year-old child is found pulseless and apneic. There are no signs of

trauma. This child's condition is most likely the cause of:
A: cardiac disease.

B: respiratory failure.

C: severe infection.

D: child abuse.

4. A pulse is most readily felt at points where the artery is:

A: close to cartilage.

B: near the surface.

C: located directly over a bone.

D: located directly over a solid organ.

5. The pulse is defined as the:

A: number of heartbeats in the column of blood in a large vein.

B: swelling of a vein as each pressure wave of blood passes back to

the heart.
C: vibration of the heart muscles as they push blood through the
blood vessels.
D: pressure wave of blood that is felt as the heart contracts and
propels blood through the arteries.

6. A blood pressure cuff should be wrapped snugly around the upper

arm, with the lower edge of the cuff about:
A: 1" below the armpit.

B: 1" above the crease at the inside of the elbow.

C: 2" below the armpit.

D: 2" above the inside of the elbow.

7. You are taking a blood pressure by palpation. As the cuff is deflated,

you should note and record the value on the gauge when the:
A: pulse returns.

B: pulse is no longer felt.

C: needle begins to move.

D: cuff is deflated halfway.

8. After you assess a patient's blood pressure, you should record the
values, the extremity in which the pressure was taken, and the:
A: position of the patient.

B: type of blood pressure cuff.

C: location of the stethoscope.

D: type of injury or suspected condition.

9. Which of the following statements about blood pressure is FALSE?

A: Blood pressure cuffs that are too small may give falsely low
B: Blood pressure should be measured in all patients older than age
3 years.
C: Diastolic pressure represents the minimum amount of pressure
that is always present in the arteries.
D: Systolic pressure is a measurement of the pressure exerted
against the walls of the arteries during contractions of the heart.
10. Listening to sounds within organs, usually with a stethoscope, is
known as:
A: perfusion.

B: palpation.

C: percussion.

D: auscultation.

11. Of the following conditions, which one is NOT a symptom?

A: Chest pain

B: Tachycardia

C: Nausea

D: Anxiety

12. In a child, tachycardia exists when the heart rate exceeds:

A: 100 beats/min.

B: 110 beats/min.

C: 120 beats/min.

D: 30 beats/min.

13. You are questioning an elderly man to learn his SAMPLE history. The
"A" in SAMPLE stands for:
A: Allergies.

B: Apgar score.

C: AVPU scale.

D: Auscultation.

14. When palpating a blood pressure, you inflate the blood pressure to
200 mmHg, and then deflate it slowly until you feel a return of:
A: a brachial pulse.

B: an ulnar pulse.

C: a radial pulse.
D: capillary refill.

15. The normal respiratory rate for an infant is approximately how many
breaths per minute?
A: 6 to 12

B: 12 to 20

C: 15 to 30

D: 25 to 50

16. A bluish discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes results from:

A: shock.

B: liver disease.

C: high blood pressure.

D: poor oxygenation of the circulating blood.

17. During your initial assessment of a trauma patient, you palpate for a
radial pulse, but are unable to locate it. You should:
A: begin CPR.

B: transport at once.

C: assess the carotid pulse.

D: check capillary refill.

18. A patient whose skin is jaundiced is most likely experiencing

dysfunction of the:
A: spleen.

B: sclera.

C: liver.

D: pancreas.

19. When a light source is removed from the pupils, the pupils should:
A: constrict briskly.
B: dilate briskly.

C: become unequal.

D: not respond.

20. The best way to estimate a patient's skin temperature is to use the:
A: back of your hand.

B: tips of your fingers.

C: palm of your hand.

D: index and middle fingers.

21. When assessing capillary refill time on a 4-year-old child, the EMT-B
A: pinch the skin.

B: press on the nailbed.

C: expect it to return in < 3 seconds.

D: not rely on refill time as perfusion indicator.



Reason: For any patient who is unstable, whether medical or trauma, the
1. A EMT-B should reassess vital signs every 5 minutes and compare them to
your baseline vital signs.

Reason: When the patient's skin is bathed in sweat, it is said to be

2. D diaphoretic. This is a sign of either strenuous exercise or shock. Additionally,
diaphoretic skin is cool in patients with shock

Reason: The majority of cardiac arrests in infants and children are the result
3. B of respiratory failure. Cardiac disease is a rare cause of cardiac arrest in the
pediatric age group.

Reason: A pulse is most likely palpated where an artery lies near the
4. B

Reason: The pulse is the pressure wave or surge of blood moving through
5. D
an artery as a result of contractions of the heart.

6. B Reason: The correct placement of a blood pressure cuff calls for positioning
the lower edge of the cuff about 1" above the crease at the inside of the

Reason: When taking the blood pressure by palpation, the point at which
7. A
the radial pulse returns indicates the patient's systolic blood pressure

Reason: The record of a blood pressure measurement should include the

8. A values, the extremity in which the pressure was taken, and the position of
the patient

Reason: Blood pressure cuffs that are too small may give falsely high
9. A
readings, and cuffs that are too large may give falsely low readings.

Reason: Auscultation is the method of listening to sounds within organs,

10. D usually with a stethoscope. Blood pressure can also be taken by

Reason: A symptom is something the patient feels or expresses that the

11. B EMT-B cannot see, feel, or hear. A sign is an objective finding that the EMT-
B can see, hear, feel, or smell.

Reason: The normal heart rate for a child ranges from 80 -120 beats/min.
12. C
Anything above 120 beats/min would be considered tachycardia

Reason: The "A" stands for allergies. You should obtain information about
13. A
all medication, food, and environmental allergies

Reason: When palpating a blood pressure, you inflate the cuff and then
14. C slowly deflate it until you feel the return of a radial pulse, which indicates the
patient's systolic blood pressure. (ECTSI 8, p. 139)

Reason: The normal respiratory rate for an infant is approximately 25 to 50

15. D
breaths/min. (ECTSI 8, p. 131)

Reason: A bluish skin color results from poor oxygenation of the blood.
16. D Blood is blue when it is oxygen poor. When fully saturated with oxygen,
blood is red.

Reason: When assessing the pulse, you typically palpate the radial pulse
first. If unable to feel a radial pulse, you should assess for the presence of a
17. C
carotid pulse. If no pulse is found at the carotid artery, CPR should be

Reason: Jaundice is a yellowish coloring of the skin indicative of liver

18. C
disease. (ECTSI 8, p. 135)

Reason: When a light is shone into the pupils, they should briskly constrict.
19. B
When the light source is removed, they should dilate. (ECTSI 8, p. 141)

Reason: The best way to estimate skin temperature is to place the back of
20. A
your hand on the patient's forehead. (ECTSI 8, p. 135)

Reason: Capillary refill time, which is an excellent indicator of perfusion, can

be assessed in children less than 6 years of age by either pressing on the
21. B
skin or nailbed. Normal capillary refill time is less than 2 seconds. (ECTSI 8,

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