Intermediate 17

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Which expressions go with make, and which go with do? Tick the correct columns.

make a mistake my homework up your mind the shopping a decision a mess a complaint someone a favour the housework my bed nothing do my best sure that money a speech a profit exercises a noise a phone call friends with the washing-up progress make do

Complete the sentences using the expressions from the previous exercise in the correct form. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 First she said yes, then she said no, but in the end she _____________________________to marry him. I like to keep fit, so I __________________________ every day. I love Sundays! I can lie on the sofa all day and __________________________. Ssh! You mustn't ____________________________. The baby's asleep. My teacher says I must work harder, but I can't work any harder, I'm __________________________. We asked to see the manager and we _________________________ about the terrible service in the restaurant. We have an agreement in our house. I cook dinner every evening and afterwards James ____________ _____________________. Could you ___________________________ please? Could you give me a lift to the airport? When I got married, my father stood up and _________________________ where he thanked everybody for coming and making the day so special. We have some lovely new neighbours. We've already __________________________ them. Is their a public call box near here? I have to ____________________________. Before you go on holiday you should ___________________________ all the doors and windows are locked. A Do you like studying English? Is it a nice day today? Have you seen my pen? Are you staying at home this evening? Did you go on holiday last summer? B No, I haven't. Yes, I am. Yes, I do. No, I didn't. No, it isn't. C It's freezing. It's my favourite subject. I couldn't afford to. Do you want to come round? You can borrow mine if you want.

Match a question in A with a short answer in B and a line in C.

Pronunciation: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 build leather front clock angry cheese spoon warm world

Choose the word which has a different vowel sound. field friend rough wonder hungry breath wooden walk ferry fill break won't want fax meal zoo store early women bread country wash salmon breathe souvenir work journalist

Preposition revision:

Complete the sentences with (in, at, on).

I met my husband __________ Italy. He was ___________ a shop, buying pasta. I was ________ the queue, waiting to buy some bread. Last night when I was _________ the kitchen I couldn't find my glasses. I looked _______ all the shelves certainly weren't _________ the table or __________ the floor. Had I left them ________ work? Were they _________ the car? Then I realised where they were. They were _________ top of my head!

and _____ all the cupboards. I thought I'd put them _________ one of the drawers, but they weren't there. They

a b c d

Where were you at two o'clock yesterday? ____________ the beach. ____________ work. ____________ Manchester.

e f g h

____________ Sally's place. ____________ the bath. ____________ home. ____________ a boat.

Questions with like. Answer the questions about yourself. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 What do you like doing most in your English class? ____________________________________________________________________ Do you like working alone or with a partner? ____________________________________________________________________ Would you like to have more or less homework? ____________________________________________________________________ What's your classroom like? ____________________________________________________________________ What are your classmates like? ____________________________________________________________________ What is your spoken English like? ____________________________________________________________________ Would you like to speak more or write more in class? ____________________________________________________________________

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